Read Earth Stands Alone: part one Page 2

Chapter 2: Good Day

  A knock at Susan’s door, woke her up from her passionate sleep with Mr. David. She stumbles to her door and opens it

  ‘Hello sleepy head’ Mark said in greetings

  ‘Mark, what are you doing here?’

  ‘I brought you a gift, or should I say picked a gift up for you’ he said, before pulling a little girl from the side


  ‘Hey Mom’ little Pamela responded

  ‘When did you arrive?’

  ‘I arrived two hours ago; I tried to call, but you were not answering so I phoned Mark here, who picked me up’

  ‘Oh. Thank you Mark’

  ‘No problem’ answered with a heavy smile on his face, before Pamela asked ‘why weren’t you answering your phone mom’

  ‘Hello there’ greeted David from behind Susan. David stood in his boxers, as they all stared; Marks once heavy smile disappeared with immediate effect, as he walked off

  ‘Mark’ Susan cried towards him, but he doesn’t respond

  Pamela walks in, ‘so, you’re the new guy’

  ‘And you are?’ Mr. David asks

  ‘You didn’t tell him’ she asks her mother, ‘I ‘am going to my room’

  ‘That is my daughter’ Susan tells David

  ‘You have a daughter?’

  ‘Dude, she just said that and I was just from walking past you’ Pamela said, as she walks back into the room. ‘Do we have any food left?’ she asks, as she ravages the fridge for food.

  ‘David, I ‘am sorry, I should have told you yesterday that I had a daughter’ Susan said

  ‘Come on mom, he had a good time and so did you; from where I ‘am standing, neither one of you owe the other an apology’ Pamela said, while holding a cup of yogurt

  ‘You have quite a brain on your shoulders, don’t you?’ David asked Pamela, who gave a look of irritation. ‘I think I should go now’

  ‘No you don’t; at least stay for breakfast’ Susan replied

  ‘It’s 12 o’clock mom’ Pamela noted

  ’12 o’clock; the ambassador is expecting me for lunch at his residence’ David said, as he hurried to get ready

  ‘When will I see you again?’ Susan asked

  ‘I don’t know’ he answered, as he got dressed in a hurry. ‘Maybe I will see you tomorrow at the UN General Assembly’

  David kissed Susan, before heading out the door at a fast speed. Susan closed the door behind him, as she wondered what would become of their one night stand.

  ‘How was your stay with your dad’ Susan asked Pamela

  ‘It was alright’ she answered in a miserable emotion

  ‘Is something the matter?’

  ‘It’s nothing mom’

  ‘Pamela, you can’t hide anything from me, I ‘am your mother’

  ‘Who forgot to pick me up this morning’ Pamela pointed out, but Susan’s stare at her made it clear that she wasn’t going to give up until she told the truth. ‘Dad was too busy at work and his wife isn’t someone you want to spend time with’

  ‘Did she hurt you?’

  ‘No; not in the manner you’re thinking off. She was so full of herself and I couldn’t stand it, she was driving me crazy with her silly comments like; who is the most beautiful girl in here, that’s right, it’s me’

  ‘I ‘am sorry honey, I will talk to your dad when I get the chance’ she said, before noticing a necklace on her, ‘where did you get that, it’s pretty’

  ‘Mark gave me for my birthday’ she answered to a shocking look on Susan’s face, ‘you forgot yesterday was my birthday didn’t you’

  ‘No, I didn’t’ she answered with a fake smile

  ‘Then where is my present’

  Susan thought of an answer, before a nock was heard at the door. Susan quickly walked to answer the door.

  ‘Are you Susan Mills?’ asked a package carrier


  ‘Here you go and sign here’

  Susan opened the package and found a card, ticket and note.

  ‘What is that?’ asked Pamela

  ‘This is a ticket to a David Long Concert’

  ‘What’ shouted Pamela, as she rushed to grab the ticket, ‘this is the coolest present ever, thank you mom’ she hugged and kissed her mother, before heading to her room, where she blasted David Long music.

  Susan looked at the card and saw it to be, a birthday card addressed to Pamela from her, but she didn’t order it. Upon reading the note, she discovers that it was Mark who arranged it all.

  The following day arrived and Pamela was left in the apartment, getting ready for the concert while Susan headed off to work.

  Susan arrived at the office, where she saw Mark sited in a chair.

  ‘Hi there’, but Mark didn’t respond, ‘I would like to thank you for saving the day yesterday, with brining her and her birth day present’

  ‘I need air’ Mark said, as he walked off

  ‘What did you expect’ Yuan said, having watched them

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘He has been trying to get you to go out with him, for the past five years and you go out with the first guy who gets you a translation with the President’

  ‘Where did you hear that, is that what Mark said’


  ‘Then where did you hear that’

  ‘Where else; David’


  ‘Yes; he was quite a chatterer at the ambassador lunching yesterday, I ‘am surprised that you weren’t there’

  Susan, upset from the information she was told and went off, in search of David. She saw David across the hall with the ambassador and President Bush. She started to walk over, when an announcement was made for everyone to take their seats.

  Susan was in her booth when the ceremony went under way, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the last day of the General Assembly’ Secretary General Juliet Willow greeted. ‘Over the course of this assembly, we have come to a unified agreement that war is over’ she said to the applause of many.

  As the assembly applause, the lights begin to flicker violently; the Secretary General ignores the flicker and continues to speak when a video screen appears in midair.