Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 16

  Chapter 11: Dragon

  “G-Garth…” Nerezza called out. Garth glanced over at Nerezza and tried to control his animal instincts that were crying out to him to mate with her. He approached Nerezza, pounced on top of her, and nuzzled her neck. Garth purred deep in his throat and began to lick her exposed flesh. She smelled like catnip. Her drugging, addicting scent was driving him wild.

  Crap! He was growing aroused and if he didn’t get a hold on his anger he would end up screwing Nerezza in his animal form, which would be wrong on so many disturbing levels. Not only would it be disgusting but also it would be a grave sin.

  The sobering thought acted like a bucket of cold water to his face, and he began to calm down. He took deep, heaving breaths, and his anger and lust began to leave him. Garth began to transform from his Hellcat form back into his human form.

  In seconds, he was back in his human form, but still on top of Nerezza. And now he was buck-naked. Garth buried his face in the crook of Nerezza’s neck. “I’m so sorry…you must be terrified of me right now.” He couldn’t seem to stop himself from rubbing against her though. Crap. Pull yourself together man.

  Nerezza turned her head and surprised Garth by kissing his cheek sweetly. “I could never be afraid of you, Garth.”

  They were sobering words and Garth managed to pull himself away from Nerezza’s body. He grabbed the chains that were keeping her restrained to the bed, let out a roar, and shattered the chains with his bare hands using his brute strength. Once Nerezza’s bonds were broken, he got off the bed. He offered her his hand. “Come. We need to get out of here.” Nerezza took his hand but didn’t get off the bed.

  “Garth, I can’t move…I don’t have the strength.” Nerezza said in a soft voice.

  Garth’s brow furrowed as he thought about how to deal with this situation. “Then I’ll carry you.”

  “Garth…I’m dying. I need…you. Please.” Nerezza looked up at Garth and gave him an urgent, pleading look, and spread her legs invitingly.

  Garth couldn’t help it - he looked down at her. She was so beautiful. He gulped, his throat feeling dry. He grew even more aroused. Garth wanted to take her so bad, but…his monstrous strength, he could hurt her! He shook his head. “No…I can’t. I’ll hurt you.”

  Nerezza chuckled at Garth’s worried expression. “Garth…I’m not human, remember? I can handle you…all of you.”

  Garth’s expression was bleak. “If I take you right now…it makes me no different from Undertaker. I would be taking advantage of you.”

  Nerezza shook her head and opened her arms. “No, you wouldn’t be because I want you, Garth. Please, my friend…save me.”

  Garth’s restraint snapped, and he leapt on the bed and straddled Nerezza. He looked down at her beautiful face with its pained expression. He could ease her pain. He could have her. He closed his eyes and kissed her. Nerezza eagerly kissed him back and swirled her tongue around his.

  Garth united their bodies and Nerezza gasped at the feeling of their bodies becoming one. Garth groaned. It felt so good having her in his arms like this. Nerezza reached around Garth and raked her nails down his back. This big beefy male was mating with her and it felt wonderful.

  “We’re one.” Garth rumbled.

  Nerezza smiled up at him. “Yes, we are, Big Boy.”

  “I’m going to move…okay?”

  Nerezza nodded eagerly in agreement. “Yes, please, do.”

  Garth began to surge over her. Nerezza cried out at the mind-numbing pleasure. Garth grew concerned and frowned. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”

  Nerezza’s hazel eyes sparkled with amusement and lust. “Hell yes, I’m alright. And please continue.”

  And so Garth did and delighted in the sensations he was feeling. Nerezza moaned and writhed beneath him. “More…harder…faster.” She urged him on.

  “Dang, you’re so erotic, woman.” Garth purred as he began to surge over her with abandon. She reminded him of those times he used to take shifter women back in Scotland when he’d been a part of the shifter clan there. They too had been able to take all he had to offer and give back just as much.

  “Ah! Yes! Just like that!” Nerezza cried out in glee. Garth was taking her so hard it was almost painful, but Nerezza delighted in the pain. She’d always been a little bit of a masochist. It was part of her curse.

  As Garth took her he leaned over her and nibbled her neck. Nerezza cried out in pleasure and arched her back. This pushed Garth over the edge, and he grunted as he reached the peak of his pleasure.

  Nerezza cried out and raked her nails down Garth’s back. She could feel his sexual energy pour into her body. His energy was so masculine and potent. “Yes, oh yes!” The succubus said as she wrapped her legs around Garth’s waist to keep their bodies connected as she fed from his sexual energies. She could feel power flooding through her and her strength returning. She felt alive once more. This is so…incredible! Just how powerful is he?

  Garth continued to surge over her. This sent Nerezza over the edge to join him in his pleasure. “Garth!” She cried out as she trembled against him. “So good. You’re so good.”

  Finally, Garth’s was spent and collapsed on top of Nerezza.

  Nerezza didn’t mind his heavy weight at all. It was oddly comforting. She felt safe in Garth’s big, brawny arms. Even if they were just friends. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. He’d saved her.

  After a few minutes, Garth spoke. “We should probably check out of this love hotel.”

  “Yeah.” Nerezza agreed in a slightly amused tone. “It’s got the worst room service.”

  Garth moved off of her and got off the bed. He looked at the mess he’d made of Nerezza. The shifter frowned. He couldn’t help but think about how mad the guys were going to be if they found out he’d slept with Nerezza. She was their friend and in a sense off-limits.

  Nerezza sat up and looked at him. “I have no regrets, Garth. You saved my life. And you mean a lot to me…you’re a true friend.” She soothed in a comforting way.

