Read Down on the Bayou Page 2

  Part 2

  Friday June 13 Can I stop putting the dates? No? Ok.

  Well, finding the fairies was easier than I thought! I woke up at 7 AM and made breakfast, Tina tried to help but I shooed her away (Who wants dark potions in your food?!), and I set out to find them.

  Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. My friends are leaving tomorrow, but I’m staying three more nights. Well, I got in the boat, and I rode to the cabin where I saw them last night. You wouldn’t believe how I felt. It was a mixture of confusion, anxiousness, and mostly…..SCARED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  MAN! My life could flash before my eyes! I could be living in the palms of a fairy, or I could be facing TORTURE! WAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  So I knock on the door. Scared. What’s going to happen? I’m about to find out.

  “AW, COME ON! WHY DO YOU COME NOW!?!?!?!? WE ORDERED OUR FAIRY PIZZA YESTERDAY!” A fairy screams. She jams the door open.

  That’s when she sees me. She lets out a shriek and slams the door. She starts talking frantically with the other fairies. I’m in shock, so I don’t move. She creaks the door open again. “Aw man!” All of the fairies groan.

  “What do you want?” She groans at me. Well, at least I’m not dead.

  The first thing that comes out of my mouth is “I’m the girl you saw last night. My friend’s not here but I am.”

  “Uh……. Do you wanna come in?” She asked. Really? It was that easy?

  “S-s-s-s-sure!” I sputtered. I slowly walked into the house.

  “I’m Taylor. If you’ve read the legends about us, we’re the good fairies. I have a dark sister, but I don’t know where she is. Her name is Tina.” I am stunned.

  “I know. S-s-s-s-s-s-she’s at my house.” I continue.

  “WHAT?!” The orange girl yelled. “I HATE THAT GIRL! LEMME AT HER!”

  “Um, this is Arlene, and she’s a little feisty.” Taylor kicked her in the leg. Arlene glared at her. “Could you lead us to your cabin?”

  “Uh…uh…..uh….uh….uh... S-s-s-s-s-s-sure……. I g-g-g-g-guess.”

  On the way, I met the rest of the girls and found out more about them. Taylor and Brittaney (the purple wings) are the weather fairies, and Arlene and Leah (the green wings), are the light fairies. I guess they control day and night, although for good fairies, their wings look almost like darkness. Weird, don’t you think?

  Friday Afternoon

  “You actually made them stop screaming?!” Emma’s eyes popped out of her head.

  “Well, duh, she did! Why the heck do you think we’re standing here right now?” Arlene put her hand to her hips.

  “Now, little Blondie,” Taylor said to Candy, “Since you trapped my sister, where did you put her?”

  “Um…. In the kitchen. And, um, well, I thought she was the good fairy! Then aren’t you the bad fairy?!”

  “Uh… No! FYI, that was a little insulting!” Taylor made a lightning bolt with her hands.

  Then we went sister to sister, face to face. Something was going to go wrong. I knew it.

  “Well, well, well, Tina. I guess we meet again.” Taylor said.

  “Stop being so bad, Taylor! You’re never going to hurt these girls!” Tina cried back.

  “How can you accuse me of being a bad fairy when you’re just one yourself?!” A tear rolled down Taylor’s eyes.

  “Taylor?! What happened to the fairy who loved everyone?!”

  “Quit being such a phony! Everyone knows it’s you who’s the bad fairy!” Taylor stuck her nose up. “Come on, guys. Let’s go. You too, Ashley!” I was completely stunned. I had been allied with Taylor and the gang against Tina and my probably-cursed friends.

  Leah looked back at me. She looked guilty. “Come on.” She whispered. I slowly walked to her. She held my hand. I felt good. Someone understood me. I walked out of the cabin with her by my side.

  Then I stopped. Tina’s let out of the cup. I peered through the window. She talks. It’s muffled, but I can still understand it.

  “Girls, Taylor’s out to get us. Here’s a power I’ll give all of you for your loyalty, and if Taylor attacks, you will be ready.” She sprinkles something that looks like fairy dust that I saw on Peter Pan on them.

