Read Drama Geek Page 14

Chapter 13

  That uneasy, unspoken truce Josh and I have is still going on the first week of February, but there’s still a lot unresolved between us. The first few days after his snow day talk (well him talking, me just nodding like a moron), I find Josh waiting at my locker during the day, and he walks with me to my classes sometimes putting a hand at my back to help steer me through the crowd of kids when we're going up the stairs.

  However, we haven't kissed again, and he doesn't try to hold my hand or anything, but I notice we are constantly touching each other, leaning on each other during the day when we're joking about something. Laurel has even started giving me funny looks at lunch so I'm trying to make a conscious effort not to put my hand on his arm all the time. I'm not sure to confide in her yet when I'm still so unsure myself.

  Not really being sure of what we are to each other is creating all this tension. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking on a high tight rope wire that’s about to snap.

  Today is one of those days.

  He’s sitting there at lunch acting all innocent eating little red candies that are melting in his palm.

  “What are those?” Laurel asks him.

  He pauses for half a second before answering, but I notice the pause and it makes me look up from my latest Lois Lowry book.

  “Spicy candy,” he glances across the table at me with a smirk firmly planted on his smug little face. I narrow my eyes at him, I know what you're doing, and it’s not going to work.

  “Really, what do they taste like?” Please shut up now clueless Laurel.

  He’s enjoying this. The jerk is actually savoring every second of this conversation.

  Josh pops the last few into his mouth, looks me straight in the eye, slowly licks his fingers (making something tighten in the pit of my stomach), and said, “cinnamon.”

  I was willing to tolerate the smirk, but the cocked eyebrow and obvious teasing push me over the edge. I get up, throw my backpack over my shoulder, and storm off to the sound of him calling after me, “Come on Kat. I was joking. Come back. Don’t be mad.”

  His plea might have been more believable if he wasn’t laughing when he said it.

  I cannot believe I used to look forward to having class with him right after lunch. Algebra is even more of a pain than ever and it has nothing to do with the upcoming coordinates graphing test we're studying for.

  I deliberately grab a seat in the front row without even a glance at the back of the room where HE is. Jaxon walks in a minute later, looks at me then the back row then to me again.

  “We’ve moved?”

  “Sit down or go somewhere else,” I snap at him.

  “Okay,” he said drawing out the word as he slides into the seat next to mine.

  “Wanna talk about it?”


  The next 45 minutes are the most focused on math I have ever been in my entire life.

  Later Laurel corners me between classes asking me what is going on between Josh and me. I try to tell her nothing, but she is the human lie detector. The CIA should be actively recruiting her.

  I finally break and tell her everything. She’s furious that I didn’t immediately tell her Josh was the mystery guy from Halloween and doesn’t talk to me for the next two hours. Lucky for me she blows up then (unlike me) cools down fast without holding a grudge. She also doesn’t press me for details about the night I found out.

  I also tell her about the snow day visit two weeks ago but confess I just don't know enough about how we feel about each other.

  "Honestly, I'm afraid to talk to him about it. I wish I could just know one way or the other already. Does he want to me to be his girlfriend or not?" I ask.

  "Don't worry about it. Here's what we're going to do," she said and begins to tell me she has a plan that involves her second favorite thing next to kissing boys…Scheming.

  She concocts an elaborate plan that seems like it's straight out of a bad Disney teen movie--to see how Josh really feels about me we'll try to make him jealous. She’ll buy carnations from the Cheerleader fundraiser for Valentine’s Day at school next week and send them to me signed my secret admirer and we’ll see how he reacts.

  We should have had a Plan B.

  Valentine's Day Laurel runs up to me at the end of the day when I'm heading to my locker to pack up.

  "Don't hate me ok?"

  "Not your best opening line Laurel, especially these days (I haven't forgotten she gave Josh my cell #). What's up?" I say.

  "I forgot to order the flowers at lunch. I'm sorry," she does not look good when she squints at me like that.

  "Laurel! It was your plan! What happened?"

  Apparently there was this guy who sort of caught her off guard giving her a Valentine's Day present she was totally not expecting and they got to talking (Laurel talking to a guy!?) and one thing led to another and she was late for lunch. By the time she got to the table, the cheerleader told her that some guy had just come by and bought the last 10 dozen flowers they had left. He bought them all for one girl for delivery today.

  "Some guy bought 120 flowers for just one girl? Not likely. That's $120 bucks. Major money. I bet it was Player handing them out to all his conquests," I laugh.

  "NO IT WASN'T!" Laurel told me loudly. Weird.

