Read Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set Page 12

  He laughed. "You are such a good girl." He stepped away from her then, but kept one hand on her stomach. The odd feel of something moving down across her cheek, along her neck to her breasts surprised her out of her daze. What? OMG. The riding crop.

  "Mon cher, I think you are ready to accept more pain, and me, I am ready to administer it. Elizabeth, my cock is so hard, it drips – but not as much as you do," he chuckled. "I have been pumping my cock with my fist as it, like you, aches for release. It wants to enter your sweet wet cunt, mon cher. Your cunt is gaping wide open for me, weeping and perfuming the air, yearning for my cum. When I am finished hurting you I will fuck you so hard you will most certainly be allowed to climax. Does this please you, Elizabeth?"

  Muddled as she was, it took a few moments for her to comprehend what Sir had said. Her head was strapped so tight, she was unable to even nod. "Yes, Sir," she eventually rasped.

  His voice surprised her, as it suddenly, seductively whispered in her ear from somewhere behind her, "I had planned to not let you come until later this afternoon and only when I had my cock deep in your ass, mon cher. But now, I change my mind."

  Without warning, and no preparation, two hard strikes fell on each of her nipples – one, two and she screamed out loud. Sir's hands immediately soothed and caressed her breasts and then his tongue joined in. Elizabeth breathed through the throbbing sting but found it didn't last long. The pain came and left, leaving a pleasant hot glow, sensitizing her sensitive skin. Sir moved lower, his fingers flicked her clit, and his hand rubbed her pussy, and all the while he spoke seductively, telling her how happy she was making him, how beautiful she looked with red welts across her white breasts, and how hard and red her abused nipples were.

  Two more strikes came, again without any warning and again she cried out. They each hit her nipples, yet struck another part of her breasts. She imagined that they crisscrossed and she would look like a checkerboard soon. Yet she didn't care. The pleasure and pain had combined together into an amazing ball of erotic sensation.

  "It is good, yes?" he crooned in a deep, lust filled voice. "Shall I give you more?"

  12. Pussy Whipped

  Elizabeth was desperate now, willing to take anything if she was simply allowed to climax. She said, "Sir, I can't think. Just…please, let me come," and even to her own mind she sounded pathetic.

  "Soon, j'assure mon cher," he soothed her in a low hoarse voice. "You are so beautiful. But it does not hurt, does it? Not anymore. They are very close together, both pleasure and pain. When I take you in the ass I will first stripe it well, and it will be so much more ready and willing to take my cock."

  Elizabeth gave a sort of strangled moan at his words and her pussy spasmed. Her mind reeled with the vision of him whipping her backside hard enough to leave red welts - then him bending her over the bed and pushing his big cock inside. Swallowing, Elizabeth licked her lips. Shit, she thought. Even butt fucking sounded hot right now. If only he would let me come maybe I could get some sense of balance. But she was too mindless - lost to pleasure - lost to pain and there was nothing she could do about it except experience and endure.

  Sir stepped back from her and she tensed, certain he was going to whip her breasts again, but this time two sharp hits landed directly upon the outer swollen lips of her pussy. Her scream this time reverberated through the room.

  "Bon, bon, mon cher, you take it very well," he encouraged. Then he had his mouth over the painful area, sucking and relieving the sting, licking, tasting, while making erotic comments such as "Ah, pauvre, see how it weeps? It cries for my cock," and "This oh so gorgeous cunt tastes like honey." He soothed her throbbing pussy for some time, and when he pushed three fingers up into her slick and dripping channel; it clamped down upon him hard.

  "Oui, oui, mon cher," he groaned with his mouth against her pussy, his voice thick with his own lust. "Such a good girl, my so beautiful slut." He softly stroked her outer lips, where he had struck them with the riding whip. "So red and swollen now, mon cher. Do you feel how enlarged and distended your needy cunt is now that it has been punished? And so red! C'est magnifique, this ripe plump peach," he said using his whole hand to cup and grip her sex. "The way you look to me now, bound and spread before me, swollen scarlet, and aching for my cock. Mon Dieu, I want to fuck you. Did it hurt very much?"

