Read Dreamscape Netherworld Book I Page 13

  She shakes her head. “Why are you still pretending? I know who you are. I know what you’ve done.”

  My stomach muscles bunch up as if she has just kicked me. “What do you mean?”

  “The mask. Why are you still wearing it?”

  I get Seth’s reasons for coming here like this, but it makes my heart hurt to look at him now. Jason is dead to me. He has to be for me to survive this ordeal. I still don’t know much about the Dreamscape, or even who I will be dealing with when I become part of Seth’s team, and my feelings for Jason can’t possibly help me adapt to my new life.

  He flinches, no doubt at my question. If he can’t even explain why he is here like this then I’m probably right that he hoped to lull me into believing he and Jason are separate people again. I know better and nothing he does from this point on will ever get me to believe differently. It’s not that I don’t care about Seth. I do now, but the feelings I had for Jason will not serve me anymore, if they ever did.

  “You have to understand,” he says, finally. I narrow my eyes at him. What’s he still hiding? “I’m trying to make your transition easier.”

  I stand up, gazing down on him the entire time. “Don’t do me any favors, and don’t call me here again until you’re willing to be straight with me.” I turn to go, but his soft touch on my arm makes me hesitate.

  When I look at him again, Seth stands before me in all his scrumptious, nearly naked splendor. This is the first time I let myself acknowledge that he is hotter than Jason. Just slightly, but there it is. Not only that, Seth is a real man. The difference hasn’t been easy to handle.

  He gives me a confident smirk, as if my face is a billboard to my thoughts.

  Ice coats my veins. What if he can read my mind? I’ve considered it before. Even in his realm, he has magic. Here, I doubt he has even one limitation to what he can do. Would it really make a difference? I have nothing to hide from him.

  “I will follow your wishes,” he says with a slow bow of his head, as if he is making a solemn pact with me again. His stuffy mannerisms are spooky sometimes.

  I glance away to the sparkling water, so close to where we stand. Needing a real distraction from the man standing next to me, I decide to take a swim. The weird thing is that each time I come here, I’m already wet. Unfortunately, I have no recollection of having been in the water. The hypnotic power of the waterfall thrums in my ears and the slight breeze raises gooseflesh on my arms, making me more eager for the warm depths of peace. It’s been too long since I’ve slipped through the pool, too long since I let myself relax. I need this as much as air right now.

  The crystalline surface reflects the rugged cliffs above until I disturb the image with my entrance. I glide under the water, kicking until I’m in the middle of the pool.

  Nothing obstructs my view to the smooth rocks that line the bottom, and instead of hindering my vision, the water intensifies the colors of things.

  Sound closes me in a cocoon of reflection, stilling my runaway thoughts. This moment is the most restful I’ve had in days, and I soak it up until I’m nearly whole. I ride the ebbs and flows of the current, letting my muscles release long held tension.

  I wish I could stay in this peace forever, so I linger until my mind has eased of worry.

  When I finally allow myself to focus on my surrounding again, light glints off something that rests on the pool floor, between a couple stones, making me curious. Not needing a breath yet, I curl inward and slice through the clear liquid, keeping my eyes focused on the glimmering object. For some reason in my alternate world, my lungs can take a full twenty minutes without air. Even in my dream state, I realize this is absurd for a human who is very mortal, but it feels natural, as if I’m part mermaid. Shoving that thought away, I push back the impulse to check myself for gills.

  The shiny object comes into view, and my fingers clasp the cool metal band. I pull it out of the silt, which clouds my vision for a moment until it settles back down through the rocks.

  I kick for the surface then head for shore, the gold object held neatly in my fist.

  Seth’s still sitting there, watching me. I heave a sigh, not about to get out of the water now. Stopping when I’m waist deep, I let the wide cuff rest in my hand to study it. The thing is probably large enough to slip around my bicep. The intricate designs carved into the metal remind me of the scene depicted on the humungous wardrobe in my room. It’s pastoral with trees and rolling hills, from what I can make out. There’s something partly visible peeking out from behind a tree. It’s large and maybe even furry. I still don’t know what it is, yet I am now aware this is significant in some weird way.

