Read Dream of You Page 13

  I could barely move when Colton turned me around, holding me on weak legs. I draped my arm over his shoulder. His warm breath danced over my lips. “Now I really want some of that cake.”

  I laughed as I let my head drop to his shoulder. “I’m never going to look at cake the same again.”

  * * * *

  Roxy clasped her hands together under her chin. “Oh my God, I just want to shove my face in it.”

  “Please don’t do that,” Calla said as she passed us by, her long blonde hair swinging from a ponytail.

  “I have something you can shove your face in.” Reece walked up behind Roxy, tugging on her purple streak.

  “Please don’t do that in my house,” Jax replied, appearing in the backyard, a fresh case of beer in his hands.

  “We’re not in your house.” Reece sat in the lawn chair, dragging Roxy down in his lap.

  Jax flipped him off.

  “Just pointing it out, buddy.” Reece grinned.

  My chocolate cake with peanut butter icing had gone over well, but the scent of hamburgers being grilled had my tummy all kinds of happy.

  Colton draped his arm over my shoulders as he lifted the mouth of his bottle to his lips. When he lowered the bottle, he dipped his head and pressed his lips to my temple.

  “You guys are so freaking adorable,” Roxy said, splayed over Reece like he was her own personal chair.

  “I know.” Colton grinned.

  I laughed as I rolled my eyes. “He’s incredibly modest.”

  Reece snorted. “Don’t I know.”

  Calla headed past us. “I’m going to grab the plates and stuff. Anyone need anything?”

  “I’ll help,” I volunteered, breaking away from Colton. Or at least trying to. He was like an octopus. I only got so far before his arm dragged me back.

  He smiled down at me, revealing that one dimple. “You’re forgetting something.”

  There was no stopping the smile when I stretched up and kissed him. Someone, probably Reece, catcalled. When I settled back on my feet and turned around, Colton smacked my ass.

  “So freaking adorable!” Roxy yelled this time.

  Face turning about five shades of red, I hurried in to catch up with Calla. She held the door open as we headed in. “You guys are adorable,” she said as she headed for where all the condiments and plates were placed on the counter.

  “Thanks.” My smile was probably going to split my face in two.

  She grabbed a large tray. Sunlight from the window above the sink reflected off her scarred cheek. The first time I’d seen her, I couldn’t help but notice the thin slice that traveled the length of her face, but now it was something I barely registered. Calla was stunning nonetheless, and it was so obvious that she and Jax were deeply in love.

  My stomach tumbled in a pleasant way. Love? God, it was something I’d been thinking about a lot lately. There wasn’t a part of me that doubted how much I cared about Colton. I was fully embracing my insta-love and hugging it close.

  “Are you going to be here next weekend?” I asked as I gathered up the napkins and plastic spoons.

  Calla was splitting her time between Shepherdstown and Plymouth Meeting until January, when she would move up here full time. “No, but Jax is coming down next weekend.”

  “That’s good. I love how you guys do the long distance thing.”

  “Me too. It’s working, but I can’t wait until I don’t have to dread him going home or me leaving.” She grabbed the now loaded up tray as I reached for the million and one bottles. Who seriously needed so many versions of mustard? The doorbell rang, and Calla sighed as she started to put the tray down. “It’s probably Katie.”

  “I’ll get it,” I offered since I didn’t have my hands full.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, turning to the backdoor. “Hurry back out. Those three guys can eat about a dozen hamburgers between them.”


  Calla laughed. “Yep.”

  My sandals smacked off the hardwood floors as I made my way to the front of the house. Wondering what kind of outfit Katie would be wearing, I opened the door, prepared for something pink and sparkling.

  The black, silk sleeved tank dress so did not belong to Katie.

  Standing on the front porch was the last person I was expecting to see. It was Nicole, Colton’s ex-fiancée.

  Chapter 16

  A feather could’ve knocked my ass over. I was in such shock, all I could do was stand there and stare.

  Over the past month, I thought about her every so often, just like I thought about the man I’d seen murdered, the man who ended up in the river, and the one who nearly killed me. How could I not?

