Read Dream Whispers Page 36

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Open Your Heart

  Keeping his eyes from rolling back in his head was taking most of Kayde’s concentration. If he couldn’t even keep himself conscious, how was he supposed to help Becca? The thought had occurred to him to sing before the witch had time to start her little spell, to beat her to the punch and create a little dark magic of his own, in spite of his previous promises. But he couldn’t get himself to try. Apart from having a mind too foggy to form a solid line of music, good or bad, Kayde was terrified his music would hurt Becca again. She was too close, and he had too little control.

  The blurred form of Toby sitting in the chair not far from Kayde’s bed drew his attention. Toby kept looking at him, staring in a strange way. When Kayde focused on him for longer than a second, Toby gave him a nearly indiscernible nod. Kayde wasn’t sure what it meant, but he fought harder to keep alert in case he was expected to act somehow. He prayed Toby had some sort of plan.

  How had they gotten to this? Tied like test animals for this experimenting witch? If he’d never come here, Toby, Chris, and Becca wouldn’t be in danger right now. If he’d never come, Becca would be safe, living happily, getting ready for college next fall. If he’d never come…he’d never have met her, held her, heard her sweet, intoxicating voice, her music, never felt her soft lips on his, never touched her porcelain angel face.

  More than his injuries or the situation, the look of fear and pain in Becca’s expression was killing Kayde. Whatever Toby had planned, if he had anything planned, Kayde wished the kid would hurry up and do it. He felt completely helpless, all strapped and braced and so horribly weak. This was a new level of frustration.

  “Oh, how very interesting,” Caroline said, drawing Kayde’s attention. “Thanks to Toby’s translations, it seems you will have to give yourself fully to your power, Kayde. You must wait for Becca to start, and then allow your gift to take over. She can only extract it if it’s at its fullest power. All you have to do is sing.” She rested her dark gaze on him. “You can manage that, can’t you?”

  Visions played in Kayde’s fuzzy mind of taking one of the tubes attached to his arm and wrapping it around Caroline’s throat until her face turned blue. She was asking him to do the one thing he’d been fighting most of his life. If he gave his gift free reign, he didn’t know what horrible things might happen. He had to find a way to move, to get out of this bed and fight. But, maybe he wouldn’t have to fight. He couldn’t sing. Caroline’s plans would fail.

  “Now, Becca, listen carefully. I’m about to begin saying some very strange words, but don’t be frightened.” Was she kidding? “When I give you the signal, you sing.”

  Becca’s face was as pale as death. She shook her head slowly as Chris’ muffled protests sounded through the room. Before she could speak, Caroline nodded, and Gabe and Terrance whipped their guns out faster than a flash of light. The barrel of Gabe’s pistol pointed to Toby’s foot, Terrance’s to Chris’ temple.

  Kayde found a little strength then, fighting against his restraints. This madwoman was willing to harm her own child for the sake of taking Kayde’s power. He had to do it; he had to sing to stop her. He didn’t have to let it take over, just sing enough to stop Caroline. He had to concentrate, focus on being able to use his voice. Promise or no promise, he had to do something, and sing was all he could do. His dad’s words echoed in his mind, “Embrace the music that makes you unique.”

  If I could just keep them bound, keep them frozen in place… Just as Kayde opened his mouth to attempt the beginning of a spell, a strange, low moaning sounded throughout the room. Everyone froze. Eerie, wavering shadows created by the candles seemed to come to life, dancing on the walls around them. “What was that?” Gabe asked. His eyes were wide as he jerked his head around in search of the source of the sound.

  Caroline listened for a moment, then waved it off with a flourish of her wrist. “Just the wind, I’m sure. Now--”

  Another sound, a voice, came next. “H-e-l-p B-e-c-c-a!” The words came deep, slow, frightening. But Kayde realized immediately what was happening. The voice was his--the EVP that Toby and Ryan had recorded. They’d slowed it down, though, giving it an unnerving effect.

  Gabe was in hysterics. His rigid arms held the gun straight out as he jerked around, pointing the barrel toward different sections of the room. “What was that? Y-You heard that, right? You all heard that?”

  Terrance, though still at his post, seemed unsettled as well. His eyes darted around the room, searching the shadows for a phantom. Jack cowered in a corner, hugging himself, and Caroline scowled as she searched the ceiling as if expecting to catch the intrusive specter. Kayde made eye-contact with Becca. Her expression was a strange mixture of fear and understanding.

  Another low moan echoed through the room. It was too much for Gabe. He screamed and ran frantically for the door, tripping and dropping his gun on the way. Nearly ripping the door from its hinges, the former tough-guy squeaked again, ran out the door, screamed as he bumped into something, and then was gone.