  Seth’s presence surrounds me before I can move away. When I look up, he’s standing right next to me, yet I didn’t hear or feel any evidence of him having joined me in the water.

  “What have you found?” he asks, inflecting what sounds like real curiosity in his tone.

  Still a little skeptical, I glance at him to see if he is lying. I’m not exactly sure why I think I can discover such a thing, but I try anyway. His expression tells me a whole lot of nothing, so I shrug inwardly and say, “Looks like some kind of cuff.” I have no idea what else to call it and he’s not being very helpful, so why do I feel like an idiot for stating the obvious?

  He flashes me a grin and gives a solemn grunt. “Could very well be.”

  I shove his arm. “Stop making fun of me.”

  “Was that what I was doing?” he says, surprisingly serious. The only way I know he’s not is because of the almost imperceptible tilt to his lips.

  “You know exactly what this is,” I accuse.

  “Is that so?”

  My jaw juts to the side in irritation. “Stop answering me with questions.”

  “I can’t be certain,” he says. “But I think it is a gift.”

  “What?” I say in surprise, only realizing afterward that I still sound dumb, so I add, “Isn’t this is supposed to be your domain? If you don’t know what this is, we’re in trouble…and why would I get a gift from a pool?”

  His full lips pull down in a frown, while his chest lifts on a deep breath. An amazing amount of warmth radiates from him, which unexpectedly makes me shiver. What surprises me more than this usual reaction to him is the fluttering in my belly at his nearness. Is it this place, or is it Seth’s presence that takes my fear of him away?

  I should not be surprised by Amelia, yet she manages the deed on a regular basis. I did not expect her to affect my realm as much as she has. If all goes as planned she will be able to unlock the gateway to the Netherworld.

  “Ms. Amelia Blake, if I am right, you just found the first component to the key that will end my curse and set you free.”

  Her smile stretches wide while her green eyes dance with light. “Really?”

  “We’ll know more when we find the other components.”

  “But that was easy. I didn’t do anything.”

  I grasp her hand and she curls her fingers around mine. “You did enough.”

  This joy in her should be her natural state. One day, perhaps, she will be able to be herself. One day, perhaps, I will be able to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

  The task I have set for her is nearly impossible, but she has just shown me she is capable of conjuring impossible things. She is my only hope for escape. She is also Earth’s only hope for redemption.

  For one so young, she considers more than most, even those who have lived for centuries, even those who have lived for millennia. Her questions show the depth of her thoughts. They also make me laugh. If anything, she is entertaining.

  I take the cuff from her slender fingers, purposely brushing my skin against hers. For the second time in so many minutes she shivers. I hide my smile. Her body tells me more than her words could ever deny. Since I’m already close to her, I slip the cuff over her wrist and slide it slowly up her arm, letting a finger trace her skin. Once it glides past her elbow I press it together. “Perfect
fit,” I tell her. “Made for a queen.”

  Her brows furrow as her gaze lowers to the cuff. When she looks back at me, her lips purse together. “Yeah, I have a feeling you could make this thing fit anyone.”

  A laugh shoots out of me. Being as gentle as I can, I slide it back down her arm. When I attempt to put it on myself it sticks just above my wrist. “Care to restate that?”

  With a feeble shake of her head, she laughs. “I meant it would fit just about any woman, and you know it. You’re the opposite of feminine, so you do not count.”

  I smirk at her, smug settling into my heart. “Well, that’s good to know.”

  She lowers her gaze to the object in my hand, no amount of flirting left in her features. “It’s awesome I found the first piece of the key, but why does that scene keep showing up on stuff?”

  My heart jumps. “You have seen this depicted before?” Sweat drips down my back from the mere thought of what this could mean. At best, she has already begun the process of finding the key, but I hardly thought she could conjure a map. At worst, it is a sign she can manipulate the Dreamscape. Either way, it is a good thing. It won’t do me any good to assume she has more power than she does.

