Read Dream Whispers Page 26

  Chapter Twenty Three

  The Discovery

  Kayde sat quiet and invisible next to Becca in the patio swing outside her modular home. It’d been five days since the accident; she was usually surrounded by other people. Thankfully, other than his ghostly presence, she was currently alone. She stared out into the bright summer day, her eyes carrying a far-away look, a crease formed between wrinkled brows. He’d thought it so appealing the first time he’d seen her brows crease that way. That crinkle was going to become permanent soon. She was trying too hard to remember again.

  One advantage of being dead--he never got tired or hungry. Kayde had stuck to Becca like a shadow. He watched her eat, watched her sleep--watched her cry. He tried to reach her by touching her hand and speaking her name. But she didn’t feel his touch. She couldn’t hear him. She didn’t even remember him.

  The only explanation Kayde could fathom for her memory loss was trauma. He’d heard of people losing their memory after experiencing horrors in their lives. Nearly dying would be as horrifying as anything. Dying was definitely scary. He didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing now. Where were his parents? Had they been notified? His throat constricted, thinking of them learning about his death. No one seemed to know anything about him. It was just like he’d fallen off the face of the planet. His name was never mentioned.

  Or, Kayde thought, maybe they just aren’t saying anything about me around her. He’d never left her side, how did he know if anyone was talking about him or not? The doctor had said she had to remember on her own, so they wouldn’t mention him, would they?

  Kayde’s heart sank. Maybe it was a blessing for her to forget him. If she remembered their love, she’d have to suffer more when she found out he was dead. This way, she could just get on with her life. His already shredded heart ripped more at thinking of Becca going on without him. He missed her touch. He could still hear her music when he placed his non-hand over hers, but he couldn’t feel her warmth or the softness of her skin.

  Kayde ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. The Light had told him that Becca needed him--to find his purpose. Well, what the heck was he supposed to do like this? No one could see him or hear him. He couldn’t grab anything or move anything. Kayde was amazed he could even walk without sinking into the ground! He’d walked through doors and walls; that had been sort of cool once he’d stopped freaking out over it. He’d told Becca so many times how sorry he was, that he’d turn things around somehow. But she couldn’t hear him, and he had to ideas how he was supposed to even begin helping either one of them.

  Becca sighed, distracting his thoughts. She took her finger and twirled it through her hair until a strand was wrapped around it tightly, then she reversed direction, releasing the strand. She repeated this movement several times while Kayde studied her. Even with the wounds scabbing over on her face, she was just as beautiful as ever. She was still an angel.

  “Hey, Becca.” The voice caused both Kayde and Becca to jump. Toby walked toward them, his right arm cradling a book. His t-shirt hung loosely over a pair of black sports shorts. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, chuckling at Becca.

  Becca giggled, the line between her brows softening. The sound of her voice bubbling out that way caused Kayde’s heart to leap. “It’s okay. I was just lost in thought, as usual,” Becca said.

  “Remember anything?” Toby asked as he came to sit next to her. Kayde barely moved away in time to keep from being sat on.

  Shaking her head, Becca sighed heavily. “I wish I could remember even a tiny thing. Maybe that tiny thing would help me remember other things. I just feel so…heavy and sad.”

  Toby gave her a smirk. “You’ve felt that way for two years, Becca.” Then his face sobered. “I’m sorry this had to happen to you. Do you want to be alone?”

  Kayde hoped she’d say yes. Even if she couldn’t see or hear him, it was nice to have the time with her without other distractions. But, of course, she smiled and shook her head. “I always enjoy your company, Toby. Besides, I’m getting a headache from trying to remember. I need a distraction. What’s that you have there?” She gestured with her head toward the book lying in Toby’s lap. The cover portrayed a mosaic of color forming music notes and bars swirling around different people of various nationalities and time periods. The painting was realistic and breath-taking.

  Kayde felt Toby’s nervous energy as he gently rubbed the cover of the book with his long fingertips. Toby was excited--and worried--about something concerning that book. Kayde kept his senses alert.

  “You checked this book out for me a while back. Well,” he said, smiling bashfully, “Not this book, exactly. I took that one back to Melstone City. This is a copy I bought later.”

  “That good, huh?” Becca said. Toby’s head jerked toward her and he stared at her for a moment. “What? What did I say?” Becca asked, her brows coming together again.

  Toby cleared his throat and answered, “It’s just, you said that before. Last time I told you I’d bought the book, you said the exact same thing.”

  They stared at each other for a moment, as if what Toby had said should suddenly lift a curtain in Becca’s mind and reveal something else. Finally, Becca relaxed and shook her head. “Well, at least we know I’m consistent!”