  "Yes! It hurt like hell, Sir."

  He laughed and she heard soft footfalls as he circled her, with one hand still possessively gripping her pussy. Moving near her head, he whispered sensually into her ear, "But it is not pain you feel now, no?

  She took a deep breath. "No, Sir."

  "Bon. It throbs, it is swollen, and it is very sensitive." He stood back from her, withdrawing his hand. "You will feel it all the better when I push inside you, deep into your cunt. Prepare yourself Elizabeth, for I give you three more strikes, now."

  "Sir! No!" she protested.

  "Yes," he said. "To please me you will take two more strikes on this needy cunt and the last will fall very hard on your oh so swollen clit. But this time you will not tense, mon cher. This time I want you to remain open, embrace this pain and accept it willingly. It is my gift to you, to add to your pleasure. Can you try for me?"

  Elizabeth's breath was coming fast and short and her entire body tingled. She was reluctant and she was scared, but she knew that her resistance and inevitable compliance turned him on.

  His compelling voice whispered, "Do you wish to please me mon cher?"

  "Yes, Sir," she whispered and her throbbing pussy pulsed and contracted in a physical expression of affirmation. Because she did want to please him, and she wanted his hot cum more than anything and these crazy feelings were visceral and primal and so basic to her personality that they could not be excised. He had burned her barriers and all that was left was her. Beneath the tough no nonsense trial lawyer was a needy sexual slave. Knowing she was a slut didn't disturb her and being a lawyer no longer seemed as important as she used to imagine.

  "Have I not bound you to my will, mon cher?" he asked, tugging her bindings, underlining her constraint. "Have I not taken away your choices?"

  At these erotic words Elizabeth's gut twisted and something lower clenched. Once more her pussy flooded alarmingly. "Yes, yes, Sir," she said, knowing that she had already surrendered.

  "I control everything, do I not? Even your breathing?" His palm and fingers rested softly against her neck.

  Elizabeth moaned. She would have writhed at these words - if she had been able to move. Once if he had touched her throat she would have been frightened, but now she only felt pleasure, for she had ceased fighting.

  "I reward you with my cock, very soon, mon cher," he said and Elizabeth whimpered, needy, desperate and no longer off balance. Everything was up to him. Sir no longer had to wrest control from her: she had given it all to him willingly. It was irrational, it was insane, but it was also an essential need – like air, food and water – something she could not deny.

  "Take these three last strikes mon cher," he said, gently cupping her face and giving her a soft, chaste kiss on the lips. Stroking her breasts, he added, "I want to watch you embrace the torment of my riding crop. Do not tense. Trust me, this pain will enhance your orgasm, do you understand? Accept these last strikes for me, for my pleasure and yours. Will you do this? For me?"

  Elizabeth took a deep steadying breath. "Yes, Sir," she said and she meant it.

  "Good girl," he said and his deep lust-filled voice touched her like a sensual caress. Fire burned instantly then, twice more her pussy was hit, in slightly different spots than before, and then finally, the last strike landed directly upon her swollen clit.

  Elizabeth screamed and screamed. The setting to her vibrator changed, turning into pulse and high and she screamed and screamed some more. When the vibrator in her ass returned to low her screaming stopped and she only twitched and whimpered from pleasure or pain or shocks of both. She heard Sir back away from her and she tensed, worried and uncertai
n about another strike and where it may land.

  Or was it over?

  13. Pleasure

  As usual he read her mind. "The pain is over, mon cher. Now there will be only pleasure."

  "Thank God! Yes, yes, fuck me," she said. "Please I need you, Sir." In a sensual daze, Elizabeth had been awakened somewhat by her throbbing and physically abused clit.

  He laughed. "Eh bien. Not yet. I restrain myself, Elizabeth, I want to touch you, but I will not. Not until you climax. For now, I think I can make you come with nothing but this vibrator on low. Your body is bound, completely restrained, n'est ce pas? Do you think you can do it? Will you come for me? It would please me very much if you did."

  What? She thought, Climax with nothing? Just because he said so? "How?" she asked. "How Sir? How can I do that?"

