Read Dream Travel Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Jane particularly liked her fish,Angel, which she realized she should have named Oscar, Killer or Crazy. Their fish was a silver fish, which did resemble an angel with her angelic fins but her personality did not match the name. Angel had eaten all the other fish that they once had. She had a strange habit of rearranging everything in the fish tank. She pushed the blue rocks and also took them in her mouth spewing them out. She pu shed around all the plants and shells. It was amazing that she could also pu sh around the big plant. She certainly would grow larger in a bigger fish tank but remained an average size for a smaller fish in tight quarter s.

  Jane at first did not like fish but she grew very fond of her. She was very friendly towards her and David. She would come right up to her finger with no fear. She had a very dominant personality but also a gentle spirit. She was a part of the family and would have to do for now. They could not have a dog in apartment because the landlord would not allow it. David had said it would probably be another year before they would be living in a hou se. Jane knew she could have a dog when they did move.

  Jane and David did a lot of baby talking with each other.

  She thought if anyone could hear them they would surely be repulsed . She realized that there was such a gentleness between them that it spurred on baby talk. Jane sometimes was afraid that southern baby talk would accidentally slip out at the wrong time. She valued David and his easy going spirit. He surely did spoil her and she enjoyed every minute.

  Patrick did not tell anyone of his lady visitor. He would reflect on her later for he had lots to do. The volunteers kept very busy that day taking care of the poor and sick. It was very depressing to all of them because they wished more could be done. Patrick the man who was in charge of everything. His name was James Port. He was a slim man with a light complexi on and white. He was an average looking man. He mainly was in charge of collecting money for the poor but also managed any volunteer s that were in the area. Patrick found him very informative and certainly was cooperative.

  Jane gave much thought to her friends and family. She felt bad for one friend who suffered from Manic Depression and her brother who seemed to be dead of a broken heart. There was not much she could do for them so she kept them in her prayers.

  David came home and they made love passionately like never before. She remembered Demelza telling her that things would get better but never suspected it to happen so soon. Jane was use to waiting for things to happen a great deal of the time. Miracles only seemed to happen with great sweat and years of prayer. She realized that miracles did not come to some and wondered why. Jane thought that becau se she was not married she could not count on the fruits of love in the bedroom but she was wrong.

  David fell asleep and Jane thought how powerful the prayers of Demelza must be. She thought of her best friend Missy who seemed to not want further contact with her. hurt her a great deal and she could not believe it nor understand.

  Jane fell asleep and again she dreamed she was in Africa. Mary appeared to her again asking her to reach out to the lost souls. ''You must not give up on people, for this will not do." Jane was in a field listening to Mary very intently. ''You do not realize the power God gives you. You must become aware of his power totally."

  Jane wa s in the field but then Mary disappeared. For the very first time in her dreams she felt like taking a walk. She found herself out in front of a house where path had led. She saw a very handsome man there praying.

  He looked up while praying noticing a beautiful woman standing in front of him. "Hi. Where do you come from?" he asked. "I just came from a field and took a path which led me here. I do not mean to disturb you."

  "Oh, you are not disturbing me. It is a pleasure I assure you,

  to have your company. My name is Patrick and your name is?" "My name is Jane. It is good of you to be so kind." ''Nonsense it is no effort at all. Please sit down. Could I get

  you something to drink?"

  ''No thanks. I will not be staying long. How long have you

  lived here?"

  "I don't live here. I am a Peace Core volunteer, only here temporarily and you?"

  "I am here only as a visitor. I am actually here in a dream. This is not really happening. I just had a vision of the Blessed Mother in the field."

  "I assure you that you are not dreaming for I am very real.

  It is odd that you say these things. Do you feel faint?"

  "No I do not feel badly. I know you think I may be mad but you will see that this is not so when I go. I really cannot stay."

  "Please stay for I find you very lovely. Maybe you are here in spirit for God works in mysterious ways. Please do not go for I did not mean to offend you."

  ''No I must go for I do not belong here."

  She left him and he found himself intrigued by her responses. He had never heard such talk in all his years. He wondered if she was his guardian angel.