  "Chill Laurel," I tell her doing my locker combination. The door doesn't open at first. I try the combo again and pull. The latch lifts straight up but the door seems jammed. I give it another hard yank and it flies open as red carnations explode out at me spilling all over the hallway floor. I jump back out of reflex and fall back into a hard chest nearly losing my balance until a pair of strong arms catches me before I embarrassingly end up sprawled on the hallway floor.


  Five months later, and his voice still makes me jump like a nervous cat.

  "Nice flowers."

  I look back at all the flowers still packed in my locker and the huge pile spilled all over the floor and turn to look back up at him.

  "You are unbelievable you know that?"

  "I'm aware, yes," Josh said, his eyes flashing.

  "Oh My Gosh," Laurel said finally catching on.

  I hear Player next to her say, "Hey Laurel, about how many flowers do you think that is?"

  "Well Eli, if I had to guess, I'd say about 120," she said giggling.

  "I should smack that stupid smirk right off your face you know that?" I tell Josh.

  "Yes. But I don't think you will," he said giving his head a little shake.

  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't?" I ask.

  "I'll give you two," Josh said smiling before he takes me into his arms and gives me a huge toe-curling kiss right there in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone. Just like Halloween, just like the snow days, there are fireworks everywhere and my brain becomes mush. All I can do is stand on my tiptoes, throw my arms around him, revel in the feeling of his lips on mine, and try to remember to breathe without letting go as he lifts me off the floor crushing me to his chest.

  An ear splitting wolf whistle and the sound of everyone in the hallway clapping and hooting brings me back to my senses. Josh too because he gently lowers me back to the ground.

  "What am I going to do with you Josh?" I whisper.

  "Anything you want Kat," he whispers back.

  A surprising tension-free week since the flower and public kissing event, and I send Josh an SOS text Saturday afternoon asking if he can come over to help me with my English paper.

  Sitting on the floor in my room with my books open and papers scattered everywhere I hear the front door open and crane my neck to watch for him coming up the stairs.

  A moment later, I hear footsteps then Josh is at my doorway but he’s not coming in. I watch his eyes dart to my bed and back to me, “I’m not sure this is such a hot idea Kat. Maybe we should work on your paper in the kitchen?”

  “Relax. My door is open, and my Mom is right downstairs. I’m not going to bite you,” I tease, “r
ight now I need you for your brains, not your body.”

  “Well that’s disappointing,” he said grinning and walks around my bed to where he sees me sprawled out on the floor in the middle of the chaos that is my research project.

  “All kidding aside, I need serious help with this. Half my grade this semester is riding on this project. I spent two solid days on it getting nowhere. I need help and you’re the only grammar geek I know.”

  He drops his backpack on the floor to sit down next to me, “ok, let’s get started then.”

  An hour and half later, the project is done. I gather up my work putting the laptop back on my desk and I see him out of the corner of my eye. He’s leaning back against the side of my bed resting his arm on his propped up knee just looking at me shaking his head.

  "What?" I ask him.

  "You’re such a paradox."

  "That doesn’t sound very complimentary," I say.

  "I mean I just don’t understand how someone who practically inhales as many different books as you do has so much trouble with writing a research paper."

  I try to pinch him on the arm, “shut up you.”

  I’m only half-serious, but I’m not exactly feeling flattered over here.

  “Ouch. I’m serious,” he said half laughing, “you have a real talent for writing, but you’re just so all over the place with your thought organization. I could help you with that more if you want.”

  “Are you criticizing my writing now grammar geek? I’ll show you thought organization,” and I make a mad attempt for that ticklish spot behind his knee, but he figures out what I’m planning and blocks me (damn that boxing training). He moves light lightning catching both my wrists dragging me up across his lap, pinning me against his chest.

  “Someone feeling feisty? You know I’m bigger and faster than you, right? No way can you ever take me in a tickle fight.”

  “Odds never stopped me before. You have it coming,” I try to wiggle free from his grip to get at least one good shot in before he can get me back, but somehow I just end up straddling his lap. Geez he’s strong.

  Before I have time to react to how I’m positioned, he lets go of my wrists to wrap both his arms around my waist.

  “Kat,” the way he said my name low and hungry like that sets my senses on fire instantly. Snap.

  I can’t stop looking at him. Those amazing eyes. Even when I can feel how excited he is through our jeans, and I see him raise one hand to my face, I can’t stop staring.

  “My Kat,” he whispers. Oh God. When he said it soft and possessive like that, I’m just…I can’t think anymore as he slowly guides my lips down to meet his. What is wrong with me? Where is my will power with this guy? Will I ever get tired of kissing him?