  His voice was deep and commanding as he said, "Mon cher, you will do it because I order it, because it is my will."

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and every nerve in her body quivered. Instinctively she recognized his power over her and wanted to comply with his wishes. But how could she come? With no physical stimulation other than being tied up and a vibrator in her ass? Yet Sir had said she would, so perhaps she could.

  Sir was walking around her when he stopped speaking, his voice deep and low as he told her how hard she made him, and all the things he planned to do to her. All the while he told her she would come exactly when he told her to, and she would come because he wished it. Her body would obey him, because it was his to command. She had no will in this, he informed her.

  "Elizabeth," he said. "Take a deep breath, yes deeper. But you cannot breathe deeply can you?" he reminded her. "Because I control everything, even the air you inhale." He placed his hand against the cloth restraint on her neck, a simple message, recalling the memory. Once again her pussy spasmed and a flood of arousal gushed from within her, dripping onto the chair. Sir restrained her, controlled her breathing, controlled all completely.

  Everything was his will.

  And the truth was - she liked it that way.

  Explosive heat was building inside of her from the erotic words and images he gave her, and she tried to thrash and squirm but the bindings held her still. Forced to be motionless also put her whole body on the boil. She wanted to jump and arch, bite and scratch. To touch him, to touch herself! There was too much energy mounting inside her and nowhere for it to go.

  "You must use your mind, Elizabeth. Speak to me of what you imagine every time you masturbate. Tell me in detail of how Mark fucked you. I want to hear it."

  She got into the head space she usually was in when she masturbated, and began to talk in detail. It was always the same thing, Mark and her at the wedding. Something about that time just did it for her, the way the man took over, and used her body, rutting upon her like the big animal he was. The way she had pleased him. The magnificent unremitting spurts of his hot, thick cum.

  "Touch me, Sir," she begged. "Please touch me and fuck me hard, like Mark did."

  "Non. Not yet. But I will be inside you as you come I swear it, mon cher. I want my cock to be squeezed by that oh so strong cunt of yours, and you are very close now, aren’t you?"

  "Yes!" she screamed. Tears rolled down her cheeks, sweat dripped from her skin and she was panting and breathless, yet bound so tightly she couldn't move. Almost there, right on the edge, but how to go over? For she couldn't imagine how to climax without physical stimulation. "Yes, I am close, Sir, I want to but I can't. I can't!"

  "You can," Sir said with a combination of confidence and deceptive mildness. Elizabeth felt that beneath that calm voice was a ruthless persona, a man that would not accept no. He was someone who would always get what he wanted.

  "You can and you will," he assured her, and there was a frightening aspect to his voice. Sir was making a demand of her and she had to obey. A thrill of fear rolled through her, for this man was stronger than her - and he was dangerous. Something crystallized within her mind then, something she knew to be true.

  Oh God, she thought. Sir soooo reminds me of Mark!

  Her captor was between her legs now, she could feel the heat of him radiating near her spread thighs, and she was thrilled with the idea that he would enter her as she climaxed.

  "Mon cher. Your cunt is wet, you flood this chair. Come for me, I want to see it. Come. Do it! Now! For me!"

  She was close…so close! Almost over that edge! She felt it then – the heat within her core, pooling and spreading as she began to climax. Her body tried to thrust, her back to arch, her head to thrash back and forth, her toes to curl yet restrained as she was she could do none of these things. She was bound by Sir's will, and that one thought caused another flood of arousal. Unable to move, Elizabeth had to take everything from him – everything - anything - or nothing. The choices were all his.

  "Scream for me, mon cher," he ordered. "Scream your orgasm."

  And as it was an unassailable command from the man who controlled her completely, she did.

  14. Orgasms by his Command

  As she started to go over, Elizabeth's abused cunt and clit throbbed and pulsed violently. At that exact point, with perfect timing, Sir thrust his cock inside her, stretching her heated channel. Relief flooded her as he slammed inside, his heated hips and thighs up hard against her.

