Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 13

  Chapter 9: Unicorn

  Derek, Garth, Malakye, and Levi sat at a table inside Iron Casket watching the people on the dance floor moving to the music. The Goth metal song Covenant was playing. The club goers were all dressed up like medieval princesses or princes, or vampires. A lot of them even had fake fangs. Others were dressed in Goth, punk, or EMO clothing.

  Derek and the others were keeping a close eye on Dracula’s club and the vampires who were inside it. Unfortunately, the vampires blended right in with the Goth human crowd.

  But Derek was able to sniff them out, and of course his Archenemy Slaine sitting at a table full of them was a dead giveaway! Derek nodded his head in the direction of the table where Slaine and his posse of vampires were seated. “Check it out. Two o’clock. They’re all real vampires. The one in the kimono is my Archenemy Slaine - the one who killed my wife Cinnia more than two millennia ago.” Derek said in a low voice so that only his friends could hear.

  Garth, Malakye and Levi turned to look at the table filled with vampires. Slaine was dressed in a red and white male kimono. This was one mostly white with the design of red flames on the bottom. Koko and Yoko were seated on either side of him. Koko was dressed in a sexy red and black kimono, and black knee boots. Yoko was dressed in a white and black kimono with the pattern of black birds on it. Yoko was also wearing a pair of black knee boots.

  An enormous vampire seated at their table was taking up most of the room. He had long, messy, scraggly black hair, and a full black beard. The vampire was wearing a white, T-shirt, black leather jacket, jeans, and biker boots. His red eyes had a wild look to them. The male was even bigger than Garth at six-nine. He was cracking walnuts with his bare hands and there was this untamed aura about him.

  Seated next to the hulking vampire was a vampire who could only be described as a ‘gentleman’. He was dressed in a black Victorian-style suit, red cravat, and black top hat with a red ribbon around it. A large black cane with a silver knob shaped like a dragon was leaning against his chair. He had short, curly black hair, a roguish smile, and a cleft in his chin.

  Perched on his lap was a female vampire who looked like a ballerina. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and she wore a black leather corset and a ballerina skirt of black toile. The vampiress wore ballerina slippers that laced up to her knees. She played with a lock of hair that curled in front of the male’s forehead in a teasing manner before they both leaned in and began to make out with each other passionately. And they didn’t hold back either as their moans and groans could be heard even from where Derek and the others were seated.

  Also, seated at the table was a vampire dressed like a cowboy. He had shaggy blonde hair, and a black handkerchief was tied around the lower half of his face. The cowboy was wearing a long, black trench coat, leather pants, boots, and a black cowboy hat sat on his head. He wore a belt with a silver skull on it and there was also a skull on his cowboy hat. Next to him and leaning against the table was a black wooden coffin.

  None of the vampires were wearing sunglasses to hide their red eyes, which Derek thought was either really stupid or just incredibly ballsy. Derek recognized all of them as the usual suspects. These vampires were Dracula’s most trusted and loyal comrades. Some had been with Dracula for centuries.

  “The big guy’s name is Bergthor. He was a Viking Chief when he was turned sometime during the 10th Century. He’s been with Dracula since then. The one with the top hat is Romanian. He fought with Dracula against the Ottomans in 1462. When Andrei fell in battle Dracula decided to reward him for his loyal service, and turned him. The blonde on his lap is Abelle. She was a famous French ballerina who was turned sometime around 1880. I don’t know why she was turned…but it looks like it had something to do with Andrei.

  “The vampire who looks like an evil cowboy is named Undertaker. He’s an outlaw gunslinger. He was turned in 1881 after being gunned down by Wyatt Earp in retaliation for having killed Earp’s brother Morgan. The female twins are Koko and Yoko. They’ve been with Slaine since he turned them in Feudal Japan. Don’t let their pretty faces fool you. They’re highly skilled ninja assassins. They’re all bad news. I can’t believe they’re all here in San Francisco at the same place like this. Dracula is definitely up to something.” Derek explained.

  Levi took a thoughtful sip of his martini. “Now I can see why you called me. San Francisco is screwed.”

