Read Dream Whispers Page 35

  Chapter Thirty Two

  The True Mage Master

  Becoming frantic, Becca tried to dig her heels into the floor. She didn’t know where Terrance was taking her, but she had a very bad feeling about it. “Stop fighting,” Terrance growled through his teeth. “I’m not taking you to your hanging, Becca.”

  When Becca ignored Terrance’s request and continued to struggle against him, he swiftly scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He walked a few paces with Becca slamming her elbows into his back, and then he threw her down onto the harsh, concrete floor. Linoleum covered the cement, but it gave little, if any, cushion. Becca felt her hip bruise as she cried out at the impact.

  “Becca, darling!” The smooth voice brought Becca, terrified, scrambling to her feet, which was beyond difficult with them tied together. She teetered back and forth, attempting to gain her balance as she looked around the large room. Everything was white; the floors where white, the walls were white, even the hundreds of candles, burned halfway down, their wax dripping onto the floor, were white. Caroline stood directly in front of her, smiling. Her sharp, pale features were cast in the eerie light of the flickering candles. Her hair was pulled back more severely than usual; but instead of her customary suite jacket and skirt, she wore a long, white, silky robe.

  Caroline placed a hand on Becca’s cheek. Becca twitched, expecting the woman’s touch to be cold, snake-like. Instead, Caroline’s flesh was burning hot. “I’m so glad you could be here tonight, dear. I’m sure you’re wondering what this is all about.”

  Becca’s eyes darted back and forth, trying desperately to see any possible escape routes. Her gaze rested back on the woman when she saw nothing, not even a door. Caroline spoke again. “I’m so sorry for the ropes and all the drama!” she giggled as if this were all some big joke. “But I was certain you and your brother would ignore an open invitation. I need you, Becca. I need you to do something very important for me, and for Toby.”

  Becca scowled at the woman as a spark of anger ignited, mixing in with her fear. “Whatever you want from me, you can forget it! I know you’ve done something horrible.” A tear rolled down her cheek. She’d thought about it during her dream, but hadn’t spoken it aloud. Now, the pain of reality struck home. “You let Kayde die!”

  Caroline’s ringing laughter cut into Becca. Her knees trembled from the massive amounts of emotion rushing through her. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to think on her parents’ encouraging words as the woman’s cackling died away.

  As Caroline spoke again, Becca opened her eyes. “Silly girl, Kayde isn’t dead.” Becca’s heart stalled.

  “B-But the crash. He was on a motorcycle--I saw it. He…” Becca stopped. She hadn’t actually seen in her dream what had happened to Kayde. She’d just assumed he’d died saving her. After all, she hadn’t seen him or even heard his name spoken since that night.

  Caroline stepped aside, allowing Becca to see the part of the room that the woman’s form had been blocking. She opened her mouth to gasp or scream, but no sound would come out. Kayde lay in a hospital bed, propped up against several pillows. His face and head were bandaged, and red splotches indicated unhealed wounds. His right arm was braced and tubes ran from fluid bags and monitors into Kayde’s body. His eyes were closed, their lids swollen and purple.

  Becca started to run to him before she remembered her feet were still bound together. She fell hard on her cast, sending stabbing pains through her arm. Caroline snapped her fingers and Terrance appeared out of nowhere with a knife. Becca froze, thinking the worst. But the man smirked at her before cutting the rope from her feet.

  Not caring about escaping now, Becca leapt up and raced to Kayde. Dr. Kasden stood on the opposite side of the bed, fiddling with tools or something. Becca looked at him through the tears in her eyes. “How could you do this?” she whispered. “You’re supposed to help people!”

  Jack’s face hung heavy, the circles under his eyes as black as obsidian. His eyes glossed over as he shook his head slightly, then quickly turned his gaze away from Becca’s. He snapped something between his fingers and waved it under Kayde’s nose.

  Kayde coughed, groaned, and then opened his eyes a crack. They immediately rested on Becca. She felt like her heart was being shredded at the sight of him. “I am so sorry!” she cried. She wasn’t sure where to touch him, afraid that anywhere might cause him pain.