  She awoke feeling very exhausted. She remembered the man in her dreams and wished it was not a dream. She thought what an imagination she had to not only make this man real but to conjure up quite a handsome lad. She decided to make coffee trying not to wake up David.

  It was nightfall and everyone had eaten dinner after a long day. Patrick sat reflecting on the day. He could not get Jane out of his mind. He wondered if she was just a very sick woman. He could not imagine her words to be true. How could she possibly be there in spirit due to her dream. He believed in miracles but could not allow himself to believe such a tale.

  He decided to take a nice long walk. He went through all the woods and came upon a field which seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. He remembered Jane saying she had come from a field. Could this be the field? he wondered. He was behind the trees and before he had decided to go out into the field he saw a helicopter land.

  He decided to keep himself hidden and to spy on this helicopter. He then saw a white truck pull up near the helicopter after its’ propellers ceased. It was James Port who got out of the truck. Patrick decided he would move up closer to the side of the woods in order to hear clearer. He was able to hear them clearly.

  The man in the helicopter got out and had two suitcases, which h e places on top of the truck. The conversation began and Patrick could hear the men talking. "Hello James, I have your money." "Great that looks good. How is our drug and slave business going?"

  "They are going fine. We certainly are not racists for we enslave blacks and whites as well. We know our boss is the greatest." "Yes, we certainly have the best boss. We are rich thanks to our intelligent bargaining. Don't forget our meeting will be here next

  Tuesday." James said.

  "Yes, the other man continued. The KKK have nothing on us. This meeting will prove very fruitful for us all. Well I'd better be going."

  ''Yes, I'll see you around," James finished.

  Patrick watched both of the men leave. He was trembling and could not believe his ears. He wondered who their boss was. Patrick knew he would have to come back Tuesday to spy on this meeting. He wished he had not seen all this but felt obliged to come back.

  He thought he should keep this meeting a secret. Patrick did not know who to trust. He went to bed feeling very afraid of impending danger. It took him awhile but he finally fell asleep.

  Demelza and Jane planned to go out for dinner. Demelza knew Jane could not afford it but insisted Jane could return the favor. Jane reluctantly agreed and they had decided on Italian. It was a good idea because the tables were very private. Demelza did not smoke but did not mind Jane smoking. The two ladies were seated and very excited with the prospect of each others company.

  "Demelza I had another dream.This dream is even stranger than the last. Please give me your opinion for I do trust it."

  "Oh, of course Jane I would love to hear it. My opinion I will gratefully share. Jane do go on about your dream." They were interrupted however, with the waitress wanting to take their order. The order
was taken and their drinks were soon served. Jane soon was telling her friend about tl1e dream.

  "I dreamt I was in the field with Mary talking to me." She soon gave a total account of the dream and concluded with the nice man she met. "I do declare that the dream was so real. The man told me I wasn't dreaming. Do you consider this an odd dream?"

  "Oh, no I think it really did occur. I believe that you do possess the gift of traveling in your dreams. I have a very good feeling about the outcome."

  "Do you think I belong with David? I do hope that it is

  David. This man Patrick seems very special."

  "]ane I do believe you belong with David. I do not know what part Patrick plays in your life. Please be very careful in your dreams.

  "Do you think I am in danger? How could anyone hurt me

  in my dreams? My body is not really there in Africa."

  "I do not know if your body was there or not. Surely you must have been very real to Patrick. Just be careful Jane for I feel concerned about these dreams."

  "Yes, I guess you are right. I probably should be careful for

  I believe my body was there. I do hope that I will not be in any danger but I will heed your warning. Do you think I will be okay?" "Oh, yes Jane you will be fine. Nothing will happen to you

  if you are careful. You must realize that these dreams could be real. You must not discount that possibility or I fear for you."

  ''Yes I will pray on this for the truth to be revealed. If I am

  not conscious of something being real than I could certainly suffer the consequences. If I could get more information in my dreams I might be able to research the truth."

  "That is a very good Idea. Just keep aware of any truth on this matter. I would also suggest that you keep an eye on th e news. I will not say whether you were really in Africa but I will not say that you were not."