  Garth cracked his knuckles. “When can we take out the trash?”

  “It isn’t that simple, Garth. First off…there are too many humans around for us to make a move here.” Derek reminded. “We have to wait until they make the first move.”

  “Well, it looks like they’re busy drinking to me.” Malakye pointed out. “And smooching.” He blushed at the fervent way Andrei and Abelle were making out. “Those two should get a room.”

  Bergthor was chugging back a beer and laughing heartily at something Undertaker had said. He slapped one of the waitresses on her behind as she passed by too close.

  Undertaker was busy checking out the hot Goth girls on the dance floor and probably sizing up his dinner or dessert.

  Koko and Yoko were feeding Slaine pieces of fruit from a large fruit platter they must have ordered.

  A muscle in Derek’s jaw ticked. “That jerk looks like he’s forgotten all about Becca.” Derek’s eyes widened with a sudden realization. “Holy crap…Slaine knew that Becca was the reincarnation of Cinnia! That’s why he tried to turn her - again. That son of a gun! I’ll kill him!” Derek stood up from his chair, but Levi grabbed him by the arm and sat him back down.

  “Chill, man.” Levi scolded. “I know you have a bone to pick with him…but like you just said before we have to wait.”

  “Crap.” Derek ran a hand back through his hair. “This is killing me. I want to kick his butt so badly.”

  A couple of drunk human males took a seat at the table directly next to Dearg and the others. “Yeah, it totally sucks. I really thought she was into me.” One of the young men was saying loudly.

  “It’s weird how she said she’d be right back and then she just disappeared.” Another young man added.

  “You think something happened to her?” One said worriedly.

  “To Nerezza Cruso? Naw, man…she probably just went home with some other guy. She does it all the time. Hopefully, I’ll have better luck with her next time though.”

  “Yeah, that woman is hot.”

  “I know, right?”

  The conversation caught the interest of Derek and the others at the mention of their friend Nerezza Cruso. Levi turned his chair around to face the young men. “Sorry to disturb you gentlemen, but I happen to be a friend of Nerezza’s. What was that you were saying about how she just disappeared?”

  “It happened a few nights ago and she hasn’t been to the club since. She was about to tell me to leave the club with her, but then a waiter came up to her and said that the owner of the club Mr. Tepes wished to speak with her. She never came back.” The young man explained.

  “Hey, now that I think about it…what if she ended up hooking up with Mr. Tepes?” One of the young men suggested.

  “Thanks for the information, guys.” Levi nodded in thanks, and turned his chair back around to face Derek and the others.

  “Son of a gun.” Derek swore. He’d overheard everything. “I can’t believe Dracula is using that name again, Vlad Tepes.”

  “People probably think he legally changed his name to that for kicks and giggles. He is the owner of a Goth club.” Levi reminded.

  “So what’s the plan? If Dracula really has Nerezza…we can’t just sit here and do nothing.” Garth rumbled. “We have to save her.”

  “No kidding. Nerezza is our friend.” Levi stood up. “Let’s go pay Dracula a visit.”

  Derek stood up as well. “Indeed.”

  Garth stood up and cracked his neck from side-to-side. “Oh, hell yes.”

  The three gave Ma
lakye an expectant look.

  Malakye pouted at them. “Are you guys sure this is such a good idea? I mean, this is Dracula we’re talking about here.”

  Garth pulled Malakye out of his seat. “Come on, kid.”

  Derek, Levi, Garth and Malakye headed towards the stairs, which led to the second floor. They went up the stairs and started down the hall towards Dracula’s office. However-

  Bergthor, Slaine, Andrei and Undertaker stood in their way. “And just where do you think you’re going, Derek?” Slaine drawled.

  “Get out of my way, Slaine. I have something I need to ask your Boss.” Derek snarled.

  Slaine’s eyes narrowed at the Druid. “Well, you won’t be getting past us, so I suggest asking me what it is you want to know.”

  “A friend of ours disappeared at this club a few days ago. Her name is Nerezza Cruso. I know Dracula has her. Where is she?” Derek demanded.

  “I don’t-” Slaine began.