  “Uh—yeah, it’s, like, on my wardrobe plain as a polar bear in the jungle.”

  I have never noticed a depiction on her wardrobe. A sudden desire to march into her bedroom overtakes me. Being near her in the Dreamscape, although amazing, cannot compare to having her truly in my arms. She fits perfectly against me, and I ache to have her there for good, for real.

  Knowing her like I do, I cannot allow myself to give in to my urges just yet, so I think of a plan that will permit me to be near her while fulfilling my need to train her.

  It is time I take Amelia out of her world. Although she should not be in any danger, she also should not be able to affect anything in the world I plan to take her. Even though the world is crumbling, it should give her a taste of the Dreamscape.

  I lift my gaze to hers, letting the moment excite me. She will say yes and then I will have her. “You know,” I draw out to heighten the suspense. “I have just the thing to go with that.”

  She laughs. “You have just the…thing…to go with a gold cuff? A woman’s gold cuff?”

  “I am very resourceful,” I tell her, then before she can say another word, I lift her into my arms to carry her out of the water. She yelps, but I will not put her down now. She is mine, and it is time for her to understand that.

  She pushes against my chest, squirming slightly, but after only a moment her fingers curl against my skin and she inhales a sharp breath. Her heartbeat rises to a fever pitch, and mine matches hers beat for beat. It is all I can do to keep my smile at bay. “What do you think you are doing?” she says, feigning indignation.

  “Answering your question.”

  She swallows hard, seeming to not know where to place her hands. I still haven’t entered her mind, even though I could gain a world of understanding if I did. I just can’t bring myself to do it. She doesn’t speak again until I place her gently on the rock where I found her. She leans away from me almost immediately, but I ignore her posturing.

  Allowing the vision to come, I stand. We are in a ballroom; she is pressed against me. My hand rests low on her bare back as I guide her along the dance floor. The orchestra can barely be heard above the hum in the room.

  Amelia blinks up at me, bewildered. Her sensual green eyes take in the room in a single, sweeping glance then find mine once again, suddenly full of fire. “Where the hell are we, Seth?”

  Her heartbeat pulses spastically against my abdomen through her silk dress, and her lips open as if for another question. For a split second I’m tempted to dine on those lips, but I make myself answer her. “You wanted to know what went with your gold cuff. I am merely showing you.”

  She pulls away, looks down the plunging neckline of her seafoam green gown, and her cheeks pink up. A smile tugs my mouth when she presses against me, once again. Good to know she would rather be covered by me than have me look at her. I laugh. I can’t help myself. She gives a soft growl, which makes me laugh again.

  “You are such a jerk!” she spits at me. “This is not funny! I wouldn’t be caught dead in this gown. I demand that you fix this.”

  She is drawing attention to us. Hiding my smile, I lean closer to her ear and whisper, “I’d be happy to disrobe you, Amelia. Any time…you name the place. I had no idea you were this fast.”

  She huffs and stomps her heel against the top of my Oxfords. Her voice lowers to an almost imperceptible level. “Don’t even think such a thing, buddy. First, you accost me in your den of iniquity then you take over my dreams. I want out of here now. You could have at least warned me.”

  People are fully staring now. Just as I’d hoped. Even in her dampened state, she is bringing the room to life.

  This is my moment. Nothing and no one will keep me from my next move. I capture her mouth. Her lips yield under mine, and I savor every millisecond I have to taste her. She overwhelms my senses, making me fly on delirium. At some point, I stop moving us along the dance floor, choosing to concentrate instead on owning her. I can only focus on having her in my arms, on loving her. This time there will be no question about who I am. This time when she wakes, she will understand who has held her so many times before.

  I shoot upright in my bed, panting. My hair sticks to my mouth as I sweep it away from my blurry eyes. My heart slams a staccato rhythm in my ears. The weird part is the heat of his kiss lingers on my mouth. He never left this deep of an imprint on me as Jason. My fingers flutter over swollen lips.

