Read Domesticated Page 29

  “Whose is prison, Kendra?”

  “Dr. Delgado. He did this to me.”

  I witnessed the worrisome glance Olivia and Sam exchanged when I jumped on my bike and took off, staying way ahead of them both.

  I didn’t speak one word on the drive back, but it was a quick drive. We were only ten minutes from my house. I sprinted to Garrison’s office to dive back into the research I had set aside, only this time I was searching for something else.

  “Kendra, what is going on?”

  “Delgado. That was her maiden name. Dr. Delgado did this to me. I have to talk to him. I have to know why. He knows something. He knows what made her do what she did.”

  “Kendra, for god’s sake. Slow down. Who the hell is Dr. Delgado and what did he do to you? Where is this coming from? You were fine one minute and flipping out the next,” Sam scolded, grabbing my shoulders and making me look at him.

  “Olivia, can I have something to drink?” I asked, looking around him. My heart felt warm the way she looked at me like a worried mother hen.

  “Kendra?” Sam questioned.

  “Sam, you don’t know everything. Things happened to me, a lot of horrible things that you could never ever imagine.”

  “Your stepmother?”

  “Yes, but you got the tip of a lead pencil. You have no idea what she did to me.”

  “Okay, what does this doctor have to do with anything?”

  Sam, Olivia, and I sat in Garrison’s office, drinking iced tea. Both the people that cared about me listened attentively while I explained the procedure I was sure someone in Adriana’s family illegally performed on me. I disclosed more than I had planned to, but I couldn’t stop. Things just spewed out of my mouth, things I had never unveiled to anyone in my entire life. And things that hearing them from my own mouth, made me sick. Literally. By the time I finished spewing most of my disgusting life to Sam and Olivia, I thought I felt sick, like I could run to the bathroom and hurl.

  “My god, stop looking at me like that. I survived. I want to see this guy. I don’t know anywhere else to turn for the answers.”

  “Your mother is a federal judge. She could help you,” Olivia offered. I looked at her like she had just fallen on her ass in the middle of bank heist. My attention was on the ridiculous proposition.

  “My mother thinks I’m a mental case. What floor do you think they’ll put me on when I explain to her that I was injected with kryptonite?”

  “Do you know what prison he’s in? How do you know this is the same doctor?” Sam asked, shutting down my bitch-fest.

  “I don’t for sure, but look,” I said, walking around to the desktop computer. I pulled up the article I’d found whenever I was looking for doctors with the name Delgado. My eyes turned to look at Sam when he sat in the chair and ran his hand up the back of my leg. It wasn’t a sexual intention. I didn’t feel like that. It was more of a comforting, sweet kind of gesture. Our eyes briefly locked and he smiled the same comforting I care action.

  Sam turned his attention to the computer screen, but mine stayed responsively on him. Sam might not have been my night and shining Dom, but he cared. I knew with everything in me that Sam was mine for the taking. The only question was my own reservations. Could Sam handle me, and could I handle him? Maybe giving in didn’t mean I was weak, maybe it meant I deserved it.

  “Do you remember where you were, where you had the procedure done?”

  “No, it wasn’t close though. I remember that, I remember not feeling well when we first headed back, but was in excruciating pain before we got home. Of course that could have been an hour, I’m not sure. It could have been four, I just don’t know.”

  “I’m going to make supper, any requests?” Olivia asked. She never asked what I wanted. She was offering comfort food.

  “I would love your mom’s tuna noodle casserole,” I replied.

  “I knew you secretly loved it,” she teased with a wink.

  “I have a reputation to live up to,” I retorted. I never told her not to make it again, but every time she did, I snarled my nose or made some sort of grunting noise. She was right though. I was secretly in love with the casserole. I liked where Olivia and I were. It felt good, and I was glad she didn’t hate me for trying to extort her into having Sam’s baby for me.