  However, Undertaker cut him off. “What say you we make a deal? If one of your guys can defeat Bergthor in a fistfight we’ll tell you what you want to know. Whaddaya say?” He suggested in his southern drawl.

  “Garth, it looks like you’re up, buddy.” Levi patted Garth on his shoulder.

  “Let’s take this up to the roof. There are too many humans around here.” Undertaker said before strolling off and heading for the door at the end of the hall which led to a stairwell.

  Levi and the others followed the vampires into the stairwell, and up the stairs. Undertaker opened the door to the roof and everyone exited outside. A blast of chill wind hit all of them. Derek looked up to see a clear but depressing gray sky.

  “Garth, wait.” Derek grabbed Garth’s shoulders and pulled him aside. “Don’t get angry. Not yet anyways. We can’t reveal all our cards to these guys just yet.”

  Garth grinned, revealing his sharp canines. “Don’t worry, I feel you.”

  Derek, Levi, Malakye, Undertaker, Slaine and Andrei formed a circle around Garth and Bergthor, like a fighting ring.

  Garth got into a fighting stance and Bergthor just stood there. “Argh!” Garth charged the vampire Viking and delivered a fierce right hook to the side of Bergthor’s face, using all of his monstrous strength.

  However, Bergthor just smiled amusedly as his head was turned slightly to the side by the blow he’d taken.

  “No frigin way. He just took one of Garth’s punches and remained standing.” Malakye breathed in shock.

  Bergthor returned the punch and Garth took it in kind. Garth’s head turned slightly to the side as well, but he too remained standing.

  “Whoo wee.” Undertaker whistled through his teeth. “Their man ain’t no pushover. I’ve never seen a guy stay standing after getting punched by Bergthor!”

  “Derek has acquired some interesting friends, it appears.” Slaine sneered bitterly. “I thought you didn’t do the whole friend thing, Derek. Since you were too chicken that I’d kill them!”

  Derek clenched his fists angrily at his sides at Slaine’s words and was about to respond when Levi beat him too it. “I’d like to see you try killing us, vampire.” Levi let his eyes flash gold.

  “That guy can’t be human…but he’s not one of us either. Just what is he?” Andrei wondered aloud about Garth.

  Garth and Bergthor began to exchange incredibly powerful punches that had them skidding across the rooftop as they took the blows. Bergthor grabbed Garth by his shoulders, bent him over, and jammed his knee into Garth’s stomach. Garth gasped in pain as he saw stars, but acted fast and sent his elbow flying into Bergthor’s face in retaliation. They leapt away from each other and both males were panting for breath. Sweat was pouring off their bodies and both appeared to be tiring. It was only a matter of time before only one male remained standing.

  “Come on, Garth. Kick his butt!” Malakye blurted.

  Derek and Levi shot Malakye surprised looks since Malakye was a self-proclaimed pacifist.

  Malakye noticed their looks. “What? I don’t want Garth to lose.”

  Garth shook his head to clear it of the cobwebs. His head felt like a jar full of marbles that were rattling around. Oh, yeah, that was probably his brain rattling around in his skull. Dang, Bergthor hit hard! But he couldn’t get angry. Derek had told him not to get angry. But…he needed to end this fight before he passed out. Garth charged Bergthor and the Viking did the same.

  Their ensuing attacks were vicious. Bergthor headbutt Garth who stumbled back seeing stars. Garth roared out in anger, charged Bergthor, grabbed him around the waist, and tossed Bergthor over his head in a suplex move. As Bergthor landed hard on top of the roof floor he created a small crater there. Bergthor managed to wrestle away from Garth, and prepared to attack again. However-

  The air around everyone began to tingle as if electrically charged and then feel heavy. A strange animal sound filled the air, and a black cloud descended upon the roof. As the cloud got closer it was revealed to be a swarm of black bats. The bats descended upon the roof, coalesced, and materialized into none other than Dracula.

  Dracula was dressed in his usual slick suit and glossy mink coat, cane in hand. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Master, I can explain. I-” Undertaker began.