  Toby chuckled and fiddled with a crumpled piece of paper that stuck out above the pages of the book. “Becca,” he said quietly, “I never said this before because there were always people around, and I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. But,” he swallowed, lowering his gaze, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t made it out of that accident.” The boy’s face crumpled, then smoothed as he cleared his throat. “I told you, but you may not remember, you are the only true friend I have and I don’t know what I’d do if you were suddenly torn from my life!”

  Despite Toby’s best efforts to stay the tears, one escaped. It only made it to his lower eyelid before he angrily wiped it away. Becca put her good arm around his shoulders and squeezed. She leaned her head against his. “Toby, as long as I’m able, I’ll never leave you alone. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for being here for me.”

  The two remained that way, with their heads leaning against each other as they rocked slowly. Kayde fought the onslaught of jealousy that attacked his core. Shouldn’t being a ghost take away emotions somewhat? It should be him sitting there, his head leaning against Becca’s.

  His inner voice reminded him he had no one to blame for that but himself.

  A passing car drew Kayde’s attention and, as he looked up, a deep rage washed over him. Terrance! Kayde clenched his fists and jaw as he glared at the passing cruiser. He had some nerve, coming this close to Becca. Kayde knew he’d caused the accident, but it had been aimed for Terrance, and Kayde was still convinced that Terrance was evil. He could feel it.

  Toby’s reaction at seeing the police car only confirmed Kayde’s suspicions. Toby became rigid, his fear screaming from his core like nails across a chalk board. Kayde turned sharply to stare at the boy, but Toby sat quietly, his lips clamped shut. His hands were wrapped around the top of the book, his knuckles white.

  “Ugh! Terrance!” Becca said in disgust. “He’s been unbearable since the accident, bragging about how he saved me.” After the cruiser disappeared around the intersection, she turned to look at Toby. Immediate worry crossed her features. “Toby? What’s wrong?”

  Toby forced a feeble smile and looked at Becca “No matter what I tell you now, Becca, smile and pretend like we’re having a happy conversation!” he whispered strangely through his smile. Kayde tensed more at the eerie look of Toby’s eyes and his strange whispering.

  “What’s going on? You’re scaring me!” Becca said, her face paling.

  “Please, Becca, smile! They’re watching me,” Toby said. He leaned back in the swing and pl
aced an arm behind Becca’s shoulders, faking another smile. This one seemed a little more genuine, but Kayde could still feel the guy’s terror.

  Becca gulped, then leaned back against Toby’s arm and forced a smile. “Now will you tell me what in the world is going on?” she asked. If Toby’s fear filled energy wasn’t bad enough, Becca’s nearly sent Kayde into complete panic. He wanted to grab Toby by the collar and shake the words out of him faster.

  Still smiling, Toby answered in a quiet voice, “Something is going on with my mother, Terrance, and Gabe.” He leaned closer to Becca, his eyes fearful and penetrating. Becca sat tensed, listening, and Kayde leaned forward in dreaded anticipation. “They’ve done something terrible--I don’t know exactly what--but I’m afraid--”

  A honking blasted from down the street; Becca jumped and screamed and Toby nearly fell off the swing. Kayde thought he was near life again--the horn was as effective as an electric pulse to the chest. Chris’ truck pulled up to the house and he jumped out. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! You okay, Becca?” he asked. His eyes carried a spark, and his lips twitched at the corners. “I wasn’t interrupting anything?”

  Kayde’s anger returned at the thought. Of course Chris had interrupted something! What had Toby been about to say?

  “No,” Becca answered quietly as Chris hugged her gently. She gave Toby a knowing look over her brother’s shoulder.

  “Well, I better go. Mom will be wondering--I didn’t realize the time,” Toby said nervously.

  “You can’t stay for dinner?” Chris asked as he released his sister.

  Toby glanced at Becca and she gave him a nod so slight, Kayde would’ve missed it if he hadn’t been staring at her.

  After a moment, Toby answered, “I-I don’t know. I’ll see if I can. Later, Becca,” he said and spun on his heal. Kayde watched him leave in dismay.

  Here we go with the irony again! For the past month, he couldn’t stand Toby being anywhere near Becca; now he didn’t want him to leave her side!

  Kayde struggled with himself for a moment. He could follow Toby, see if he could learn anything. On the other hand, he didn’t want to leave Becca. He watched her and Chris walk to the house. They were discussing what to have for dinner. She’ll be safe with Chris for awhile.

  Kayde took off after Toby. Running was a strange sensation as a spirit. He felt his body moving, but his feet didn’t jar against the hard ground, his hair didn’t ruffle in any wind, and he didn’t lose his breath. Kayde almost laughed at the freedom of it; however, his determination to follow Becca’s friend overruled any other thoughts.

  He caught up with Toby just as the boy was nearing his house. For a moment, Kayde couldn’t get himself to move any further. The memory of that smothering fear was still fresh in his mind. That house--Toby’s mother--something was very wrong there.

