Read Earth Stands Alone: part one Page 1


  By Charles Chanda

  Copyright 2013 Charles Chanda

  Chapter 1: The Answer

  The question of whether we are alone in the Universe has never been answered, as of 12th July 2020. The world was at peace, as leaders from across the world gather at the United Nations for a peace meeting. Interpreter Susan Hill arrives at the UN building by Taxi.

  'That will be twenty bucks mam' the Taxi driver said

  'Twenty bucks; you got to be kidding me' Susan answered

  'Twenty bucks mam is no joke. My wife leaving me for a man who turns out to be gay; now that's a joke'



  'Twenty bucks, what is this world coming to when you can't even take a cab to work' Susan complained, as she walked into the building. Her suit, tight fitting was admired by the guys and detested by the girls, as she entered the office room.

  'Good morning Susan' greeted Mark Young, with lustful eyes

  'Good morning Mark; had a nice weekend'

  'Can't complain, but i wish you joined me for the Lakers game'

  'I wish I could had, but as you might recall, I was busy this weekend'

  'That is right; how was the wedding. Any scandals to report'

  'Nope; it was a clean ordinary wedding, reminding me of the fact that I 'am not married'

  'Do you want to be' Mark asked, with a wink

  'I 'am not that desperate'

  'Aren't you?' Yuan said, as she joined in the conversation,

  'Yuan; I see the Chinese humour is as legendary as he great wall' Susan answered

  'You Americans are so full of your selves; how we have come to sign a peace treaty with fat pigs, is beyond my understanding'

  'Everything is beyond your understanding Yuan; why don't you just stick to translating'

  The girls looked at each other with contempt. Their eyes met and stared down; you could have cut the tension in the room with a knife, before an announcement was made, 'the leaders are gathering; everyone to your booths'

  The interpreters left for their booths, as leaders from across the world gathered to ratify the peace agreement.

  Having all gathered; the leaders of the world were lead into debt by the Security Council members.

  'Ladies and Gentlemen; we gather today for a remarkable day in the history' The United States President, John K. Bush said. 'On this day. Men and women across the world stand together as one; to live a dream that our ancestors could only dream off. Today, we achieve world peace by signing this peace accord.

  Applause is given by the member states, as they go through the motion of voting.

  'It is unanimous; all member states agree to the treaty' uttered Secretary General, Martha Tenth. 'We all should be proud of ourselves; the world as we know it, has changed'

  A loud applause is given by the members, as handshakes go all-round. Susan removed her headsets, as she smiles at a good days work.

  Everyone mingled at a cocktail in the UN building. The interpreters were in the in the office chatting

  'This is sad, don't you think?' Mark asked Susan

  'What do you mean?'

  'Well, we are here with this second class wine while those who we translate for, are enjoying the best there is downstairs'

  'There is simple solution to your problem Mark' she said with gazing eyes, 'become president Canada'

  'Ok, first, I think you mean Prime Minister, second' he replied, only to be interrupted

  'Excuse me, but are you Miss. Susan?'

  'Yes, who's asking?'

  'Mr. David Hunt, Secretary to the ambassador of the United States. I hear you can speak Chinese and Russian'


  'Come with me, we need your services'

  'Don't you have an interpreter?'

  'Went home sick, now we need you'

  Susan dropped her glass on the table and waved good bye to Mark as she followed Mr. David.

  'Your top button is undone, attend to it' he instructed

  'Where are we going?'

  'We are going to a meeting, where you will translate for the President of the United States'

  'I 'am to translate for the President of the United States?'

  'Yes. Now; what you will hear in that room is highly classified and you are to keep it to yourself, understand'


  'Stop' uttered a secret service agent, as they approached the door.

  'I 'am David Hunt with Miss. Susan Hill'

  The secret service agent searched both of them before allowing them through. They entered a room where President John K. Bush, Premier Zhou Mao of China and Mikhail Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the president of Russia. Zhou Mao had translator Yuan by his side. Yuan and Susan had a moment stare at each other, before she was directed to the President's side.

  'Mr. President, this is Susan Hill, she will be translating for you' Mr. David introduced

  'Mr. President'

  "Miss. Susan, it is nice to meet you; you better sit close but not too close, married man you know' President Bush said, while showing his wedding ring

  'If there is nothing else, shall we begin?' President Mikhail said

  'We all know why we are here; the world has agreed to the peace treaty the UN Secretary General had been campaigning ever since he took office and now we find ourselves facing the disarmament of our Nuclear Weapons. Premier Zhou uttered

  'I don't suppose any of our allies are unwilling to go ahead with this matter' President Bush said

  'The Iranians and Pakistanis are going along with it' President Mikhail

  'The North Koreans have also decided to abandon their Nuclear intensions' Premier Zhou

  'Then we are alone in this matter; I guess we have no choice, but to follow the rest of the world into disarmament' President Bush concluded, before they stared at each other in an agreement

  Mr. David drove Miss. Susan home after the meeting

  'I don't believe this; my United States of America is going to be disarmed along with the rest of the world' Susan said, as they were driving

  'Yes; republicans will go nuts'

  Susan laughed at his statement, before asking off him 'do you love your job?'


  'I mean, I don't like my job and was thinking maybe I 'am not along in the matter'

  'And you think that I 'am too'


  'What makes you think that?'

  'I don't know, maybe it's just the notion of what happened today'

  'Here we are'

  'Thank you' Susan said, before she reached for the door, 'would you like to come up to my apartment' she asked holding the car door

  'What about Mark?'


  'It looked like you’re close’

  ‘Mark is just a friend’

  ‘Just a Friend’

  ‘Yes, a dear close friend for the past five years, that is all’

  ‘And you two have never’ he said, as he was suggesting a relationship between the two

  ‘Never!’ she replied, ‘so, are you coming up or what?’

  ‘I would never disappoint a red head’