Read Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set Page 11

  "Naturellement. I see the restraint necessary for the powerful climax, do you?"

  "Oh yes. His entire body was one big restraint." She felt her skin flush as she remembered. "The fact that I didn't want to, not where we could be caught in public – but he overruled me. His immense power totally eclipsed mine. I swear there was no stopping him. I was helpless - trapped by Mark's huge body and his lust. It… he," she tried to put it into words what had happened, but all she could come up with was, "Mark had this compelling primal need and all my resistance disappeared like kindling tossed onto a bonfire. That was so weird, too. I really wanted him to ejaculate. I yearned to fulfill Mark's sexual hunger, to do anything he wanted as long as he climaxed, and gave me his cum. The cum thing was strange, I'd never had that desire before. I yearned to have it inside me – to eat it, drink it, by God I think I would have happily bathed in it! Right then I wanted to meet his desires more than I wanted to even live or breathe. It was just …amazing."

  "Bon," Sir's voice lowered, and became kind of husky. Elizabeth became aware that something she had said or done had intensely turned him on. "Oui. There is another instinctive need you have, Elizabeth. Something deep, that is a fundamental part of your nature. This sudden unwanted yet wanted sex with Mark fulfilled this primitive desire of yours. It was not only meeting your need for constraint. Do you see it, mon cher?"

  Elizabeth frowned and considered. "No. What is it?"

  "It is not important then." He gave a mocking chuckle. "I think I continue burning even more to the ground, yes? Until you, mon cher, see everything oh so clearly." It was a roundabout threat and emotions warred within: fear, anxiety, desire, and lust.

  "Elizabeth," his voice held a warning tone, and he changed the subject. "It pleases me to hurt you, just a little. Do you mind?"


  "I want to cause you pain," he said. "And remember, you must call me Sir."

  She tried to keep the fear out of her voice. "What do you want to do, Sir?"

  "I pour a little chocolate on you, and then lick it off. It will taste better upon your soft skin. But the chocolate is warm, hot even. It may burn a little. Shall I try it near your shoulder perhaps? To see how it feels?"

  Elizabeth thought this over and her lawyer brain considered a mountain of closing arguments and rebuttals. How to get around her captor? But she had no idea. The man was going to get his own way anyway whether she said yes, or no. If she said no, he would give her a lecture and explain all about his will and how she had to do as he wanted. For some reason Sir found joy in making her agree or to even beg for his little tortures. Ultimately he always got his way regardless. The only strategy she could imagine was to give in with dignity.

  She took a deep breath and surrendered. "Knock yourself out, Sir."

  He laughed, a joyous sound. "Bon." She heard a click and the vibrator in her ass went on high. The combination of complete restraint with the anal vibrator on pulse was devastating. Futilely pulling against her bondage, Elizabeth gasped, "Oh God, Sir!"

  "It is good?" he asked, taking his hand from her knee.

  "Yes…yes, Sir," she choked.

  "Mon cher, you want to move, do you not? I see the hips, they try to thrust, but they cannot."

  It was true. At this high pulse setting Elizabeth was totally craven, her body on sexual overdrive, she quivered and trembled but couldn't move. Of its own accord her voice started a soft, keening kind of desperate wailing sound. Elizabeth heard it but was powerless to stop it. Oh God, she thought, please let me come! But as she could hardly speak she said nothing. The vibrator in her ass returned to its lowest setting, and she breathed a deep breath of relief.

  Sir gave a low chuckle. "It is a little distraction, you see?"

  Breathless, she didn't voice her acerbic thought: That was a little distraction? Right, just like a hundred car pile-up on the interstate is.

  "Prepare yourself, Elizabeth. I pour the chocolate now."

  She thought she was ready, but she wasn't.

  9. Really Hot Chocolate

  A burning pain landed, just above her right breast and Elizabeth expelled her breath. Sir, with hands on her shoulders to steady himself, bent over, pressing his erect cock into her stomach. Then he licked her skin clean. The skin itself felt okay. It was perhaps a little sensitive. She was certainly more aware of the small section that had suffered the insult of burning hot liquid poured on her tender flesh.