  They had a wonderful dinner and a mysteriously delightful

  conversation. Demelza took Jane home.Jane decided to discuss this with David. David was still at work so it gave her time to reflect on the evening. She could not believe any of this nor Demelza's feelings of danger for Jane. She knew David would think her to be quite mad. "He probably would disapprove of my friendship with Demelza,"Jane thought.

  David came home and listened to Jane's account of the evening she had spent with Demelza. He could not believe that she had ch osen another sick friend. He started to grow impatient rolling his eyes. He began exhausting her with his opinions.

  ''Your new friend is sicker than all of your other friends put together. How can you believe all of this crap? You are not in any danger. Now you will never sleep. Is your new friend not taking her medication? Does she have a mental illness?"

  "She seems perfectly sound to me but maybe she is odd. I don't know what to believe. I knew you would never believe this," she said.

  "Oh, of course don't believe this. I would need medication if I did. You don't believe this either and you know you don't. You need to leave people alone for you can't trus t anyone."

  "I do not wish to live my life without friends as you do. That is why you are so temperamental. I am isolated enough and ne ed to get around people more than I do."

  The conversation ended in them jokin g and laughing as usual. Jane knew he was right and respected him for most of his opinions. David fell asleep easily as usual.Jane lay there not knowing what to believe. She would go asleep without fear. She slept deeper than usual.

  Jane awoke the next morning not remembering any of her dreams. She told herself that these dreams were just dreams. She would not waste anymore time giving them serious thought. She figured that the dreams were proba bly over.

  Jane realized that she would always be average. It made her sad to think that the dreams were not real. She wondered if she would ever have a reasonable career.

  Patrick awoke the next morning trying to remember his dream. He dreamt that he was in heaven again with his motl1er. His mother told him to be very careful for he was in grave danger. "Do not go out into the field until you hear the whistling of the wind," she said. He reflected on her words and for the first time in his life he felt very afraid. He was comforted by his mother's words.

  He wondered if Jane could really travel in her dreams. He hoped that they would meet again. He believed in his dream. He would listen to Jane next time with an open mind.

  He hoped Tuesday would never come. Patrick wanted to just ignore the whole situation. He knew he was driven to go, so he would.

  The volunteers were about doing their work. Patrick would have to be very normal acting when he saw James Port. He was not looking forward to seeing this evil man again.

  James Port arrived on the scene as usual. He went about doing his normal bu siness. He asked for contribution s to his fund, which he claimed were for the poor. Everyone gladly gave what they had. Every volunteer gave money to him except Patrick. He ju st simply told James that he had no money. He did not seem bothered by Patrick not being able to give him any money.

  The day was over and all the volunteers had dinner together.

  Patrick excused himself and remained in his room for the evening. He was very angry at the sight of James. He could not believe the nerve of that man. He would like to see that man locked up for his crimes. He felt himself wishing James were dead and all his cohorts. He prayed for James and asked God for strength to deal with this situation. Patrick then fell asleep to escape his anger.

  David and Jane got their tax refunds back so they both decided to go out to a much needed supper. He had decided to take her out for a nice Mexican dinner. They both put on their finest clothes that evening.

  The couple was seated in a private romantic spot. Jane had decided that she would enjoy dessert as well. David was very excited about the whole evening. Jane talked him into going to see a movie afterwards.

  The night was very special to both of them. They had not been out for a nice meal in about six months. She was so grateful to see David in such a pleasant mood. They had both been through a lot lately especially David. It was nice not to have to worry about their finances for a change.

  The movie was very interesting and the popcorn was delicious. He whispered that he loved her and she replied the same. He felt so blessed to have her in his life. The night ended and they were on their way home.

  The night was peaceful and they made love. They both stared at each other with deep feelings of love. It was another memory Jane treasured.

  Patrick knew tomorrow was Tuesday. It would be a night that could possibly end his life. He knew certainly that his life would change. He sure hoped he would not be discovered near the field. He felt very nervous but would try to give it to God.

  Demelza called Jane the next day hoping she could come over.Jane agreed but Demelza could hear the hesitation in her voice. She would talk to Jane about it when she arrived.

