Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 12

  Chapter 8: Fox

  When Hunchback awoke it was to a bucket of water being thrown in his face, or rather thrown at the burlap sack that was tied over his head. His arm muscles felt stretched, and even though he couldn’t see anything he could tell that his arms had been tied over his head somehow, and he’d been suspended from something. Also his shirt was missing.

  Hunchback sniffed the air and smelled dirt, dew, moss, and decomposing leaves. He deduced he was still somewhere in the forest and was probably hanging from a tree.

  “Awaken, monster. It is time for you to face divine judgment. You will not only be offering your life to Crom Cruach in repentance of your sin, but also making amends to the gods Taranis, Teutates and Esus as well. May the gods have mercy on your soul.” Corann’s deep voice boomed.

  Hunchback swallowed. He knew that Corann meant that he was to undergo the three-fold death. Those were who sacrificed to Taranis were burned alive. Those sacrificed to Teutates were drowned. And those sacrificed to Esus were suspended from a tree like he had already been, and stabbed.

  Hunchback could smell burning coals. A chill of fear crawled up his spine. He could only imagine the horrors the Hunters had in store for him. But he was resigned to his fate. This was inevitable - it had always been inevitable. Ever since his parents had snuck him out of the Blood Oak Village and into the forest to live on his own he’d been living on borrowed time. He’d been ‘marked’ by Crom Cruach for sacrifice as payment for the Blood Oak Clan’s blood magic gifts.

  One could try to escape their fate in life, but it always caught up to them in the end. Hunchback’s thoughts went to his friends Cinnia and Dearg. Meeting them, getting to know them, and spending time with them had been the best thing to have ever happen to him. I’ll miss them…my friends.

  “Let the three-fold death commence.” Corann ordered cruelly as he waved one of the Elite forward.

  The sound of a poker stoking coals was heard and then Hunchback could smell something hot and burning approaching the flesh on his arm. “No Unknowable is to ever wear battle tattoos and so they shall be removed from your flesh by burning. Repent now of thy sins to Taranis.” Corann said.

  The Druid placed the burning, hot poker upon the griffin tattoo that had taken Dearg hours to create.

  The pain was excruciating, and Hunchback couldn’t help but cry out. The Hunter used the poker to burn the entire tattoo of the griffin off before he set the poker back into the coals.

  “Repent now of thy sin to Teutates.” The Druid said before throwing a bucket of ice-cold water onto Hunchback’s head.

  Hunchback coughed and sputtered as he struggled to breathe beneath the soaked burlap sack.

  “Repent now of thy sin to Esus.” The Druid declared before stabbing his athame into Hunchback’s hump.

  Hunchback screamed.

  The Druid removed his dagger and stepped aside.

  “Again.” Corann ordered. “Rid this foul monster of his next tattoo, Dwayne.” The High Priest commanded one of his Elite.

  Dwayne stepped forward next and picked up the red-hot poker. He approached Hunchback, and began to burn off Hunchback’s chimera tattoo.

  As Hunchback screamed he wished he had the strength to use his magic and fight back, but the arrows Corann had used had been poisoned. Ironic to have his own weapon used against him. After Dwayne was finished ridding him of his tattoo he poured a bucket of water on Hunchback’s head.

  Once again, Hunchback struggled to breathe, and wondered if perhaps his friends would come and rescue him. Dearg…Cinnia…help me.

  A cruel smile twisted Corann’s lips. “I know what you’re thinking, monster. You’re wondering if your friends will come and save you. But they will not. And do you want to know why? They are currently fighting for their lives as we speak. For their graduation test the trainees must take out a vampire lair all on their own. Those that make it out alive - pass. Those who die - fail. For that is our clan’s tradition!” The High Priest laughed maniacally.

  Hunchback’s eyes widened in surprise and he struggled against his bonds. “Dearg is your son…! How could you?”

  Corann snorted in disgust. “He is…a disappointment. He continues to defy the Blood Oak Clan’s traditions. First with Cinnia…and then you. But I will allow his trespasses no longer. After I have finished with you…perhaps I will deal with Cinnia myself.” The High Priest jeered.

  Cinnia! “You jerk…don’t you dare hurt her!” Hunchback growled. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

  “Dwayne.” Corann ordered.

  “Repent now of thy sin to Esus.” Dwayne said before plunging the dagger into Hunchback’s hump.

  Hunchback screamed. He still had a seahorse tattoo, sea serpent and others. He morbidly wondered how much more blood he could lose before he just died. The torture continued as one by one, the Druids performed the ritual three-fold death upon Hunchback. The torture seemed endless, never-ending. And Hunchback lost track of time. Hours later, his throat was raw and sore from his screams. He wished he could just die already.

  “Please…just kill me…” Hunchback croaked out.

  Corann chuckled, delighting in his pain and that he’d finally broken the Archer. “A quick death would be too good for you, monster. Remember what you are and never forget - you are a hideous monster, a disgusting freak. I don’t understand how my son and Cinnia could stand to be around you without throwing up.”

  Hideous. Monster. Disgusting. Freak.

  Over and over again those cruel words were flung at Hunchback, and those words cut more deeply than any athame.

  Hunchback threw his head back and screamed in soul-deep agony. His scream echoed through the forest and caused a nearby flock of crows to take flight.


  In a miraculous turn of events, with Dearg acting as their leader the Druid Vampire Hunter trainees had been able to defeat all of the vampires in the lair. Dearg’s strategy had been to use a combination of defense and offense. Half of the summoned ink creatures were ordered to stay behind to protect them while the other half were ordered to attack the vampires. Only the ink creatures could keep up with the vampires’ superhuman speed and so it was essential to have some of the ink creatures protect them.

  Dearg’s plan worked flawlessly and none of the trainees died. It was a first. Dearg watched with satisfaction as his ink wolf bit the head off the remaining vampire and it disintegrated into dust.

  “You did it, Dearg!” Cinnia praised.

  “We did it.” Dearg corrected her with a smile. “I wish Hunch, er, Archer could have been here too.”

  “Yeah, he should be here fighting along side us.” Cinnia pouted.

  Aengus snorted as he tried to hold back his laughter. His face was turning red from the effort.

  Dearg shot Aengus a questioning look. “What’s so funny, Aengus?”

  “I’m laughing because you’re never going to be seeing your friend again.” Aengus jeered.

