Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 17

  Chapter 12: Hellhound

  Becca ran down the hall, down the stairs, and made it to the living room before she was attacked again. She instinctively ducked, and a gleaming katana soared over her head, cutting a few red hairs.

  “I missed.” Koko complained. “Pity.” The vampire removed her hooded cloak and tossed it aside. Koko was wearing a knee-length, red and black kimono with short sleeves. A black obi sash belt was tied around her waist, and she was wearing a pair of black knee boots. Her black and red hair was tied up into a ponytail. She was ready for battle.

  Becca straightened and gaped at Koko. She rubbed her neck unconsciously with her hand. “You almost frigin decapitated me!”

  “That was the idea. Slaine won’t be able to love a headless corpse! It’s time to die, Rebecca Thorn!” Koko attacked with a psychotic look in her glowing, red eyes.

  Becca raised her arm, prepared to defend herself, and summon an ink creature. However-

  A black stag got in the way and protected Becca, its impressive antlers clashing against the katana. Becca turned to see Fia. “Fia!”

  “Get out of here, Becca. Go outside into the sun. You’ll be safe outside.” Fia said without taking her eyes off of Koko. “I still can’t believe these vampires are going around during the day! It’s crazy!”

  Becca hesitated. She didn’t like Fia very much but…leaving her to a vampire was another story. “I…I can fight!”

  Fia smiled. “I know. But now’s not the time. Not yet. And who was it that said I was the better Huntress? I can handle this crazy ninja vampire chick!”

  Becca realized that she’d only end up getting in Fia’s way if she stayed. “Kick her butt, Fia!” She said before running towards the foyer.

  “Will do.” Fia shot back.

  Becca reached the door, turned the knob, and exited out into the sunlight. She ran down the steps to the sidewalk and looked around. “Phew.” There were no enemies in sight and she was out in the sun, so she was safe, right? The sound of a car window being rolled down caught her attention.

  Becca turned her head to see a car with black-tinted windows, and as the window was rolled down the muzzle of a gun suddenly came into view and was pointed at her. Her eyes widened in fear and shock. She froze.

  “Get down!” Came a male voice and then a body was crashing into Becca, and sending her to the ground.

  A shot rang out.

  “Dag nam it!” An angry male voice with a southern accent was heard from inside the car. “Who just got in my way? I’m gonna shoot you full of lead!” More shots were fired.

  The man, who’d pushed Becca to the ground, stood up and offered his hand to her. She looked up at the mysterious cloaked and hooded figure. “Come with me.” The man told her. Becca hesitated before putting her hand in his and allowing him to help her up. They then began to run down the sidewalk together hand in hand.

  Becca curiously glanced sideways at her rescuer. Because of his dark green, hooded cloak and the gas mask that was on his face she had no idea who the hell he was. That gas mask is kinda creepy.

  The male stopped in front of a black Lamborghini, and took out his car keys. He unlocked the car. “Get in.”

  Becca didn’t need to be told twice. She got in the passenger side seat while her rescuer got in behind the wheel. He started the engine, pulled out of the parking spot, and merged into traffic. He pressed on the gas.

  Becca let out a breath of relief. “We’re safe.”

  Her rescuer looked in his rearview mirror. “Tch.” He made a sound of annoyance. “Not yet. He’s following us.”

  “What?” Becca looked into the rearview mirror and sure enough she spotted the car with tinted windows coming after them “Holy hell.”

  “Put your seatbelt on.” Her rescuer directed. Becca quickly put it on. “Hang on.” The male pressed down on the gas and floored it. Becca crossed herself and prayed. The male laughed at her antics, and that laugh was strangely familiar.

  Becca reached out and pulled her rescuer’s hood down to reveal his snow-white hair. “Slaine!”

  Slaine stopped laughing and stiffened. “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Becca raised his hood as his head began to smoke from the sun’s rays that had begun to hit it. “Slaine, why are you here? Why did you rescue me?” And in the middle of the day.

  Slaine let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. He shrugged. “I don’t really know myself but…when Dracula told me he had a dream that a woman named Rebecca Thorn would kill him…I knew he would try to have you killed. And I…I just couldn’t stand back and watch that happen.”

