Read Dreamscape Netherworld Book I Page 12

  At the landing I am greeted by a wall of glass. When the doors slide open, I rush inside.

  I broke my collar bone when I was six because my dad thought it would be funny to hang me from our second-story apartment window. He was out of his head on crack and didn’t quite have enough of a hold on me. The worst part was he waved at me, smiling, as I fell to the grass below, as if it was funny, as if he hadn’t just put my life in danger. Despite how cushiony the grass looked after a month of not being mowed, it was not soft.

  That’s when the state took me away from him, a few years before Justine found me.

  I pull in a deep breath and swallow back angry tears. Yeah, I was wrong. I totally get loneliness.

  The doors hiss closed behind me. When I turn around, vibrant crimson sheers draw my attention. Despite what I had imagined, the room is cozy, alluring even. I swallow as I take it all in. It’s maybe an eighth the size of the first level, with slick ebony floors that lead to a couple seating areas and something else beyond, I can’t quite make out. Each calls to me in its own way.

  The first, closest to me, consists of two cream wingback chairs with matching ottomans set against the backdrop of a rock fireplace, complete with roaring fire. My head twists to the next tableau that is separated by another sheer crimson curtain, which oddly enough resembles a fluttering rose petal.

  I push the gauzy fabric aside and enter another shrine. This one is set against a circular paneled wall. A heavy crystal chandelier dips low into the room and gives just enough light to be inviting. A single over-stuffed chaise rests against the wall with a sturdy side table next to it.

  My eyes sweep the space and on to the next. My mouth goes completely dry. Beyond the final drape is a bed. It’s huge and round. Four marble columns encase the thing. A pool of soft light filters down from an unknown source while additional light rises from below.

  I push the fabric away to get a better view and take a step then another, all the while staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out where the light is coming from. I make it nearly to the bed before I glance at the…completely see-through glass floor.

  I can’t breathe. Below me is the main lobby of the library…six stories down.

  As if I’m on cracking ice, I back away from the bed, wishing myself lighter. Before I can retreat completely I smack into something surprisingly solid and undoubtedly alive.

  Strong arms encircle me and my pulse explodes in my veins. My lungs seize up when Seth speaks. “I see you’ve found my sanctuary.” His breath rouses gooseflesh on my neck that flows over my arms like a rushing wind. “Do you like it?” His voice dips low in a seductive purr. “Because I’m rather fond of the place, especially now that you are here.”

  Amelia twists in my arms, her body trembling under my touch. I’ve overstepped my boundaries by a mile, but I can’t stop myself. My heart stutters with happiness now that I have her near me again.

  To my surprise she slips away, her eyes darting from me to the floor then back. Unease lingers between us, so I offer her a smile. At least she doesn’t flinch this time.

  I’ve been practicing.

  Her heartbeat calls to me, beckoning me closer, her emotions a tempting smorgasbord of distraction.

  Her lips part on a small gasp, which only fuels my desire for her. She still hasn’t spoken or reacted in the way I hoped she would.

  The backs of her legs bump against the plush bedframe. It would be so easy to forget the world with her here. She tilts her head back and another gasp escapes her.

  The ceiling is capped by a dome of mosaic crystal. I’ve done my best to recreate sunlight. It is quite mesmerizing.

  When she glances back at me, a hard edge lines her expression before she zips past me. I follow her through the doors, but instead of descending the staircase like I expect, she whirls around.

  Her cheeks infuse with a pretty flush, although her heart has thankfully slowed to a sustainable pace. For not the first time, I wish I could read her thoughts.

  Her mouth opens, yet nothing comes out. The green of her eyes stands out against her pale complexion, still wild, though with fear or desire I cannot be sure. I’m hoping for the latter.

  “Amelia?” I ask. “What troubles you?”

  She shuts her eyes tight and her fists curl at her sides. When she sways, my heart lurches. She is only centimeters from the staircase and she is still breakable.

