Read Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9) Page 10

  Gerrod, Ethan and Quinlan were chained to the damp wall of a dark cave. Nearby, a portable fire pit, glowing with bright red coals, held several branding irons. The skin of each warrior was pitted with deep burns.

  For hours now, they’d been tortured, with several bulked up male vampires ready to deliver another round of red-hot pain. Their bonded female wraiths flew around the cave shrieking.

  On instinct, Stone began panning back so that he could see the entire cave. As soon as he did, he recognized the system. He’d spent years early on in his Tannisford life exploring the hundreds of miles of caves in the mountainous region behind Dracut Falls near the Sterling River.

  He had a small window to get to the men. But he had the elf-lord power in him. He’d be able to fly faster than ever and to fight better.

  He shifted his gaze to Aralynn. “I have to go.”

  “Stone, what did you see?”

  “The three mastyrs. Margetta somehow took them. She’s holding them in a cave.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Stone, this doesn’t feel right to me. Something’s off.”

  He shook his head. “The vision was perfectly clear and I know exactly where to go and what to do.”

  When he turned to leave, she caught his arm. “I should go with you.”

  At that, Stone smiled. “Why? When I have this?” He lifted his arm and a silvery glow of elf-lord power shone from his hands.

  He didn’t wait to explain anything to her. He had elf-lord power now and he knew he could take on a dozen lesser vampires, all at the same time, if necessary.

  He left the doorway and flung himself high into the air. Just as he’d thought, he could fly faster than ever.

  With that, he headed southwest toward Dracut Falls. Within a minute, he’d reached his destination, having covered an immense distance of three hundred miles.

  He was at least five hundred feet in the air and had an excellent view of the land, the river, and the waterfall. His vampire vision warmed up the landscape so that it was as though a late afternoon sun shone on the green pines and frothy white water.

  The river ran at full-bore most of the year, having its source high in the northern, snow-laden Dauphaire Mountains of Tannisford. Several springs and a hundred creeks made their way into the single artery that ran through the western part of his realm.

  He was a lot like Quinlan, one of the mastyrs chained in the cave. They’d both spent a lot of time combing every square foot of their respective realms.

  In this particular cavern system, that had an entrance behind the fall of water, the caves were cold and wet. Water seeped through the stone walls constantly. He knew what the three captive ruling mastyrs were enduring. Even if Margetta wasn’t torturing them, just being tied up in the caves would be hard to bear.

  Slowly, he levitated toward the falls. He knew there was an entrance to the caves directly behind the water, which had the easiest access and the men weren’t far from the falls. But he was also aware of a couple more entrances within the forest itself on the upper plain. Each was at least two miles past the falls, but his instincts told him Margetta might not know about them.

  He passed over the loud rush of water and was surprised by the sudden quiet as he began to fly above the pine forest directly west. The terrain was full of rocks and hillocks along with the pine trees, but it was as though every contour of the land had been burned into his mind.

  Love was what he felt for Tannisford and he wasn’t alone in that passion. All the ruling mastyrs had developed powerful attachments to their realms. The rise and fall of the land itself was part of that love.

  But as he drew close to the land, he suddenly became aware that the elf-lord power he’d been experiencing had dwindled significantly. He slowed his levitation and took a moment to explore the phenomenon. But there was no denying, he was back to his usual self. Whatever it was he’d experienced at Aralynn’s cottage had been temporary, perhaps even connected to Ferrenden Peace or to Aralynn or both.




  It seemed typical of his experiences tonight that he wouldn’t be able to count on what he’d hoped was a war game-changer. Though he had to concede that Aralynn’s blood continued to strengthen him and he still had no pain whatsoever.

  His thoughts turned immediately to his battle-partner, Aralynn. If he’d been able to sustain the elf-lord power, he wouldn’t have hesitated heading straight in. As it was, he had only one goal: To get his men out safely.

  That meant, he needed support. He opened up his telepathy. Aralynn, you there?

  He could feel the wolf’s pathing frequency respond immediately. He could also sense her relief. Where are you? Can I help?

  His heart swelled up like a damn balloon. She’d said exactly what he’d hoped to hear. I’m at Dracut Falls and yes, you can definitely help. The elf-lord power I’d been channeling … is gone.

  On my way.