  Becca gave Slaine a suspicious look. “Do you still want to turn me into a vampire?”

  “Honestly? I don’t know.” Slaine clenched his hands around the steering wheel. Slaine glanced at Becca’s new tattoos. “Besides I think it might be impossible now. What with Dracula’s dream and the fact you’re now a Huntress. You’ve chosen to walk a different path from me once again, Becca. We’re enemies now.” He frowned at the thought.

  The car that was still pursuing them had managed to catch up to them, and pulled up directly behind them by swerving around another car. Undertaker leaned out his side window and began to fire at the Lamborghini.

  “Crap!” Slaine swerved the car back and forth across the road as he tried to dodge the onslaught of gunfire. “That jerk Undertaker is really shooting at us!” His voice was tinged with disbelief.

  “Slaine! There are too many innocent people around!” Becca exclaimed and nibbled her lower lip before she decided to make a suggestion she wasn’t sure Slaine would listen to. “Let’s get off the main road.”

  Slaine rolled his eyes at Becca’s subtlety. “Oh, what the hell. Just so you know, I don’t care about what happens to these humans.” He spotted an exit ramp, took it and they began to head down a winding forest road.

  Becca grabbed her seatbelt as Slaine drove like a daredevil down the twisting road that had forest on either side. “Hey Slaine…there’s something I want you to know in case we die.”

  Slaine glanced at Becca curiously. “What?”

  Becca took a deep breath to steel her nerves. “I remembered my past…my past life as Cinnia, that is. I remember you too, Hunchback.”

  Slaine gripped the wheel and stiffened. “You remember…how hideous I used to look?”

  Becca shook her head. “No, I remember how kind and sweet you used to be. How you would nurse injured forest creatures back to health. How you wouldn’t hurt a fly. How you wouldn’t step on ants that were crossing your path.”

  Slaine flushed at her words. “I’m not that person anymore, Becca.”

  But Becca plowed on with what she wanted to say. “And I remember how I felt about you. I loved you, Hunchback.” She admitted softly.

  “What a load of crap.” Slaine snarled as he nearly lost control of the car. “You married Dearg!”

  “Yes, I did. I married Dearg because even though I loved you…I simply loved Dearg more.” Becca reached out to place a hand on Slaine’s shoulder. “And you never told me that you loved me. Why?”

  Slaine laughed bitterly, and blinked his eyes rapidly to clear them of his blood tears. “How could I? I was a hideous monster.”

  Becca let out a frustrated huff. “But not to me! You may have loved me Slaine, but back then…you didn’t know me. There’s a chance I may not have rejected you, but you didn’t even try. Instead you tried to force my love for you. You tried to turn me into a vampire and ended up killing me.” Becca pulled her hand back and wrapped her arms around her body as she remembered. The blood dripping down onto her face.

  Slaine hung his head, feeling ashamed. “I…I’m sorry Cinnia. I never meant to hurt you. I regret my actions even now.”

  “And yet you tried to turn me again! Why?” Becca demanded angrily as she poked him in the arm.

  “Because of Derek! Okay?” Slaine burst out, feeling embarrassed and pathetic. ??
?I knew…you’d fall in love with him again! It was only a matter of time!”

  Becca shook her head, and her lime green eyes were filled with sadness. “You’re wrong. I was falling in love with you, Slaine…but you had to ruin all that by making the wrong choices again. You betrayed me, Slaine…I trusted you!”

  Did I make the wrong choice? Again? Will I continue to make the wrong choices when it comes to Becca over and over again? Did I really have a chance with her and yet I screwed it up? So this situation…is all my fault. I just keep making the wrong choices. But, no more. No more being an idiot. It’s time to start making the right choices. Slaine peered into the rearview mirror. “Crap! That jerk is still on our tail!” Slaine watched as Undertaker emerged from the side window again. “What the hell is that guy doing now?”

  Undertaker whipped out a rocket launcher, which he aimed at the Lamborghini.

  Slaine’s eyes popped. “No frigin way…a rocket launcher?”

  Becca paled. “Did you just say ‘rocket launcher’?”