  Before Toby turned up the walk toward the house, a cobalt blue Mustang pulled to the curb. The passenger window was down, and the music thumping from the car quieted. Toby smiled and walked over to the car. He leaned with his elbows against the open window and Kayde peeked over his shoulder. A tall, dark-haired girl smiled sweetly at Toby.

  “Tara! What’s up?” Toby asked. His energy was very different now than it had been back at Becca’s. A light, giddy feeling surrounded him.

  “I was just heading to town for a bite.” She smiled before donning a sympathetic look. “How’s Becca? Does she remember anything?”

  Toby’s face sobered and he lowered his head, shaking it. “No. Nothing yet.”

  “I feel so bad for her. It’s so sad the way that Kayde guy just left her like that. She’s probably blocked him leaving to save herself the pain,” Tara said. “What a jerk.”

  Kayde’s breath caught. They think I left her? How was that possible? They had to have seen his crashed Shadow. They had to have taken him to the hospital--and the morgue.

  “Yeah, I don’t know about that,” Toby said.

  “What do you mean?” Tara asked.

  Toby was silent, his face frozen in thought for a moment. He sighed and answered, “I don’t know. My mom and Terrance and Gabe have been acting really weird since Becca’s accident. It’s almost like they don’t want her to remember anything. I didn’t like Kayde any more than anyone else. But something is just off.”

  No kidding! Nothing was right about this! Why would everyone believe he’d skipped town? Even if Terrance--and, possibly, Toby’s mom--had spread that rumor, people had to know about his accident, didn’t they?

  Tara giggled. “Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Toby.”

  Toby relaxed and smiled at her again, his cheeks flushing. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  “Want to join me for dinner?” Tara asked, practically batting her lashes. Kayde groaned.

  “Sure,” Toby answered and he was in the car before Kayde could blink. The Mustang drove off, leaving him standing there alone. After a few minutes, a police cruiser slowly passed the intersection, following the direction of the Mustang.

  Kayde was going to find out exactly what Terrance was up to. Why was he following Toby everywhere? And why was he lying about Kayde’s death? Had he simply gotten rid of the evidence and wiped Kayde out of existence? He strode forward, determined to follow the policeman.

  As Kayde moved down the sidewalk, something pulled at his gut, stopping him short. Shaking his head, he tried to move forward again. What he felt next, he could only describe as someone taking a shepherd’s crook to his torso and yanking him back. Only, he didn’t stop moving after he slammed to the ground.

  The bony fingers of terror gripped Kayde as he slid helplessly toward the Kasden house. Something had a hold of him and he was helpless to fight against it!

  Just as he would’ve slipped through the front door, blinding, suffocating blackness wrapped around him. Sudden pain coursed through him and he groaned against it. Voices sounded distantly around him. He couldn’t make them out at first, but as he moved his heavy eyelids, the voices became clearer.

  “I think he’s coming around!” a woman’s voice stated excitedly.

  A bright light burst into Kayde’s vision. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to shield them. But his lids were pried open by thick, rubber-gloved fingers. The light flooded him again, and he felt his eyes roll up into his head to escape it.

  A man’s voice rumbled, “False alarm, I think.”

  Kayde gasped as he flung away from a bed and slammed against a wall. His eyes flew open, and he could see clearly again. The pain was gone, and so was the light. But a fresh and new horror greeted his vision.

  His body lay on a hospital bed covered by a stark white sheet and heavy white blanket; this was no medical facility. He’d thought Becca’s body was rigged up at the hospital, but that had been nothing compared to what lay before him now. Tubes and wires were everywhere, running between his body and various electronic devices--like a breathing machine. A tube was sticking from his mouth and taped in place, distorting his lips. He wanted to gag just looking at it. His face was puffed up, bruised, and split in several places. Blood and other fluids seeped through bandages on his face, neck and arms. Braces surrounded his right arm like silver teeth.

  “I can’t keep this up, Catherine!” the man’s strained voice said. “The boy needs to be in the hospital!”

  “You know why we can’t do that!” the woman answered heatedly. “You have everything you need at your disposal. Just take care of him. I need him to live long enough to do the surgery.”

  “He won’t survive your little ritual like this! He certainly won’t be able to sing.”

  Kayde heard the voices, heard what they said, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of his body. Nothing they said made sense, anyway.

  “Make him survive, Jack! He may not need to be able to sing. That will be mostly her part. Just keep him alive. You know what I can do to you and y
our reputation if this fails!”

  A heavy sigh. “I’ll do my best. But as it stands, he won’t live more than four or five more days.”

  “That’s all I need. The new moon is in three nights’ time. That’s when I’ll have to do it. I just need that paper Toby has hidden away. That boy doesn’t realize what I’m giving him. Anyway, just keep this one strong enough until then, and then we’ll get…”

  The voices trailed away after that as the people who owned them left the room. Although their words had been confusing and grim, Kayde’s mind was consumed with only one thought.

  I’m still alive!