  Garth’s expression softened. “You mean a lot to me too.” His voice was gruff. He took in her nakedness, and his frown deepened. “You need some clothes.” He glanced around the cell.

  Nerezza looked pointedly at his crotch. He was impressive even when not aroused. “You too. You wouldn’t want to make poor Dracula feel inadequate.” She teased.

  Garth chuckled at Nerezza’s words and spotted the unconscious form of Undertaker. He grinned evilly. “I think I found some.” Garth walked over to Undertaker and pulled off his long black trench coat. It was oddly heavy and Garth noted it was filled with guns. He carried the jacket over to Nerezza and tossed it to her. “Here. Dress yourself, woman.”

  Nerezza pouted flirtatiously. “What’s the rush? You don’t like seeing me naked?”

  Garth flushed. “I don’t like other men seeing you naked.” He muttered darkly to himself.

  It was Nerezza’s turn to blush at his unexpected words. “O-Oh.” Nerezza quickly put on the trench coat and buttoned it up.

  Garth made his way back over to Undertaker so he could steal the man’s pants and boots. They were a tight fit but…it’s not like Garth had much of a choice. I feel like Magic Mike in these. He reached into the pants pocket, and pulled out the keys to the cell. Garth walked over to the cell door and opened it. He motioned for Nerezza to join him. “Come on, let’s-” His words died in his throat as he caught sight of Nerezza.

  Two curled horns had sprouted out of her head, and two bat-like wings had emerged from her back and were spread behind her. A long black tail with a heart-shaped barb swished behind her. Because Garth was a demon and Nerezza had consumed his demonic sexual energies - it had activated Nerezza’s true form as a succubus demon a.k.a sex demon.

  Nerezza hopped off the bed and joined Garth. She placed a hand on his chest and grinned wolfishly. “Your sexual energy is especially potent.” She winked.

>   “I-I see. Let’s blow this joint.” Garth unlocked the cell door, and they exited. They spotted a staircase at the other end of the dungeon, and ascended it. They opened the door at the top of the staircase, and entered what appeared to be a normal bedroom. “What the?” Garth said as he looked around the luxuriously decorated bedroom that was filled with antiques.

  Garth and Nerezza made their way through the bedroom, and exited into another hallway in what appeared to be a mansion. Below their feet was an Oriental runner, and oil paintings and tapestries were hung on the walls on either side of them. Suits of Romanian battle armor stood in shadowed alcoves. Garth eyed the broadswords that were leaning against the suits of armor and tried not to think about how cool they looked.

  They made their way down the hall, realizing this was just a lone wing inside of the enormous mansion. They spotted the exit and ran towards it. They exited into a spacious courtyard with an impressive stone dragon fountain in the center that was surrounded by a topiary garden. The leafy, green trees had been clipped and pruned into different geometric and animal shapes.

  The estate seemed enormous, and they looked behind them to admire the posh, glamorous San Francisco mansion they’d just escaped from. Garth and Nerezza were just about to take off running when a black cloud descended upon them. The sound of multiple, small, winged creatures was heard, and the swarm of bats materialized into Dracula. “Leaving so soon? Pity, I had hoped you would both enjoy my hospitality for a little while longer.” Dracula drawled as he approached them with menacing steps, his mink coat flaring behind him.

  “Get behind me!” Garth pushed Nerezza behind him and got into a fighting stance, prepared to face off against Dracula. However-

  “You need to learn your place, demon.” Dracula said before he let his battle aura flare up around him. It was powerful, menacing, and intimidating. Nerezza and Garth watched as his aura became visible to the naked eye, and resembled black flames. It brought Garth to his knees, and Nerezza too.

  “Darn it…you stinkin vampire.” Garth struggled to stand but it felt like there was a cloak of lead around his shoulders. He was beginning to get angry. Perhaps in his Hellcat form he’d be a better match for Dracula? He wondered. However-

  At that moment, there was a bright flash of light and an Archangel materialized within the courtyard. The Archangel was tall at six-six, had a muscular physique, spiked-up white hair with blue tips, and ice-blue eyes. He was wearing silver armor with spikes on it consisting of a breastplate, gauntlets, and greaves. Beneath his armor he was wearing black leather. A double-edged sword was strapped to his side, and outstretched behind him were two enormous, white, feathery wings.

  Garth couldn’t help but think that the Archangel bore a startling resemblance to Uriel - Derek’s guardian angel. But what the hell is an Archangel doing here? He wondered.

  Dracula’s expression turned furious and his red eyes glowed. “What the hell are you doing here, you dog of God?” He demanded, his lip curling in a sneer.

  Gabriel frowned. “Hello, Dracula. I don’t suppose you remember me?”

  “I’m afraid not. All of my memories were stolen by God when I was banished to Hell.” Of course I remember about my love Neena…but that is all. I would never forget what happened to her. Never.

  “My name is Archangel Gabriel. And…I’m also Garth Mackenzie’s guardian angel. I don’t appreciate how you’ve been treating my charge.” Gabriel announced and raised his chin.

  Dracula glanced over at Garth. “Garth’s guardian angel? Why am I not surprised? I suspected God wanted him for His Army and that’s why I wanted to steal him for my own. I would do anything to weaken God’s Army, you see.”

  Garth’s brow furrowed in confusion. Why would he of all people have a guardian angel assigned to him now? “I don’t understand…why have you become my guardian angel, Gabriel?”

  “God has taken a personal interest in you and your fate. And…it’s only a matter of time before you meet your Judge.” Gabriel informed him.

  “My human Judge?” Garth glanced at Nerezza before he turned his gaze back to Gabriel.