  “Katie? Dad’s on his way home. We’re eating in 15 minutes. Come down and set the table. Is Josh staying for dinner?” My Mom’s nightly announcement brings our heated moment to a screeching stop before it can really get going. Maybe that's for the best. It was getting really intense, really fast.

  “I’ll ask him,” I holler back.

  I can feel his whole body start to shake with laughter beneath me, “Ah, parentus interruptus. A classic.”

  “Mom radar. I think she’s honed her abilities since you’ve moved back.”

  I’m still straddling him and his right hand is still cupping the side of my face, but the moment is gone and we’re left leaning forehead-to-forehead with him rubbing my temple with his thumb while we both just sit there giggling.

  “So, is Josh staying for dinner?” I ask him.

  “Sure. But Josh is going to need a couple minutes before he can go downstairs,” he said which sends us both into another fit of nervous giggles.

  He gives me a quick kiss on the lips (too quick for my tastes) before I regretfully climb off his lap to head downstairs to set the table for four. I stop in the doorway taking a few quick breaths to get my head back together. Josh isn’t the only one who needs a couple minutes.

  I start to go when I hear a big exhale from the other side of my bed.

  “Cold showers. Angry nuns with rulers. Ice fishing. Oh Kat, you’re killing me.”

  I bounce into the kitchen not even trying to hide the big smile on my face at his attempts at a mental visualization cool down.

  After dinner, Dad sets up the fire pit on the back patio so we can roast some marshmallows. Stuffed and sitting around enjoying the fire, each of us is lost in our own thoughts on a mild February night in our winter coats and hats. Sitting on the patio couch next to Josh with my legs thrown over his lap snuggled up with his arm around my shoulders feels comfortable and right. Mom brings a blanket out draping it over us and gives me a kiss on the head, turns to Dad and said, "Come on Jim, let's head inside, and take a look at those taxes."

  "I filed the taxes last week Sarah," my Dad folks, totally clueless.

  "Then I will just to have think of something else to help you occupy your time," she told him.

  The look on my Dad's face when he finally catches on to what Mom is saying is priceless, "Oh, right…the taxes. Uh, what about …" he said sparing Josh and I a glance.

  Mom just takes his hand and starts pulling Dad toward the house, "they'll be just fine honey. Josh saw you put your softball bag in the hallway closet before dinner. Let's go."

  Josh and I both manage to hold our laughter in until they close the back door.

  "Oh gosh. My parents folks, not at all subtle."

  "I think it's cool how into each other they still are after 20 years," Josh said softly.

  I sigh with contentment. It really is a beautiful winter night. Not bitterly cold, but the warmth of the fire pit feels good, though not as good as Josh's warmth I think as I snuggle up closer to him under the blanket.

  "Easy there with the wiggling Kat, I'm only human you know," he warns me smiling.

  "Really? I had no idea. Do you have some evidence of this?" I say working my way up onto his lap under the blanket.

  It takes us all of five minutes before we figure out his 6ft tall self cannot stretch out comfortably on the 4ft long patio couch. I'm convinced my Mom figured that out ahead of time.

  Another thirty minutes of kissing later, the fire pit has gone out, and I don't feel the slightest bit of the cold, but we both agree it's definitely time for Josh to take a long, cold walk back home.

  By the end of February, play rehearsals are in full swing three days a week after school. Josh's ankle is getting better and his X-rays are clear. He has to keep doing physical therapy at home and if all goes well, he can rejoin the track team in the fall. He's relieved. I know that was stressing him out there for a while.

  We try to spend as much time together as we can. I can't wait to see him before, during, and after school. The kissing is amazing of course, but I'm really happy just being with him.

  Holding hands now in the hall between classes, at lunch (making Player threaten to vomit each day if we don't stop), and sneaking kisses during rehearsals all feels so normal and natural. When I'm not on stage he's taken to hiding in the folds of the heavy stage curtains and reaching out to grab me when I walk by pulling me in for some fast smooches. Once when I saw his shoes peaking out at the bottom, I pushed Jaxon in front of the curtains to get pulled inside in my place.

  Poor Josh got a quick jab to the ribs from Jaxon and in retaliation, I got a tickle attack that almost made me wet my pants, and no kissing for the whole rest of the day as punishment.

  Excessively harsh I thought, depriving me of his lips, but he was surprisingly self-disciplined, though his resolve looked like it was going to falter once when he was hammering a stage backdrop and I leaned down to whisper in his ear, "you sure about that no kissing? Even though Tuesday's are now officially purple thong day?"

  He almost hit his thumb he was so rattled, and made up for lost time when he rescinded my punishment later.

  I was on cloud nine, but the problems with clouds are that they're so easy to get knocked off of.
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