  Sam and I researched everything we could find about this guy. He was once a gynecologist in New York. At first, I said no. I knew I didn’t see him in New York, but then when we figured out he wasn’t in New York City, I thought maybe it could be. His office was about ninety miles from the city and two hundred and fifty or so from my house. Next, we learned that he was in New Hampshire State Penitentiary: that was possible, too.

  Olivia served our meals in the office and left us alone. Sam and I discussed Dr. Delgado while we ate, trying to decide on a plan.

  “How do you see an inmate?” I asked, biting into my delicious casserole, thanks to Olivia.

  “What do you mean?” Sam asked.

  “I mean, like, what do I do? Do I have to ask permission from the inmate himself, just the prison, or what? I don’t know how one goes about getting in to see a prisoner.”

  “Hmmm, good question,” Sam agreed. He took a rather big bite and turned back to the computer. After more extensive research, we learned through the Hillsborough County Court that Javier Delgado was up for parole in nine months. I didn’t want to wait nine months. I wanted to talk to him now. Delgado was in closed custody, a medium-security section of the prison. We had to make an appointment, but not really. The visiting hours were the same for everyone in section C, Tuesday mornings from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.

  “Here it is!” Sam called, like he had found something amazing, a missing key.

  Frowning I moved to where I could see the screen. My heart sank immediately. I never thought about finding his picture. That set it in stone. It was him for sure, and after studying his face, I knew without a doubt that he was the one who did the procedure. The thought of not even being a teenager yet and this guy between my legs with my stepmother, watching, hit me like a tsunami. There was no doubt in my mind that he was somehow related to Adriana. They had the same sharp nose and crow-black hair.

  “You okay?” Sam asked.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, wondering for the first time what the hell I would even say to this guy. His piercing black eyes shot through me like strident swords. I wasn’t expecting the emotions to hit me like that. “Yeah, that’s him. For sure.”

  “That’s enough. You want to go walk along the beach, watch the sun set?”



  “What are we doing?” I quietly asked. I needed something. I don’t know why I needed it at that very moment, or why it was even on my mind at the time, but I did. I needed to know.

  “What do you want us to do, Kendra?”

  “This scares the hell out of me. Garrison and I never had this.”

  “You want to know something?”

  “What?” I asked, gazing into his warm, loving eyes.

  “Sierra and I never did either.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. I am so in love with you I can’t think straight. I think about you all the time. You consume me.”

  “Why? You have a daughter together.”

  “And I love her for that. We’re much better friends than we were as a couple. We should have never gotten married because of Savannah.”

  “Is that why you married her?”

  “Yup, Savannah is a product of alcohol, not love.”

  “Garrison was a product of expectations, and money, not love,” I admitted. “Sam?”

  “Hmmm?” he questioned, staring deep into my soul. That’s how I knew something was different with Sam. He could look inside my eyes and see my soul and I let him. Nobody else had ever saw that side of me before.

  “What if I walk away from all of this? What if I don’t fight for my father’s m

  “You know what?”


  “I hope you do.”

  “You do?”

  “Undoubtedly. That saying about money being the root of all evil is spot-on. I don’t like you with money. I like you like this.”

  “You know what I just thought of.” I smiled, loving him even more. If he was willing to give up money, money that he had no idea how much I had, then I knew he loved me.

  “Do tell.”

  “I haven’t had an orgasm all day with all this craziness. I forgot.”

  “I highly doubt you forgot that, but come on, I’ll see what I can do about that while we watch the sun set.”

  I happily took Sam’s hand and followed him out. My pussy was thanking me for him. What a beautiful way to watch the sun set.

  Sam and I watched the bluest moon I had ever seen.

  “The moon holds great power. If you use it right,” Sam said from behind. I was sitting in front of him, watching the magnificent moon rise, higher and higher while his fingers leisurely played between my legs.

  “You’re full of shit,” I teased, loving where we were, how I felt, and the majestically sky mixed with the ocean staring us right in the face.

  “For real. If you are angry, you will feel angrier or if you are happy, you will feel happier. I’m going to buy you the moon, just so you remember that.