  “Acted on your own again, didn’t you, Undertaker? You know how much I hate it when you do that. What is a man to do to earn a little respect around here?” Dracula drawled and suddenly his aura became even more intense, overwhelming and powerful. Derek and the others thought they could see the dark aura flaring around the vampire like black flames.

  Everyone on the roof began to be affected by the mere aura of Dracula’s presence. And were brought to their knees by it.

  “What’s happening?” Malakye asked as he sunk to his knees.

  “It’s Dracula…he’s unleashing his power. This is his battle aura.” Derek explained through gritted teeth as he finally ceded to the power pushing down on his body and sunk to his knees as well.

  “Crap…he’s strong. I can’t resist.” Levi grumbled as he sank to his knees. If only I had my trident with me.

  Dracula smiled at the sight of everyone on their knees before him. “Now that’s more like it. Down on your knees before your true Master.”

  “You’re not my Master!” Derek countered.

  Dracula strolled over and studied Levi and Garth curiously. “Derek, you’ve brought me some very interesting specimens. Two demons and…” He glanced at Malakye and gave him a dismissive look. “A house plant.”

  Malakye flushed.

  Dracula looked down at Garth with a calculating look on his face. “You are the first man who has been able to withstand Bergthor’s punches in centuries.” Garth just glared up at Dracula fearlessly. “And you show no fear of me. Fascinating. I’ve taken an interest in you, demon. I think I’ll take you with me back to my estate. We have much to discuss.” Dracula pulled out a syringe and flung it at Garth’s neck.

  The syringe imbedded itself in Garth’s neck, and Dracula used his telekinesis to press down on the plunger. Garth’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out cold.

  “Garth!” Derek and the others shouted in concern and anger.

  Dracula picked Garth up and slung him over his shoulder. “I’ll be taking this specimen with me. Slaine, Undertaker, Bergthor, Andrei. Kill the others - I have no use for them.”

  “Hey, I’m feeling insulted here.” Levi sneered. “What am I - chopped liver?”

  “Yes, Master.” Undertaker, Bergthor, and Andrei said. Slaine remained silent.

  Dracula summoned his wings and two enormous, black bat-like wings emerged from his body and spread behind him. The ancient vampire took off into the night with Garth. As soon as Dracula left the roof his hold over everyone faded, and the pause in battle was broken. All hell broke loose.

  “Dracula! You jerk! Get your butt back here!” Derek roared up at the night sky before summoning his ma
gical power and willing his dragon tattoo’s wings to emerge from his back. The blue shimmery wings emerged and spread behind him. With a flap of his wings Derek began to ascend. However-

  Undertaker acted fast, grabbed his whip, and shot it out towards Derek so that it wrapped around Derek’s ankle. Undertaker then used all of his strength to slam Derek back down onto the roof floor with a loud thwack. Derek was so stunned and hurt by the sudden blow that the wings on his back disintegrated.

  Slaine unsheathed his samurai sword in one fluid motion, and held it at Undertaker’s throat. “I thought I already made myself clear earlier. The only one who can kill Derek Dearg - is I.” His eyes glowed red in warning.

  Undertaker put his hands up in surrender and loosened his hold on the whip. “Whoa, there. He’s all yours, partner.”

  Slaine pulled his sword away from Undertaker’s throat and attacked the fallen Derek. Derek rolled out of the way as Slaine slashed his sword down where Derek had been lying only seconds before. Slaine’s sword impacted with the roof’s floor, made a small crater there, and pieces of concrete flew up into the air.

  Derek leapt to his feet and willed his python tattoo to materialize to block Slaine’s next attack. Derek made sure to pour a lot of magical energy into the python so it wouldn’t just disintegrate when Slaine brought his sword down upon it.

  “What game are you playing at, Slaine?” Derek demanded.

  Slaine smirked in a cocky fashion. “No game.”

  “First you save me, then you try to kill me.” Derek countered.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I already told you. The only one who can kill you - is I!” Slaine argued as he attacked Derek with his katana again.

