Read Domesticated Page 21

  The wheels started turning in my head instantly around eight at night. The group was retiring to the theater room to watch a Disney movie that wasn’t even released yet. The new guy, whatever his name was, had connections and got it for the weekend. Giving himself a few brownie points with Garrison was what that was about, I was sure. He sucked up to him the whole weekend. Not that I gave a shit. I was happy they talked nonstop about lawyer stuff. It kept me off the hook.

  I followed the group and sat in one of the theater seats next to Garrison. The movie was probably very good, it was in 4D, and the graphics corresponded with the surround sound. It was amazing. I wanted to watch it with Sam. He would love this.

  “I’ve got to get some air. I’m not feeling too well,” I whispered to Garrison. He nodded and pushed himself back for me to cross in front of his knees. Thank god, he didn’t care. He was into the movie and even looked around me when I got in his way.

  Breathing in the needed ocean air, I removed my flip-flops and walked through the sand. Focused on nothing but the powdery, soft sand between my toes, I went in the direction where Sam would be, or I hoped anyway. He could very well be out and about with his family. Maybe I would find myself on The Strip if he weren’t around. Jesus. What the hell was I doing? No matter how much I told myself to turn around, that it didn’t matter, I couldn’t. My feet wouldn’t listen. They were going to where Sam was and that was that.

  I smiled when I saw the family outside, playing beach volleyball. They were unquestionably having more fun than my own festivities. I stopped and watched for a bit, not wanting to intrude on Sam’s family time. I knew he was looking forward to this.

  The smile that covered my face when Sam saw me, and the way he looked at me was impossible to hide.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, leaving the game.

  “Hey,” I said, feeling extremely awkward for whatever reason. Maybe his family staring at us, wondering who I was, caused the tension. I’m not sure what it was, but I felt it.

  “Party over?”

  “No. I wish. They’re watching a movie. I just needed some air.”

  “And there’s only air where I am?” Sam smiled.

  “Shut up.”

  “I’m kidding. I miss you. I’m glad you’re here. Do you want to play?”

  “Um, no,” I assured him. I wasn’t about to meet his family. Besides, it was pointless. We were both going back to our lives soon.

  “Sam! Come on. You’re holding up the game,” a girl that looked close to the same age as Sam called.

  “I’ve got to get back. What time are you going to be free tomorrow?”

  “Right after breakfast,” I replied, relieved and excited to be finished with the weekend.

  “Text me. I’ll try to come and see you.”

  “Are you still going to be tied up tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, the fireworks display isn’t until tomorrow night. We’ll be out in the ocean, watching them. Is your company staying for them?”

  “God no. The guys have to get back for work Monday. Thank god.”

  “You should come with us.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea, Sam.”

  “God, I want to kiss you.”

  “You can, just not in front of your family. We could sneak away for a quickie,” I teased. Sort of.

  “How many times have you had an orgasm today?” Sam asked in that damn raspy, sexy tone.

  “Once, on the boat. Peppermint mouthwash does amazing things to your clitoris, you know,” I teased.

  “For real? You did that?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Can we do it again?”

  I laughed louder than I should have. “Sure,” I agreed.

  “Dad! Seriously? Come on!” a little girl called. The same little girl he was ordering pancakes for the day before. Oh my god. Dad?!

  “I’m coming. Hold your horses.”

  “Dad? You’re a dad? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Sam shrugged out a deep breath. “You never asked. You didn’t want to know me, remember? Does it matter, Kendra?”

  “Wow. Um, no. I guess not.”

  “Dad!” the girl called again.

  “I’ve got to go. Text me later.”

  I could only nod without words. I had no words. Sam had a kid? Wow. Sam had a kid.

  I’m not sure why it mattered, but I didn’t feel the same way about Sam when I woke to Garrison calling my name the next morning. I decided it was a good thing while the hot water ran over my body. Knowing the new information changed things. It was perfect for my scattered brain. The realization of Sam having a daughter put things into the perspective I needed. We were business colleagues, nothing more, nothing less.

