Read Dreamwalkers Book One - The Intruder. A Markland Garraway Paranormal Mystery Thriller Page 16

  Chapter 15


  Exeter University

  12th October

  4.15 p.m.


  Helena sat at her desk in the small office at Exeter University. The first term of the new academic year had just begun, and the last of her four-year research PhD.

  Since she’d started the degree, things had been financially tight. Her research scholarship covered her tuition fees and expenses, but the stipend paid to her by the university didn’t go quite far enough to keep the wolf from the door.

  Jimbo, as she affectionately called her husband, didn’t bring home the big bucks. They had quite a lot of outgoings, especially childcare costs. Their twin boys were looked after by the university nursery five days a week.

  Helena, and her husband were very much in love, but lately she’d notice that he’d become distant and she knew why. Jimbo had always been a worrier, but lately he’d been worrying a lot more, and it was because of money. She’d assured him that within the next twelve months, she’d earn her PhD, have secured a well-paid job and their short-term money problems would go away. She also knew that he would never be the main earner. It would be Helena that brought in the larger salary, and this was another reason why she thought he’d become distant. He was a proud man, and she knew that the idea of him not being the ‘main breadwinner’ wouldn’t be right. She would be undermining his subconscious alpha male compulsions.

  But, for reasons Helena hadn’t worked out, Jimbo had become full of beans. One morning, around three weeks ago, he’d woken up as if he was different person. He was like the man she married four years earlier. Positive, looking forward to their future and full of fun, which were some of the reasons why she’d fallen for him in the first place.

  He even seemed to be enjoying his job, which up until now had been dragging him down.

  Helena hoped his new upbeat demeanour wouldn’t be short-lived. She found his beaming smile infectious. He’d lifted her spirits. During the past twelve months she had also been feeling a little down. Her research took a hell of a lot of time and she’d work on her papers at home until late into the evening.

  When Jimbo had returned after a long day at work, and the twins had gone to bed, he would be left to do most of the household chores, whilst Helena would shut herself in the spare room and work hard on her papers. Helena felt guilty that she had put pressure on her husband to do a lot of extra work, which other fathers and husbands would not be expected to do. He was a good man and had never complained, but she knew that he had become tired of all the rushing around to give her the time she needed for her research.

  But now things were different. Things were upbeat and he just seemed happy being in her company. It was almost as if they’d been reunited after spending a hell of long time apart.

  Helena didn’t question why he was so happy. She didn’t care. Providing he was happy, then she too was happy.

  He seemed like a completely different man.