  Kayde’s fuzzy mind snapped into focus then as Toby had somehow managed to loose himself from his restraints. Toby dove for the gun, but not quickly enough. Becca and Caroline both screamed as Terrance shot his pistol, missing Toby’s outstretched hand by a slight margin. The bullet ricocheted off the floor too fast to see which direction it was headed. A shout and a thud told the tale. Someone was behind the door--and the bullet had found them.

  “Terrance! Don’t ever shoot at my son again!” Caroline shouted. “Go see who it is,” she continued before Terrance could speak. The policeman ran to the door, his pistol at the ready.

  “Stop right there!” he shouted as he disappeared around the doorway. Kayde heard a few shouts, a lot of scuffling and grunting, and then Terrance re-appeared with Ryan stumbling before him.

  “Ryan!” Becca shouted and stepped toward him, but Caroline stopped her with a harsh warning to stay put.

  Caroline glowered as she spoke, “Tie him, Terrance. He’ll be fine. We’re wasting precious time.”

  Toby lay stunned on the floor as Terrance bound Ryan, who suffered a bullet wound to his right shoulder. Blood stained both front and back of his crinkled shirt. A recorder and microphone were dangling from his belt. His glasses, though still on his face, were cracked. Ryan grimaced in pain as Terrance forced his arms back to tie them.

  Ryan looked at Toby, who couldn’t seem to move. “Man, I’m sorry. I--I tried,” Ryan said, gritting his teeth in pain.

  Toby finally came out of his trance and leapt to his feet. With an angry growl, he jumped on Terrance’s back, attempting to wrap his arms around the man’s throat. But Terrance was too well trained. He had Toby on the floor and was cuffing him before the boy could do any damage.

  “Stop it! Leave him alone!” Becca screeched. She attacked Terrance with her bound arms, using her cast to beat against the man’s head.

  “I would stop if I were you, Becca.” Caroline’s voice, chilling as it was, cut through the noise like a trumpet, though she hadn’t spoken loudly.

  She was holding Gabe’s gun toward Chris. Kayde cursed himself for not paying attention. He could’ve warned Becca that Caroline had taken the gun. But he’d had his eyes on Becca the entire time.

  “Don’t worry,” the witch spoke smoothly. “I have perfect aim. He won’t suffer long. Or at all, if you do as I say, Rabecca. And you’d better do it quickly. My patience and our time are nearly up. If you don’t save Kayde’s ability now, you will lose all of him forever.”

  Caroline slowly moved the gun from Chris and aimed at Kayde. He glared at her, unafraid; she wouldn’t kill him before getting his ability. But the witch gained the effect she wanted. Becca abruptly stopped thrashing Terrance as fear washed over her features. She stood perfectly still, staring at Caroline.

  “That’s better,” Caroline said. Continu
ing to hold the gun toward Kayde, she slowly made her way back to her book. “Now, I will begin. Rabecca, do remember to sing when I give you a nod. As I say the words, Kayde’s ability should separate from him. Continue to sing and I will direct it to Toby.” A dreamy smile softened her features for a moment. “And when you and Toby marry, you’ll produce the most gifted children ever to walk this God-forsaken planet!”

  “WHAT?” Terrance’s voice boomed. “What do you mean, when she weds Toby? You promised she’d be mine after all this. I did all your dirty work to have her!” His face was dark and threatening. He moved quickly, pointing his gun at Caroline. Kayde watched, wide eyed and completely focused. This could buy them time to find a way out of this jam.

  Caroline studied Terrance for a fraction of a moment. Kayde waited for them to continue arguing, his mind racing with possibilities of what he should do. Sing, like he’d thought to try before?

  But Caroline moved too quickly. “I lied,” she stated bluntly, and then swung her pistol so fast, Terrance didn’t have time to react. The sound of gunfire ripped through the room for the second time. Terrance stood stunned as blood spread over his heart where the bullet had made contact.

  “Shoot her, Terrance! Before it’s too late, shoot her!” Kayde shouted. The effort made him dizzy again, but he forced himself to focus on Terrance. If the policeman could just pull the trigger before he…

  Terrance dropped his arm, looked at his chest, looked at Becca with pleading eyes, and then fell to the floor. The silence that followed was broken by a small voice. “Caroline, what have you done?” Jack was finally standing, his face paler than ever. “You never said anything about killing anyone,” he whispered.