  “Why, yes. Of course she’s human.” Gabriel agreed nonchalantly. “It is only the love of a human that can redeem a fallen angel or demon like yourself.”

  It felt like a punch to the gut for Garth, for some reason. “Oh.”

  Gabriel unsheathed his sword and sliced it through the air dispelling Dracula’s powerful aura. Garth and Nerezza stood up as soon as they felt the pressure leave them.

  “Now, go! I’ll handle Dracula.” Gabriel announced as he pointed his sword at the ancient vampire.

  Dracula looked mildly amused by Gabriel’s claim. “Oh, you think you can handle me, dog of God? We shall see.” The vampire held his cane out in front of him and unsheathed the sword that had been concealed within. He pointed it at Gabriel and smiled revealing his fangs. “It will be fun chopping you up into tiny little pieces, dog.”

  Garth hesitated. He knew Archangels were tough but Dracula was one was tough son of a gun.

  “What are you waiting for, Garth? Get Nerezza out of here! I thought you wanted to protect her!” Gabriel shouted with a tinge of irritation to his voice.

  Gabriel was right. Crap. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.” Garth grabbed Nerezza’s hand and took off running with her towards the exit of the estate.

  Gabriel and Dracula charged each other, and their swords clashed. Dracula swung his sword again and Gabriel blocked. Gabriel then swung his sword for an attack of his own, but Dracula easily blocked. A deadly, elegant dance ensued as the two swordsmen battled each other.

  Their blows were so heavy and powerful as their swords clashed the air seemed to tremble around them. Dracula frowned as he felt…something. He’d fought this man before…eons ago. Or perhaps had just sparred. Dracula was aware of the fact that thousands of years ago he’d been an Archangel. However, when his love Neena had died and God had refused to save her, Dracula had decided to ‘play God’. He’d decided to try and bring Neena back himself, but the experiment had failed horribly. Neena’s body had revived as a flesh-eating ghoul with no memory of him and the mind of a child.

  When God discovered what Dracula had done he cursed the Archangel for his insolence transforming Dracula into a hideous, bloodsucking, bat-like demon, and banished him to Hell in this gruesome form where he’d been tortured by bloodlust. Dracula had also been cursed with a way to curse others and turn them into vampires too.

  Dracula could bite a human being, drink their blood, and if he gave them his blood afterwards he or she would be ‘turned’ into a vampire. However, if Dracula merely bit a human he or she would turn into a flesh-eating ghoul within twenty-four hours. Ghouls that Dracula could control with his mind. This powerful virus was in Dracula’s saliva.

  If a vampire was extremely careful not to inject a human with saliva when it bit someone - that person would not be infected with the ghoul virus. But most vampires didn’t care what happened to their human victims.

  “We’ve battled each other before, have we not?” Dracula questioned Gabriel.

  Gabriel nodded, and his expression turned somber. “Yes, we have. But…as friends when we would spar together. It is because of our past friendship that I am here, Dracula.”

  “Go on.” Dracula raised an eyebrow at the angel.

  “God hasn’t forsaken you, Dracula. There is still a chance you may be redeemed. If you find a special human female called a Judge and she falls in love with you - her love will redeem you. And then you can rejoin God’s Army.” Gabriel explained. “And if you fall in love with her-”

  Dracula began to laugh, and then cackle really. His laughter was tinged with bitterness. “You expect me to fall in love with some human female Judge? Think again! I will love no other than Neena. And God took her away from me! I will never forgive that!”

  “It was wrong of you not to accept the cycle of life. We are all born…to one day die. And then
we are born again, so that our souls can continue to learn new things and evolve - in order to get closer to perfection, and God with each life. Life is an endless cycle of rebirth and death. Humans who have reincarnated many times eventually have two choices: they can either return to God or become angels who help to guide other humans on their path of spiritual evolution.

  “So many humans feel lost today, thinking they only have one life, one chance. When in fact they are in truth given limitless opportunities. They don’t understand that their current lifetime is a lesson that their soul needs to learn, and that the adversities they face are meant to be faced. This is all so that their souls can become stronger, smarter, and more perfect. So many humans today disregard the truth of the immortality of the soul, and this is why they are so unhappy. They fear death. And they don’t accept the deaths of their loved ones either. They cling to life…and curse God for death. Just as you have. But there’s still hope if you’d only just open your eyes-”

  “Silence! I’ve heard enough, and I have no interest in God’s offer of redemption. I plan to make God pay for what he did to me, and I will steal his potential allies and make them my own. Soon I will put my plan into action. First, I’ll take over this city as a show of my strength, and then using my new allies I’ll take over the entire world! I’m sick of hiding in the shadows. It’s about time I made my move. And no one will stand in my way. Especially not egotistic Archangels like you!” Dracula attacked and with more power than before.

  Darn it. If only he’d listen to me. I have to make him listen somehow. “Dracula, you don’t understand. There is hope-”

  “I said: silence!” Dracula roared as he swung his sword and unleashed a great blast of power Gabriel’s way. “You dog of God!”

  Gabriel was blasted back and off his feet. He groaned and struggled to stand once more. Should a fallen angel really be this powerful? Gabriel wondered. No, this is the power of blood…the blood of the thousands he’s consumed these many centuries. This is where his power comes from. I should make my escape for now. The Archangel summoned his wings and they emerged from his back. He spread his wings and took off into the sky. However-

  Gabriel sensed an attack and dodged left. Dracula’s sword sliced into the side of Gabriel’s shoulder. Hellfire! Gabriel glanced behind him to see that Dracula had summoned a pair of bat-like wings in order to pursue him.