  He gave a dry, humorless chuckle. “None of this is your fault, Becca,” he spoke, his voice surprisingly smooth. He licked his chapped lips before continuing. “I did some horrible things, and I nearly killed you.” He scrunched his face as orbs of water escaped the corners of his eyes. “I know you can never forgive me, but you have to know, Becca, that I love you more than life. And I am so sorry for hurting you.”

  Becca attempted to smile. “I forgive you. Can you forgive me? I love you too,” she whispered.

  “All right, enough sap,” Terrance interrupted as he yanked Becca away from Kayde.

  Becca jerked her arm free of Terrance’s grip. She turned angrily toward her captors, giving them each a hard look, “You get him to a hospital right now. I refuse to do anything for any of you unless he gets real help!”

  Dr. Kasden refused to look up, Terrance crossed his arms and smirked at her again, and Caroline gave her a fake, sympathetic smile. “You’re really in no position to negotiate, dear. We’ve planned things out quite well.”

  A phone rang, and Caroline snatched her cell off of the nearby table, which held three candles and a very old looking book. She placed the device to her ear. “Do you have him? Excellent! Perfect timing, Gabe. We’ll be ready when you arrive.”

  The woman snapped her phone shut and then nodded to Terrance. He gave Becca a quick look, licking his lips before he walked back down the short hall toward the room where Chris was.

  “Now, Becca,” Caroline spoke as she stood stoically in front of her book and candles. “When Gabe arrives with Toby, you’ll have to do exactly as I say. If you do, everything will go smoothly and no one will have to get hurt.”

  “I don’t understand,” Becca said, fighting panic. She’d been clinging to the small hope that Toby would somehow be able to get help and get them out of here. Now, she had to force herself not to lose all hope. Maybe if she could keep Caroline talking, stall her, Becca could figure something out. “What is it you think I can do?”

  Caroline smiled, the effect of her expression giving Becca goose bumps. “Haven’t you figured things out yet, dear?”

  “Leave her alone.” Kayde’s weak but angry voice sounded from the bed. He tried to get up, but cried in pain and immediately lay back down.

  Becca looked at Caroline as the woman spoke again. “You know what he is, don’t you? You know, at least, of his ability, hmm?”

  Speechless, Becca could only nod slightly. Caroline continued, “Everything has just worked so easily for us. First, I find the old book, telling me about these wonderful people who have the power to sing whatever they want into their lives. And to top it off, it had instructions on how to get that power, although I didn’t understand it all. But that will be cleared up shortly.”

  Caroline paced back and forth as she spoke, her eyes shining toward the ceiling as if she was recalling fond memories. “And, when I realized that a music mage had come and practically thrown himself on my doorstep--well, I knew that this was all just meant to be.” She looked at Becca. “You see, after I found that book,” she gestured toward the ancient volume on the table, “I started doing some research, genealogies, to be exact. I needed to find a music mage. I wanted that power--I could taste it. I thought I’d found a descendent of a music mage in Toby, and so I adopted him, hoping and dreaming for great things to happen in our lives because of his beautiful ability.”

  Her face soured then. “But he proved to be…less than musical. Or athletic, or anything useful!”
She stomped her foot slightly in frustration. Then her features softened. “Kayde will give him what he needs to become great. And when he becomes great, he will be so thankful to me that he’ll share his wealth and fame with his loving, giving mother.

  “And, Rabecca, oh, my goodness!” Caroline’s joyous expression was unnerving. “You made things so much easier for me when you lost your memory. It made my fabricated story of how Kayde had dumped you and skipped town so much more believable. I told everyone that was why you’d had an accident, because you were so upset over the break-up. No one even questioned me.”

  The room spun slightly. Becca had prolonged Kayde’s suffering because of her fears and pain. And Toby had said that there might be a mage master in Glenville--the only being that could take a music mage’s ability and give it to someone else. Caroline was beyond mad, thinking she could take Kayde’s ability and give it to Toby.

  “You can’t do this,” Becca whispered heatedly. “You don’t know what it’ll do to him. He could die! I don’t care if you’re a mage master; you can’t take Kayde’s music.”