  Meanwhile, Bergthor, Undertaker, and Andrei had set their sights on Levi and Malakye. Bergthor let out a roar as he charged towards Levi. Levi braced himself for the attack. However, Malakye put his foot out and ended up tripping Bergthor on purpose. Bergthor stumbled forward and landed smack on his face. He was knocked out cold.

  “Thanks for that.” Levi smirked at Mal.

  “You little smart aleck!” Undertaker reached into his trench coat and whipped out two massive guns. “Oh, you’ll pay for that.” He fired at Malakye.

  “Look out!” Levi pushed Malakye to the roof floor.

  “I missed.” A muscle below Undertaker’s eye ticked in irritation. “I never miss.” He raised his guns again.

  “I’ll take Undertaker.” Levi said to Mal. “You handle Andrei.”

  “You got it.” Malakye quickly agreed.

  Levi stood up and charged Undertaker. Undertaker fired, and Levi dodged some of the bullets but not all of them. A bullet pierced his shoulder and another imbedded itself into his thigh. He was immortal and would heal eventually, so he didn’t really give a hoot about a little pain. Malakye, on the other hand, was tougher than he looked, but not immortal.

  “Son of a gun.” Undertaker swore as he continued to fire at Levi, who didn’t slow his approach, and ended up getting past the cowboy’s defenses.

  Levi grinned cockily as he punched Undertaker hard across the face.

  Andrei held his cane up before him and revealed that it concealed a sword. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Malakye.

  Malakye blinked. “A sword master? Well, two can play at that game.” Malakye whipped out a piece of wood that resembled a sword’s hilt. He held it out before him in a two-handed grip.

  Andrei looked at the sword hilt, which had no blade, snorted, and raised an eyebrow at Malakye. “You expect to fight me with that little stick, boy?”

  Malakye smiled and summoned his psychic powers. He let out a battle cry. A blue blade of psychic energy shot out of the sword hilt and solidified.

  Derek, Levi, and the vampires all gawked at Malakye in shock.

  “Holy crap. Since when does Malakye have a light saber?” Derek demanded.

  “It’s not a light saber. It’s an energy saber.” Malakye corrected.

  “It’s still really cool.” Levi praised.

  “Shall we?” Andrei got into a fighting stance.

  “Bring it.” Malakye got into a fighting stance of his own.

  The two sword masters charged each other and their swords clashed in a graceful and deadly dance. That’s when the sound of blaring police sirens was heard.

  “Oh crap, it’s the law!” Undertaker swore.

  “And whose fault do you think that is, genius?” Andrei chided the cowboy. “They must have heard the gunshots down below. And all of the humans carry cell phones with them these days.”

  Malakye used Andrei’s distraction to back away from him and approach Levi and Derek. “Hey guys.” Malakye waved them over.

  “What is it?” Derek questioned.

  Malakye put a hand on Derek and Levi’s shoulders. “Time to go!” Malakye teleported the three of them to the safety of Derek’s townhouse. The trio materialized in Derek’s living room. Malakye removed his hands from his friends’ shoulders and swayed on his feet. Teleporting multiple people at once was hard! “Let those jerks deal with the cops. I don’t know about you guys, but I have no interest in going to prison again.” Malakye shuddered as he remembered his brief two-year tenure at state prison.

  Levi ruffled Malakye’s hair. “Don’t worry, Mal. If you’re ever arrested for being The Mummy again we’ll just break you out.”

  “Dang it, guys.” Derek began, his expression bleak. “What are we going to do about Garth?”

  Levi grinned. “Dracula has no idea that the little kitty he just took home is actually a big, bad tiger. I wouldn’t worry about him too much. Garth can take care of himself. And…he’ll probably be able to find out where Nerezza is.”

  “Good deal.” Derek nodded in agreement. “Garth can save Nerezza.”


  That same evening, after Becca and Ti had finished having Becca try on different outfits, the blogger returned to her room. She showered, dried her hair, and got ready for bed. Becca then lit some incense that Dealande had given her so that she could continue her dreams about her past life. She hoped that she would get to find out what had become of poor Hunchback, and hoped that her memories had a happy ending.