  “Going somewhere, Gabriel? Fleeing like the coward you are? I won’t let you escape. All of God’s allies shall be destroyed by my hand!” Dracula thrust his sword forward again with lightning speed.

  Gabriel dodged the attack in midair and spun around to face Dracula. He flew forward and swung his sword. Dracula blocked the attack. Gabriel and Dracula began to exchange blows, but this time they were in the skies, high above the clouds.

  Gabriel was tiring, and Dracula didn’t even look winded. The vampire’s power was incredible. He needed to escape. He needed to lose Dracula somehow. Gabriel looked around the night sky wildly, and spotted a group of gray, storm clouds. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. That’s it! There!

  Gabriel flew towards the dark storm clouds and entered them. Dracula pursued Gabriel fearlessly. Within the storm clouds the Archangel and vampire continued their fierce battle, exchanging tremendous blocks and blows.

  The air began to become electrically charged around them, and the hair on Gabriel’s arms and the back of his neck rose. Thunder rumbled loudly within the clouds, and then lightning flashed. Dracula dodged a bolt. Gabriel ended up having to do the same.

  But then a bolt caught Dracula in his right wing and ripped through the membrane. “Darn it!” Dracula shouted as he struggled to remain airborne. “I’ll finish you off some other time, Gabriel! You haven’t seen the last of me!” Dracula called out before he folded his wings and began to dive down through the clouds in order to escape the lightning.

  Gabriel let out a breath of relief, but his relief was short-lived. A bolt of lightning hit Gabriel’s left wing and he was sent plummeting towards the Earth. Dang it! Gabriel swore as he tried to get himself under control. But his wings weren’t working properly. He was going to crash.

  And crash he did. Right into a giant dumpster filled with foul-smelling garbage.

  Gabriel’s head and body were throbbing in pain, and he couldn’t move a muscle. Hellfire. He didn’t have the strength or energy left to teleport to safety. And he didn’t have the energy to will his wings back into his body either.

  He was a sitting duck. The humans would find him like this, with his wings in plain sight and they’d torture and dissect and experiment on him until he regained the strength to escape. But if they kept him drugged…he was so screwed.

  “Hello? Is anyone in there?” Came a spacey sounding female voice.

  Oh crap, a human. Gabriel tried to cover himself with the garbage bags in the dumpster.

  “Hello…I heard a large crash? Is someone hurt?” The female voice was getting closer and closer. And then a flashlight was shinning into Gabriel’s face.

  Gabriel blinked into the light and could see the face of a young woman with messy, strawberry blonde hair, and wide, blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of pink, Hello Kitty pj’s and fluffy, bunny slippers. Gabriel recognized her instantly. She was Sasha Robinovitch - a veterinarian and mad scientist. She was also destined to be Garth Mackenzie’s Judge. She was an eccentric young woman, and a klutz, but she had a good heart. “It’s you. Please…help me.” Gabriel managed to get out.

  Sasha shinned the flashlight at Gabriel’s wings and then on the broken one. “Wings…a fallen angel? Well, at least he’s not human.” She muttered darkly to herself. “Sure, I’ll help you. Let me just get you out of there first.” Sasha set the flashlight down on the ground and then grabbed onto Gabriel’s armor. She began to try and pull him out of the dumpster. “Dang boy, what have you been eating? You weigh a ton!” Sasha pulled and heaved with all her strength, and Gabriel was finally pulled out of the dumpster - only to fall forward and onto Sasha who couldn’t support his tremendous weight.

  “Eek!” Sasha squeaked as she fell back to the ground and Gabriel ended up right on top of her and with his face on her chest.

  “Sorry…I can’t move.” Gabriel apologized with a slight blush to his cheeks. This was the closest he’d ever been to a female before.

  “It’s okay. Just give me a second to gather my strength.” Sasha said as she panted beneath him. “Okay. Here we go!” Sasha pushed and shoved at Gabriel’s chest as she tried to push him off of her. “Mmm! Nghhh! Ooo!” She made constipation sounds. He didn’t budge an inch.

  “Yeah, this is so not working. You’re just too heavy. Maybe if I just…” Sasha began to slide herself out from underneath Gabriel until she finally made it out from under him. She stood up. “Phew!” Sasha looked down at the fallen angel who was now lying on the ground flat on his face. She noted the sword he still held in his hand…the bloodied sword. “Did you get in a fight with Satan or something?”

  “Something like that.” Gabriel hedged.

  Sasha crouched by his side and peered into Gabriel’s handsome face. “Are you really one of God’s angels?”


  Sasha frowned. “I never pictured angels dying their hair or wearing earrings.”

  Gabriel flushed. “It’s my own personal style. Most angels don’t dye their hair or wear piercings, just so you know. I’m a bit of a rebel.”

  “Oh, I see. So you’re different. Well, Mr. Angel, I really hate to do this, but I’m going to have to drag you across this dirty ground to get to my veterinary clinic. I don’t have the strength to carry you. I feel bad…dragging an angel across the dirty ground though. I really hope that’s not a sin.”

  Gabriel’s lip twitched. “I’ll give you a free pass this time, female.”

  Sasha grabbed Gabriel’s ankle and began to drag him through the alley and towards the exit. Before she exited out onto the sidewalk, she looked both wa
ys to make sure no one was around before she dragged Gabriel out onto the sidewalk. Sasha dragged him as quickly as she could to the entrance of her veterinary clinic. She opened the door and began to pull Gabriel inside. Gabriel’s head hit the door jam with a crack. “Ooo.” Sasha flinched, having sympathy pains. “Oops. Sorry. I bet that hurt. That sounded like it hurt.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I wonder if this girl is going to kill me before she saves me.