  "I can see the small part I dripped chocolate on, the skin it has become a little red. It does not hurt?"

  "Yes it hurts! I don't want it on…on anything really sensitive," she said unthinkingly. As Sir had not reinstituted his rules, she was still able to speak. But maybe not speaking had its advantages. She shouldn't have articulated her desire. That was like red to a bull, he simply had to override her fears then. What was going on in that devious brain of his?

  "Vraiment?" he asked, strangely pleased with this information. "Bon. I avoid these areas." A number of drops fell then, covering her right breast in the raised pillow part, but not the circular areola that surrounded her nipple, nor her nipple itself. She sucked in her breath at the pain, but said nothing. Sir, with a low growl and odd lustful humming noise, began to ravish her, licking the chocolate off. Again Elizabeth found herself breathing in – but this time not with pain. His additional use of French was a dead giveaway, as was his hard on. Sir was getting seriously turned on with the whole 'lick the chocolate off her' thing.

  "It is better, no?" he asked.

  "It's alright," Elizabeth replied noncommittally. There was pain, but there was also pleasure from Sir's tongue. The vibrator deep in her back passage did act as a distraction, probably on the same sort of scale as a force ten earthquake on the Richter Scale. Sir's devil blessed tongue was of an even greater magnitude of disturbance. She wanted to sob with joy every time he caressed her with it. His every action seemed calculated to madden her.

  Elizabeth tried to move, but couldn't. Still her stupid, sexually demanding body was switched on. It writhed and twitched in minute increments, probably only visible under a microscope – or to Sir's observant eyes. Her pussy contracted and she felt new wetness dripping between her legs. There was so much of it she could smell her own arousal over the chocolate, or was that just her imagination?

  Damn the man! How does he do this? He drips hot chocolate on me, and I drip sex on his chair.

  Yet there was another smell, too. As Sir moved away he left a trail of pre-cum on her stomach. Good! Let him be hot and needy too. Once more her pussy spasmed, just knowing that he was hard and wanting her. Fuck me, please fuck me, but she wasn't going to ask. There was no doubt that Sir wanted her to beg, and damn it anyway! She wasn't going to. Not this time.

  Sir worked on her – it was the only term that explained his actions - for some time, burning and then stimulating her skin with his teeth, his tongue and mouth. Every part of her breasts, stomach, pussy and thighs – anything not covered by the strange cloth binding had been touched by hot drops of chocolate. Only the areola areas, nipples and clit had been left alone – at her specific request.

  A heated pool of lust had been building inside her throughout, smoldering outward from low in her core, climbing up through her belly and traveling with waves throughout her body. She was trembling, quivering with need and he still wasn't going to let her come. She just knew it.

  This arousing process continued until Sir had made every exposed part of her flesh red. The chocolate remained hot and burned each time, when she felt it should have cooled at least a little bit by now. When she had asked about it Sir chuckled and said he had the stuff on a warmer, at a set temperature. Elizabeth snorted, feeling she should have known.

  "Elizabeth," he said in a low husky voice. "I want to pour chocolate on your nipples. I want to cover your breasts. I think it will hurt very much."

  Lust disappeared, to be replaced by fear. Licking her lips, she pressed them together and thought about it. Her answer was no. But
he was going to do it anyway. So she said nothing.

  The vibrator switched off. "Mon cher? Speak."

  "I can’t stop you," she finally said in a sour voice.

  He laughed and caressed her breasts and nipples with both hands, pressing his cock against her pussy, but always avoiding her swollen clit. She shuddered with need as he held her breasts up, pulling against their bondage, feeling the weight of them. "These are tres bella. I will hurt them, and then I will lick and soothe them and make them better." His hands left her breasts and he backed away, taking the heat of his cock and thighs from her and placing his hand, one on each knee. "Tell me, mon cher, why do you like to suck my cock? For I know you do like it very much."

  Unconsciously, she shrugged, which didn't work at all, restrained as she was. So strange to be unable to move. With as deep a breath as possible while constricted as she was, she said, "I really don't know. Maybe it is the female oral thing, the unfilled places you talk about. All I know is that I just do."