  A feeling of dread washed over Dearg. He stalked over to Aengus, grabbed the front of his vest, and pulled Aengus forward to glare into his face. “What are you talking about Aengus? Tell me!” He demanded.

  “I’ve known about your Hunchback friend for a long time now…but I was waiting for just the right moment to tell your father what I’d discovered. As we speak your friend.” He sneered the word ‘friend’. “Is probably being tortured to death!” Aengus began to cackle gleefully.

  Cinnia gasped at this revelation, raised a hand in front of her mouth, and shook her head in a disbelieving manner. “Aengus…how could you? Hunchback…no.”

  “Aengus, you snake!” Dearg shoved Aengus back and punched him hard across the face. One of Aengus’s teeth was sent flying into the air. “You’ll pay for this betrayal, Aengus. You’d better pray Hunchback is still alive…because if he isn’t, you’ll be joining him in death very soon.”

  Aengus wiped the blood from his split lip with the back of his
hand. “I’d like to see you try! Your father would never allow it!” But Aengus was trembling slightly now out of fear of Dearg.

  “I think it might be time to confront my father once and for all. I’m an adult now. If he stands in my way…I just may have to kill him. The Blood Oak Clan needs a new leader! And deciding this clan’s leader through single combat is one tradition I don’t mind upholding.” Dearg held his arm out before him, and willed his bear tattoo to peel off his arm and materialize. The bear was enormous. Dearg hopped up onto the bear’s back and rode it over to Cinnia. Dearg held his hand down to her. “Come, let’s go save our friend.”

  Cinnia nodded. “Yes, let’s.”

  On the back of the ink bear Dearg and Cinnia traveled swiftly through the forest. Dearg summoned his ink hawk, and the tattoo peeled off his arm and took flight. “Hawk! Find Hunchback!”

  The hawk let out a screech before it soared high overhead and over the treetops. They continued blindly through the forest until Dearg felt something - a tingle on his arm where hawk usually was. “Hawk found him. It’s this way!” Dearg pointed left. The ink bear swerved left and headed off in that direction. It wasn’t long before the bear broke through the trees into a clearing where a gigantic oak tree stood.

  Suspended from the tree was a figure with his head covered by a sack.


  Cinnia sucked in a breath as she saw the blistering burns on Hunchback’s arms and his entire body seemed to be covered in blood. Bright red blood. She’d never hated the color red as much as she did in that moment. “His arms. There’s so much blood. What did they do to him? How could they be this cruel?” Her voice quavered.

  Dearg noted the bucket of burning coals, large bucket of water, and the bloody athame. “They’ve put him through the three-fold death.”

  “Then he’s…” Cinnia couldn’t finish her statement.

  “I don’t know.” Dearg said.

  Dearg and Cinnia quickly dismounted from the ink bear, and approached Hunchback and the Elite Hunters.

  “Son, what brings you here?” Corann questioned casually as he stood between Dearg and Hunchback. “Are you here to finish the ritual sacrifice?” He held a dagger out to Dearg by the blade.

  This was a test. Dearg realized. A way out. If he killed Hunchback his father wouldn’t punish or try to beat him. Dearg took the dagger, and then handed it to Cinnia. “Cut him down.”

  Corann’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “On it.” Cinnia ran for the tree.

  A muscle beneath Corann’s eye ticked in irritation. “Just what do you think you’re doing, son?”

  Dearg was sick and tired of being afraid of his father, sick of taking his beatings when he failed to sacrifice innocent creatures to gods he wasn’t even sure existed and sick of being a coward. “Father, you can’t continue to ignore the truth.”

  “And what truth is that?” The High Priest snarled.

  “The traditions of the Blood Oak Clan must evolve with the times, Father. You are just a barbaric relic of the past. Hunchback possesses blood magic - Crom Cruach’s gift. He wasn’t marked for sacrifice but marked to become a Hunter - just like me - us.” Dearg placed his hand over his chest. “He is one of us. The Unknowables are no different from you or I. They too can be chosen to serve Crom Cruach as a Hunter and protect this land from the vampires. It is no longer right to sacrifice the Unknowables…and you know it. How can you ignore this sign from the gods?”

  Corann scowled. “It…is our clan’s tradition. The Unknowables are less than human. They-” He argued.

  “No, Father, you’re wrong.” Dearg shook his head. “They are human - just like you and me. And Hunchback…is my friend. I will no longer hide that. I am not ashamed to be his friend…but honored! The time of sacrificing our own people to the gods has ended, Father. As humans gain more knowledge they become more civilized. We should know better by now, Father. I will no longer condone ritual sacrifice in our clan!”

  Meanwhile, Cinnia had managed to cut Hunchback down, and quickly untied and removed the bag from Hunchback’s head. When she removed the sack it was to reveal that Hunchback’s hair had turned snow-white. His teeth were chattering, his eyes wide and wild. His pupils dilated from fear and pain. Hunchback’s entire body was trembling. And Cinnia couldn’t get over how much blood there was…it was covering his entire back.

  Cinnia held Hunchback in her arms and as she peered down at him she realized that he wasn’t really looking at her. He couldn’t see her. He was still trapped in a nightmare. Tears filled Cinnia’s eyes as she looked down at the state her friend was in. “Hunchback…it’s me, Cinnia. You’re safe now. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise. Come back to me, Hunchback. I’m here…look at me.” She urged.

  Hunchback blinked up at Cinnia and then his eyes began to focus on her face. “Cin…nia…?”

  Corann laughed cruelly. “What are you saying, son? You’re acting as if you were the leader of this clan. But last time I checked - I was the leader. And all obey me - not you. Elite, kill the Hunchback! Now!” The High Priest shouted, spit flying out of his mouth.

  “No!” Dearg countered in an authoritative voice. “I challenge Corann to single combat! The winner will be High Priest!”

  The Elite bowed their heads and backed away from Corann and Dearg to give them space to fight.

  Corann gawked at his Elite in astonishment. “Elite…? How dare you disobey me, you disloyal idiots?” He growled angrily. “Fine. I just have to put my wayward son in his place, and show you all who is the true leader of this clan.”

  Dearg began to undo the front laces of his vest. “It’s time we settled this, Father. Once and for all.” He removed his hooded vest and tossed it aside to the forest floor. Dearg’s latest tattoo - the dragon tattoo his father had recently given him - was revealed.