  Undertaker waited five seconds until the marker turned from green to red. At that point, the missile was locked on. Undertaker pulled the trigger and fired the rocket at the Lamborghini.

  “That can’t be a heat-seeking rocket, can it? Crap. We’re going to have to go off road!” Slaine swerved right, went off the road, and began to drive down a rocky hill into the forest. “Did we lose it?” Slaine asked as he concentrated on swerving around the trees in his way.

  Becca checked her rearview mirror and saw the rocket pursuing their car. “Oh my God, Slaine, the rocket! It’s still after us! We’re so going die.”

  “What!” Slaine looked into the rearview mirror quickly, and saw the rocket still pursuing the car. “Crap! Son of a gun! It’s a heat-seeking missile alright. We’re going to have to e-vak.” Slaine undid his seatbelt.

  “We’re going to have to what?” Becca demanded in an incredulous tone.

  Slaine reached over, unbuckled Becca’s seatbelt, opened her passenger side door, grabbed Becca, and threw them both out of the car. Slaine wrapped his arms around Becca to protect her body as they hit the ground, and rolled down the hill.

  The missile hit the Lamborghini and it exploded with a boom! Becca screamed. Flaming pieces of metal debris flew through the air. Slaine rolled so that Becca was beneath his body as the shrapnel began to dangerously rain down on the ground all around them. Several pieces of sharp, metal debris imbedded themselves into Slaine’s back like arrows, and he grunted and grit his teeth against the pain. This is nothing…compared to the torture I once went through at the hands of that sadistic bastard Corann and his Elite.

  Finally, the rain of metal debris stopped. Slaine moved off of Becca, and noted she’d fallen unconscious. Slaine sat on the ground, reached behind him, gripped a piece of metal, and grit his teeth as he pulled the metal out of his back.

  Blood spurted through the air as Slaine removed each piece of metal from his back one by one. Afterwards, he felt weak and dizzy. He was panting for breath and his vision was going hazy. When he stood up he swayed on his feet. But they had to keep moving. Undertaker would probably come down there to inspect the wreckage. Slaine made his way over to Becca, and scooped her up into his arms bridal-style.

  The vampire looked down at the vision of beauty that was Becca in his arms. At least I get to carry her like this once in my undead life. Slaine started off into the forest and shivered at the fall chill in the air. It was the beginning of October, and the leaves on all of the trees had changed color to red, orange, and yellow. At least, his hooded cloak and gas mask protected him from the sun’s rays.

  Slaine searched the surrounding area for some kind of shelter where he could hide with Becca and inspect her for injuries. After a few minutes, he spotted a shallow cave. Score. He made his way inside and looked around to make sure it wasn’t inhabited by a big grizzly bear or something. He then set Becca down on the floor of the cave gently, and started to inspect her body for injuries.

  There were a few small cuts on her arms…bleeding cuts. He could smell her delectable blood. Slaine leaned over Becca and licked at her wounds. The vampire watched as her wounds began to close right before his eyes. He began to tremble with desire. Her blood smells so delectable.

  Slaine realized in that moment that he still smelled blood. He sniffed her body and discovered that she was bleeding from the back of her head. Worried, Slaine put his hand behind Becca’s head and when he inspected his hand he saw that it was covered in blood. Had Becca’s head hit a rock when they’d jumped out of the car and rolled down the hill? Slaine wondered frantically. Head injuries were very dangerous for humans. She could die.

  Slaine’s pupils dilated at the smell of Becca’s blood on his hand. He licked the blood off his hand while watching her closely. His red eyes glowed with lust and desire for her. Maybe he should turn her right now. He mused and a smile curled his lips. She was currently unconscious and would be unable to resist him as he bit her neck and then fed her his blood. This was the perfect opportunity.

  Slaine leaned over Becca, his fangs elongated, and he went for her neck. He was just about to sink his fangs into her flesh when he just stopped.

  I was falling in love with you, Slaine…but you made all the wrong choices. You betrayed me, Slaine…I trusted you.

  Becca’s words echoed through his head mercilessly.

  The vampire pulled away from her. No! He would not betray Becca again. This time he would make the right choice. He would save Becca…another way.