  I was too lost in what was about to happen from his tantalizing fingers to really care about the hogwash he was feeding me. What a beautiful night, what a beautiful sight, and what a beautiful way to end the night.

  “Sam, you can’t be serious. We have a charter plane. We can fly?” I complained while he ignored me, loading our things in the backseat of his truck.

  “We’re not flying. And I need my truck. It’s not that bad, thirty-five or so hours.”

  He wasn’t joking. Sam was dead serious. We were driving across the United States. IN A TRUCK! Of course, as much as I complained about it, I ended up loving it. Sam started our trip off with a gift. A cheap ass $2.99 gift from the first gas station we filled up at. He came out with a brown paper sack full of snacks and two necklaces, one for me and one for Savannah.

  “Here, this will make you feel better,” Sam teased, taking mine from the cardboard holder and placing it around my neck. I looked down at the moon hanging from a silver chain with a blue incased ruby beneath a full silver moon. Sam kissed me with a dumb smile. “Tell me how much you love it.”

  “I love it more than this one,” I assured him, removing the diamond from around my neck from Garrison. I think it was a Christmas present one year, but this cheap little moon necklace from a convenience store meant more than the one that I picked out and my husband bought for me. I’m sure the one that I just dropped into Sam’s ashtray cost thousands. I loved Sam’s more. “Is it going to turn my neck green?” I teased.

  “Count on it, probably before we make it out of Cali.”

  My smile couldn’t be hidden. Sam bought me the moon.

  The first four hours went by rather quickly, but after stopping for lunch was when minutes seemed like hours. We should have flown.

  “I’m bored. Can I jack you off?” I asked, lifting the console thing between the seats, and sliding closer to Sam.

  “No, I’m driving eighty. Get over there and put your seat belt on.”

  “I can’t make it anymore.”

  Sam laughed at me and moved the console back to its arm resting position between us. UGH. SIGH. UGH. Sam held my hand, kissed my knuckles, and turned on the radio. “What do you want to listen to?”

  “Me. Moaning while your dick is inside me.”

  “Stop it. We’ll do that when we stop for the night.”

  “I’m not waiting that long. I’ll do it myself.”

  “What is your favorite music?” Sam asked, giving me that look.

  “I don’t have a favorite. You pick.”


  “No way.”


  “Hmm, no.”

  “Classic rock?”



  “Yeah, pop. That’ll work.”

  Sam didn’t like the pop. I could tell, but he didn’t change it. I was the one to finally change it after we started hearing the same songs over and over. Sam’s genre was no doubt classic rock. I loved listening to him singing out of tune to songs I had never heard. The words hit home, and I searched and downloaded the song that Sam sang to me. “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. My new favorite song.

  I felt overwhelmed with emotions, listening to Sam pour the words into my soul. That’s how deep I felt the words that I knew would forever mean something to me. I was so in love with this man. Things could go two ways, but I knew with everything in me, if they went the wrong way. It would hurt like I have never felt before.

  The more hours passed the more irritated I became. I should have flown and met him there. I was dying. How could he drive this trip? I was sick of seeing the same scenery over and over and I wasn’t kidding about needing to have an orgasm. After riding in silence for a while, I just put it out there. Thinking about the throbbing between my wet folds only grew stronger with every passing minute.

  “I’m going to masturbate, Sam.”

  His head jerked to look at me. “No you’re not.”

  “You don’t have to participate, just drive,” I said, unbuttoning my shorts and leaning against the door. “Aahh,” I audibly moaned, instantly. Sam didn’t stop me, but the expression on his face changed with my own. I could have come as soon as I touched it, but I didn’t. I wanted to prolong it…for Sam.

  “Let me see,” Sam rasped, fluctuating his eyes from my hand, hiding beneath the fabric, back to the road. Of course, I obliged. I slid out of my shorts, leaving one leg in. I spread myself, showing him my throbbing, swollen clitoris. My eyes only watched his, moving from the road to my pussy, and every so often to my lustful eyes.