  “So be it.” Corann removed his hooded vest and tossed it aside next, revealing the elaborate dragon tattoo on his back too.

  Dearg summoned his magical power and willed his dragon tattoo to materialize. It peeled off Dearg’s back and began to increase in size exponentially. Corann did the same and summoned his own ink dragon. The ink dragons began to loom over those present until they were eighty-feet-long.

  Dearg’s ink dragon had large wings, a serpentine body, and a long wicked tail with spikes on it. Corann’s dragon was thicker and slower looking, but equally menacing.

  “Attack!” Dearg ordered his ink dragon.

  “Attack!” Corann followed suit.

  The two ink dragons attacked each other and as the enormous creatures battled, Cinnia and the Elite had to get out of the way. Cinnia slung Hunchback’s arm over her shoulders and tried to help him up, but he was too heavy for her. “Elite! Quick! Help me with him!” Cinnia called out to the Elites for help.

  The Elite glanced at each other and hesitated, unsure of what they should do.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake! You guys are idiots! He’s one of us! A Hunter! He has blood magic! He’s been chosen. Now, hurry!” Cinnia argued passionately. “We Hunters never leave one of our own behind!”

  The Elite came to her aid then, and began to help Cinnia drag Hunchback out of harm’s way.

  The ink dragons attacked each other with their maws full of sharp teeth and their long, razor-sharp claws. Dearg’s ink dragon took off into the air and Corann’s dragon pursued it. The dragons continued their battle in the sky directly over the oak tree.

  Dearg’s dragon lashed out with its tail, hitting the other dragon hard across the face. Corann’s dragon was injured by the spikes and began to leak magical energy.

  “Those spikes…” Corann frowned darkly as he stared up at them. “I didn’t tattoo those spikes on your dragon, son.”

  Dearg smirked. “I had Cinnia make a few changes for me to your design, Father. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No!” Corann watched in horror as Dearg’s dragon whipped its deadly tail out aga
in, and hit the other dragon in its chest. Corann’s dragon began to fall through the sky and when it hit the ground it exploded into blue ink that showered down upon everyone present.

  “No…curses. Return dragon!” Corann commanded and the puddles of blue ink began to slide across the forest floor. Once the ink reached Corann it slid up his body and returned to his back. In seconds, the dragon tattoo had returned to Corann’s back.

  Dearg’s dragon landed beside Dearg with a thundering thud, its wings were throwing dust and leaves up into the air. Dearg approached his father and willed his dragon to fold its wings and then loom over Corann. “Do you yield, Father?”

  “Tch.” Corann was panting for breath. “Darn it.” He sunk to his knees. “I yield…you are now High Priest and the leader of the Blood Oak Clan.”

  Dearg grinned triumphantly and turned to look at Cinnia and Hunchback. Finally, he would have the power to protect his friends. Now nothing could harm them. Or at least, so Dearg thought.


  Becca awoke hours later with hot tears streaming down her face. Hunchback! Becca sat up in bed and clutched at her head with her hands. Images from the dream were still fresh in her mind and she remembered her graduation test. Images of fighting vampires in a cave filled her mind. She recalled riding an ink bear with Dearg as they went to save their friend Hunchback. Only…they’d arrived too late. Hunchback had already been tortured by Dearg’s father.

  Blood. There’d been so much blood. Hunchback had been literally drenched in it. Becca wrapped her arms around her body as she trembled on the bed. She felt nauseous.

  And then the truth slammed into her.

  She was Cinnia. Reincarnated.

  Becca used to be the woman who Derek was still in love with, and who he’d loved for centuries. Also, Dearg was none other than Derek. And Hunchback…what had become of him? Becca wondered sadly. Had he survived the torture? Or had he ended up dying? She wished that the dream had continued so that she could find out.

  Flashes of Cinnia battling vampires in the lair with her battle tattoos filled her mind again. She’d been an incredible warrior. A true Druid Vampire Hunter.

  But even if she had been Cinnia in her past life, she wasn’t Cinnia now. Becca didn’t know how to fight. She wasn’t as tough, brave or courageous as Cinnia. She was just a blogger for Heaven’s sake!

  Cinnia had been a truly amazing person. It was no wonder Dearg had fallen in love with her, and had promised to love her forever.

  On the other hand, Becca…wasn’t so amazing. She was a poser. Her parents were humble farmers from Iowa. She’d left home to try and make it big in New York City and had become a blogger. She’d wanted so hard to become a ‘somebody’, and so had always dressed the part, blowing all of her hard-earned money on designer clothes.

  But the reality was that Becca was still a ‘nobody’. She was really no one important. At least, not in reality. Online she was a cyber socialite and popular blogger with thousands of followers. But if Becca’s computer was taken away from her, she lost her identity.

  Also Becca had a feeling that Cinnia had been a pure virgin when her and Dearg had ended up together. And Becca…was a bit of a slut. She’d slept around a lot in college, and had used to get dates and had had several one-night stands. Sure, it was all in the name of looking for love, but…maybe she should have done things differently. Now she felt dirty and impure when compared to Cinnia. What would Derek think of her if he knew the truth about her? And that she was nothing but a whore.

  I’m not Cinnia. I’m no one special.

  The door opened to the bedroom and in stepped Fia. “You’re awake. So have you remembered what you truly are?”

  Becca frowned at the Huntress. “I remembered some of my past, yes. But that doesn’t change who I am now.”

  “Sure it does.” Fia waved her hand dismissively through the air. “Now you know the truth - your true destiny. You need to become a Hunter…and kill Derek Dearg!”

  “You want me to what?” Becca burst out and shook her head. “That’s crazy. And impossible. Besides, why would I want to kill Derek? He’s never hurt me.” Becca demanded hotly. A man who would risk everything to save his friend…can’t be so bad.

  “Why?” Fia arched a dark eyebrow at Becca. “Because he’s a vampire, of course. If you’ve remembered your training as a Hunter then surely you know what he truly is. He’s a soulless monster. When he was turned by the vampiric curse his soul was cursed to Hell. The man you know now isn’t the real Derek Dearg at all, but a shadow of his former self…a living memory. Truly, a disgrace to the memory of the man he once was, I’m sure. The human man. The man you loved. If you truly loved Derek Dearg then…you’d want to save him, right?”

