Read Earth Stands Alone: part one Page 7

Chapter 7: Mother Planet

  The mother planet approached Earth; the size of Jupiter, it destroyed the moon as it crashed into it; smashing it, into a hundred pieces. It stopped right next, to the Earth and triggered the trance of pink.

  Mark found himself in a black void, along with millions of kneeling aliens. A giant alien stood in front of them all.

  ‘My sons and daughters, POL-80080 is ready for mineral extraction, under the leadership of commander Zolt, we will take its resources and build on it; our civilization will last forever more, thanks to you my children’ the giant alien said

  ‘Long live Queen Qolt, long live us’ the kneeling aliens uttered

  ‘I sense an unwelcomed presence among us; one of us should not be here’ Queen Qolt uttered, as she looked deep into the void. ‘You, there, you are not one of us’

  Mark looked around himself, as the aliens surrounded him. A path was made through the aliens, as commander Zolt approached.

  ‘What is your name human?’ commander Zolt asked Mark


  ‘You’re the one that stole the weapon from one of my fighters and used it against us. You will die human’

  ‘Not if I kill you first’

  ‘Defiant to the very end; a quality that I will miss, when I kill you all’

  ‘If you can kill us all’

  ‘Goodbye human’ commander Zolt uttered, before disconnecting Marks trance link, by a waving of his hand.

  ‘Commander Zolt’ Queen Qolt called, ‘is there an issue I ‘am not aware off ‘

  ‘No my Queen’

  ‘That better be the case, or I will have no chose but to replace you’

  ‘Yes, My Queen’

  ‘Start the process and kill every human still alive’

  The trance was broken and Mark woke up in the sewer

  ‘Where have you been buddy’ Dave asked

  ‘Tell you later; are we ready to go’ Mark replied

  ‘Just waiting on you buddy’

  ‘Blow it’

  An explosion rocked the park, as a whole was made from the sewers. Mark, Dave and Mathew appeared from the tunnel.

  ‘Come on’ Mark instructed, as the people made, a run for it.

  Mendes lead the people into the tunnel, as the President, Martina and the Rangers gathered weapons in the SWAT bags, to help cover their escape.

  ‘Commander Zolt, Central Park is under attack’ the operator said

  ‘Attack? On screen’ commander Zolt watched as the rescue plan was in action. ‘Send in all fighters; kill everyone’

  The shield was lowered as fighters came rushing in.

  ‘Open fire’ Mark shouted, as they covered the escape

  ‘Eat this, alien scum’ Dave uttered, as he aimed his S.A.M to an oncoming aircraft. He fired and hit his target, ‘oh yah baby’

  ‘Mathew, Dave, head to the second point’ Mark instructed, ‘Mr. President, go with them, I will cover you’

  ‘No; we go together’ President Bush answered

  ‘Mr. President, he is right; everyone is already through, we are the only ones remaining; we have to go’

  ‘Mr. President, look out’ shouted Mark, as the President was blind sighted and shot.

  ‘The President is down’ Martina uttered, ‘rangers, get him out of here’

  The Rangers got the President into the sewers, and left Martina with Mark to cover the evacuation

  ‘Go on ahead; I will follow’ Mark said

  ‘I better trained than you’ Martina responded

  ‘But I have the bigger gun’

  Martina looked at Mark with his alien weapon and concluded he was right, ‘see you at the other end’ she said as she headed down into the sewers

  Mark was left standing there, holding the last line of defense; as alien after alien he gun down until one finally landed a hit on his left shoulder, causing him to fall back into the sewer tunnel. Mark temporarily shocked by the shot, got up and made a run for it

  ‘Instruct all fighters to follow them’ commander Zolt commanded

  Mark ran through the sewers, as the alien fighters gave chase

  ‘Where is Mark?’ asked Mathew, when they saw Martina approaching

  ‘He is on his way’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Dave asked, when a shot passed right in front of him, ‘never mind’ he uttered before, hiding behind a wall

  ‘Blow it’ shouted Mark, as he ran from the alien fighters while zigzagging their shots

  ‘What did he say?’ asked Mathew

  ‘I don’t know’ Dave answered

  ‘Blow it’ Mark shouted again

  ‘What did he say’ Mathew asked again

  ‘Blow it’ Martina shouted, before Dave pulled the trigger.

  A set of explosives they had setup in the tunnels blew up, behind Mark, moving closer to the where Dave, Martina and Mathew where; as Mark ran from the oncoming explosions, Mathew and Dave shouted for him to run faster. Mark made it to them and jumped next to Dave as a ash cloud passed by.

  ‘Commander Zolt’ Queen Qolt called on the big screen

  ‘Yes my Queen’

  ‘What is this I hear of a breakout of humans and death of hundreds of fighters?’

  ‘It’s nothing to concern yourself with’

  ‘Everything that hinders our civilizations survival is my concern fighter Zolt; for your insubordination I relieve you of your duties and replace you with commander Molt. You should have not let those humans live in the first place’

  Commander Molt walked into the command floor, ‘I believe you are in my sit’

  ‘Not for long’ Molt, ‘take care and don’t under estimate the humans’

  ‘Like you did? I don’t think so’

  Zolt left the command floor, with a bitter test in his mouth

  Commander Molt; all system are online and we are ready for mineral extraction; fighter teams are on standby and ready to deploy

  ‘Tell the fighters to stand their ground, once the process begins, the humans will have no world to call home’

  ‘Yes commander Molt’