  The vibrating toy filled her back passage, and Sir filled her pussy. Elizabeth groaned from profound bliss as her needy body comprehensively expanded to accommodate both toy and man. Convulsing with animal delight, her cunt clamped down hard on Sir's thick shaft. Unable to physically move and express such intense explosive pleasure, Elizabeth sobbed and screamed and screamed and screamed until her voice was hoarse.

  It was ecstasy – ecstasy!

  Multiple, endless orgasms rolled over her in a combination of sensations. Every part of her was hyperaware and totally sensitized. Her hard nipples were aching, her breasts tender from being whipped, her swollen pussy and abused clitoris, her skin red and humming with sensation from being burned by hot chocolate and then being bit and licked by Sir's tongue and teeth. And all the while she experienced this totally motionless bondage. All her choices had been taken away.

  Sir thrust inside her, in and out in an even, unvaried rhythm while masturbating her clit with one hand and firmly gripping one hip in another. She had flooded his cock with her essence, and he moved in and out with slick ease.

  Elizabeth twitched and convulsed in aftershocks, exhausted, and exhilarated with her mind floating on a sea of pleasure. Nothing was as she had imagined. Sex was never as important to her as she had learned from this one day with her captor. Until the experiences of today she had never really understood the value of such intimacy. This was who she was, this feminine sexual being.

  The toy in her ass had stopped vibrating, but Sir had not come. She became aware that Sir was still thrusting in an even pattern, and that he was still manipulating her clit. No! No! she thought. It is too much, my clit is still so tender!

  "Sir, may I speak?"

  "You may," he said, never varying his measured thrusts.

  "Oh God Sir, that hurts. My clit is so sore."

  "I don’t care, mon cher. I have decided that you will come once more. I enjoyed it so much. To watch you display such pleasure, to see you try so hard to move while constrained by full bondage while you climaxed again and again. I loved the sounds you made. For me, it was very exciting."

  "I can't!" she said, focused on his fingers abusing her clit. "Sir! It hurts, it is too much. Please stop."

  "No," he said with a voice of command, and Elizabeth was distracted from the painful stimulus between her legs. It was as if a whip had cracked. All her attention was focused on him. "You will come for me again, Elizabeth," he told her. "You will come for me. Right now."

  The powerful almost frightening force of his command, the sensation of his cock, rubbing in and out of her slick channel and filling her so completely, the toy, deep and heavy in her back passage, the feel of
fingers manipulating her clit, masturbating her exactly as she masturbated herself was too much for her. So much stimulation! Her entire body throbbed and unbelievably another orgasm flashed through her, powerfully exploding and shattering every logical thought.

  "Oh God!" she cried out and then wailed. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" And she moaned and whimpered and her pussy clenched him hard.

  "Bonne fille," he said, powerfully thrusting inside her, immersing himself ball deep into her pulsing pussy. Reaching across her body he bent with his hands squeezing her breasts and nipples. Then he kissed her possessively, ravishing her with his tongue, taking everything he wanted. "You are a very good girl," he said in a hoarse seductive whisper.

  Lightheaded and in a daze, Elizabeth felt him withdraw from her, and became aware that his cock was still hard. Sir had not come, she could not smell him. But she sure had. People living outside this room and down the hall could probably pick up the heavy, sweet scent of her sexual arousal and satisfaction. In her mindless happy daze, Elizabeth heard the refrigerator door open and shut. A straw was placed to her lips.

  "Drink, mon cher," he said. "You need fluids, after all you have lost through perspiration and your oh so dripping sex. But I pleased you, did I not?" He stroked her hair and kissed her cheek. "I release you now and then you will please me."

  Sir unwrapped her bindings rapidly while Elizabeth shivered from aftershocks and sprawled against the large chair, boneless and unable to move. With a fireman's lift he put her over his back and carried her over, placing her against a wall, "You will come again now, mon cher."

  "Oh Sir, I couldn't, I really couldn't."

  He laughed. "Oh, but you will. By my command, by my will, you will come while I fuck you as your husband Mark did." His firm body pressed against her, pushing her tight against the wall. "You make me so hot mon cher. Do you want to come for me? Tell me what you want."

  "I want to come, Sir."

  "Good girl," he chuckled, well aware of her reticence. "Yes, but why? Why do you want to come?"