  Becca frowned. “Save him? How?”

  “There is a way to free his cursed soul from Hell and that is destroying his vampiric body. If he was a good man while human - his soul will go to Heaven. By killing Derek - you would be saving the man you love. Don’t you see? Don’t you wish to honor his memory?”

  “If I kill him…I’d be saving his soul?” Becca’s mind whirled at the possibility.

  A sly smile curled Fia’s lips as she took a seat on the edge of the bed. “You have a choice to make, Becca. Will you continue to have others protect you so that you can live your ‘normal’ life, or will you cease to be a coward, a spectator, and a burden by learning to fight? Will you gain the weapons you need in order to protect yourself and this city? And of course, Derek. Think about it. If you decide you wish to fight, we will show you how.” Fia promised before she left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Will I continue to have others protect me…or will I learn to fight? Becca pondered.


  Derek lay in bed covered in bandages. He was a mess and his burn wounds weren’t healing because he was being a stubborn moron - Garth’s words - and not feeding. Anytime he thought about feeding he’d remember Becca’s horrified look when she saw him drinking blood from a rat.

  Garth and Malakye had given up on trying to get Derek to feed, and were currently in the living room watching TV. That commercial was playing again for the highly anticipated Halloween candy ‘Vampire Bites’. Derek could hear the catchy little jingle all the way in his room on the forth floor.

  There was a bright flash of light in Derek’s room, and then Archangel Uriel materialized next to Derek’s bed. She looked down at him, and the state he was in and tsked. “Just look at the sorry state you’re in. Stop being so stubborn and feed, vampire.” The angel placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at him.

  “Screw you.” Derek grumbled.

  “Is that any way to treat your beautiful guardian angel? Ungrateful jerk.” Uriel complained as she whipped out a lollipop and began to suck on it. “I can’t believe I got stuck with this babysitting job.”

  Derek scowled. “I never asked to have a guardian angel.”

  “Well, you have one whether you like it or not!” Uriel huffed and waved her lollipop at him. “Besides, it’s not really up to us. God has taken an interest in you and that’s why I’m here.”

  “I still don’t really get why you’re here.” Derek spoke up, suddenly curious.

  Uriel rolled her eyes at him. “Isn’t that obvious? I’m here to save your soul. True love can free your soul from Hell and return it to your body. Well, the girl who loves you would have to be a Judge for it to work, but lucky for you it appears Becca Thorn is a Judge. So you have a chance.” Uriel declared as she approached Derek and placed her hand on his chest. She summoned her angelic powers and began to heal him.

  Hope flooded Derek, lending Uriel strength in her healing. “My soul can be saved…?”

  Uriel’s brow furrowed when she noticed something odd about Derek’s body. She frowned. “That can’t be right.”

  “What is it?” Derek’s stomach clenched with worry.

  “You…have you had sex with Rebe
cca Thorn?” Uriel asked bluntly.

  Derek flushed. “None of your business, Angel Cakes.”

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Well, Derek…it appears your soul has come back to you. Becca…is in love with you.” And Slaine too, apparently, but you reallyyy don’t need to know that.

  Derek’s eyes widened and he sat up in bed. “I got my soul back? Becca…loves me! I don’t understand.”

  “Now, wait just a second, vampire. Don’t go getting all excited. Becca may not yet realize that she’s in love with you. It could be subconscious.” Uriel hummed to herself as she resumed sucking on her lollipop.

  “What do you mean? How could she not know?”

  “Becca’s love for you is soul deep…a part of her loves you and that is her soul.” Uriel explained.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  Uriel gave Derek a pitying look. “All this time…are you really so blind that you can’t see the truth? Becca Thorn is Cinnia…reincarnated.”

  “She’s…what?” Derek’s mind was spinning.

  Uriel sighed. “Why do you think the Druids took her? They probably plan to turn her into one of them and then convince her to kill you. Becca is your greatest weakness and will be turned into your worst enemy. You can be sure of that!”

  Derek sank back down onto his pillows in shock. His emotions were in turmoil. Becca….was Cinnia. And he had his soul back. He sat up and began to get out of bed. “I must go to her.” My wife…she’s back! I’ve been waiting…so long.

  Uriel gave him a consoling look. “You won’t be able to find her.”

  “What? Of course I will. I tattooed her. All I have to do is reach out my senses and-” Derek frowned when he couldn’t sense Becca’s location. “I can’t feel her…what the hell?”

  “Nor can I. Powerful ancient magic is blocking us from finding Becca. This is the work of a Druid High Priestess. You won’t encounter Becca until the Druids want you to.” Uriel informed him.

  Derek sat down on the edge of the bed, and put his face in his hands. “Dang it all.”

  Uriel reached out and touched Derek’s shoulder in a sympathetic gesture. “But this city still needs you, Derek. Dracula is plotting something big…and the Druids are too distracted by seeing you as their enemy that they can’t see that their true enemy is Dracula.”

  Derek looked up and met Uriel’s gaze with a steely look in his blue eyes. “Understood. I’ll keep an eye on Dracula.”

  “I would recommend taking your friends with you. Dracula has called in some very powerful allies - vampires that are centuries old. You won’t be able to handle them on your own.” Uriel’s tone was grim.

  Derek scowled and rubbed his goatee thoughtfully. “I don’t like the idea of putting my friends in danger.”

  “If Dracula succeeds in his plan…your friends here in San Francisco will be in danger anyways.” Uriel wisely pointed out.

  Derek scrubbed a hand over his mouth. “Good point. Alright, Uriel, we’ll protect this city until the Druids realize who their true enemies are.”

  “My brother is trying to find Dracula’s…weakness as we speak.” Uriel added. “I only hope it’s not too late when he does.”


  Becca had made her decision. She left the bedroom, made her way down the hall, went downstairs, and entered the living room where everyone - Dealande, Fia, Nathair, Vortigern, Fean and Tigear - were all seated in various locations. Dealande was seated behind her round table, and gazing into her crystal ball with her blind eyes. Fean and Ti appeared to be reading magazines. Vortigern was reading a large book. Nathair was sharpening some kind of ancient looking weapon. And Fia was typing away at a computer. This reminded Becca that the Druids hadn’t confiscated her smart phone, which was in her skirt pocket.

  Becca cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention and then all eyes were upon her. “I’ve made my decision. I…want to learn how to fight. How to be a Druid Vampire Hunter.” So I can save Derek.