  And now she was here.

  Since I’d only seen Nicole from distances, I wasn’t prepared for just how stunning she was up close. Her blonde hair was ridiculously straight and shiny, her complexion absolutely flawless and without a wrinkle in sight. Lips plump and full and nose pert, paired with high cheekbones, she was the poster child for perfection.

  There was no recognition in her blue eyes. “Hi,” she said, her voice soft. “Is Colton here?”

  My heart pounded in my chest and I said the first, most obvious thing that popped into my head. “This isn’t his house.”

  And I thought that was a super-valid statement.

  She glanced over my shoulder. Her hands were clasped together in front of her. “I know that. I saw his truck outside.”

  Then she knew damn well he was here.

  “Can you get him please?” she prompted, giving me a tight-lipped smile. “I really need to talk to him.”

  Why would she show up unannounced at a friend of Colton’s house? Who does that? I didn’t think most people did. A hundred thoughts formed at once. Maybe it wasn’t entirely unannounced. Maybe she and Colton had been in contact with one another and I simply didn’t know. Maybe he wanted—

  I pulled the brakes on that train wreck of a thought process. Colton was an honest man, and the stupid as fuck, evil voice in the back of my head wasn’t going to win.

  But I realized then that I had started to turn around to go retrieve Colton, and that was like a smack in the face. What in the hell was I doing? His ex-fiancée had come to Jax’s house looking for him—for my boyfriend, and I was just going to walk off and get him?

  Oh hell to the no.

  I faced her. “Why do you want to see him?”

  Nicole blinked, obviously surprised by my question. “I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s really none of your business.”

  “Actually, it is, Nicole.”

  Her eyes widened this time. “How do you…?”

  “I know who you are.” My pulse was pounding so fast I thought I might be sick. “You’re Colton’s ex-fiancée.”

  Her slim brows furrowed. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. You’re not seeing Jax or Colton’s brother.”

  “I’m not.” I paused and then I smiled. “That’s because I’m seeing Colton.”

  Any other time I might’ve laughed at her reaction. Her jaw seemed to come unhinged. She gaped like a fish out of water. My lips pursed as her eyes doubled in size. Was it really that hard to believe? Geez.

  “I d-didn’t know,” she said after she recovered. “He hasn’t said anything.”

  My stomach joined her jaw, falling somewhere on the floor.

  “I mean, I haven’t really talked to him,” she quickly added, lowering her gaze as she shook her head. “I’ve messaged him a couple of times—called him, but he hasn’t answered.”

  Relief poured through me, and I didn’t even feel terrible for that.

  Nicole cleared her throat. “I…God, this is so embarrassing.” She laughed, but it was hoarse and thick sounding. “I honestly wasn’t planning to come here, and I know I probably look like a stalker, but my friend lives nearby, and when I drove past and saw his truck I thought I…”

  I had no idea what to say. “I’m sorry?”

  God, that was pretty lame.

  She laughed again and the sound was worse this time. Her gaze lifted to mine. “Do you really care about him? Because I know if he’s with you, he really cares about you. He doesn’t date idly.”

  “I know,” I whispered, and in that moment, I really did know. With my hand still on the door, I exhaled softly. “I’ve dreamed of him—of someone like him—for a long time. I’m in love with him. I don’t know if he feels the same way, but I know…I know how I feel.”

  Nicole’s eyes closed briefly. “Make sure you tell him that,” she said, her eyes filling with tears. “Make sure you show him. I…I never really did, you know? I was stupid. Don’t be stupid like me.” She stepped back, her throat working. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Yes,” I heard myself whisper. For some reason I wanted to cry.

  She smiled weakly. “Please don’t tell him I was here. I’m not going to try to get in touch with him again. Not when he’s with someone. Okay?”

  Pressing my lips together, I nodded.

  “Thank you,” she said, and then she turned around. I watched her leave and then closed the door.

  In a daze, I gathered up the bottles and walked outside. Everyone was huddled around the table, scooping up heaps of potato salad and putting together their buns.

