Read Dream Travel Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Patrick arrived in Ruanda, Congo at nine a.m. He was in awe of the beautiful country. He settled in the house where all the other volunteers would be staying. His main function in helping the natives and non-natives alike would be educating them and providing medical supplies.

  He settled in his room to take a nap but started reading books on the area he was located in to be familiar with his surroundings and the people he would be trying to help. He would take a walk around the area when he was rested. He fell asleep dreaming of being in heaven with his mother.

  Jane did not enjoy the family gathering that much without David there. She had not been to family gatherings in several years until David became a part of her life. She tried not to count how many years it had actually been since she had been with her family on Christmas. She was glad to be home, back to her sweet solitude.

  Jane remembered how lonely Christmas had been since her father passed away in January of 1985. She had not really enjoyed Christmas since then . In fact she dreaded the holidays and wished they would never come again. David changed all that sadness into joy. She looked forward to the holidays now like never before.

  Jane used to need people too much, she thought, but now she actually enjoyed her solitude. She had a lot more to keep her busy these days and enjoyed her life. Strength was something one acquired through no choice of their own. Wisdom was something gained by God. Jane still enj oyed phone conversations bu t it would be a lot nicer to spend time with Demelza.

  Demelza invited Jane to come to her house the next day. Demelza had thought it would be nice for them to go to church, have dinner and then go see a movie. The two women had a lot to discuss among many topics such as the news, religion , sex and their lives. Demelza had told Jane not to worry about the sex part it would surely get better.

  Demelza was very funny, empathetic, intelligent and had an incredible spiritual aura that surrounded her. Jane felt life pulsate through her like never before. Life would never be the same having a friend like this special woman.

  "It sounds like you have learned a lotJane," Demelza joyfully


  ''Yes I have but I feel like there will be a lot more for me to learn from you. You are so dear to me already. I have never met anyone like you before. You are such a spiritual genius."

  "I believe I will learn a lot from you as well. You are more spiritually inept than you know. Your prayer life will keep rewarding you greatly. Lets go to church and then see Devil's Advocate."

  The two ladies went to church together. Jane could not help but notice that people really focused on Demelza. Everyone seemed to appreciate her warm heart and friendliness. How could anyone not feel her spiritual presence when she walked into a room.

  The amusing part toJane was she felt her to be no threat or competition. They were both very accepting of each other neither containing a superior spirit. This friend was indeed a spiritual giant in her own right.

  Patrick had eaten dinner and gone out to walk in the night air. The moon was full and the trees were huge. The lake reflected the light of the moon. He felt accepted by nature and at peace.

  Patrick knew he would have a lot of work ahead of him but looked forward to it. He also looked forward to the solitude he could enjoy in such a beautiful environment. It would be another journey to look forward to acquiring more wisdom.

  Patrick thought about his dream of being in heaven with his mother. He wondered if his dream was real. Heaven was beautiful beyond words. The streets were golden and the waters glistened. Nature was at its best. He could smell the fresh air, with the scent of flowers and trees and see all the beautiful emeralds designed on all the mansions including diamonds, rubies and many more colored jewels.

  His thoughts were deeply involved in remembering his mother in the dream but was interrupted by Skip, one of the volunteers. "It sure is beautiful here isn't it?" he asked.

  ''Yes it is great," Patrick said.

  "I do hope we don't see any snakes around here. I do not wish my faith to be tested in such a way. Spiders, snakes and lions, Oh, my," stated Skip.

  "Don't worry I'll wake you up before they all kill you so you can watch the excitement."

  "Gee, tl1anks you are a real pal. I'll be sure to put a good

  word in for you to the boss. The big man in the sky may give you

  your just desserts."

  "I'm not worried because lessons seem to be our plot in life. Don't round up the critters just yet, I've got a few more dreams left to dream. I'll just let you die in peace."

  "I don't intend to die just yet. I need some time to eat some

  more of that chocolate pie. Oh, well, let me get some pie before I


  ''Yea, I'll probably turn in early myself." He wondered if his soul mate was in Africa. Maybe he would get lunch and dream about her tonight. He sure didn't relish the idea of being alone much longer.

  Jane always gave attention to the two hunting dogs of the

  landlord who were always fenced up in two medium squares. The landlord would set them free every day to run on the property. They however were not let out when it rained which had been quite often as of late. The dogs Patches and Suzy remained in their doghouses in case of a down pour. Jane considered herself quite blessed to have these two angels in her heavenly abode.

  Jane realized she missed her mother and appreciated her so much more tl1ese days. She appreciated her family when knowing of others that had none. She decided to go see her mom who was an hour away.

  "Hi mom. How are you? There you are Duke." Duke was the family dog. He was a mutt but mostly a German Shepherd. She did love him so and he was especially dear to everyone since the death of their brother. Her brothers’ name was Joe and Duke had been his dog.

  'Jane I have some salad if you would like some. Oh,, of course I know you would probably prefer pizza. You will eat anything that will help you to gain weight. Are you going to waste your education on a silly dream of becoming a writer?"

  "Mom you are positive as usual."

  "Oh, I cannot say anything to you without you getting an attitude!"

  "Mom let us just drop this conversation because it will go

  No where."

  ''You are so right. So will you be getting a job?"

  "Not right now but maybe later. I have decided not to go for my P. H. D."

  "That is a good decision. It would take too long anyway.

  “How is David doing?"

  "He is fine. We will be better off financially in a few weeks .

  How is everyone at the rosary?"

  "They are fine. They ask about you sometimes. I ju st tell them very little. They know you live in Calvert County but do not know who you live with.

  "Thanks mom that is good. They are a little too self­- righteous for my blood. I'm sure if- they did know I would be hanging from a cross."

  "Oh, Jane I am sure you are right. Did I tell you someone

  broke the window on the car next door?"

  ''Yes, mom, you have told me ten times already!"

  "My memory is not as good. Do you mind if I tum on the

  Jane could appreciate her mom's circumstances of her life and knew that she did not quite know how to express encouragement due to her lack of parental bonding. Jane had her mom and believed her mom had become more accepting of her. They talked for hours and her other brother Thomas was also conversing. Thomas lived at home which was a great comfort for the family knowing mom was not alone.

  Jane said her goodbyes and left for home. She appreciated me drive which frequently gave her an opportunity to listen to music, pra y and sometimes visit old friends when she was in the neighborhood. She was driving along, thinking how death of loved ones make you really value the ones still here. She had regrets like anyone else but did not dwell on them. She just did her best with what she had in life for now.


  "That would be fine. Your favorite show is on. I think
I will go outside to smoke and take Duke with me."

  ''I'll be out in a few minutes since it is such a nice day."

  Jane loved her visit and always appreciated that her mom took very good care of herself. She quit smoking years ago. She lost all her weight and continued to be very disciplined in keeping her weight off. She exercised daily taking a three mile walk at the mall and swimming classes. Her mom was seventy-five years old.

  Her mom was very independent and strong. She had raised eight children and worked hard all her life. She lost both of her parents when she was fourteen years old. Her dad was killed in a hunting accident and her mom died of T. B. It had been her twin sister and they had faced the world together. They stayed with their Aunt in the early years.