  Slaine licked the back of Becca’s head until her wound stopped bleeding, and then ripped strips of cloth from the bottom of his cloak, which he used to bandage Becca’s head.

  Hours passed and the sun began to set. Slaine was feeling tired and weak, but decided to go in search of firewood anyways. He didn’t want Becca to wake up in total darkness inside of the cave and be afraid. The vampire also wanted to make sure that she was kept warm from the fall chill in the air. Slaine left the cave and it didn’t take him very long to find several dry pieces of wood in the nearby forest.

  When he returned to the cave, Slaine built a small fire, and used his vampiric powers to get it going. As soon as the sun had set, he removed the gasmask he’d been wearing and his hooded cloak. He walked over to Becca and placed his cloak over her like a blanket. He then moved to sit across the fire from her. Slaine sat down cross-legged on the cave floor, and struggled to keep his eyes open as exhaustion tried to claim him. His eyelids started drooping anyways. He’d lost so much blood. He was so tired. Slaine ended up falling asleep while in his sitting position.


  A couple hours later, Becca awoke with a start. She sat up and groaned. “Ugh.” Her head felt like it’d been hit by a two-by-four. She blinked around at her surroundings. When her eyes adjusted to the dim light she discovered that she was inside of a shallow cave. There was a small, flickering fire right beside her, and sitting directly across from her on the other side of the fire was Slaine.

  “Slaine!” Becca exclaimed fearfully, and raised a hand to the side of her neck to check for a bite mark. Her neck was bite mark free, however, and Slaine appeared to be asleep even though he was in a sitting position.

  She looked down at the hunter-green cloak that had been covering her like a blanket, and reached up to feel a bandage that was tied around her head. Her brow furrowed in confusion. “Slaine…saved me? But why? Why didn’t he try to turn me this time? I would have been completely helpless.”

  Becca couldn’t help but remember the old ‘Hunchback’ who’d lived in a cave that had been just a little bit bigger than this one. She remembered him as a thirteen-year-old boy holding a huge, fluffy bunny in his arms, and laughing. He used to be so sweet but now…

  She stared across the fire at Slaine, and took in the all-black leather outfit he was wearing. He was a vampire. A true monster. His soul was in Hell.

  Becca stood up and the cloak fell off
of her. She raised her arm and summoned her fox tattoo. It peeled off her arm, materialized, and stood beside her, awaiting her command. Tears burned Becca’s green eyes. “I’m going to save you, Slaine. Kill him.” She commanded her ink fox.

  The ink fox approached Slaine with slow, purposeful steps in order not to wake him. The fox stopped directly next to Slaine, tilted its head, and opened its mouth wide. It leaned forward, prepared to bite Slaine’s head off. However, the sound of a branch breaking echoed inside of the cave loudly.

  “Wait.” Becca commanded her fox that pulled its head away from Slaine’s neck.

  Becca turned her attention towards the entrance of the cave to see a cloaked, hooded figure entering. Oh crap! Was this the vampire who liked guns that had been pursing them? Becca wondered frantically.

  The figure approached the fire, and Becca stiffened, prepared to fight. The figure lowered her hood to reveal Yoko. Yoko was wearing a knee-length, black and white kimono with short sleeves, a white obi sash belt that was tied around her thin waist, and black knee boots. Two short swords were strapped to her back and Becca could see their hilts.

  “Yoko?” Becca recognized the vampire twin from when she’d been kidnapped by Neena.

  Yoko looked at the ink fox. “What were you doing with that?” Her voice held a dangerous edge to it.

  “Ah, I heard someone coming so I…” Becca shrugged and tried to look innocent.

  Yoko raised an eyebrow at the strange girl. “You thought I was Undertaker?”

  “Undertaker?” Becca asked and her brow furrowed. Just how many vampires were in San Francisco? She wondered and shuddered at the thought.

  “Undertaker is the vampire who pursued you both. Don’t worry. He thinks you’re dead.” Yoko smiled as if the thought also pleased her.

  Becca remembered the explosion. “Great. That’s good news…I guess.”

  Yoko sniffed the air and her stoic expression shifted to concern. “Slaine-sensei…he’s hurt.” Yoko rushed over to Slaine’s side and crouched beside him. She ripped his shirt off, flipped Slaine onto his stomach, and revealed his back.