  I rush to her side and take her elbow. She stares at my hand as if it is an alien tentacle. I do not remove it. I cannot let her go, not with her being this unstable.

  “I—I’d like to leave,” she says, stiffening her spine. “I’m rather tired. I was just going to—

  “Bed?” I say, heat rising inside me.

  She stares as if stunned.

  “You may use this room anytime you like,” I tell her, realizing I have pushed her too far.

  If possible, her face pales again. If I’m not careful, she will swoon. Her heart is beating too quickly again.

  Without letting myself overthink it, I lift her into my arms and carry her to the bed, which is, after all, only a few feet away. Her eyes flutter closed and her breath catches in her throat.

  My body flames with need, so I make myself pull away from her, but I will not leave her side until I know she has recovered. I’ve been foolish to think she would no longer be afraid of me. “I’m sorry if I startled you.”

  Her eyes snap open, and the intensity in them astonishes me. For a single instant she gazes at me like she did in her dreams, before a steel cage encases her emotions. “I must have stayed up too late,” she says. “I should just go to bed.”

  Her lips call my attention, and I can’t bring myself to look away from them. How long will I have to wait for her? I’m not sure I can manage it much longer. “You may stay here if you like.”

  “I’d rather not,” she says. I move to stand up, but her fingers settle against my hand. “Seth?” I nod. “I’m sorry you’ve been alone for so long.”

  Her words sink into my soul, and I might sprout wings. “To have you with me now, it was worth it.” I pat her arm and stand up. When I extend my hand to help her, she takes it, entwining our fingers.

  I lead her to the stairway, but she circumvents me, taking the spot against the wall. I hide my amusement in a grunt. Her fear of heights will have to be dealt with, but now is not the time or place.

  Taking special care to shield her from the view below, I move down a step. She follows, yet her body remains tense beside me. I take her hand once again, surprised when she allows the contact.

  “I apologize for my extended absence. I ran into some complications tonight.”

  She gives me a sidelong glance. “What type of complications?”

  “Richard failed to deliver a message for me. He is being watched now and will not be able to accomplish his task.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she says. “Does that mean you want me with you sooner?”


  She nods. “Probably for the best. I think I’d go crazy within a few nights without you here. It’s claustrophobic, the solitude.”

  Her compassion is appreciated, though not necessary. I can never let her know just how much I need her with me. Even though I’ve learned to deal with the ache, accepting this prison will never be possible. Yet accepting my hell would be more tolerable than ever letting Amelia go.

  Sometimes I think Seth can hear my heart beat. Right. It’s just that he gets to me so easily lately. He seems to know just what to do to make my pulse explode.

  I still don’t know what happened in his love nest. Gah, note to self: avoid at all costs. The place is a den of iniquity if I’ve ever seen one–not that I have, but if there was one it would look just like his sanctuary.

  He still hasn’t commented, and I’m sort of thinking maybe he zoned out or something.

  His chest jumps with a sharp inhale, but I keep myself from reacting. “Yes,” he says, blinking a few times. “It is rather stifli
ng, despite the size. You will enjoy the Dreamscape, I think.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, but he knows me and it bites. I enjoyed it a little too much back when he inhabited my dreams, but that was before I knew where I was, who he was. Man, that was stupid. I’m letting myself think things I shouldn’t be. Seth as Jason is just weird to consider. He’s totally hot and swoon-worthy, as was proven just moments ago, but Jason was my confidant. Seth intimidates me. He’s so big and obnoxiously confident.

  It’s only now I realize why my dreams of him were so vivid. He gave them to me on purpose. One of the reasons I wanted to dive into bed every night was so I could catch up with him. We had a thing together, but how much of it was real?

  I can’t just pretend that he’s Jason, ‘cause he’s not. He’s scary in reality. Hot, but scary.

  “You’ll see,” he goes on as if he hasn’t noticed my lack of commentary. “At first you will need to travel with me. I will be able to shield you for a time, but you must not wander off until you are ready to defend yourself. Do you understand?”