  Becca set the ceramic, lotus-shaped incense burner down on the night table, and then lay down on the bed. She inspected her wounds and the Band Aids on her skinned knees. She was almost feeling sorry for herself when she remembered the horrible torture Hunchback had gone through. Compared to that, her tiny little cuts and bruises were nothing. That’s right, Becca. This is nothing compared to what poor Hunchback went through. As the smell of sandalwood filled the room, her eyes began to drift closed. In seconds, she was fast asleep and began to dream of the past.


  Hunchback’s arms were covered in horrible, blistering burns, and his hump riddled with gruesome stab wounds. His back had been truly mutilated, and he’d lost a lot of blood. Dearg and Cinnia quickly took Hunchback back to his cave dwelling deep in the forest. Cinnia began to care for him there. She cleaned his wounds, stitched them closed, applied poultices and unguents, and bandaged his back. Cinnia also applied special salves to the burns on his arms, and bandaged them.

  By the time Cinnia had finished Hunchback was completely covered in bandages and looked like a Mummy. His feelings were a jumbled mess. At first, he couldn’t really hate the Elite Hunters for what they’d done to him because he felt they were right - he was nothing but a disgusting monster.

  Or was he? Cinnia cared for him gently, and touched his back and arms without disgust. She only looked upon him with compassion.

  Day after day, Cinnia would clean his wounds and redress them with fresh bandages. He was so weak from blood loss that he didn’t have the strength to move, and so lay on his side, staring around his cave, and staring at Cinnia when she was there, gracing him with her presence.

  He never got tired of looking at her. Cinnia really was so beautiful with
her long, fiery red hair, and deep, forest-green eyes. Her touch was so soft and gentle on his skin, so innocent. Cinnia at least didn’t think of him as a monster. He was sure of it.

  Hunchback wasn’t sure when his feelings for Cinnia began to change, or when her touch started to make him burn and ache with need. As she rubbed slave onto the burns on his arms, Hunchback grew aroused.

  His feelings of friendship for Cinnia were changing into something else. Hunchback realized that he was falling in love with her and he’d begun to lust after her. Every time her gentle hands were on his skin he’d grow aroused. And then he’d feel ashamed and disgusted with himself.

  Luckily, because of his baggy pants Cinnia never noticed his lust for her. What would she think if she knew? He wondered uneasily. What would she think of his desire for her? His lust? His love? Would she be disgusted? Horrified? Undoubtedly.

  He was a disgusting monster. If he were to reveal his true feelings to Cinnia she would probably finally gaze upon him with disgust and then run away screaming. He was hideous and the beautiful, brave, courageous Cinnia deserved better. She deserved a man who was whole. Handsome. Powerful. Someone like…Dearg.

  Hunchback began to curse his existence. His fate.

  Dang it all! Why? Why did I have to be born this way? Why? He thought angrily.

  Even though Dearg and Cinnia had accepted him and befriended him, he wasn’t like them. He wasn’t normal. He was a monster. He began to see their friendship as pity. Yes, they pitied him. They didn’t care for him. He was a monster. Monster, Monster, Monster. The word seemed to echo over and over again in his mind relentlessly. Along with another word: Cinnia, Cinnia, Cinnia.

  Hunchback’s nights were filled with nightmares of the brutal torture he’d went through. The three-fold-death was supposed to kill him and in a way maybe it did. He hadn’t spoken a single word to Dearg or Cinnia since the incident. He would toss and turn all night long, and awake with a silent scream on his lips. He’d clutch his head in his hands and try to get Corann’s cold, merciless voice out of his head.

  Monster, monster, monster.

  No, no, no…no! He finally began to hate Corann and the Elite Hunters. He began to hate everyone. He was filled with so much anger and hate it began to consume him. And thoughts of getting revenge began to flicker through his mind. He hated them all…except for Cinnia.

  Cinnia he loved.

  Weeks later, Hunchback was finally fully healed. At least, on the outside. Cinnia took care removing his bandages, and ran her hands gently over his newly healed flesh. “You’re fully healed, Hunchback.” Cinnia’s lilting voice was like birdsong to his ears.

