Read Earth Stands Alone: part one Page 6

Chapter 6: Commander Zolt

  Aboard his ship, commander Zolt sat in his command chair, as his blue eyes focused on Central Park; where he watched the President of the United States, trying to reassure his fellow Americans. His hand, softly stroke his once bleeding cheek, when he received word from an operator alien

  ‘Commander, the Mother Planet has finished the JXQ-30049 planet and is now heading for our POL-80080’ the alien operator said

  ‘Earth’ Zolt replied

  ‘Excuse me commander’

  ‘Earth is the name of this planet’

  ‘Yes, Commander; I also have a situation in the sector POL-80080-NY’


  ‘The area known as New York; fighter ZPK-1111 has been recorded as dead, but his Weapon is still online and missing’

  ‘How many have we lost in New York?’

  ‘Six fighters, all within the CP-001, also known as Central Park’

  ‘Get me all footage from that area, at the time of his death’

  The operator gathers all the footage and plays it back for the commander. Commander Zolt, watched the footage of Mark shooting five fighters with the alien weapon. Zolt pauses the footage and transfers it to the big screen, where he zooms on Marks eyes; Zolt gazes in Marks eyes and remembers the words his teacher at Military training, ‘You have exceled Zolt, more than I could have ever dreamt. Your opponents, thus far have been beneath you, but be warned, in every great warriors path, lies an un-movable wall; gaze into that wall with fear, before you fight.

  Zolt comes out of his remembrance, with his eyes still gazed on Marks; ‘operator override the weapon, shut it down and give a location’

  The operator attempts to follow his command, but is unable to do so, ‘commander, I ‘am unable to override the weapon, nor can I find it’


  ‘All weapon are controlled by a biometric lock, I need to have a sample of his genetic code to unlock it’

  ‘Than what can you do?’

  ‘Nothing Sir, they weapon is off grid’

  ‘Search the buildings of New York City; he must be hiding in one of them’

  ‘But sir, all personnel are being redeployed for the arrival of the mother ship for mineral extraction, it would take years to search all the buildings’ Zolt thought of another way to find him when the operator spook, ‘sir, the humans are cowards, even with the weapon, he is most likely to stay hidden until we destroy his planet; may I suggest we carry on as planned’

  Zolt waved a hand in agreement, but he had a fear in him, as he looked back in the eyes of Mark, ‘you’re no coward’ he said to himself

  Back at Central Park; President Bush walked among the people in order to reassure them of their situation. He was accompanied by Martina and twelve former Rangers, who now followed Martina’s’ command

  ‘Mr. President, you need to rest’ Martina suggested

  ‘The only thing I need, is to find a way for us to get out of here’

  ‘That is impossible Mr. President; we are surrounded by some kind of shield’

  ‘The only thing impossible in life is the word itself Martina. Call it gut instinct or just plain old dumb minded, but I feel deep inside that there is someone out there, fighting for us’ he said, before continuing to greet people.

  Mark, Mathew and Dave were heading for the newly constructed New York Police Force weapons storage compound.

  ‘It should be at the other end of that wall’ Mathew said

  ‘Are you sure?’ Mark asked

  ‘I think so’

  ‘Ok then. I didn’t bring a sledgehammer, so how do we get through the wall’ Dave asked

  Marks weapon armed itself, before he aimed at the wall and uttered, ‘Like this.’ A whole was made and the walked through, to discover a collection of weapons that the police force had gathered from people across the city, as part of the city’s disbarment policy declared by the Mayor in line with the UN peace treaty.

  ‘Take a look at this’ Dave uttered, as he held a weapon, ‘this must be a rocket launcher’

  ‘It’s a S.A.M’ Mathew corrected


  ‘Surface to Air Missile’

  ‘Who keeps a S.A.M in New York City?’

  ‘Hey, it’s our constitutional right’

  ‘Right my ass’

  ‘Are we really going have an argument about this, at this point in time?’ Mark said, ‘here take these SWAT bags and fill them with as many weapons as you can’ he instructed

  The President was resting by the Park Lake, when he was approached by Mendes

  ‘Hold it right there lady’ a Ranger said, ‘the President is resting, com on by a little later’

  ‘I ‘am here about a rescue plan’

  ‘Don’t worry little Miss, we are thinking about one as we speak’

  ‘Alright, but while you think of one, me and my friends outside this park have already arranged one’

  ‘You’re from outside the park?’


  The ranger directed her to Martina; ‘mam, this civilian says she and her friends are planning to rescue us from the outside’

  ‘I ‘am Special Agent Martina and you are?’


  ‘What is this thing about a plan?’

  ‘My friends and I have a plan to blow up the south end of the park; it will lead to the sewers which we can all use to get to Ground Zero’

  ‘Wait, I thought that there no sewers in the park’

  ‘Not exactly; this area was once a swampy area and to drain the excess water, tunnels were made to drain the water; those tunnels are not exactly sewers, thus don’t show up on any sewer maps, but there are there and that is how I got here’

  ‘Follow me to the President’

  Two hours had past and everything was ready, Mark and Mathew set the explosives, as the people prepared to converge to the south of the park.

  ‘Are you ready’ asked Mark, of Dave and Mathew

  Yes they answered, before Mark’s weapon turned pink in colour, along with his eyes; Mark feel to his knees and knelt in a trance-like state. Mathew and Dave both looked at Mark in wonder of what was happening.

  ‘Why isn’t anything happening?’ asked Martina, off Mendes

  ‘I don’t know?’

  ‘What do you mean, you don’t know’

  Mendes spoke in Latino, to complain to Martina of her questioning

  ‘What?’ Martina asked

  ‘You can’t speak Latino? And I thought I was not local enough’

  ‘Have you friends been captured or not?’

  ‘How am I, supposed to know’

  ‘We should have a look’

  ‘And die when it goes off; go for it’

  ‘Ladies; I think you need to have a look at this’ President Bush pointed out, as they saw the colour of the aliens turn pink.

  ‘What is going on here?’ Martina asked