  “I’m not a child,” I tell him, my back stiffening. He’s already told me that he knows this, but he still treats me as if I’m a little lacking in the brain department.

  “I’m aware. What you are is arrogant.”

  I stop cold. “I’m what?”

  “Arrogant,” he says again, as if his sultry tone will change my reaction.

  “I am not! You should talk, buddy.”

  “Arrogance is not confidence, Amelia. I know my abilities and I use those to my advantage. Not only do you not know the extent of your abilities, you are not fully aware of your limitations.”

  “Well excuse me for not being a gazillion centuries old…whatever you are. I happen to have a pretty good grasp of what I am capable of.”

  “Is that so?” he says, barking out a laugh.

  My chin lifts a hair. “Absolutely! I may not have lived as long as you have, but I know how to take care of myself.”

  “Care to back up that claim in the training room?”

  I pause, only for a second, contemplating how he took me to the mat the last time I was anywhere near him. Close proximity to him is probably not the best thing for me right now. “In the morning,” I say, casually. “Told you already; I’m ready to hit the sack.”

  His gaze shifts over to me and he studies me while we walk, which sends a shiver over my skin. “Are you cold?” he asks, inching a tiny bit closer to me.

  When we finally reach the main floor, I breathe a bit easier. How can I allow him to affect me like this? It’s not as if he’s all over me or anything, but him even being anywhere near me sends drunk butterflies through my insides. “I’m okay.”

  Without warning, a fluffy hoodie engulfs me in warmth. I shut my eyes, not willing to admit what he did. Magic. He has magic.

  A light touch flutters over my cheek before he says, “You need only ask for what you require.”

  What I need is an escape hatch from the spell he’s weaving over me. “Thanks,” I say, and leave it at that.

  We make it back to his room, and I hesitate to go in. His scent fills the place. I’m beginning to crave his spice. My only hope is when he finally allows me into the Dreamscape I will be able to keep my wits long enough to find a way out of here. I’m not sure that I’ll take an escape if I find one, but I need to have the option, to know I have a choice. Until then I’ve got to live and the best way for me to do that is to keep up pretenses.

  Seth walks me to my door but doesn’t come in. “Night,” I throw over my shoulder as I push past him through the threshold.

  His voice is filled with disappointment when he answers me. “Goodnight, Amelia. Sleep well.”

  Amelia shuts the door to her room, and I pull in a sharp breath. She is already such a joy to me. Merely knowing she is here when I return from the Dreamscape fills me with anticipation.

  It will be difficult for me to let her go on her own when the time comes, yet I must foster her independent spirit. I cannot go where I need her to traverse. With Maybell’s help, she should be able to learn how to keep herself safe from Erobos detection.

  I wait until the rhythmic cadence of her breath steadies before I step back through the flames. I have hastened my work this night for one purpose only.

  I will visit Amelia in her dreams. My tactic could backfire completely, yet she must remember our connection for her to be fully competent on her own. I’ve instilled her soul with the skills she needs already. Now is time to release the floodgate to her consciousness.

  I jump from portal to portal, hardly paying attention to the changes in the landscape. The closer I come to her dream world, the deeper my need for her stirs. My fingers curl as if around her supple arms.

  I stand at the threshold of her world, a world I created within her realm specifically for her to inhabit. It’s how I’ve kept her shielded for so long.

  When I found Amelia, her world was already fractionated, which was probably why I hadn’t noticed her previously. She already had an oasis, of sorts. To protect her, I channeled most of her energy to that place, which separated it from the remainder of her world. Even then, the rest of her dream world was on normal levels. I’ve had to redirect more of her energy, from time to time, to maintain an adequate level. If I didn’t, the Erobos would have found her long ago.

