Read Dream Lover Page 14


  As the day of the convention drew closer, she found herself becoming excited about it, and frequently asked herself why. She went shopping for some new clothes and chose a dress with great care for the banquet that she would be expected to attend. Right up to the last moment, she believed that McKinnon wasn't going, because he hadn't been in her dreams of the convention.

  The last minute arrived and she suddenly realized that dreams didn't necessarily tell all. The manager had told her they would be pooling cars for the trip to Toronto to save on gas, and she was to meet the others at the office on Wednesday morning. When she arrived, she found them already loading cars and wondered whom she would be riding with, but not caring.

  "Hi, Charly. I've put you in T. G.'s car, if that's okay with you. He seems to be the only one without a full load." She turned quickly and, for the first time, saw him. He was standing beside the black Cadillac, much as he had been on that first day that seemed like years ago - legs crossed at the ankles, arms folded on his chest, and no smile. She looked uncertainly at him, then shrugged and began unloading her things from the back of her SUV.

  He was immediately at her side, taking the suitcase and garment bag from her, leaving just her purse for her to carry. He had the trunk loaded and closed in seconds and was holding open the passenger door for her, when it dawned on her that the others had driven off and she was his only passenger. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She only knew she wasn't ready for this.

  It was with a feeling of Deja vu that she settled in the seat and became resigned to the two-and-a-half-hour trip, wondering if he would talk to her, ignore her, tease her, or make love with her.

  "You looked a bit shocked when you realized I was going to the convention, Charly. Why?" He looked sideways at her as he swung the car out into the traffic.

  "Because you weren't in my dreams, that's why!" She spoke sharply, still unsettled. "I saw the whole convention in a dream weeks ago and you weren't there, so I assumed you wouldn't be going."

  "Who was it that told me once one should never assume anything? I knew we were going together before I left for Australia because I also saw the convention and I definitely saw you there. Relax, Little Witch. The dream said we had a great time, so let's just enjoy ourselves. God only knows, we deserve it." The last was uttered under his breath, but she caught it and found herself smiling.

  From then on, her mood began to improve and she began firing questions at him regarding his vacation in Australia, a place she had always wanted to visit. The trip was over before she realized it and she was still questioning him as they followed the bellhop into the lobby and waited for their rooms to be assigned.

  She hardly noticed as he collected their keys and walked with her to the elevator. He was still talking to her about his trip, as they paused for the bellhop to open their doors and place their luggage inside. But she finally wakened up to reality when he crossed from his room into hers through the connecting door.

  "Sorry we couldn't get all of the rooms together for your company, but we managed to keep all of you near someone else from the group." The bellhop accepted the tip McKinnon handed him and left.

  Kicking the door to her room shut, McKinnon suddenly reached for her and pulled her into his arms. His mouth closed over hers in a long, slow kiss and she melted against him, relaxing into the haven of his arms. Ending the kiss, he pulled her more tightly against his chest and just held her silently for a long moment. She closed her eyes, savouring the closeness and sense of rightness.

  "I don't know who we have to thank for our room arrangement, but I'm not going to question it or complain about it." He released her and stepped back just as someone knocked on the door of his room. "I'll see you before the banquet tonight." And he was gone through the door.

  Charly unpacked her things, hanging her dresses up in the closet. She knew she didn't have a lecture to attend for a couple of hours and she also knew that McKinnon would be tied up for the rest of the day. She was still musing over the tenderness of his kiss and the warmth of his embrace. She knew without a doubt that they would make love before the end of the convention and she was content to let it happen when the time was right.

  She didn't think beyond the convention to life in the County. She just knew she loved him and was sure he loved her as well. She was humming to herself as she finished unpacking and went happily to her lecture. She paid close attention to the speaker because she still had a job to do and she was here at the expense of the company, so she would fulfil her obligations. When the lecture was finished, she hurried up to the room to see McKinnon, only to find a note instead.

  'Have to make the rounds of the hospitality suites. See you at the banquet.'

  In a way, she was pleased because it meant that she could take her time getting bathed and dressed. She knew a dance followed the banquet, but she didn't worry about the seating arrangements, the dance, or anything else that might transpire. She was content to let events unroll in their own way and time, knowing that it would be right.

  When she was dressed and made up and McKinnon still hadn't returned, she waited until it was nearly time for the banquet and then went down to the hall. Each of the ladies was being given a small corsage and she waited in line for hers, looking around now with interest, wondering where he might be. She had been given her meal ticket, and knew what table she was assigned, but she had no idea if he would be at the same one.