  "Bon," he said. "Mon cher, do you want to know what I want?"

  Elizabeth shivered, filled with lust and nervous anxiety. My God, did she want to know what he wanted? Probably not. Because the truth was, whatever he wanted, she was pretty sure that she would want to give it to him.

  10. What Sir Wants

  Elizabeth sighed and said, "Tell me what you want, Sir."

  "Good girl. I will. Why I like this –who can say? You say, 'All I know is that I just do.' Bon. It is the same for me. When I spanked you, mon cher, it made me hard. I like to make the buttocks pink, to see you squirm and hear you squeal. Yet I would have enjoyed this more if I did not have to force the spanking. If you were willing to be hurt and wanted it – just to make me hard and to please me. Do you understand?"

  "I think so, Sir."

  "And if Mark wanted to dress himself in feminine erotic apparel during sex, would this disturb you?"

  She laughed, a picture of her large husband donning a lacy pink bra and panties, or even a thong! Sir laughed with her for a bit, as the picture of her rugged husband Mark dressed like that was hard to ignore. But when he became quiet and she understood it was a serious question. "Ah, let me see." She considered for a moment, imagining that life, with a husband who got off on wearing women's underwear. "Well, Sir, it wouldn't bother me, actually."


  "Because, Sir, I love him, and if that is what got him hard that is probably what would get me hot, too."

  It was Sir's turn to laugh unexpectedly, and when he did it was a joyous sound of pleasure. "Mon cher, you are such a treasure. I so love women. At their best they make the most generous, unselfish and giving lovers of all. You are such a woman, Elizabeth, I think. Your husband, as I have said before, is a very lucky man."

  She felt herself blush, unexpectedly embarrassed by this praise. "Thank you, Sir."

  "Elizabeth, I can see you do not enjoy the pain, as some do. This arouses me greatly. But will you take it for me? Because I wish it? Because it makes me hard? I can overrule you, yes, of course. You are mine for six more days. But I am glad that you do not enjoy pain. J'adore that you may be willing take it from me because I want it. Not only because you chose to submit to me, but because you know how much I need and want this. That you would do something you do not like, to generously bestow pleasure." His voice was deep and intent and he took a deep breath in. "To have this power over you, Elizabeth. For you to willingly submit to my desires, even though you do not want it, and it hurts you, this is what I crave."

  While he had been talking in that compelling, charismatic voice of his, Sir had also been idly stroking one thigh. "I want to hurt you, mon cher. Then I want to be the one to relieve and ease your hurt, as I did with the nipple clamps. Can you understand this desire?"

  "I think so." Those nipple clamps. Who would have thought that biting pain could be so damn hot? She was frightened of the feelings Sir aroused in her. Not love, no there was no concern that she may fall in love with him. But lust, hell yes. She reflected on what he had said, "Women are generous, unselfish and giving lovers." Elizabeth couldn't argue with that. Was it instinct? Some primal feminine need? Because for some unknown reason she really did want to please Sir, to make him happy, to make him laugh. And most of all to make him come, she thought and her whole body flushed with lust.

  But Elizabeth also needed and wanted his approval. I am soooo screwed, she thought. Stockholm Syndrome. But there was no getting around it. "You are not talking about real damage, right? No scars or anything?" she asked.

  "There will be no permanent marks, my pledge on it."

  With a deep breath out, Elizabeth said, "Go ahead, then. Do what you want, Sir. I'm willing."

  "Elizabeth, are you sure?" he asked. There will be no turning back if you agree to do this for me," he warned. "But," he said with a lowered voice, "I promise that you will not regret it."

  Alright already! Her mind shouted. She was nervous enough as it was, and just wanted to get it over with. "Sir…I'm sure."

  "Bon." Sir moved toward her, she felt and heard him and then one hand touched her shoulder. He leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Will you tell me why, mon cher? Why do you choose to serve me in this way?"