  Dealande stood up from her seat behind the round table and approached Becca directly, even though she was blind. The Druid High Priestess reached out and took Becca’s hands in hers before squeezing them affectionately. “Welcome to the Blood Oak Clan, Rebecca Thorn.”

  “Uh, thank you.” Becca said awkwardly.

  “First things first, you’ll need to get some battle tattoos. You can only be a real Hunter if you have magical tattoos. Only the ink creatures are able to keep up with a vampire’s superior speed and reflexes.” Dealande explained. “Ti, fetch the Book of Battle Tattoos.”

  “Sure, Dealande.” Ti hopped up from her seat on the couch and skipped over to the bookshelf. She stood on her tiptoes as she reached up to get a rather large, dusty book. “Oof.” She pulled it down, brought it over to Becca, and handed it to her. “Here ya go.”

  Becca almost dropped the book since she was surprised by how heavy it was. “Thanks.” Becca carried the book over to the round table and set it down. She took a seat at the table and opened the book. She coughed as a cloud of dust rose up into the air. Becca waved her hand through the air to dispel the dust and then looked down at the yellowed, aged and brittle pages. Each page had a different battle tattoo design as well as a list of the tattoo’s benefits, advantages, and uses.

  “Whoa.” Becca was impressed as she continued to flip through the ancient tome. The tattoo designs were incredible and really ornate. They were all blue animal tattoo designs with lots of Celtic knotwork incorporated into the designs. “These tattoos are amazing.” She whipped out her smart phone. “Mind if I take a couple of pictures?”

  Fia snatched Becca’s smart phone away from her, and put it into her pants pocket. “Are you stupid? These tattoo designs aren’t just regular ‘tattoos’ - they’re also defensive and offensive spells. We can’t have them falling into the wrong hands.”

  Becca pouted. “Sorry.” She continued to flip through the pages, and as she did so she had a sudden flash of something. A memory. Her head ached and she put a hand to her throbbing forehead. She pushed the book away from her. “Hey, someone bring me some paper and a pen.”

  “Fia, get Becca a pad of paper and a pen from my desk. Hurry.” Dealande instructed.

  “Yes, Grandmother.” Fia grated as she went over to a nearby antique desk, pulled open a drawer, and pulled out a pad of drawing paper and a pen. She made her way back over to Becca, and set the items down on the table in front of her.

  “Thanks.” Becca said absentmindedly as she picked up the pen, put it to the paper, and began to draw. Minutes passed…and the first tattoo design began to take shape on the page. It was a Celtic snake tattoo design with intricate knotwork. One she remembered having on her arm.

  Fia peered over Becca’s shoulder curiously and her eyes widened upon seeing the accuracy with which Becca was currently drawing the snake tattoo. She even recognized the spells. “How is she doing that?” She demanded.

  “Silence, Fia.” Dealande scolded. “She’s remembering.” Her tone was solemn.

  Becca completed the snake tattoo, ripped the page from the pad, and started drawing the next tattoo she recalled. This one was a cat. After the cat tattoo design was finished, Becca drew a majestic fox. After that a unicorn.

  The last tattoo Becca recalled was an elaborate dragon tattoo design. The dragon was serpentine, elegant, sleek, and deadly. All of the Druids had surrounded Becca at this point and had been watching her draw.

  “Not bad.” Nathair praised as he watched her working on the dragon tattoo.

  While Becca continued to draw it was like she was in a hypnotized or possessed state. Her body seemed to be moving on its own.

  Once Becca finished the final detail on the dragon tattoo design her pen suddenly stopped moving. Becca looked down at the extraordinary dragon tattoo design that apparently she’d drawn and blinked. “Whoa…did I really draw this? I’m good.” She looked up to see all of the Druid Vampire Hunters had surrounded the table
and had been watching Becca draw her tattoo designs with interest. They all appeared to be as shocked and bewildered as she felt. Becca was surprised to note the admiring look Nathair was giving her drawings. He was even holding some of them and looking them over with a critical eye.

  “Indeed you did, child.” Dealande said in a pleased tone.

  Becca stared down at the dragon tattoo design. “It’s like these images were trapped inside of my head, shouting to be let out. I…remember them.” Her head started throbbing again. “Ugh.”

  “These are the battle tattoos you wore in your past life as a Hunter.” Dealande explained. “I think these are excellent choices. After all you should be familiar with them and how to use them in battle.” She said confidently.

  Becca frowned at Dealande’s words. Familiar with them? “Yeah.” Maybe. Her stomach was twisting in knots. No pressure or anything.

  “Nathair will be the one to give you your tattoos. He is our tattoo artist. Nathair will be able to recreate your designs flawlessly.” Dealande said proudly.

  Becca shot Nathair a wary look. The creepiest, nastiest Hunter was the one who would be giving her her tattoos? Aw man. Becca complained in her mind. He was probably going to make sure it hurt. She swallowed nervously at the thought.

  Nathair merely nodded in acquiescence. “As you wish, Dealande.” He gathered up Becca’s sketches and began to walk off. He glanced over his shoulder at Becca and gave her an impatient look. “Well, what are you waiting for, woman? Follow me.”

  Becca pouted. Yep, the nasty attitude was back. Becca followed Nathair up the stairs, down the hall, and to a door. Nathair opened the door, flipped on a light switch, and ushered Becca into his room. “Come on in.”

  Becca stepped inside of Nathair’s room and immediately wished she hadn’t. She screamed. If Becca had thought Derek’s pet python Nagini had been bad…this was much worse. Nathair’s room was filled with dozens of pet tanks, which all contained live snakes. And all of them appeared to be different species. They were different colors and sizes. There were so many snakes…it was like right out of a horror film. And Becca was so not good with horror.

  Becca backed away and her back hit the closed bedroom door. She covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide with fear. She heard Nathair let out a heavy, resigned sigh. Like he was used to this kind of reaction.

  Nathair set Becca’s sketches down on the night table that was directly next to his huge four-poster bed. He turned around and glared at Becca. “Are you done screaming like a girl?” He sneered.

  Becca’s sudden indignation cut through her fear and she lowered her hand to glare back at Nathair. “I am a girl. And besides any normal girl would scream upon seeing this many pet snakes. It’s a wonder you’re not still single!” She laughed.