  Colton looked up, the look in his eyes soft, and my heart squeezed. “I was starting to get worried about you.”

  “Yeah, who was at the door?” Jax asked.

  “No one,” I answered, putting the bottles on the table as I took a deep breath. “I mean, it was someone trying to sell candles. It took me a while to close the door.”

  Roxy snatched up the ketchup bottle. “If it had been Girl Scout cookies, I hope you would’ve let them in.”

  I smiled as I moved over to where Colton stood, Nicole’s words echoing in my head as I wrapped my arms around his waist. “If it was them, I would’ve rolled out the damn red carpet.”

  * * * *

  Later that night, I laid in Colton’s bed, the fine sheen of sweat cooling on our bodies as our hearts slowed. It had taken some major effort on Colton’s part to pull the sheet up to our waists.

  He lay on his back and I was on my side beside him. His hand trailed up and down my spine, an idle and tender caress I wasn’t even sure he was aware of.

  In the silence of his dark bedroom, the conversation I had with Nicole replayed in my head. It had several times while at the cookout. I hated not telling Colton about her, but I also couldn’t find it in myself to break the promise I made to her.

  I didn’t think Nicole was going to be a problem. If anything, her unexpected visit had been eye opening. I needed to tell Colton how I felt. It could be risky. Hell, it could scare him off, but the words were burning the tip of my tongue and twisting up my heart.

  And I wasn’t a coward.

  Worst-case scenario, it was too soon and Colton ran for the hills, but if he didn’t feel the same way now, would it really change later? It wasn’t like people couldn’t grow to love one another, but I was a firm believer that you knew pretty quickly if love was in the cards.

  I drew in a deep breath. “Colton?”

  “Hmm?” he murmured.

  “You’re still awake, right?”

  His chuckle rumbled through me. “Yes.”

  “Good. I need to tell you something.”

  Colton’s hand stilled along the center of my back. “You have my attention.”

  I closed the hand that rested on his chest because it was starting to shake. “I…I really loved Kevin. He was more than my husband. He was my closest friend too, and when he died, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever feel that way about someone else. I wanted to, but I…I just wasn’t sure.”

  He didn’t move. There was a good chance he wasn’t breathing.

  “Even though I was with Kevin in high school, I still noticed you and I still…God forgive me, had a crush on you.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “And well, what I’m trying to tell you is that I…I love you.”

  He still didn’t move. Or breathe.

  My eyes opened and I added in a rush, “And I know it’s soon and it’s probably too soon for me to be saying that to you, but I wanted you to know that I do. I do love you, and I know you probably are seconds from freaking and—”

  “I am freaking out.”

  Oh dear.

  Colton rolled onto his side and suddenly we were eye to eye. “I’m freaking out in a good way.”

  “Oh,” I whispered.

  His hand curled around my cheek. “It’s not too soon. Or if it is, we’re both feeling it too soon.”

  My breath caught. “You…you love me?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I do.” His lips brushed over mine. “I think I fell in love with you the moment you said you thoroughly enjoyed crepes.”

  I laughed as tears, the good kind, filled my eyes. “Really? It was the crepes that made you fall in love with me?”

  “They had something to do with it.” He kissed me softly. “And so did your sweet ass,” he added, and then I laughed again. “Your smile had a lot to do with it. So did your strength. And your kindness. Everything about you actually.”

  “Wow,” I whispered, resting my forehead against his. “That’s all very sweet.”

  “It’s the truth.” His hand slid into my hair, holding it back from my face. “I love you, Abby.”

  With my heart full of love and my mind empty of all fears and concerns, I threw the sheet back, pushed him over, and climbed onto him, straddling his hips.

  Colton grinned widely. “I like where this is heading.”

  Laughing, I placed my hands on his chest. “You know what?”

  “What?” His fingers skimmed my sides.

  I leaned down and kissed him. There was barely a space between our lips when I spoke. “I’ve dreamed of you for so long.”

  Colton picked up my hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing my palm. “You don’t have to dream anymore.”

  My lips curved into a smile.

  He was right. I didn’t have to dream anymore.

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