  Becca gasped at the sight of it. His back was an absolute mess, torn open in places, and bleeding profusely. “How did that happen?”

  Yoko glanced up at Becca and gave her an exasperated look. “Foolish human, he obviously used his body to protect you from the explosion.”

  Becca gulped. “Slaine…protected me?” She felt like a total witch that she’d almost just killed him. But he had no soul, right? How could someone without a soul do an act of kindness though? She wondered. Would killing him have been wrong? But it was to save his soul. Becca could feel a headache coming as her mind whirled with possibilities and questions.

  Yoko leaned down and began to lick Slaine’s back while making purring sounds.

  Becca blushed at the erotic sight. “W-What are you doing?”

  Yoko raised an eyebrow at Becca. “Our saliva has healing properties. I’m going to seal his wounds.”

  “Oh.” Becca said and looked at her arms. She’d been cut but those cuts were pink and already healing. Had Slaine…? She blushed at the thought of him licking her wounds closed.

  It took almost half an hour for Yoko to close all of Slaine’s wounds. Once she was done she pulled back and licked her lips. “Mmm. Slaine-sensei tastes so good.” She then removed her cloak and put it around Slaine’s shoulders in a tender gesture.

  Becca gave Yoko a strange look. “Aren’t you going to try and kill me?”

  Yoko gave her a droll look. “I could care less about you, Rebecca Thorn. All I care about is Slaine’s well-being.”

  Surprise flashed across Becca’s visage when she realized something. “You love him don’t you?”

  Yoko nodded. “Yes, but Slaine sees my sister and I as his ‘daughters’, I think. It was centuries ago in Feudal Japan when he saved my sister and I. He was an Iga ninja and had been ordered to make an attack on the Koga Clan. My sister and I were only seven-years-old at the time. Still ninjas in training. When he found us…he should have killed us. Instead, he decided to save us. He raised us like his own daughters and trained us to fight so that we could protect ourselves. But when Dracula found out about our existences, he sent vampires to kill us. When Slaine arrived to find us dying, he decided to save us by turning us.”

  Becca frowned and gave Yoko a pitying look. “He didn’t save you though. He cursed your souls to Hell.”

  “No, you’re wrong.” Yoko’s red eyes flashed angrily. “All we wanted was to be able to stay by Slaine’s side. He saved us.” Her voice was firm.

  Becca felt pleased to know that Slaine hadn’t been alone all this time, but she was also feeling strangely jealous of Yoko and Koko’s connection to Slaine. But that was silly. She realized. Her feelings weren’t making very much sense. “I see.” She sighed. “Look, I’m glad Slaine has you and Koko by his side. He shouldn’t be alone. I also care about his well-being in my own way. You two…you’ll look out for him, won’t you? Protect him from Dracula?” What am I saying? Just a few minutes ago I was trying to kill him. And now I’m asking Yoko to protect him? What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Of course. Koko and I would protect Slaine with our lives.” Yoko readily assured her.

  Becca let out a breath of relief. “I’m glad to hear that…that he isn’t alone.”

  Yoko surprised Becca by actually smiling.

  Slaine slowly blinked his eyes as he came awake and sat up. He was feeling much better, but still weak from blood loss. The pain in his back was mysteriously gone though. His eyes widened dramatically when he caught sight of Yoko who’d latched herself onto his arm. “Yoko!” He quickly looked around the cave to find Becca, and saw her seated across the fire with an ink fox seated next to her. Phew. He let out a breath of relief. Becca looked okay and it didn’t appear as though the two women had fought or that Yoko had tried to kill Becca. If Koko had shown up…well…

  “What are you doing here, Yoko?” Slaine asked Yoko warily.

  “I came to help you, of course. I followed you and Undertaker on my motorcycle.” Yoko revealed. “That was one hell of a chase you gave him, sensei.”

  Slaine’s brow furrowed with confusion. “Wait, how did you know it was me?”