  I didn’t see Sam on The Strip for breakfast. I ate in silence with my snooty friends and then we said goodbye just before noon. The noble Angelica held both my hands and explained that she was there for me if I needed to talk. I faked a smile, and thanked her, silently telling her to go fuck herself.

  “I’ll call you later,” Garrison said at the door. The blood in my veins started pumping when I noticed Olivia wasn’t joining them. Shit. I didn’t want her there.

  “Aren’t you taking Olivia back with you?” I asked.

  “Oh, no. I think it’s a good idea for her to stay back with you.”

  “And you thought that was okay to do without asking me?”

  “Kendra, dear. This is Garrison’s decision,” Angelica added her two cents. I didn’t ask for one of her cents, and I had never been so close to telling her to get on her broom and get the fuck out than I was at that moment. Of course, I complied, smiled, and let it go. Sam and I would just have to fuck on the yacht. I let it go, just to get rid of everyone.

  Closing the door behind me, I breathed a breath of amazing relief. Thank god, they were gone and this weekend was over.

  “I’m not about to judge you. I don’t blame you,” Olivia said. At first, I shot her a dirty look, ready to tell her it wasn’t her place to judge anything, let alone even mention it. Who the hell did she think she was?

  “I don’t need a babysitter. Consider this vacation for you. Do you need money? You’re free to come and go as you please.”

  “I don’t need money, but don’t worry about me saying anything. You are free to come and go with whoever you want, as you please, as well.”

  “Okay, I’ll remember that.” Why did Olivia think it was okay to even mention this to me? And keep going? “I’m going out. You can do what you want.”

  “Thank you. I think a day on the beach with a good book sounds amazing. Any suggestions?”

  “Suggestions?” I asked confused.

  “Yeah, you read. Book suggestions.”

  I snorted and walked past her. “You wouldn’t want to read the kind of books I read.”

  I didn’t wait for a response. I walked past her and up to my room to get ready. Ready for what, I wasn’t sure. I already knew Sam said he would still be busy with his family, but he did say he would try to get away for a little while. Maybe we could go out to the yacht. Oh, no we couldn’t, not yet anyway. It was being detailed from our day out.

  After showering and dressing in more suitable clothes for my taste, Olivia tapped on my door.

  “Yeah?” I called, trying not to be so mean. I couldn’t help it. It was still a part of me, and she was still just the help.

  “Sorry, I was just wondering if you happened to have a bikini I could borrow. I wasn’t really planning on being able to lie on the beach.” She smiled.

  My eyes scanned her body, wondering what she would look like in one of my bikinis. “In the top drawer there. You should go with something light, maybe light pink, or white,” I suggested.

  Olivia smiled and walked to the white dresser. “Wow, you have a whole collection,” she said. I watched her carefully with the knowledge brewing in my mind first, and then my pussy. Wondering what Olivia looked like in a bikini turned me on. I still don’t know why. I kne
w I wasn’t gay. I knew I would choose cock over pussy any day, but it was still there.

  “You can change in my bathroom,” I politely offered, seeing the white bikini she chose. I was glad she chose that one. The bottoms were very thin and you could see my slit through them. I hoped it did the same for her.

  I sat on the end of the bed while I waited for her to emerge. I had to shift my bottom a little, needing some contact to my clitoris before she finally came out. I didn’t try to hide where my eyes went at all. They went right to her visible slit. Holy shit. I needed to come.

  “What do you think?” she asked, spinning.

  Wow. I, without a doubt, needed to come.

  “It looks good. I’ll see you later,” I said, standing. I needed to find Sam before I asked Olivia to see her pussy, or show her mine again. I still couldn’t believe I did that.

  Kendra- Where are you? I texted Sam while walking his way.

  Sam- My hut, but Savannah is here.

  Kendra- That’s her name? Savannah?

  Sam- No that’s the hot chick’s name I had spend the night with me last night.

  Kendra- You’re an ass. Is it?

  Sam- Yes. My daughter’s name is Savannah. She’s the beach bunny you were speaking of. I want you to meet her.