  Sasha then proceeded to drag Gabriel to her examination room. She collapsed to her knees panting for breath once she’d finally made it. “Phew, made it!” Sasha looked up at the examination table and frowned. There was no way she was getting him on that table. She stood up, crouched beside the angel, and began to inspect his broken wing. Now birds she could deal with. This would be a piece of cake! “Your wing is broken. I’m going to make a splint.”

  “If you just leave me here like this…I’ll eventually heal. You don’t have to do anything.” Gabriel informed her.

  Sasha frowned. “And leave you in pain? I don’t think so.” She went off to fetch the necessary medical supplies, returned a few minutes later, and began to treat Gabriel’s injury.

  Gabriel was surprised by the clumsy girl’s gentle touch. Apparently, when she was in ‘doctor mode’ she was like a totally different person.

  It didn’t take long for her to splint Gabriel’s wing. And he had to admit that he did feel better after her treatment, and his wounds were healing much faster than they normally would have. “Hey, I just want to say…thank you.”

  A loud snore was what greeted Gabriel in response.

  Sasha had fallen asleep and was using his good wing as a pillow.

  Gabriel flushed as he saw what she was doing. “Hey…female. Awaken! You can’t sleep there!”

  Sasha murmured in her sleep and snuggled deeper in Gabriel’s soft wing. “So nice and fluffy.”

  Gabriel let out a defeated sigh. Oh well. I need to hurry and find Neena’s reincarnation before it’s too late. Dracula is bad news, and San Francisco is in his crosshairs. This was Gabriel’s last thought before he joined Sasha in sweet oblivion.


  Becca lay on her stomach on Nathair’s bed as he got his tattooing tools ready. She was shirtless. Today, Becca was going to get her last and most powerful tattoo in her arsenal. Her dragon tattoo. She was feeling strangely nervous.

  Nathair set his stainless steel tray of tools down next to her on the bed. He sat next to her, picked up a piece of paper that had been lying on the bed, and inspected the dragon tattoo she’d sketched. He frowned. “Becca?”


  “I don’t mean for this to sound insulting but…I’m hesitant to tattoo you with this dragon tattoo.” Nathair admitted. “I think it will be too much for you to handle, at this time.”

  Becca glanced over her shoulder at Nathair. “I’m not insulted. And I trust your judgment. What would you suggest?”

  A relieved expression fell over the tattoo artist’s face. “I have an idea for a better tattoo. One that will be easier for you to control, but that will be equally powerful. Give me a second.” Nathair went to fetch a drawing pad and a pen, and set to work drawing the tattoo design he had in mind for Becca. He completed the sketch in a matter of minutes.

  Nathair held the pad out to Becca so that she could see the design. It was an incredible, black, three-headed dog. It reminded her of Cerberus, but looked even more ferocious and frightening. All three heads had red eyes, enormous teeth, and sharp claws. Elaborate Celtic knotwork surrounded the beast artfully.

  “It’s amazing…it’s Cerberus, right?” Becca asked.

  “It’s a hellhound…and it’s related to Cerberus, yes.” Nathair nodded. “The knotwork contains powerful protective and offensive spells. So what do you think? Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” Becca offered Nathair a pleased smile.

  “I have one more suggestion. If you don’t mind I’d like to use black ink for its body and red ink for its eyes. I think its appearance could come in handy. The more dangerous something appears - the more people fear it.” Nathair explained.

  Becca raised an eyebrow at the Druid. “Is that why you tattooed your entire face?”

  Nathair nodded. “Our battle tattoos have always been a form of intimidation against the vampires.”

  “I see.” Becca said. “Well, it definitely works. When I first saw you…I thought you were a really scary guy. But now that I’ve gotten to know you…you’re not so bad.”

  Nathair rubbed his hand over his mouth in an awkward gesture. “I’m going to start.”


  Nathair began drawing the outline of the tattoo under her skin with his tattoo gun. Becca flinched at the initial pain, but after a few minutes, her skin felt numb and she barely felt anything. When Nathair began to inject black ink into the tattoo it really began to come to life.

  It took Nathair six hours to finish the three-headed hellhound on her back. When he was finally finished, he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, grabbed a clean towel, and gently dabbed at the tattoo to get the blood off Becca’s skin. He cleaned the area which now had the tattoo and sat back to admire it.

  The Druid was pleased with how it had turned out and felt proud. Her hellhound tattoo was his best work yet, and it would be sure to protect his new friend. Like Derek had done when he’d tattooed Becca’s butterfly tattoo - Nathair had added a little of his own magical power to the tattoo. “It’s done.” Nathair grabbed a mirror and handed it to her. “I’ll, uh, close my eyes so you can go look at it in the full-length mirror over there.” He pointed at the mirror.

  Becca offered him a grateful smile. “Thanks.” She took the mirror and Nathair closed his eyes. It was odd seeing such a scary looking guy being such a gentleman! Becca got off the bed, and made her way over to the full-length mirror. She stood with her back to the mirror and used the hand mirror to look at her back. She gasped. The tattoo took her breath away. “It’s frigin awesome. I’m like The Girl With the Hellhound Tattoo now. I love it.”

  Nathair’s lips curled into a pleased smile, but he kept his eyes closed.

  Becca made her way back over to the bed, and sat down next to Nathair. She reached out and took his hand. “Thank you.”

  Nathair flushed, not used to thanks or praise. “Don’t mention it.”