  Taking a deep, calming breath, I fall back against the sweat-drenched pillows. What was that, anyway? I’m tempted to knock Seth’s door down to demand answers, but I’m pretty sure that’s what he wants…maybe is even counting on. He’s probably sitting in that damn chair right now gloating over how I responded to him, and, boy, did I ever respond to him.

  My mind is on emotional repeat as the scene plays out again and again. Heat rushes into my face, and I close my eyes against the embarrassment, wishing the moment away, all the while wishing I was still immersed in the act. If Seth can get me that riled up in a dream, what can he do in real life?

  I fist my hands against my eyes and groan. What am I going to do? Every moment I spend with him is a moment I lose my urgency to leave here. He’s more than just dangerous; he’s alluring.

  To distract myself from my blazing emotions, I slip out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. My shoulder bangs off the doorframe on the way. A soft glow erupts the moment I cross the threshold. My eyes don’t want to stay open, as if I’m still caving to the pull of the dream. I’m not going back in there. I only went to that tropical oasis because I was too out of it to control what happened.

  I gasp. Does that mean I have gone to him willingly in the past? Has he been telling the truth?

  It takes me a few moments to realize I’m wearing that ridiculous gown he stuck me in. It’s actually very pretty in a lingerie sort of way, but I’ve never shown this much cleavage in my life. The slippery silk hugs every inch of my body and skims the dark wood floor over my bare feet.

  My hair is a tangled mess of ravaged curls, and my eyes remain half lidded. The truth is, I can’t quite look myself in the eye after that experience. No matter how mad I am at him right now, Seth can’t see me like this. A different thought pushes forward…maybe I can’t handle seeing him in his tailored tux. Maybe I won’t be able to keep my hands off him the next time we’re together.

  A knock sounds at my door. I whirl around, my hand flying to my mouth. He can’t come in here. If he does I might just throw myself at him. My heart still hasn’t calmed down and that was just from the dream of him. Seth in reality is a hundred times worse to deal with.

  When I don’t answer, the handle jiggles. “Amelia,” he says, his voice deep with an edge of sexy I don’t want to acknowledge.

  I turn on the sink and splash my face wi
th water. What I really want to do is crawl under the stream and pretend I can’t hear him, that I don’t feel him on the other side of that door.

  I fumble for the hand towel on the counter, but it ends up suspended two inches from my face. I jump away instantly.

  Every inch of me trembles at his nearness. He’s no more than a foot away, but I was too distracted to notice him come in.

  Being this close to him is too hard to handle. I should be angry at his lack of decency, but all I want to do is give into my craving for him. He’s so not playing fair.

  I yank the towel from his hands and rub my face a little too long to be realistic. At some point I’m going to have to face my connection to him. I’m just not sure that now is the best time for me to do such a thing.

  He tugs on the towel after a moment, and I let it fall from my fingers. When I open my eyes and take him in, he is wearing that stinking tux that hugs his shoulders like a football jersey. It should be labeled contraband for the effect it has on me. He stands there, his chest rising and falling with his deep breaths.

  I can’t speak. He’s so beautiful. When I take a tentative step toward him, his eyes lock onto mine. In this moment I don’t care about the reasons I should keep my distance. All I want is him.

  I lift my fingers to his face, gliding them along his stubble then into his hair. My throat thickens as I take a lock between my fingers then glide my hand further along his soft mane. His eyes flutter closed, and his breath catches. I comb through his hair then pull my hand away. What am I thinking?

  “No,” he says, catching my fingers in his strong grasp, “you will not retreat from me again.” His arms circle around me before he lifts me onto the countertop. The cool granite prickles my skin through my thin gown, but it’s Seth that makes me shiver all over.

  “Seth,” I say. “I’m not—”

  His fingers brush over my lips, quelling the words that could never come out right. My dress rises up my legs as he nudges my knees apart with his thigh. He nestles himself between my legs and tingles race along my skin where he touches me. I can barely breathe, my lungs are so tight with need.