  Kendra- No way. Why would I do that?

  Sam- Because I want you to.

  Kendra- No thanks. Not interested. I need sex. I need to come, and you have a contract to fill.

  Sam- Can I come there? In like an hour?

  Kendra- Okay, but my assistant is here. She’s down on the beach. Garrison made her stay.

  Sam- Hell no. I’m not coming there. Why is she here?”

  Kendra- I don’t know. Garrison is a dick. Where else can we go?

  Sam- You sound desperate. I love it.

  Kendra- I am so desperate. I’m about to take care of it myself.

  Sam- Don’t do that. Give me thirty minutes.

  I chose to intensify my cravings by joining Olivia while I waited. She offered me her beach chair, but I took the towel instead. Sitting in the sand, I checked out her breasts. They were bigger and fuller than mine. She filled out my top way better than I did. I never knew that was hiding behind those conservative white shirts and long skirts. Olivia was hot, maybe even hotter than me.

  I mostly listened to her thanking me over and over for letting her stay, and how nice the beach was, how she was so happy to get away from her own family and away from the family business. I didn’t really reply. I couldn’t. Her leg swaying back and forth and the way her nipples pebbled up in my top kept my mind occupied and wishing Sam would hurry.

  “Hey,” Sam said, sitting beside me like it was normal.

  What the fuck? I glanced over at him like he was some sort of idiot. He was some sort of idiot. “Hey,” I said with raised eyebrows.

  “I’m Sam,” he said, leaning over me with an open hand.

  “Olivia.” Olivia smiled back, shaking his hand. What the hell did they think this was? We weren’t dating for heaven’s sake.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yeah, we’re going to head up to the house for a bit. I’ll see you later,” I said, standing and brushing the sand off my ass.

  Sam followed me and I turned to him as soon as we were out of earshot of Olivia. “What the hell? You just told me in a text you weren’t coming to the house while she was here and then you just walk up and introduce yourself. Why didn’t you just tell her we were going to fuck?”

  “I can do that, you want me to go back?” Sam asked, turning back.

  “Stop, you ass.”

  “I was just trying not to make it weird for you, besides, check your phone. I called you twice.”

  He was right. I had two missed calls and one text message from him. I must not have heard it from my back pocket.

  “What if she comes back? To the house, I mean?” Sam asked.

  “She knows what’s going on. I mean, sort of. I’m pretty sure she knows we’re fucking, she just doesn’t know I am paying you to do it.”

  “I don’t have much time,” Sam said from behind me.

  “Yeah right, the kid thing.”

  “The kid thing?” Sam asked, spinning me by my arm.

  “You should have told me, Sam.”

  “When did we ever talk about me? When did you want me to do that? You’ve never asked anything about me.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. It doesn’t matter. I’m just shocked. I never thought about you as a dad. Now it’s just weird.”

  “What’s weird about it?”

  “I don’t know. You’re a dad.”

  “Yeah, and I plan on fucking you the same way I did before you knew I was a dad.”

  “You’re going to spank me first,” I assured him, leading him up the deck.

  “I don’t want to do that.”

  “Yes you do. You know you do,” I said, closing the door behind us. “Your cock is already hard thinking about it, isn’t it, Sam?” I assumed, pulling on the button of his shorts. This was about sex, a contract, that’s it. Sam was right. It didn’t matter that he was a dad. All that mattered was this, what I was paying him to do.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” Sam coaxed, pulling me in his arms.

  Dammit. I hated the way his lips felt on mine. I hated the emotion behind his kisses. No. Stop. Sex. That’s it. It was about sex and my needing pussy. Nothing more.

  “Let’s not. How about you help me out of these clothes so I can be punished properly.”

  Sam took a step back and looked at me in a peculiar manner. He felt the distant attitude, but he did what I told him to do, after all, it was his job. I was in control of this agreement, not him, and I was taking the ball back.