  Nathair stiffened at her words and remained tellingly silent.

  Becca stopped laughing and her expression turned apologetic. “Oh…sorry…you are still single, aren’t you? Well, no big surprise there. There aren’t a lot of girls who could put up with this.” Becca looked at all the snakes. “And I thought Derek’s python was bad.” She shuddered upon remembering the gigantic python.

  Nathair’s interest was piqued. “Derek has a pet python?”

  Becca nodded. “Yep. And get this, he named her Nagini. Can you believe that?”

  Nathair had to stifle a laugh.

  Becca noticed and continued. “He feeds her rats. She has yellow and brown scales, and she must be at least five feet long!”

  “Really? I wonder what species she is. She’s probably a ball python…” Nathair wondered aloud, a twinkle in his dark eyes.

  Becca raised her eyebrows at the Druid. “Why don’t you try talking to him? I’m sure he’d be happy to tell you. In fact, I bet you two would have a lot to talk about since it seems like you guys have things in common.”

  Nathair let out a disgusted snort, and gave Becca a look of disbelief. “Keh, I don’t have anything to say to a vampire. Hurry up and get on the bed, woman. And take off your shirt.”

  Becca blinked at his words and her expression turned amused. “Are you always this domineering when it comes to women?” She teased mischievously as she looked Nathair in the eyes and took off her shirt without breaking eye contact.

  Nathair blushed as Becca’s black, lacy bra was revealed. He gulped nervously and his eyes widened slightly. She was beautiful…and her chest was huge. She was even bigger than Fia - not that he’d checked Fia out or anything.

  Becca tossed her shirt aside and sauntered over to the bed. She wasn’t shy or ashamed of her body. If you got it - flaunt it. That was her motto. She made sure to sway her hips teasingly and could feel Nathair’s burning gaze on her behind. Score one for Becca.

  Nathair shook his head in disbelief. “Are you always this slutty?”

  Becca got on the bed and lay down. “Yep.” She replied, unashamed.

  Nathair made a sound of disgust and went to get his tattooing tools. He picked up a stainless steel tray, and put his vials of ink, tattoo gun, disposable needles, disinfectant supplies, and a clean towel on the tray before approaching the bed. He set the tray down next to Becca and sat on the bed. “Where would you like the snake tattoo?”

  Becca pointed to the location on her arm where she recalled her original tattoo had been. “Right here.”

  “Got it.” Nathair cleaned and disinfected the spot on Becca’s arm. He attached a small needle to his tattoo machine and began drawing an outline of the snake tattoo under her skin. Once the outline was finished he washed it with antiseptic soap and water. “How’s that looking?” Nathair questioned.

  Becca sat up and looked down at the snake design on her arm. It was perfect. It looked just like the one she used to have…it was even the exact same size. “It’s perfect. You’re a really good artist.” But then she frowned. It felt wrong having someone other than Derek tattoo her body.

  “Is something wrong?” Nathair asked, sensing her unease. “If there’s anything you want to change now’s the time.”

  Becca shook her head, deciding against telling him the truth. “No. You can keep going.” She lay back down on the bed.

  Nathair installed a thicker needle into his tattoo gun and began shading the design. After cleaning the tattoo again he began to inject the blue ink. Periodically, he used the clean towel to dab the blood away from the tattoo.

  Becca couldn’t get over how gentle Nathair was being. She’d expected him to tattoo her hard and rough.

  “You okay?” The Druid asked as he used a clean towel to dab at the blood on her skin again.

  “Yeah, it doesn’t hurt so bad. I’m surprised. Thank you for being so gentle.” Becca smiled up at him.

  “I’m not being gentle.” Nathair objected as he continued to work.

  While Becca watched Nathair work she was surprised by how much he was reminding her of Derek in that moment. The two guys would probably get along really well. And they were both artists so would have a lot to talk about. It was a shame that the Druid Vampire Hunters viewed Derek as their enemy.

  Nathair seemed like such a scary guy at first, but…his hands were gentle. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. Becca mused. Maybe he was the misunderstood type.

  Nathair finished tattooing Becca’s snake tattoo, and cleaned the area that now sported her finished tattoo. Next, he started on her cat tattoo. After that he tattooed her fox tattoo. Hours later, when the pain finally became too much for Becca, and tears had sprung to Becca’s eyes, Nathair stopped. He set his tattoo gun down and dabbed at the blood on Becca’s fox tattoo. “That’s all I’ll do for today. I’ll give you another tattoo tomorrow.”

  Becca sat up and was surprised to see a tissue being held up in front of her face. Becca gratefully took the tissue and dabbed at her teary eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Keh, just doing my job.” Nathair grumbled.

  Becca looked down at the tattoos on her arms. “They’re am
azing.” She breathed. They were so beautiful - incredible works of art.

  Nathair blushed at her praise, and lowered his head to hide it. “Thank-”

  The door opened and in stepped Dealande and Fia. Dealande approached the bed and smiled. “Good job, Nathair. I can feel the power singing from these tattoos.” Dealande said as she let her hand hover over Becca’s tattoos. “They will be very powerful and useful in battle. I am going to heal you, Becca, so that you can begin your training with Fia immediately. There isn’t a moment to lose.” A golden light began to surround Dealande’s hand and then Becca’s tattoos began to heal. The slight pain she’d still felt faded away.

  “Wow.” Becca said when Dealande finished healing her and pulled her hand away. “Thanks.” She looked up and when she did she noted that Nathair had already left the room.

  Fia had her hands on her hips, and an impatient look on her face. “Let’s get this over with. I have important things to do. Hurry up and follow me, Becca.” The female Druid spun on her heel and stalked out of the room.

  “Ah, wait up!” Becca hopped off the bed, grabbed her shirt, put it on, and ran after Fia in her Jimmy Choos.

  Fia led Becca through the townhouse until they reached a door. Fia opened it, flipped on a few light switches, and ushered Becca inside. The room they entered was a spacious room with a polished, gleaming wood floor. One area of the floor was covered in blue exercise mats, and Becca could imagine the Druids sparring there. She also saw a rack with hand weights off to one side, and one wall was completely covered in mirrors.