  Jane was reminded of her dreams but would try to discourage Demelza from talking about this subject. It would do neither of them good, thought Jane, to subject themselves to day dreams. Jane was feeling very thankful for just being alive.

  The leader proceeded to call on their boss and it was Satan.

  Jane and Demelza were together again talking at Demelza's house. Demelza tried to find out why Jane was hesitant in coming over. Jane explained to her that David gave her a hard time about believing in these dreams. Demelza began to discuss her feelings about the next dream Jane would have tonight.

  '']ane I know you do not believe you can dream travel but

  I do. Please let me say this and then the subject will be closed. I believe you will be in Africa again tonight. Be very careful for tonight

  there will be danger."

  ''Demelza I know you mean well but that is not going to

  happen. These dreams are just dreams. You are trying to scare me." "I am not trying to scare you. I am your friend and I am just

  trying to warn you. Psychic ability runs in my family and my feelings

  are usually right."

  "Okay then tell me what will happen tonight in Africa."

  "It is best that you find out for yourself."

  "See I knew you could not tell me anything. I do not believe

  you. Please let us drop this subject."

  The subject was dropped and they talked about other things

  for another hour. Jane appeared not to be concerned about Demelza's

  comments. Demelza was cheerful and supportive as usual.

  Jane went home not harboring any resentments towards her friend. She was wondering if she would be able to fall asleep. Even though Jane had told Demelz a she did not believe her this was not true.

  Patrick noticed that the full moon was out tonight. He waited for the whistling of the wind and proceeded towards the field. It was midnight and he hoped the meeting was not over. He had no idea what time the meeting was but knew his mom did.

  He hid behind the trees and noticed that the meeting was forming. He heard someone walking towards him and noticed it was Jane. He instructed her to be quiet and explained to her softly all the details.

  There was a fire in the center of the meeting with twenty

  people encircled around it. They started chanting in pig Latin, dancing around the circle. Then the leader took a crying infant and laid it on the altar. He killed the baby with a knife and then burned it in the fire.

  Satan appeared. The people bowed down before him. Satan's voice was chilling and he began to speak. He thanked them for their devotion and continued to promise everyone wealth . He instructed them to continue trying to destroy Christians. Victims were a necessity for his power. He then disappeared and the people shouted loudly praising him.

  The people then had a black mass destroying the body and blood of Christ. Evil music played loudly while everyone was dancing. It was an eerie nigh t.

  Jane and Patrick looked at each other in horror. They did not speak to each other for fear of being discovered. They both noticed the slaves that were in chains.

  One of the women slaves was raped by all tl1e men. The woman was put on the altar and slaughtered. She was then thrown in the fire. The slaves were men and women , all terrified.

  Patrick and Jane heard the whistling of the wind. Patrick motioned her it was time to leave. They both left in a hurry and reached his house. They both sat on his patio unable to speak for several moments.

  Patrick began to tell her that he believed she could dream travel. He told her of his dreams about his mother. They began to discuss the night amongst themselves.

  "I can't believe this night. Demelza was right about danger. It is horrible what they did. What can we do to stop them?"

  ''We will have to find out where they keep their slaves first. If we blow the whistle too early more innocent people could die. Mary will guide you and my mother will guide me."

  ''Demelza will also guide me. I am very afraid of something happening to us. I think although we may be safer knowing."

  "He could take any of the volunteers as slaves. It is a good thingI know about this. I wonder where those poor slaves come from."

  "I do not know but I am sure we will find out. Please give me an object so I know this dream is true. Do you have a rosary?" ''Yes that is an excellent idea. Here is my Irish rosary. Put this rosary in your sock."

  Jane left and Patrick went up to his room to get some much needed sleep. He could not believe this entire night. He felt very sad for the two victims killed tonight. He wondered if h e would remember his dreams and fell asleep.

  Jane awoke. She took the green rosary out of her sock and could not believe her eyes. She woke up David and told him about the dream. Neither one had a doubt about her dreams being true.

  Jane called Demelza and told her everything. Demelza was extremely excited and was glad Jane was safe. They both agreed to get together today since David was working.