  I’m in shock. I pass out. Ker-plunk! Tina and my cursed friends run outside. “Hurry! Use your new powers!” Tina shouts while hovering over my head.

  Elsa tries. She uses her hand and tries to make me wake up. All she does is make me hot with sunlight. Then comes Emma. She catches my clothes on fire. That woke me up really quickly.

  We all laugh. Then I realize I’m still on fire. Andy cools me down with a blast of water. Since my dress was all wet, Hailey made me a new dress and Candy decorated it with candy.

  I don’t understand. How can a candy power come in handy at all?

  The next day otherwise known as Saturday

  Right now I’m sick. Why? Taylor. But it’s not her fault. At least I think. After I followed Leah back to the fairy cabin, we sat down on the porch. We listened to the inside of the cabin.

  Taylor, Arlene, and Britany were in the cabin, snickering. Taylor walked outside with a smirk on her face. “So, um, Ashley? Would you like to be a fairy like us?” Arlene smirked.

  I thought about it for a second or two. Well, I could defeat Tina and the gang so I said, “YES! That would be the best thing that has ever happened to me!”

  “Alright!” Taylor made a magic ball with her hands, and launched it at me. It felt weird, like I had been put under a spell, not given powers.

  Leah stared at me. She cried and ran off. What’s wrong with her? I thought.

  “GET BACK OVER HERE, LEAH!” Taylor screamed.

  Leah slowly walked back. “Alright. Who wants to go for a boat ride?” Britany winked at Taylor and grabbed Leah’s hands.

  We walked down to the boat. When we got in the middle of the lake, Taylor told me to try my powers. She told me to lift the water.

  So I sat down at the edge of the boat and I cupped my hands over the lake. While I wasn’t looking, Taylor pushed my back and I fell into the lake.

  Then, Leah came and kicked Britany until she lifted me out of the water.

  After that incident, Taylor and them took me home. On the way to the cabin, she turned me to ICE. I couldn’t believe it.

  I was starting to think something isn’t right, after she unfroze me. This is a weird day.

  P.S., Taylor wants me to babysit her brother tomorrow. Great. Now this birthday can get worse. I wish I never would have met her.

  So now I’m in my bedroom with the flu. Stupid water and ice.



  I have lost it. Taylor has done so much to me; I think I’m going to explode. Now, I’m going to return the favor.

  I’m standing at her front door, about to give her a piece of my mind.

  Why? In addition to what she did Saturday, Sunday, and Monday she basically ruined my entire weekend.

  Sunday was babysitting day. Her, Arlene, and Britany brought all of their little fairy brothers, sisters, and pets and ruined my house. When they first got there, Arlene’s little brother ate everything in the fridge.

  Taylor’s little sister stole my mom’s scissors and cut all of my and my mom
’s dresses.

  Britany brought the weirdest creature possible; I didn’t even know that it existed! It was big, purple, had the face of a cat, the body of a mouse, and the tail of a dog! It was freaky!

  Anyways, the cat/dog/mouse ate my fishing bait, hooks (I don’t know how it digested it), and attempted my fishing rod!

  Monday was even worse!

  We went on a trip around town, and our first stop was a bait and tackle shop. Taylor threw worms in my hair, Arlene hooked my pants, and Britany broke some rod and reels, told the store manager, and then blamed me!

  We got kicked out of the store.

  Then we actually went fishing. Somehow, they already had bait. Taylor used her weather powers to make it so humid around me, my hair frizzed up so much, I cast my line into a tree, and they refused to get it out. They also slapped me on the back and made me let go of the reel, so then it was stuck permanently!

  After the trip, I went home. I went in my bedroom, and thought about it.

  I was going to give her a piece of my mind. And I wasn’t going to back out.

  Today, I stomped up to her door, with my heart racing at what she was going to do, and that’s where I’m standing now.

  Again, wish me luck, because I don’t have any.

  And so ends part two of this story…