  As Fia and Becca stood a few feet away from each other, Becca couldn’t help but look at her and Fia’s reflections in the mirrors. Fia was dressed in her sleeveless, hooded vest, black leather pants, and boots. Meanwhile, Becca was dressed in a red shirt, black skirt, and red high heels. She didn’t look like a warrior at all. In fact, she looked more like a curvy runway model.

  “Now, first you need to learn how to summon your battle tattoos. This part is easy. And I’m sure that this will be a piece of cake for the Savior. You summon your magical power and will the tattoo you want to rise off your skin and materialize. You also picture how big you want the creature to become in your mind. It’s all about your strength of will. You just will it to happen…like so.” Fia raised her right arm, summoned her magical power, and her owl tattoo began to peel off her skin and materialize. In seconds a large barn owl with a translucent, black, shimmery body was hovering directly in front of Fia, and flapping its wings.

  “Ooo.” Becca clapped, impressed.

  A muscle beneath Fia’s eye ticked. “Now, you try.”

  “If you say so.” Becca raised her arm and concentrated on trying to get her new snake tattoo to manifest. Becca closed her eyes, concentrated, and willed it to happen. She opened her eyes to see nothing had happened. Zip. Nada. Zilch. She closed her eyes, concentrated, and tried again. “Mmm! Nnngh!” She made constipated noises and opened her eyes, but still nothing.

  Fia’s eye twitched in irritation.

  “Hmm, maybe mine’s broken or something.” Becca said as she poked at the snake tattoo on her arm. “Hey you…come on…wake up. Yeah, maybe he’s asleep. Wakie wakie.”

  Fia clenched her hands into fists out of anger. “This isn’t a game, Rebecca. This is serious. Perhaps, what you need is a little incentive for summoning your battle tattoo.”

  “Incentive? Like cake?” Becca asked hopefully.

  Fia smiled evilly and waved her hand through the air in a regal manner. “Owl! Attack Rebecca!”

  The owl flew at Becca with its talons raised before it. “Eek!” Becca covered her head and ran. “What are you doing? Call it off! Call it off!” She squealed as she ran across the training room from the owl that was dive-bombing her.

  “No.” Fia said coldly with this air of superiority around her. “I want you to fight, Becca.”

  “But I can’t…!” Becca shouted as she continued to run and dodge the owl’s dive-bombing attacks. “I can’t do this! I’m not a fighter. I’m just…a writer!”

  “I thought you were a Hunter.” Fia countered as she stared down her nose at Becca.

  The owl swooped down at Becca and she raised her arms to protect her face. The owl clawed at Becca’s arms. “Ow!” Becca cried out in pain and looked down at her arm in disbelief to see the bleeding scratches there. “It hurt me!” Her tone was tinged with surprise.

  “That’s the idea, Becca.” Fia sighed in an irritated way.

  Becca looked down at her wound - the red blood.

  Drip, drip, drip…

  The owl swooped down to attack Becca again. Becca shielded her face and screamed. “No! Stay away!” She closed her eyes.

  Becca’s snake tattoo peeled off her skin, materialized, and leapt at the owl. The snake coiled itself around the owl’s body and one of its wings. Unable to remain airborne the owl and snake ended up crashing to the floor.

  Becca opened her eyes to see what had happened and was surprised to see her snake tattoo battling the owl tattoo. The snake wrapped around the owl’s neck and bit into the owl’s neck. The owl let out a screech before it exploded into a puddle of black ink. Becca watched dazedly as the ink slid over the floor and headed back to Fia. The snake remained close to Becca.

  Fia frowned as her owl tattoo returned to her arm. “Not bad. But you still didn’t mean for that to happen. That was just beginner’s luck.” Fia unzipped the front of her jacket to reveal an intricate stag tattoo with enormous antlers in black ink. “This is how you really summon a battle tattoo.” The stag tattoo began to peel off of Fia’s flesh and materialize. The stag was enormous, and so were its sharp, deadly antlers. If it were truly alive the creature would have weighed three hundred pounds. It had a translucent body made of black ink.

  Becca backed away until her back was pressing against the mirror. The stag was truly frightening, especially with its big, black liquid eyes staring right at her in an eerie manner.

  “Destroy the snake.” Fia commanded her stag.

  The stag charged the snake and the snake attacked in retaliation, rearing up and hissing. However, the stag stepped down on the snake’s back with its hoof and the snake exploded into blue ink. “So weak.” Fia sneered.

  The stag set it sights on Becca next as she eyed its sharp antlers warily. “Y-You wouldn’t. Right, Fia?”

  Fia smiled coldly. “Stag, attack!”

  The stag charged Becca, and ducked its head low, preparing to run Becca through with its antlers. Becca screamed as she dived out of the way. The stag’s antlers hit the mirror and it shattered. From her position on the floor, Becca covered her head with her arms as shards of glass showered down upon her. The stag wasn’t done yet and turned to attack Becca again.

  Becca scrambled across the floor and over the shards of glass that now covered the floor. They cut into her hands and knees.

  Fia’s lip curled in disgust as she watched Becca trying to escape her stag in such a cowardly manner. “I can’t believe you’re the one destined to save this city.” She sneered. “My Grandmother must be mistaken. I’m more powerful and skilled than you! Why can’t I be the Savior! Why can’t it be me! How could a vampire’s lover be the savior of this city?” She demanded.

  Becca pushed herself to her feet and spun around to face the stag. She raised her trembling arms and concentrated on her cat tattoo. Her cat tattoo rose from her arm, materialized, and leapt at the stag in attack.

  However, the stag moved its head and the cat ended up impaling itself on the stag’s antlers. Becca flinched at the gruesome sight and watched her cat tattoo explode into a shower of blue ink. The stag charged Becca again, and she screamed and ran from it.

  Fia yawned. This was so boring. Becca was barely putting up a fight. She was so pathetic.

  Becca continued to run, dodge and trip her way away from the stag. Then Becca’s heel broke and she fell to the floor flat on her face. She flipped onto her back and scrambl
ed backwards as the stag approached her. Becca raised her arm and concentrated on her fox tattoo next. Come on, come on. “A-Attack!” Becca ordered the fox, which had quickly materialized. “Stay away from the antlers!”

  The fox attacked the stag and used its agility to avoid its antlers. However, the fox’s body was weak and flickering in and out of existence.

  “Weak, so weak.” Fia mocked. “Your magical power is so weak.”