  Her corsage pinned in place, she slowly entered the room, not seeing any of her group. She wove her way through the tables, reading the numbers as she went, finally locating hers in the corner near the dais. None of the others had arrived yet, so she treated herself to a front-facing chair. She became absorbed in studying the dresses the other women were wearing. Many of the directors had brought their wives with them, although her company didn't do so.

  She felt a hand settle on her shoulder, and looked up to see McKinnon smiling down into her eyes. He pulled out the chair next to her and settled himself close beside her. Like he really doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks.

  His behaviour towards her throughout dinner and the speeches was friendly, but he kept his comments general and included the others in their conversations as much as possible. When dinner was over, however, he claimed her for the first dance and led her out onto the floor with an arm around her shoulders.

  Before the dance ended, she knew it had been a mistake for them to participate. So much had happened between them in the past few months without any physical contact that they were attuned to each other to a degree she had never experienced before. She knew what he was going to say before he said it, she knew what he was feeling without any words being spoken, and she was aware that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

  "When this number is over, follow my lead and agree with whatever I say. We have to get out of here." As they moved in time to the music, together but apart, she forced herself to focus on the music, the people around them, anything but his warm and sensuous body so close to her own. Twice he stepped on her toe and apologized, swearing the second time it happened.

  When the music stopped, other couples stayed in place for the next number, but McKinnon steered her quickly off the floor to their table, where several of the directors were deep in 'Insurance talk' as she called it. They looked up and grinned as McKinnon said, "I'm taking our inspector out to a movie. She's too young to be cooped up in here with all these old fogies."

  His voice was light and his smile was sincere, but she could feel the tension running deep inside of him, barely held in check. Bidding the others goodnight, she picked up her handbag and walked with McKinnon to the door, and freedom. As they crossed the lobby, McKinnon took a newspaper from the rack and tucked it under his arm, then escorted her into the elevator.

  Once in his room, McKinnon spread the newspaper open to the Entertainment section, and she thought, my God, he's really going to take me to a damn

  "What looks good to you, Charly?" He was looking at the page as he asked the question. The bed is the only thing that interests me, McKinnon, she thought and once more experienced the familiar feelings as he swung his head up and looked into her eyes.

  "Humour me, Charly. Have you seen any of these movies before?" She forced herself to look away from him, and down at the newspaper. There were several she had seen, but only one she had really enjoyed, so she told him.

  "Good. I've seen it too. That's all I needed to know." Rolling the paper up, he jammed it into the wastebasket and kicked off his shoes. "Get comfortable, Little Witch. The rest of this night is ours. If anyone asks tomorrow, which they won't, that's the movie we saw." His tie and suit coat were flung carelessly over the back of the nearest chair, and he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. Again, she had the feeling of having played this scene out once before.

  Before she knew what was happening, he had picked her up, removed her shoes and placed her gently on the bed. Stretching out beside her, one arm under his head, one knee slightly raised, he looked up at her. "Beats the little SUV or the Caddy, huh, Witch?"

  Charly had been silent up to this point, wondering how he was going to proceed. She smiled at him now, trusting him completely and loving him with all of her being. She settled closer to him, then glanced up and asked, "Want to play some Battleships?"

  "I assume you're joking. There's only one thing I want to do and it's the same thing I wanted to do the night we were stranded together, and every night since. I don't know how it happened, Charly, when I swore I would never again be vulnerable to a woman, but I'm in love with you. More in love with you than I ever thought it possible to be in love." He was twisting a coil of her hair around his finger, and she realized that his hand was shaking.

  "McKinnon, are you nervous?" Her own feelings were so strong and so right that she had no more doubts about their future. She knew it would work out in some fashion that was best for both of them, and she was content to let it happen.

  Rolling away from her, McKinnon slid off the bed and went to the desk to pour them each a glass of wine. She had discovered that the directors all kept drinks available in their rooms, even though some of them didn't drink. She knew McKinnon rarely drank because they had discussed it the evening they were out to dinner together.

  Handing her the glass, he sat beside her on the bed and took a sip of wine. Setting the glass down, he unbuttoned his shirtsleeves and rolled them up to his elbows as though he found them restricting. He ran his hand through his hair, causing it to stand up on one side, then tried to flatten it down again. She realized he was extremely nervous about something, but couldn't imagine that the prospect of making love with her could be the reason.