  The shocked look on Caroline’s face threw Becca off guard. The woman shook her head and then clicked her tongue. “Really, Rabecca, I thought you were a bit brighter than this.” She strode over to Becca and looked her in the eyes, amusement showing through her own. “I am not a mage master, dear. You are.”

  It felt as if the floor fell out from under Becca’s feet. She looked desperately at Kayde. How could she be the one who could rip out his music? It wasn’t possible. Becca looked at Caroline again. “I don’t believe you,” she said.

  “Oh, I think you do, deep down inside. I am not a mage master, but I do know the spells needed to assist you in the removal of a music mage’s ability. You, my dear,” she turned Becca’s face toward hers by pressing a sharp fingernail under Becca’s chin, “must sing to draw out his music. His ability responds to your voice very well. I’ve seen it--I’ve had Terrance and Gabe watch you two together; they’ve reported the same. We’ll have no difficulty extracting Kayde’s ability.”

  “You can’t do this! You can’t make me sing!” Becca replied, sounding much braver than she felt. Inside, she was turning into a raging whirlwind of panicked emotions.

  “Oh, you’ll sing. Because if you don’t,” Caroline’s face turned dark, “I will torture your brother, and Kayde, and everyone you care about until you do.”

  “Don’t do anything she says, Becca!” Kayde shouted before his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp.

  “Wake him again. Gabe and Toby will be here soon. It’s nearly time!” Caroline shouted to her husband. Then she turned back to Becca. “Kayde isn’t going to make it, anyway, Rabecca. Look at him.”

  A lump constricted Becca’s throat, nearly choking her. Kayde looked dead already, his body so broken and limp. Desperation and helplessness seized her.

  The witch spoke again, soothingly. “You could, at least, save his music. Take it before he passes. Give it to someone you care about. That way, you will always have a part of him with you. And who better to share such a precious gift with than your best friend?”

  Becca’s mind was numb. Even though what Toby’s mom suggested was unthinkable, Becca didn’t know if she could bear to never hear Kayde’s music again. Maybe…

  Bile rose at the back of Becca’s throat with sheer disgust over her thoughts. She couldn’t allow this woman into her head. She had to stand her ground.

  Terrance and Gabe both entered the room from opposite ends then, Gabe forcing Toby forward by pressing a gun to his back. Becca gasped as she and her friend made eye contact. Toby’s face was bruised and he was holding his ribs, his expression pained. However, something in his eyes caused Becca to look more carefully. In the span of a half-blink, Toby gave her the slightest wink. Either he’s trying to comfort me, or he has a plan! Becca forced herself to stay calm. Toby had something up his sleeve. She gave him the slightest wink back, and kept herself alert. She needed to be ready to follow his lead whenever he made his move.

  Gabe forced Toby into a chair and tied his arms back and his legs to the legs of the chair. Terrance shoved Chris in another chair, tying him as well. Chris tried to scream protests through a gag that had been tied over his mouth. Becca’s hopes sank. How was Toby supposed to do anything like this? She could hear Chris grunting behind her as he attempted to wriggle free of his restraints. Maybe, if she could get close enough, she could somehow loose his hands… But the gun Gabe held gave her pause.

  “Excellent!” Caroline’s voice brought Becca’s attention to the woman again. She stood before the book and candles. Gabe handed her a crumpled piece of paper that Becca recognized from Toby’s book. How had they gotten that? He’d given it to her. They’d been in her house! “Again, perfect timing Gabe. Remind me to give you a large reward later.”

  Gabe puffed out his chest and gave her a lopsided grin as he stepped away. Caroline spoke again, “Now, thanks to Toby and his brilliant deciphering of symbols and strange words, I have exactly what I need to start.” She gave Toby the first genuine smile Becca had seen on the woman’s face all night. “I guess you do have some useful talents, honey.” Toby gave her a stormy look.

  “It’s time,” Caroline said as she looked at her husband, who’d managed to wake Kayde again. Jack nodded, looking sick, before stepping back into the shadows. Caroline’s cold eyes turned to Becca. Fear, hopelessness, rage, and horror wrestled with each other in Becca’s heart. All the heat from the candles seemed to suck the air out of the room, and Becca breathed rapidly at Caroline’s devilish grin. “Shall we begin?”