  The fox leapt up at the stag and latched onto its neck. The stag let out a sound of distress and swung it neck while trying to get the fox to let go. Then the stag charged the wall and the fox was rammed into it. The fox exploded into blue ink. Becca stood up and backed away from the stag until her back hit a wall.

  “You’re all out of battle tattoos, Becca.” Fia drawled. “What will you do now? Beg for mercy?” She laughed.

  The stag approached Becca with purposeful steps. “M-M-Mercy.” Becca begged, her body trembling out of fear. She’d seen just what those antlers were capable of firsthand.

  Fia laughed, thoroughly enjoying herself. This is kind of fun. She looks so afraid.

  Becca shut her eyes, absolutely terrified. But then her lower back began to tingle, and Derek’s butterfly tattoo began to peel off her skin. The butterfly materialized and flew up to place itself between Becca and the stag. Becca opened her eyes. “The butterfly…!” Derek’s tattoo…

  The butterfly opened its mouth to reveal sharp, tiny, pointy teeth. It attacked the stag and bit it right on the nose. The stag reared its head and shrieked in pain. The butterfly didn’t budge and flapped its wings. A sparkling, shimmery powder came off the butterfly’s wings and blinded the stag.

  “What? What’s happening? How is it doing that? How is that possible? What spell is that?” Fia demanded angrily. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  Blind, the stag panicked and took off running.

  “No! Stop!” Fia cried out.

  Too late.

  The stag ran right into a wall and exploded into a shower of black ink. “Nooo!” Fia shouted angrily.

  The butterfly flew back over to Becca and hovered protectively in front of her. Fia was furious and she glared at the butterfly with obvious disgust. “That’s the tattoo the vampire gave you, isn’t it? You’re so pathetic, Becca. Still being protected by him. You’re never going to be one of us. I don’t care what my Grandmother says. I’ll never accept you as a Hunter!” She sneered.

  “Hey, give me my phone back.” Becca held out her hand and tried not to show Fia that she was still trembling.

  Fia raised an eyebrow at Becca. “You can’t be serious?”

  “Dead serious.” Becca shot back and the butterfly opened its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth at Fia.

  Fia swallowed at the sight and reached into her pants pocket for Becca’s phone. “Alright, fine. Here.” The Huntress tossed Becca the phone.

  Becca caught it. “Thanks.”

  At that moment, Fean and Ti entered the training room and their eyes widened when they caught sight of the broken mirror, bloody shards on the floor, and the state Becca was in.

  “Oh my God. Fia! What did you do?” Ti demanded in an accusing tone.

  “Nothing.” Fia huffed and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “Just a little training. That’s all.”

  “That’s a load of crap. She looks absolutely terrified.” Fean gave Becca a sympathetic look.

  Fia rolled her eyes. “If she can’t handle me…there’s no way she’ll be able to handle a vampire. I still don’t think this girl is the Savior we’re looking for.” She stalked out of the training room without a backward glance.

  As soon as Fia had left the room, Becca slid down the wall. Ti and Fean rushed to Becca’s side with concerned looks on their faces. “Fean, go grab a first-aid-kit.” Ti ordered her brother.

  “You got it, sis.” Fean ran out of the training room.

  Ti eyed the butterfly tattoo that was still protecting Becca. “Derek put a very powerful spell on that tattoo. He also put a little of his own blood magic into it…in order to protect you. He must really care about you. He may be a vampire but…maybe he’s not all bad. Don’t tell my bro I said that though.” Ti offered her a wry smile.

  Becca looked up, gave Ti a surprised look, and smiled tremulously back. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

  “Don’t think too badly of Fia. Keane, the Hunter who was killed here in San Francisco, was her fiancé. So she’s been through a lot lately.” Ti explained.

  Becca’s eyes widened at this revelation. “Really? I’m sorry.”

  Ti nodded. “Fia’s parents were also Druid Vampire Hunters who were killed by vampires when she was very young, so she holds a lot of hatred in her heart for vampires or those who associate with them.”

  “What about you?” Becca asked curiously.

  “My parents were also Hunters…but they were killed by vampires when Fean and I were just babies. I don’t even remember them. I don’t know if that’s worse or better than Fia who can remember her parents. Dealande and Vortigern raised my brother and I, and trained us as Hunters. They’ve always gone pretty easy on us though.” Ti smiled at the thought.

  “Do you hate vampires too?” Becca asked.

  “Well…sure. They’re evil, aren’t they? But I’m also not the type to place the blame on someone without solid proof that they deserve it. You know?” Ti shrugged. “Well, at least I’ve always had my brother so I’ve never been truly alone like Fia.”

  “What about Dealande, Fia’s Grandmother.” Becca pointed out.

  “Sure, Fia has her Grandmother, but she was closest to Keane. Dealande has molded Fia into the ‘perfect’ Hunter. I think her Grandmother was hoping that the Savior she had visions about all her life was her Granddaughter, but it turned out to be you.” Ti gave Becca a sympathetic pat on her arm. That’s when Ti noticed the phone Becca was holding and the cell phone strap. “Is that Catwoman?”

  Becca looked down at the cell phone strap and smiled. “Yeah.” She thought about how Derek had a Batman cell phone strap. “I wish I could be more fearless like Catwoman.”

  Ti tapped her chin in thought. “Maybe we should try and find you a whip?”

  Becca laughed and Ti joined her.

  Fean returned a few minutes later with the first-aid-kit and the brother-sister duo tended to Becca’s wounds. Afterwards, Becca was all covered in bandages and she felt like a Mummy. She took off her high heels, and lamented her broken heel. She let out a heavy sigh. “My poor shoes…”

  Ti eyed Becca’s torn up outfit. “Hey, I have some clothes that might fit you. If you’d like you can borrow them?”

  Becca gave Ti a grateful look and set her high heels aside. “That would be great, thanks. I guess the time for high heels and skirts is over…for now. Got any pants and boots?”

  “Tons.” Ti assured.

  “I hope you like the color purple and leopard print stuff though because that’s all my sister ever wears.” Fean spoke up. “She’s weird.”

  “Shut up, Fean.” Ti shoved his arm. “You’re the weird one. Who pierces their lip…ewww!”

  Ti and Fean looked like a couple of Goth punks…but they were very friendly. Becca mused. Maybe her time there with the Druid Vampire Hunters wouldn’t be all bad.

  To be continued in…Tattoo 9: Unicorn