  I slumped a little more when his right hand moved up my leg, giving him better access. Sam slid one finger in and out while I kept my upper lips open with one hand and massaged my nub with the other.

  “Sam—” I whimpered, feeling the inevitable about to happen. I could have prolonged it a little more had he decided not to help. It was his fault.

  The scream didn’t come from the orgasm, although it helped with the high pitch. Horns blew around us while Sam quickly moved the truck to the I-40 shoulder. I could have cared less what was going on around us. I’m not even sure the truck was in park before Sam was tossing the console to the upright position and pulling me to his lap.

  His erection slid right in, and I rode out the lingering effects of my orgasm on his cock, moaning in absolute delight. Sam pushed his seat back, held my hips, and kissed me. The tension in that confined truck unified with the emotional charge that pulled us together, was beautifully fucked up. Not one of the cars passing us by mattered, nobody on earth mattered, and there wasn’t a soul alive but Sam and me.

  “I love you. I love you so fucking much,” Sam rasped to my lips, letting his tongue tangle with mine while he rocked me back and forth, sliding up and down his cock.

  “Sam,” I moaned.

  “Hmmm,” he matched my moan.

  “The trucks moving,” I warned, panting, feeling the second orgasm brewing from deep inside me.

  By the time I’d started moaning again, Sam was right there with me, holding himself deep inside me. My head dropped, and his went to my chest while we both released sexual tension I had started.

  “Oh, god,” I moaned, raising my head to meet his lips with mine.

  We both laughed as our lips met. “Get over there before you get us arrested,” Sam ordered, smacking my bare ass.

  “Thank you,” I praised, kissing his forehead before sliding to my own side.

  Sam was quiet for a little bit. He held my hand and we listened to the radio while driving the same road. I never wanted to see a sign that said
I-40 again.

  “I’ve told you I love you exactly five times now. You haven’t said it back.”

  My attention went from, counting the yellow reflectors along the highway to him. Was that why he was so quiet?

  “It’s not personal, Sam. I have never said those three words in my life.”

  “Ever? How can that be? You’re married.”

  “Yeah to a brain. Have you ever watched that show The Big Bang Theory? Picture Garrison as Sheldon, minus the sense of humor.”

  “Your mom or dad never said I love you?”

  “No, not that I can recall, anyway. If they did I was too little to remember.”

  I thought about Adriana making me say it to her, but didn’t feel the need to go there with Sam. The way he squeezed my hand told me that he understood. He didn’t pressure me to say it. They were only words. I didn’t need to hear it, I didn’t need to say it. I needed to feel it, and I would do what I could for Sam to feel it, too. He did. He felt it. He had to.

  “What are you thinking about?” Sam asked.

  “Nothing,” I lied, hiding the truth by turning back to the yellow reflectors. Maybe if I counted them backward from one thousand, time would go by faster.

  “I would take it all away if I could, Kendra.”

  “Thank you. I’m fine. Really.” I smiled warmly. I was fine. As long as Sam held my hand the way he was now, I would always be fine.

  We had supper at a dingy, greasy truck stop. The food was good, but I wasn’t impressed. That may be another one of those things I would have a hard time changing. The super 8 motel was the other one. It may have been a two-star facility, definitely not a five star like I was used to. The most amazing sex in the world helped with that. I think that maybe I was obsessed with the found pleasure in my ass. Sam didn’t seem to mind either, he did what I wanted, and I loved that about him. Not once did he make me feel dirty about it.

  Lying in his arms, I listened to him talk to Savannah, smiling at her six-year-old voice, coming from his phone. Savannah asked him what people drove in Heaven. I listened to the silly conversation while my fingers traced the band of Sam’s boxer briefs and my cheek rested on his chest. I laughed when his answer was, monster trucks. Her six-year-old attention span moved right along, telling her dad that she crossed the line at the pool.