  The door opened at that moment and Fia stepped inside. She took one look at the shirtless Becca and Nathair on the bed, and began to back away. “Did I come at a bad time again?”

  Nathair’s eyes shot open. “Fia! What? No…I was tattooing Becca’s final battle tattoo - the one for her back.”

  “Oh, I see.” Fia rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “Well, Becca, after Dealande has healed your tattoo, head to the training room for more training.”

  A feeling of dread swept over Becca. “You’re going to train me again?”

  “You’d hate that wouldn’t you? But…no. Ti and Fean want to help you train. It seems like you’ve managed to win everyone over in this house except for Vortigern and I. I bet that makes you happy.” Fia sneered and flipped her long hair over her shoulder.

  “Your training may have been a little…intense, but in the end it worked. I learned how to summon my battle tattoos. And you’re right - if I can’t handle you I probably won’t be able to fight vampires. I don’t know if I’m really the Savior or not, and I agree that you’re the better Huntress. This city needs you Fia - more than it does me.” Becca said sincerely as she met Fia’s eyes.

  Fia’s irked expression shifted to surprise. “Well, at least we finally agree on something. And thank you for saying so…it means a lot coming from you. Maybe I misjudged you, Rebecca Thorn. Maybe you’re not such a fool after all.”

  Becca offered her a wry smile. “And maybe you’re not such a witch.”

  “Becca!” Nathair turned to look at Becca and he couldn’t help it - he l
ooked down. Oops! His eyes widened at the sight of Becca’s chest. Yum. “Oh crap…sorry.” Nathair looked away and shut his eyes again. “She’s bigger than Fia.” He muttered, not realizing he was speaking out loud.

  Fia immediately became incensed, stomped over to Nathair, and hit him hard over the head.

  “Ow!” Nathair complained, but wisely kept his eyes shut. “Was that Becca?”

  “No, you idiot. That was I!” Fia hit him again for good measure.

  “Oh.” Nathair groaned with pleasure. Fia was hitting him, punishing him. He could feel himself getting turned on. “Oh yeah…punish me more, Fia.”

  “You’re speaking out loud again, Nathair.” Becca giggled.

  Fia raised an eyebrow at Nathair, and put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me?”

  Becca grabbed her shirt and quickly put it on. “I’m going to go find Dealande. I should probably leave you two alone.”

  “What? And why should you do that?” Fia demanded, giving Becca a heated look.

  Becca gave Nathair’s crotch a pointed look.

  Fia followed Becca’s line of sight and blushed. “Nathair! You pervert!” She shoved him down onto the bed, straddled him, and began to hit him while Nathair moaned and groaned in erotic bliss.

  Becca smiled at their antics and stifled a laugh. They were like the perfect S and M couple. Becca left Nathair’s bedroom, made sure to close the door behind her, and put a hat on the doorknob. Just in case.

  Becca went to find Dealande who used her powers to heal her back. After that, Becca headed to the training room and entered. The sight that met her was Ti and Fean leaning against one of the walls and sharing a joint together.

  Fean took a drag on the joint and then handed it to his sister. “This is the good stuff, sis.” The Druid was incredibly mellow compared with his usual hyper self.

  Ti took a hit next. “Yeah, I feel so much more relaxed. Fia should really learn to smoke pot.”

  “Yeah. She’s way too on edge all the time. Way too uptight. She needs to learn how to loosen up…have a little fun. Unwind, dudette.” Fean agreed as he took the joint back for another hit.

  “Uh, hey guys.” Becca greeted them tentatively.

  “Oh, hey, it’s Becca.” Fean greeted and checked her out. Becca was wearing a short-sleeved, black T-shirt, purple leather pants and boots. “Welcome…you want a hit?” Fean held the joint out to her.

  “Oh, no thanks. I think I’ll pass. Thanks though.” Becca waved her hands before her. After the whole Slaine getting her high on whipped cream can fumes so that he could turn her, she had an aversion for anything that would affect her mind.

  “Well, let’s starting training then.” Ti said before she stretched out her arm, summoned her magical power, and willed her cat tattoo to rise off her arm and materialize. The cat gracefully leapt down from Ti’s arm and landed beside her. “You have a cat tattoo too, right Becca? Let’s have a catfight.”

  “Whoo, a catfight!” Fean cheered.

  “I do. And okay…I’ll try.” Becca held up her arm and furrowed her brow in concentration. She summoned her magical power and willed her cat tattoo to peel off her arm. Her cat leapt down and stood in front of Becca protectively.

  Ti smiled at Becca’s shimmery, blue ink cat. “She’s pretty. Nathair did a good job on her. Let’s see how good she can fight. Attack!” Ti ordered her own ink cat and the cat sprang into action.

  “Attack!” Becca quickly ordered her ink cat, which leapt to attack the other cat. The two cats collided, engaged, and ended up rolling across the floor as they scratched and bit each other. “Meow! Rawr!” They were really going at it.

  “Whoo! Go!” Fean fist pumped as he watched the cats.

  “Who are you rooting for, bro?” Ti demanded, raising an eyebrow at her brother.

  “Uh, I always root for the underdog so Becca.” Fean admitted.

  Ti bristled, reached out, grabbed Fean’s ear, and twisted it. “You can’t root for other people! You’re my brother! You’re supposed to be always on my side!” She chided.

  “Ow, ow, ow! Alright, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Why don’t I just root for both of you then.” Fean suggested.

  “That’s not good enough!” Ti exclaimed.

  Becca laughed at the siblings’ antics. She couldn’t believe she was actually having fun during a training session. Unreal.