  “Shut up, Jack,” Caroline said quietly. She stared at Terrance’s form for awhile, as if expecting him to get up and say he was okay. Kayde took her hesitation as an opportunity. With all his strength, he started pulling the wires and tubes off of his body. Surprisingly, Jack approached to help. The doctor worked quickly, helping Kayde remove the contraptions from his arms and legs. Pain coursed through him with every movement, but with Jack’s help, he managed to get free.

  Saving Becca was the only thought keeping Kayde moving. He took the only chance he knew he’d have and lunged at Caroline. She turned, shocked, toward him, and then dodged out of the way at the last moment. Kayde saw nothing but a whoosh of silky white robe before his body slammed painfully against the harsh floor. He suppressed the scream that begged for escape for Becca’s sake, but the tears couldn’t be subdued. Becca called his name and tried to get to him, but Caroline stopped her with a wave of her pistol.

  Aiming the gun at Chris, Caroline gave Kayde a deadly look. “If you,” she said, “and you,” she looked at Becca, “don’t do what I ask right now, Chris will be next. You have my word on that.”

  Tears streamed from Becca’s eyes. She looked at Kayde, her eyes pleading. His heart tearing in pieces, Kayde returned her gaze with as much strength as he could. He fought to ignore his weakening body and remain conscious. But his hope had left. “It’s okay, Becca. I’m almost gone, anyway,” he said. “Save Chris, save yourself. Let Toby have this gift. Maybe he’ll be able to do good with it instead of hurting people like I have.” He genuinely hoped that was true. If his gift didn’t destroy them all, it may as well belong to someone who could do some good with it. And, if it didn’t destroy them all, this was the only way he could see that would save Becca.

  Becca’s face crumpled, her lip trembled. “I can’t. I just can’t do it, Kayde,” she whispered.

  “Yes, you can,” he said. He was vaguely aware of Caroline whispering strange words in the background. Kayde swallowed the lump in his throat. “You have to do this, Becca. Let me go. Let my gift be used for something worthwhile.” His eyes rolled back momentarily. He was fading.

  Caroline continued with the words, her gun still aimed steadily at Chris. Kayde tried to keep focused on Becca. He had to see her face as he left the world, to give him strength. He nodded to her, giving her permission to take his ability. She looked at Chris, who was still fighting with his restraints, unsuccessfully. Ryan grimaced, his face pale. He was losing a lot of blood. Toby’s cheeks glistened with tears. He spoke as Becca turned to him for one last desperate hope that he might have another plan. “I’m sorry, Becca. I’m so sorry.”

  Jack was beyond Kayde’s vision, but he could hear the coward whimpering in a corner somewhere. Becca looked at Kayde again, her face now set in an emotionless facade. Her eyes told Kayde what she really felt, and he felt it, too. This was it. This would be the last time they ever saw each other.

  Kayde fought to keep conscious, to allow Becca to sing and take his gift. He needed her to have it now; it was all he had left to offer. Caroline nodded, and Becca somehow saw her, though her gaze never left Kayde’s. She opened her mouth, allowing her voice freedom.

  The music caressed Kayde like soothing streams of water. Her angel voice took the pain from his mind. As her sweet song wrapped around him, Kayde lay back and allowed his voice a bit of freedom. He concentrated, trying to keep control of which emotions he let loose as he sang. He had to do it for her, so she could have his strength to carry on when he was gone. The darker music was there, ready to be unleashed, hungry for vengeance against Caroline. But if Kayde gave into it, he would transfer that darkness to Becca--and to Toby.

  Kayde fought with all the strength he had, forcing the darker music back as he allowed the music of his love for Becca to take a stronger hold. They sang together for a minute. Kayde struggled to keep awake, and to keep control. Energy rippled around him as his ability slowly took over. It grew in power as his life ebbed away. Finally, when he knew he couldn’t fight the darkness any longer, he stopped singing. He looked into her eyes and whispered her name, “Rabecca…”

  Kayde’s back arched, his chest rose, as a ripple of light and energy washed over him. The pain was beyond excruciating. He yelled out before he could stop himself. It was like someone was tearing his heart out with their bare hands. He didn’t know how long he screamed, but he was sure it felt longer than it actually was. Finally, the pain ceased and Kayde, panting and sweating, fell limp against the floor.

  His eyes barely open, Kayde watched a swirling orb of light rise from his chest and float there. Caroline squealed with delight.

  Becca had stopped singing. Kayde felt the cold grips of death under his skin. He failed to keep his teeth from chattering as the chill took over. “Keep singing, child! We have to transfer it to Toby!” The witch’s voice seemed far away.

  Kayde couldn’t hold on any longer. He looked at Becca’s angel face, wet, worried, and still so beautiful, one last time. “For you, Becca,” he whispered before he faded to the black.