  Yoko raised an eyebrow at Slaine. “Who else would be rescuing Rebecca Thorn in a Lamborghini? You tend to be a little predictable, Slaine. Even if it was a different color from your other one, as soon as I saw the car I knew that it was you. That’s why I followed you, to see if you’d need my help. I almost had a heart attack when you drove off the road, and the missile blew up the car. After that I watched as Undertaker parked his car, and made his way down the hill to inspect the wreckage.

  “I waited a few minutes before following Undertaker, and kept myself hidden among the trees. Undertaker took one look at the car, the metal debris on the ground, and the blood before he burst out laughing. That son of a gun figured you two were dead. I don’t think Undertaker knew it was you, Slaine. Anyways, I waited until he left before I started searching for the two of you. That’s when I discovered this cave. I helped to heal your wounds. You were badly injured and loosing a lot of blood.” Yoko licked her lips as she remembered the sweet taste of her sensei’s blood.

  Slaine’s eyes flared. “You licked my wounds in front of Becca?” The vampire flushed and looked across the fire at Becca awkwardly as Yoko snuggled up against his arm like she was his lover. What does Becca think about this?

  Becca looked at Slaine across the fire, suddenly feeling very far away from him. Slaine and Yoko were vampires, and she was human and now a Druid Vampire Hunter. They were enemies. But for the moment they appeared to have an unspoken truce.

  “Yes. I did.” Yoko was unrepentant.

  Becca waved her hand in front of her. “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m glad she was able to help you heal.”

  “Slaine-sensei…you’re weak from loss of blood. You should feed. F
eed from me.” Yoko moved her kimono aside to bare her neck and part of her shoulder to Slaine. Slaine’s pupils dilated and his fangs elongated, but he covered his mouth with his hand. He then shot a worried and slightly horrified look in Becca’s direction. “No! I shall not feed in Becca’s presence.” Like a monster. I don’t want her to see me like this.

  Becca stood up. “I’ll go outside so you can feed.” She started for the exit of the cave.

  Slaine stood up quickly. “No!” He grabbed her arm. “Undertaker could still be out there. It’s too dangerous. Stay here, Becca. Tonight I will protect you. Tomorrow morning you can leave and return to the Druids. Or wherever you wish.”

  Becca hesitated but then let out a defeated sigh. “Alright fine, but as soon as I’m gone you’ll feed, right?”

  Slaine was touched by her concern and nodded. “I shall.”

  Becca moved to sit behind the fire once more. Slaine sat as well. He gave Becca a searching look. “So you won’t return to Derek?” He tried to make his tone as casual as possible.

  Becca frowned and her expression darkened. “No.” No yet…

  Confusion flickered in Slaine’s red eyes. “Did he try to turn you?”


  “Did he try to bite you?”


  Slaine let out a snort. “Then why did you leave him?”

  “I found out he’s a vampire…a monster. What did you expect? For me to react like this: ‘Oh Derek, you’re a vampire? Cool! Come and suck my blood.’ Hah! Especially with my blood phobia.” Becca rubbed her arms at the thought.

  “Blood phobia?” Slaine asked.

  “I faint or have a panic attack at the sight of blood or…” Becca looked at the blood surrounding Slaine. “I used to. I guess with everything that’s been happening to me recently I’m beginning to get desensitized to it. It was probably because of how I died in my past life.”

  Slaine cringed at her words and a guilty look crossed his face. “I’m sorry.”

  Becca shook her head. “No, it’s okay. You know what? I forgive you, Slaine.”

  Slaine’s jaw dropped slightly and he gave her an astonished look. “You do?”

  Becca nodded. “And thank you for saving my life today.”

  “It was nothing.” Slaine flushed, and a dopey, happy look was forming on his face.

  Yoko hit Slaine on the back of his head.

  “Ow!” Slaine rubbed the back of his head and glared at Yoko. “What the hell was that for?”

  “It was nothing.” Yoko repeated mimicking Slaine’s Celtic accent. “Stop trying to be cool, Slaine. If Dracula finds out about this you’ll be in deep crap. Dracula wants her dead.”

  “That coward.” Slaine angrily clenched his hands into fists on his lap. “Afraid of a little nightmare.”

  Becca wisely kept her mouth shut about the ‘prophecy’ and her being the city’s Savior. She was moved Slaine was risking his ‘life’ for her by helping her, but she still intended to kill Slaine when she the opportunity presented itself. She was determined to free his soul from Hell.