  I let out air I didn’t know I was holding when Sam dropped to his knees in front of me. Shifting my eyes from his, I beckoned him to continue with a nod to my throbbing pussy. If I didn’t come soon, something bad was going to happen. My arms stayed to my sides, but not touching my body while I watched Sam slide my shorts and panties over my hips together. I stopped him when they were just over my ass, and walked to the sofa where I bent at the waist.

  I never turned around to see his expression, but I felt it. I also caught a glimpse of his rock hard cock when I turned to walk away from him. He could say he wasn’t into this all he wanted. His erection told a different story.

  I held my breath when he placed his hand across my ass. “We should go upstairs,” Sam tried again. I moved my ass, telling him to do his job then let out a small surprised squeal when Sam drew back his hand and descended with considerable force, delivering a loud spank right to my bare ass. I stilled, absorbing the reality of the adult corporal punishment to my ass. The stinging pain mixed with my pleasure, and my pussy went crazy wanting to be touched.

  Sam paused after seven slaps to my ass and rubbed away the soreness. “Is that what you wanted? Does that make your pussy wet, Kendra?”

  “Hmmm, yes. Lick it, Sam,” I ordered, spinning to sit on the sofa ledge.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” Sam pled again. I pulled him to me with my foot and shoved him down. Wrapping my legs around his back, he was forced to move in. I didn’t have to twist his arm too much. He obliged, dropping to his knees.

  “Aahh,” I audibly moaned when his tongue licked me all the way to my nub, over and over and over. Maybe the thought of Olivia walking in was what sparked my intense reactions, maybe it was just thinking about Sam for the past two days, but nonetheless, I was going to ignite in record time.

  Grasping a fistful of hair, I pulled his mouth to my clit and did just that. I didn’t moan. I screamed in pure ecstasy, gasping for air. I hadn’t even had time to ride out the wave before Sam was standing and inside me. Oh. Sweet. Sweet. Surrender. I lifted my shirt off and unsnapped my bra. My nipple was instantly between his lips. He sucked while he pumped in and out of me. Sam must have been as frustrated as I was.

  He watched himself slide in and out of me, guiding me
with his hands on my hips. As soon as my head dropped and I was calling out for the second time, Sam stilled inside me and I felt the three warm spurts as my walls constricted around him. That was over way too fast.

  “You good?” Sam smiled. I didn’t want him to smile at me like that anymore. I didn’t want him to do anything but what he just did.

  “Yes. Can you come back tomorrow?” I coolly asked, dropping my feet to the floor.

  “Come out on the boat with us tonight and watch the fireworks.”

  “With your daughter? Yeah, sure, Sam. And how are you going to explain that one to her?”

  “There’s nothing to explain. What do you mean? Come on it’ll be fun. You can bring your friend, Olivia.”

  “Olivia is not my friend. She’s my assistant.”

  “What’s with the attitude? I’m not going to beg you. If you don’t want to come, don’t come. What else would you do?”

  “I’m not doing that,” I assured him. The nerve of him thinking I was going to be around his family. That made zero sense, and me of all people shouldn’t be around little girls. I hated them. With a passion. I would probably pull her hair or something.

  “Whatever, Kendra. Stay here and be the authentic bitch that you are. I’m going to go have fun. Glad I could be of service to you. You know how to reach me when you need serviced again,” Sam said with an elevated tone.

  I let him go, jumping a little when the right double door slammed.

  Maybe I did need to just get back to my life. Maybe I should continue being a closet nympho and stop with all this silly comicality. All it was doing was causing feelings I didn’t want nor need.

  Plopping to my bed, I picked up the stupid stuffed mouse Sam won for me. I should have given it to Miley. It was dumb. It was childish and silly. Snuggling the dumb thing to my neck, I rolled to my side and closed my eyes, trying to rid the thoughts of Sam. UGH. Sam. Sam. Sam.

  I didn’t mean to nap. I was only going to lay there for a second. It wasn’t until my phone woke me hours later that I even realized I’d fallen asleep with the soft little mouse in my arms. I tossed it away and answered Garrison’s call.