  Hunchback sat up and stared at her. His body had hardened at her touch. He was disgusting. Hunchback opened his mouth and tried to speak. “Th-thank you. Cin…nia.” His throat was dry like sandpaper from lack of use.

  Cinnia’s eyes widened with happiness and surprise at getting to hear Hunchback’s voice again after so long. “You spoke! You spoke!” Tears shimmered in her forest-green eyes. She leapt to her feet and called out: “Dearg! Get in here! Hunchback spoke!”

  “Coming!” Came Dearg’s voice from just outside the cave.

  Hunchback frowned, surprised that Dearg had been so close by. Did Cinnia not trust him to be alone with her? Did she know about his secret lustful desires?

  Dearg rushed into the cave, ran over to Hunchback, and crouched before him. “How are you doing, my friend?”

  Hunchback swallowed thickly at the word ‘friend’. “B-Better now…thanks to Cinnia.” Hunchback gave Cinnia an emotional look.

  She blushed. “Ah, it was nothing.”

  Dearg offered Hunchback his hand. “Come. Let’s go outside for some fresh air. You’ve been cooped up in here way too long.”

  Hunchback nodded, placed his hand in Dearg’s, and let his friend help him up.

  The trio exited the cave and made their way outside. It was a beautiful sunny day with a slight chill in the air. Hunchback took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air and watched a V-shaped flock of birds passing by overhead. They were probably heading south for the winter. He squinted his eyes as he looked up at the sun he hadn’t seen for so long. The sun…it was so beautiful. It lifted his spirits. He briefly wondered how the vampires could live without the sun. Their lives had to be pretty depressing.

  The trio sat down together on the stream’s bank, and watched as the water lazily flowed past over the hundreds of round, gray stones. Hunchback found himself smiling. It was nice to be outside like this with his friends.

  Dearg cleared his throat. “I wanted to wait until you were better to do this, Hunchback.” Dearg turned his attention to Cinnia who was seated next to him and reached out to take her hand in his. “Cinnia, will you marry me? As Head Priest of the Blood Oak Clan, I need you by my side more than ever. Together we can help the clan move in the right direction. Please say ‘yes’, Cinnia.”

  Cinnia glanced over at Hunchback, who was seated beside her. Hunchback’s eyes were wide with the surprise at Dearg’s sudden proposal. Cinnia nibbled on her lower lip, looking unsure for a moment. “Well…I…”

  “Cinnia.” Dearg’s deep voice had Cinnia looking at him again. “I love you. And I will always love you. Only you. Forever. That’s a promise.”

  “Dearg…” Cinnia started, swallowed, but then smiled. “I love you too.”

  Dearg grinned. “Then…is that a ‘yes’?”

  Cinnia nodded. “Yes, I will marry you, Dearg.”

  “Thank the Goddess!” Dearg leapt to his feet and pulled Cinnia up with him. He pulled her into his arms, put his hands on her waist, lifted her up, and spun her around happily. Cinnia laughed in response. “I’m the luckiest man alive!”

  Hunchback couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Cinnia had actually said ‘yes’ after all this time. After Dearg’s countless proposals, she’d finally said ‘yes’. Dearg’s persistence had finally paid off.

  Dearg set Cinnia on her feet, reached out to cup her cheek, and leaned in for a kiss.

  No, no, no. Hunchback thought as he watched.

  Embarrassed, Cinnia glanced at Hunchback right before Dearg kissed her. Cinnia’s gaze quickly shifted back to Dearg though and then she was closing her eyes and savoring his tender kiss. I do love him. I love Dearg. So I know I’m not making a mistake.

  Hunchback’s heart broke inside of his chest in that moment. Cinnia had chosen Dearg…and of course she had. He was disgusting monster. He’d never had a chance to begin with. He blinked back his tears and refused to cry in front of them. He swallowed and cleared his throat. “C-C-Congratulations…Dearg, Cinnia. I’m…h-h-happy for you both.” Lies. Total lies.

  Dearg pulled back from Cinnia and grinned at Hunchback. “Thank you, my friend. That means a lot to me.”

  Cinnia smiled back at Hunchback, and was it just his imagination or had her smile been a little sad?