  Fean managed to escape his sister and put his arm out. “Or maybe I should just kick both your butts!” He summoned an ink crow that peeled off his arm and took flight. “Attack those cats!” Fean ordered. The crow dive-bombed the cats, and began pecking at their heads.

  “Retreat!” Becca called out to her cat. Becca’s ink cat leapt out of the way and the crow ended up attacking and destroying Ti’s ink cat, which exploded into purple ink.

  “Argh! Fean! How could you?” Ti shrieked and stamped her foot on the floor.

  Fean just laughed, and ran away from his sister who’d started to chase him.

  Becca laughed and used Fean’s distraction to have her ink cat stalk the crow that’d landed on the floor, and that was awaiting further orders. Becca motioned for her ink cat to kill the crow. Becca’s ink cat stalked stealthily towards the crow and hopped on it from behind. The crow shrieked as it was destroyed.

  Ti and Fean turned to look at what had happened, and saw that Becca had defeated Fean’s ink crow. Fean gave Becca a thumbs-up. “Congrats. You go, girl!”

  Ti grabbed Fean’s ear and twisted it. “Don’t congratulate other girls!”

  Becca laughed at their antics again.

  “Look at these silly little Hunters, my love. They look so carefree. One would think they had no idea Armageddon was almost upon them.” Came a silky, male, Romanian-accented voice.

  “Indeed, they look like idiots. This mission will be even easier than we thought.” Came a female voice with a French accent.

  Becca, Fean, and Ti turned to see that there were two vampires suddenly in their midst. Both were wearing heavy hooded cloaks that they removed and tossed to the floor. The male vampire was incredibly handsome with his curly black hair, and red eyes. He was wearing a black, Victorian-style suit with a red cravat and a top hat. He was also carrying a black cane with a silver, dragon-shaped knob. The female vampire looked like an evil ballerina. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she had red eyes. She was wearing a black ballerina dress with a fluffy skirt and lace-up slippers.

  Fean stepped in front of the girls protectively. “Who the hell are you guys?”

  “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Andrei.” Andrei took his top hat off and bowed gallantly. “And the lovely lady standing beside me is Abelle.” Andrei took Abelle’s hand and kissed it. “Isn’t she divine?”

  Fean found himself nodding in agreement. “Yeah, man-” And ended up getting elbowed by his sister in his side. “Oof! Hey!”

  “What do you want, vampires?” Ti demanded. “You two have guts, coming into a house full of Druids.”

  Andrei smiled slowly, showing off his gleaming, white fangs. “That’s the problem with Hunters…they’re all talk and no action. If they had a brain cell in those heads of theirs they would have tried to kill us by now. We’re here to kill her.” Andrei pointed his cane at Becca. “Of course.”

  Becca flinched. “Me? Why?”

  Andrei raised an eyebrow at Becca and tilted his head at her. “Surely you know? Dealande is not the only one who can have visions of the future. Dracula has had prophetic dreams of his own that warn him that he must slay the red-haired Druidess. You are a threat to him.”

  “Because you two have been so polite, if you stay out of our way little Hunters, we shall spare your lives.” Abelle began amiably as she addressed Ti and Fean. “All we want is Rebecca Thorn.”

  Becca swallowed nervously.

  “Ha! Did you really think we’d give up our comrade that easily? Think again!” Fean raised his arms and several crow tattoos began to
peel off his skin and materialize as he prepared for battle.

  “If you want Becca, you’ll have to get past us first!” Ti declared as she held up her fists before her. She summoned two of her wildcat tattoos, but didn’t let them peel off her skin entirely. Instead she willed her tattoos to cover her hands, so that as a result each fist was now a giant wildcat head. She could open and close her hands, which would open and close the mouth of the wildcat. Ti got into a boxing stance.

  “Those are some interesting boxing gloves you have there, girl. Andrei, I’ll take the girl - you take the boy.” Abelle announced as she stood up on her tiptoes and put her arms over her head in a dance pose.

  “As you wish, my love.” Andrei grabbed the silver knob of his cane, and unsheathed a long thin sword. He tossed the sheathe aside and pointed the sword at Fean and his flock of crows.

  Abelle moved to attack first. She danced towards Ti and then jumped, her toe pointed outwards. And then the oddest thing happened - a metal spike emerged from the tip of Abelle’s ballerina slipper. “Holy crap!” Ti dodged out of the way. “What’s with those crazy shoes!”

  Abelle smiled, flashing her fangs. “Did you really think these were ordinary ballet slippers? Think again!” Abelle danced and attacked Ti with her spikes.

  Ti avoided the attacks and made some of her own, punching at Abelle. However, Abelle was extremely fast and agile, and avoided Ti’s punches with ease. In one particularly stellar move, Abelle bent backwards as Ti’s punch sailed over her chest in a Matrix-style move.

  At the same time, Fean ordered his crows to attack Andrei. “Attack! Get him!” The flock of crows swooped down and attacked Andrei with their beaks and claws. However, Andrei dodged gracefully while moving his sword through the air, and the crows began to explode one by one in showers of black ink.

  Ti kept looking for an opening and wasn’t finding one. Crap. The Huntress realized in that moment that they were no match for the vampires they were facing and that they would soon be killed along with Becca. “Becca, go on, get out of here! We’ve got this!”

  Becca nodded and began to run towards the exit. However-

  All of a sudden Abelle began to spin rapidly and her feet became a blur. That’s when her foot shot out and Ti was unable to move out of the way in time. The metal spike pierced Ti’s shoulder, and the Huntress cried out in pain and staggered backwards.