  The night passed quickly, and when the sun rose and sunlight began to stream into the cave, Slaine and Yoko put their hooded cloaks back on. Becca stretched her arms over her head, stood up, and gave Slaine an emotional look. “Well, I guess this is goodbye.”

  Slaine offered her a tentative smile. “Take care, Becca. Be safe.”

  “You too.” Becca said before she left the cave and walked out into the sunlight. Becca looked up at the clear, gray-blue sky, and shielded her eyes from the bright, golden sun that was shinning overhead with her hand. She glanced behind her to see Slaine and Yoko dressed in their hooded cloaks, standing inside the cave, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. The sun had become their enemy.

  Becca turned her gaze back to the forest path in front of her, and began to take it back to the main road. She exited the edge of the forest, looked both ways before crossing the street, and stood on the side of the road as she prepared to hitchhike her way back into downtown San Francisco.

  A few minutes passed, when a Toyota appeared and stopped upon seeing Becca on the side of the road. Becca walked up to the car to see a middle-aged couple inside. The man was seated behind the wheel, and the woman was seated in the front passenger seat. Becca noticed the wedding rings on their hands, and noted that they were a married couple.

  “You need a ride, honey?” The wife asked in a friendly manner, as she looked Becca over. She was probably determining whether or not Becca was some kind of juvenile delinquent. After a moment, she nodded to herself as if deciding Becca was safe to let in the car.

  “Yes, please.” Becca quickly explained where she was going.

  “Well, hop in, kid. We happen to be driving right past there. We’ll drop you off on our way back home.” The husband said amiably as he unlocked the car.

  “Thanks!” Becca got into the back of the car. “This is actually my first time hitch-hiking like this. My car…er, broke down.”

  “Oh, that’s a shame.” The woman glanced over her shoulder to give Becca a sympathetic look.

  The man restarted the car and off they went. “My name is Bruce, and this is my wife, Kelly.”

  “I’m Becca. Nice to meet you both.” Becca said while hoping she didn’t seem too nervous or suspicious.

  “Did you see the horrible accident back there?” Kelly asked with obvious distress in her tone.

  “Uh…yeah.” Becca hedged.

  “Horrible.” Bruce shook his head. “There were no survivors apparently. We stopped and talked to the cop that’s parked on the side of the road investigating the accident.”

  “No survivors.” Becca echoed, thinking about Slaine. He was ‘undead’. “That’s…sad.”

  “God bless their poor souls.” Kelly said before crossing herself.

  Their souls? Becca’s thoughts immediately shifted to Derek and Slaine. Their souls are currently burning in Hell. I must save them.

  Bruce and Kelly dropped Becca off right in front of the townhouse that was acting as the Druid Vampire Hunters’ current base of operations. “Take care, kid.” Bruce said with a wave.

  “You be safe now, honey.” Kelly offered Becca a warm smile.

  “Thanks. You guys be safe too.” Becca said and watched as they drove off. Her lips curled into a rueful smile. Apparently, there were still good Samaritans out there despite all those crazy, late night, news reports that said otherwise. Becca ascended the steps and knocked on the front door. The door opened to reveal Ti.

  “Get out of town!” Ti exclaimed as soon as she saw her. She reached out and surprised Becca with a hug. She pulled back and looked Becca over. “You’re alive. We were all so worried about you. We thought they kidnapped you…or worse. What the hell happened?”

  “Hey, Ti. As soon as I managed to escape the townhouse I hailed a cab, and got my butt out of here. I’ve just been lying low until now.” Becca explained.

  “Well, welcome back. Come on in.” Ti ushered Becca inside and into the living room. Everyone was there: Vortigern, Dealande, Fia, Nathair and Fean. All of the Druids were sporting bandages, but they were all thankfully alive. Everyone seemed happy and surprised to see Becca in one piece.

  “Hey guys, look who’s back!” Ti exclaimed as she pushed Becca forward into the room as if she were presenting her.

  Fean stood up with a big grin on his face, and walked over to give Becca a hug. “Hey, welcome back, babe.” Mmm, her boobs are pressing against my chest.