  A flush of heat came to her face. Sir stroked her neck and jaw, brushing his hand over the sensitive shell of her ear. He bent closer and nibbled her earlobe and then bit it, sending echoes of sensation to every intimate area of her body. "Speak, mon cher," he said in a soft seductive whisper. "Tell me this thought that shames you and causes your pale flesh to blush so prettily. Do not lie or try to hide it."

  By rights she could say that she was turned on by him, or that she loved his accent…almost any truth would do. It wouldn't really be a lie. But he had messed with her mind enough, and she was too vulnerable to be caught out. Already she wondered if he could read her mind. She expelled a large breath of air and cleared her throat. "For some strange reason I do want to please you. I am embarrassed, because it is an irrational desire and I can't believe how stupid I am. Do I want to be set free? Yes. Do I want to be safe at home with my husband, Mark? Yes. But the strongest desire I have right now – that I simply cannot comprehend, is that I want to make you happy."

  Elizabeth was surprised by his instant, kind of sweet, open mouthed kiss. It would have curled her toes – if she had been able to move them. Yet as far as she was able, she opened herself to that kiss, that acknowledgment and basked in his approval.

  "Bonne fille, bella fille," he said. "Elizabeth, you are all that is best in a woman. You will please me, mon cher, and in doing so you will please yourself very much." His voice changed to a more commanding tone. "And now, the rules return. Do not speak, Elizabeth, unless you ask permission. My plan for today and tomorrow was for you to understand that being powerless leads to orgasm. I thought it would take longer for you to realize this, so already so much of my work is done."

  What? She thought. He had planned to make her understand her sexual desire for restraint? But why?

  Just then the vibrator surged on, sending tendrils of pleasure through her body, and her question was lost, overwhelmed by sensation and desire.

  11. Pain

  The vibrator in her ass started up again, set on low. Sir bent over her and industriously worked on her nipples, licking, biting and sucking. Elizabeth began to keen and moan with bliss.

  "Oui, oui, this feels good, no?"

  "Yes," she said, wallowing in the pleasure of his lips and mouth and tongue.

  He took his mouth away from her left breast and the pain was immediate. Hot chocolate poured over one aureola and nipple and she screamed out with surprise and pain. Sir ignored her and bent over to once more hungrily lick and suck, removing all the chocolate from her abused tissues. As he did he also put a hand between her legs, gently sliding one finger inside her slick channel and stroked her with delicate precision. Elizabeth shivered and made an involuntary, inarticulate sound, a cross between a plea and sob.

/>   Sir gave a short bark of laughter and began licking the other nipple, while skillfully fingering her throbbing pussy. When his mouth left her breast this time she tensed, expecting pain, but instead his mouth returned to the other breast, and then lower, giving her clit a number of small, delicate licks. While he licked and her attention was there the hot chocolate unexpectedly fell – this time on her other breast and again she cried out.

  Sweating, sobbing and moaning, Elizabeth had no choice except to endure as Sir continued the onslaught until suddenly to her surprise, about a half a cup full of hot chocolate poured over her pussy and engorged clit. This time she really did scream. Sir immediately went to work, licking her clean. With both hands he spread her outer lips and spoke French continuously as he nibbled and sucked. Elizabeth thought she understood some words like pretty, and beautiful.

  Her poor pussy burned, but Sir was distracting her, taking her entire clit into his mouth, sucking and licking, pulling the hood back with one finger and working over her tender slippery nub. She would have come except for the recent pain, but the pleasure! Her entire body was sensitized and she flooded the chair with her arousal. Sir, psychic as ever, always knew when to stop any skillful manipulation, in order to prevent her achieving orgasm.

  This activity went on for some time until Elizabeth was a mindless moaning wreck. The vibrator in her ass continued in a low sensual torment while any pain she experience heightened her sensations. "Please, Sir. Please let me come," she began to chant, totally forgetting that she had decided not to beg.

  He laughed. "You did not ask for permission to speak, mon cher," he said and then went back to licking her slit.

  "Please? May I speak," she mumbled unintelligibly.

  "Speak," he said.

  "Please, Sir…let me come."