  Becca stopped in her tracks when she heard Ti’s cry of pain and spun to see that Ti had just been stabbed in her shoulder. “Ti!” She looked over at Fean and saw that Andrei had somehow managed to defeat his entire flock of deadly crows. Andrei was approaching Fean with deadly, purposeful steps. Becca could leave them to die…or stay and fight, and die with them.

  I’m tired of running. “Hold it right there! Stay away from my friends, vampires!” Becca raised her arms and summoned her unicorn and fox tattoos simultaneously. They peeled off her skin, and materialized beside her. “Attack!” Becca directed her ink unicorn and fox. The translucent, blue-tinged, shimmery unicorn galloped towards Andrei, and aimed its horn at Andrei’s heart. Andrei blocked the horn with his sword.

  The fox ran across the floor and leapt at Abelle. Abelle tried to leap out of the way but the fox was fast and somehow managed to latch onto her ankle. She cried out in pain. “Ah, get it off of me! Get it off!”

  “Abelle!” Andrei turned his attention towards Abelle, and the unicorn took advantage of his distraction to stab him in the stomach with its horn. Andrei leapt backwards, and blood gushed out from the wound on his stomach. “Darn it!” He swore as he put a hand over his stomach to try and keep his guts inside.

  Becca regrouped with Fean and Ti. “Hey, you guys okay?”

  “Yeah.” Fean replied, panting for breath.

  “Thanks to you.” Ti had a hand pressed to the wound on her shoulder.

  Becca turned her attention to the unicorn and fox. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she willed the attacks she wanted the unicorn and fox to execute. Sweat beaded her brow.

  Fean and Ti exchanged a look as they watched Becca fighting the vampires to save them. This dire moment had managed to bring out Becca’s true potential. Her desire to protect her friends was that strong. They could hardly believe it, but Becca was pushing the vampires back.

  However, the door to the training room was suddenly kicked open, and kicked so hard it went flying off its hinges, and into the room. In stepped a hulking, giant of a male. He was six-nine, even taller than Garth. He had wild, black hair, fierce red eyes, and a full black beard. Two leather straps with spikes on them formed an X over the bulging muscles of his chest. He was also wearing a helmet with horns on his head, black leather pants and biker boots. The vampire was wielding an enormous battle-axe that he had resting on his shoulders as he stomped into the training room with thundering steps.

  Becca had to tilt her head up to look at the male. “A Viking? No way.”

  Bergthor saw the fox that was latched onto Abelle’s ankle, let out a battle cry, and charged. He swung his axe down upon the fox and it exploded into blue ink.

  “Thanks.” Abelle said. “Go help Andrei.”

  “Don’t boss me around, woman!” Bergthor complained as he stomped over to Andrei and swung his axe at the unicorn next. The unicorn tried to protect itself with its horn, but to no avail - its head was chopped off. Blue ink dripped down from Bergthor’s battle-axe and the vampire smiled, apparently happy with the destruction he’d wrought.

  Andrei still had a hand over his stomach. “Thanks, Bergthor.” He ran over to Abelle. “Abelle, my love, are you alright?” Andrei looked down at Abelle’s wounded ankle and his expression darkened. “I will make them pay for hurting you.”

  Bergthor rolled his eyes as he watched the lovey-dovey couple.

  “It will heal, darling.” Abelle assured Andrei, and reached up to caress his cheek. “Do not look so worried.”

  “I hate seeing you hurt. It reminds me…of that time.” Andrei admitted as a dark shadow fell over his features.

  “I know.” Abelle replied understandingly. “But I’m immortal now. You saw to that.”

  Bergthor turned around to face Becca and the other Hunters with an evil smile twisting his lips. Oh crap. Becca thought as she felt like a mouse being stared at by a gigantic, hungry cat.

  “Becca, now you should really get out of here.” Ti said grimly.

  Becca shook her head. “No, I won’t just abandon you guys.”

  Bergthor chuckled merrily as he approached. “I’m going to have fun chopping you up into tiny little pieces, Savior.” He sneered the word ‘Savior’.

  Becca shivered at his bloodlust that seemed to be pouring off of him in waves.

  “Hey!” A deep male voice called out to get the Viking’s attention.

  Everyone’s attention turned towards the open doorway to see Nathair. He was in full Hunter garb - hooded, leather vest, leather pants and boots. He had his arms raised before him and snakes were half peeled off his skin, and swaying back and forth and hissing. And then dozens of snakes began to slither into the training room.

  “Wait, those aren’t ink snakes, are they?” Abelle said with a tremor of fear in her voice.

  “Attack!” Nathair ordered his snakes - those that were alive and those that were made of ink. Nathair’s eyes were glowing electric blue.

  The snakes attacked, slithered across the floor towards Bergthor, and wrapped around his ankles. “Argh! Get off!” Bergthor roared loudly, tried to take a step forward, tripped, and fell forward, smack on his face.

  The snakes attacked the lovey-dovey vampire couple next. Abelle shrieked out of fear, and Andrei instantly shielded her with his body and fought off the snakes with his sword. “Stay behind me, Abelle!”

  Nathair locked gazes with Becca. “Becca, go. Get out of here. I’ve got this.”

  “But…” Becca started to object.

  “Trust me.” Nathair said firmly.

cca bit her bottom lip but then nodded. “Alright. Don’t die. I’d never forgive you.”

  Nathair smirked. “Don’t plan to.”

  As Becca ran out of the training room she called out to the vampire couple: “Those vipers are poisonous. You’ll have to suck out the poison. See ya!” Becca ran out of the training room and didn’t look back. She’d come to trust these Druid Vampire Hunters and knew that they would prevail.

  To be continued in…Tattoo 12: Hellhound