  “Uh, you can let go now, Fean.” Becca was saying in an amused tone.

  Ti grabbed her brother’s ear and yanked him back away from Becca. “Let go of her Fean, you perv!”

  “Aw man, such a killjoy, sis.” Fean reluctantly let go of Becca.

  “So you made it.” Fia approached and looked Becca over. “Good. It’s what I expected.”

  “Good job, Becca.” Nathair said with a half

  Becca let out a relieved breath as she looked at all of them. “It’s really good to see you all again. And I’m glad you’re all okay. What happened to the vampires? Did you kill them all?”

  Nathair chuckled darkly. “I wish. Those bloodsuckers got away. As soon as you left…they went off in search of you.”

  “I see.” Becca said nervously.

  Nathair narrowed his eyes at Becca. “How did you get away?”

  “Like I just told Ti, I hailed a cab.” Becca started nonchalantly. She decided that telling them that a vampire had saved her probably wouldn’t be the best idea.

  “It appears…we have our Savior.” Dealande began with a proud note to her scratchy voice. “You showed true bravery and courage during the attack, Becca. And you controlled your ink creatures flawlessly. I don’t think that there is anything more that we can teach you. I believe the time has come for you to leave us…and go kill Derek Dearg. Save this city.”

  Becca blinked at Dealande’s unexpected words. “Derek? What about Dracula?”

  Dealande laughed lowly and her blind eyes twinkled with mirth. “Don’t be so impatient. You’ll get your chance to kill Dracula too, but we’ll be there to help you with that. You’ll need all of us to take that ancient vampire down, trust me, but…Derek you should be able to handle on your own because he trusts you.”

  Kill Derek? Becca thought, her heart clenching inside of her chest. But it’s the right thing to do. Right?

  Fia walked up to Becca and placed a hand on her arm. “I’m counting on you, Becca…to avenge Keane’s death and to save Derek’s soul.”

  Becca frowned at the Huntress’s words. “But I still don’t think Derek killed Keane. I already told you that.”

  “It doesn’t really matter.” Fia flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “You still want to save Derek’s soul, right?”

  “Well, yeah, I do.” Becca agreed.

  “Then kill Derek, and put him out of his misery. Save him. Free his soul from Hell. You’re a Druid Vampire Hunter now, Becca. You’re one of us. I know you can do it.” Fia placed a hand on Becca’s shoulder and smiled at her.

  “I…” Becca looked around at everyone’s hopeful and expectant faces. She felt like she didn’t want to let them down. No pressure or anything. She finally nodded. “I’ll do it. I’ll kill Derek…and save his soul. And then we’ll go after Dracula, and stop whatever it is that he has planned for this city.” And Slaine…I’ll kill him too.

  Vortigern grinned. A strange glint in his eyes. “Well said, girl.”

  Fia’s smile widened. “I knew I could count on you, Becca. You really are one of us now. A true Druid Vampire Huntress.”

  “I…am a Huntress.” Becca murmured to herself. Don’t worry, Derek. I’m going to kill you and set your soul free from Hell because…I love you. And then I’ll kill Slaine and free him too. But don’t worry, my love. When I face Dracula I will probably die, and then I’ll meet you on the other side.

  To be continued…in the grand finale Druid Vampire Requiem PG-13 Version.


  Final note:

  Other works by the author:

  Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Ver

  Rockstar Ghost Resurrection PG-13 Ver

  His Heavy Metal Heart

  Wicked Bartender PG-13 Ver

  Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Ver

  Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Ver

  Incubus Chocolatier Retribution PG-13 Ver

  Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

  Bitch Heiress X2 Samurai Butler

  Samurai Superheroes Saga:

  Cowboy Samurai X Badass Android

  Geisha Assassin X Smartass Hacker

  Foxy Yokai X Punkass Cyborg

  Sir Genkaku Host Club

  (Books 1, 2, 3, and 4)

  Sanky Panky Pirate

  Sanky Panky Pirate Part II

  Hollywood Merman PG-13 Ver

  Hollywood Merman Revelations PG-13 Ver

  Druid Vampire PG-13 Ver

  Druid Vampire Requiem PG-13 Ver

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