  Jane wanted to tell everyone she knew about her dreams

  but decided against it for now. She couldn't wait to see Demelza. She was looking forward to seeing Patrick again but wished it was under better circumstances.

  David begged her not to get involved in this danger but he knew she was not going to listen. He was feeling jealou s of this man in her dreams. She reassured him that nothing would take her away from him.Jane and Demelza decided to go see a movie. They both arrived at the movies undecided about which movie to watch. A man approached both of them and Jane could not believe her eyes. It was Patrick and he was in shock too.

  "Oh, my God you can dream travel too. Patrick this is getting very strange. I wonder if you are from the dark side."

  "Oh, no,"Patrick said. ''I am very much a Catholic Christian. I could never be a part of that horror we experienced."

  ''Jane, I assure you that he is not," Demelza said. "He is a very spiritual man. I have had dreams about both of you together." ''Why didn't you tell me that you were there also? Please tellme what is going to happen to us? Please Demelza tell us."

  "I was not there in body but in spirit. I was only there to observe. I cannot tell you anything because I don't know anything." "This is very creepy and I am not sure about trusting eitherone of you. I wish I could believe you are both Christians. You bothwant me dead!"

  "No,Jane that is not true. I am your friend and I know all of this is strange. Patrick and I could never harm anyone. We are both very good and I trust him."

  "I did not summon you to Africa. I wasn't sure about you but now I am. Pray about it and God will guide you," said Patrick.

  They all decided to go to Demelza's together. They all needed to talk and Jane needed reassurance. Demelza was very concerned about Jane's fears.

  Jane felt very comfortable with both of them. They all prayed together for guidance awhile. Jane knew she was a part of something very special. She was excited about her new friends.

  Demelza gave Patrick a blue rosary to put in his sock. Patrick

  disappeared right before them. Jane could not believe her eyes.

  Patrick woke up and discovered the blue rosary in his sock. He was convinced of everything and was looking forward to more dreams. He would spy on the field again tomorrow if his mother guided him so.

  He went to work as usual excited about his life like never before. His excitement dissipated however, when, he sawJames. He felt nothing but contempt for this man and would have to hide his feelings.

  Skip volunteered to carry a package for James taking it to the post office. Patrick wondered if it were drugs and noticed the address. He would write this address down and try to locate it. He had a computer so he would do his research. He would also research any missing persons.

  Jane told David what happened at the movies. David suggested they go use the computer at the library to research some of these people, in Africa, including Patrick. Jane agreed and wondered what they would find out about Patrick and Demelza.

  Skip was invited to go out to dinner with James Port. Patrick knew nothing of their going out together. Skip left that evening and he never returned. The volunteers were very concerned the following morning.

  Patrick decided to do his research tonight on the computer because last night he could not keep his eyes open. He would research Jane and Demelza as well. He wondered if he was not being set up for a fall. He wished he had warned Skip beforehand about James.

  Jane and David found information about Patrick on the computer. He seemed to be legitimate. She also located James Port and found him to be a business man of charity. They found one hundred people who were missing from Africa. They made a copy of all their findings. She found no record of Demelza or Ross her husband.

  She could not believe her friend could not be found. Maybe she was not from this country. She would get the truth out of Demelza. David and her decided they would come back to use the computer tomorrow.

  Jane decided she would go see Demelza alone. She had never met Ross. David would wait for her at home.

  Patrick found information on Jam
es, Jane and one hundred missing people in Africa. He also found information on all the volunteers which proved them to be okay. He could not find information on Demelza. He hoped Jane was in no danger.

  He found the address and would try to locate it tomorrow.

  He realized the mailing address was very close. He had a feeling he would find Skip. The police would be involved if Skip did not show up tomorrow.

  He fell asleep and dreamed about his mother. She told him to go to the field in two days. He woke up in a sweat. He fell asleep again, snoring for the rest of the night.

  Jane was on her way to see Demelza. She wondered if Demelza would have a good story. She hoped she would be satisfied with her answers. It would be very upsetting to Jane if she lost another best friend.