  The sultry air is filled with the sensual sweet spice of mimosa—her scent. With fire singeing my veins, I search for her. She is near, her heartbeat steady, relaxed. Just before I reach her, I slip into another form, the one she prefers.

  The vines hanging from the trees move easily out of my view. When I see her, I stare as if it is the first time all over again.

  Her honey skin glistens in the sunlight, her dark hair draped around her like a veil. I have never witnessed a more beautiful sight. She warms me better than the glowing sun above us. She blinds me.

  I make my steps small and calculated as I approach her. There is no telling how she will react to me now.

  Ten feet away from her, my foot snaps a twig. She turns, her green eyes eating up the landscape until they settle on me. Her gaze sweeps down my body and back to my eyes.

  “Jason?” she says, timid, unsure.

  One day, if I am blessed, she shall desire my true form, but today is not that day. “Who else?” I reply, giving her a broad smile, followed by a hearty laugh at her surprise.

  Her smile is immediate, and she stands to greet me. Her suit is red today, making me wonder at her mood. I could easily slip into her thoughts, but I deny myself once again. This is her realm, and I will respect that.

  She gives me a shy glance before she hugs herself. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.”

  Her self-conscious behavior disturbs me. Is she embarrassed? She hasn’t acted this way in years. I cannot fathom why she would be uncomfortable with her body. She is impeccable. She is also exactly as she is in the flesh. I took a chance when I stepped from my realm into the mortal world to claim her. She could have been mousy or even hideous; I have never been happier to be right in my existence.

  Tentatively, she steps closer. I can wait no longer.

  I pull her body flush with mine, amazed at the warmth of her skin. She is nearly fully here with me, and the thought burns through me.

  My fingers slip into her hair, and I tilt her head back. Our lips crash together and I devour her, soaking up her essence, reveling in the feel of her. A slip of a groan escapes her throat, which ignites me further.

  I pull her down to the grass, stretching my body along hers. She is as eager for me as I am for her in this moment, and I will take all she will give me.

  Her skin is still slightly damp from the water, making her slide against me, inching closer. With how strong it is beating, my heart might burst from my chest, but I couldn’t care less if it does. She is my light and joy, my world.

  I brush her jawline with kisses until my lips connect with her earlobe. She hisses in a gasp, and I smile. “I
have missed you,” I whisper.

  As if intoxicated by our love, her eyes dilate. Her beautiful lips are swollen from our passion, which makes me only want to kiss her again. I could never get enough of her and the idea disturbs me. I should not allow myself to feel so deeply for her considering how she has reacted to me, yet I cannot form any other connection.

  Her fingers slide along my chest, her touch feeding the fire within me. I’m the one intoxicated now. She is dangerous.

  When our eyes lock, she stares, her conflicting emotions so open. “I don’t know how to feel anymore, Jason. I’m afraid.”

  I steel my resolve, yet attempt to comfort her. “You have nothing to fear from me, Amelia.”

  She frowns, worry lingering in her beautiful eyes. “Who are you really?”

  “You know me,” I sooth, squeezing her fingers.

  “Do I?” she says.

  She is more aware than I first considered. “Of course. You have known me for years. Remember?”

  “Why are you here?”

  I clasp her shoulder and run my hand along her arm to her fingers. “I couldn’t stay away any longer, Mel.”

  She smiles. “You’re the only person who has ever called me that.” Unexpectedly, her expression darkens. “Where have you been? Why did you stop calling me here?”

  “I couldn’t…considering our circumstances had changed. I wanted to. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you.”

  She buries her face in my neck, and I pull her closer, whispering my hand over her damp hair. Soon, soft sobs escape her. “I’m afraid, Seth.”

  My body stiffens. She should not know of my other form here. I choose to ignore the name she calls me. “I’m here. It’s okay.”

  She pulls away from me with tear-stained cheeks, her eyes bright, a sad smile playing on her mouth. “It’s never going to be the same again, is it?”

  I swallow around a ball of regret. “I had hoped it would be. I’m sorry.”