  He felt the vibrations in the air then Aralynn was right there, her wild red hair flying around her shoulders. She met his gaze then glanced at the terrain below. They levitated about forty feet above the land.

  He gripped her shoulder. I don’t know if this will work.


  He didn’t try to explain, but he brought the vision forward then sent it along what he hoped was her pathing lane.

  “Oh.” Her large brown eyes widened and she blinked several times in quick succession.

  When the vision played out, she met his gaze and nodded once. Let’s do it.

  Follow me.

  He dropped closer to the earth, approaching the westernmost entrance to the cavern system then eased behind a hillock composed mostly of rock and a lot of grasses and forest weeds. The pine trees had encroached through the area but hadn’t successfully planted a single sapling on the hill.

  He extended his hearing to see if he could detect sounds of the enemy. But nothing returned except the wind in the pines, a very lonely sound in this part of his sparsely populated realm.

  Keep levitating. We don’t want the noise of our boots to alert the enemy.

  I agree. Besides, isn’t this system really wet?

  It is. He was constantly amazed at how well Aralynn knew his realm. She’d said she’d made a thorough study of all the realms, but this was one of those times she’d proven her knowledge yet again.

  He had to duck down in order to move inside, but as with the space behind the falls, the initial cavern was tall and quite deep. He knew each of the pathways by heart and skirted any avenue leading directly to the falls.

  Circumventing the easy paths, he made his way slowly toward the cave rooms near the falls.

  When he drew within fifty feet of the torture area, he heard voices first, and painful shouts that made him cringe and grit his teeth. The rough, agonized moan let him know he was hearing Quinlan at the vile end of a burning hot branding iron.

  Rage flooded him and pumped up his arm and leg muscles, while tightening his abdomen. He fired up his battle energy. He had a couple more turns to make, then one short cavern tunnel and he’d be in the middle of it.

  But just as he was about to surge forward, Aralynn’s voice entered his head. Slow down, dammit! I know you want to charge in, but the moment you do, Margetta will use one of her deadly fae nets to control you. Stone, she’s seen you coming.

  Stone froze in his tracks and began to levitate backward, melting deeper into the caves. He turned to Aralynn. You’ve had a vision? Why was he surprised?

  Yes. Use me. I think you’re high on elf-lord power and you’re not yourself yet.

  He planted a hand against his forehead. I think you’re right. The power might be gone, but not a kind of driving ambition I’m having a hard time turning off.

  He planted his hands on his hips and while levitating stared at the pools of water on the stone floor. He was being more impulsive than usual.

  She drew close and sniffed him like a wolf would, wrinkling her nos
e as she met his gaze. You’re right. I’m not smelling elf-lord power. So, what happened?

  It dissipated once I left Ferrenden Peace.

  She didn’t seem to question this statement but looked around. Another moan sounded. I’m hearing Mastyr Quinlan, aren’t I?

  You are. You know him?

  She looked confused for a moment. Well, not personally, of course. But I know what he looks like. I have a computer and access to the realm-web.

  Right. Okay. So, the vision you had?

  Here it is. Margetta’s told one of her henchmen you’d be barreling into the main cave. One of them is holding the net and I recognized it at once. It’s treated with a fae potion and you’d never be able to escape it.

  Sweet Goddess.

  Yeah. She wrinkled her nose again but this time for a different reason. The thing is, she abducted these mastyrs for one purpose: To draw you here and capture you. She’s after you, Stone. I’m not sure why, but I have a strong feeling it has to do with your ability to channel the elf-lord power.

  Margetta’s presence changed everything. And he agreed with Aralynn. Earlier, at Charborne, Margetta had aimed for Aralynn, not for him. The Ancient fae had wanted his battle partner dead.

  I think you’re right.

  She nodded. And after the way you so easily channeled the elf-lord power, it all makes sense. If she’d killed me at Charborne, she would have had you.

  His turn to nod. She just hadn’t counted on a wolf from Ferrenden Peace possessing the kind of power you have.

  Her solemn expression blossomed into a smile and his heart once more felt swollen with affection. This was one of the reasons he hadn’t hesitated suggesting they bond. He’d run missions beside her for seven weeks and he loved everything about her.

  What? She asked, no doubt surprised by his expression.

  He took both of her arms in hand and leaned in. He planted a quick, firm kiss on her lips and let her feel what he felt. Just that.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rosamunde froze in her levitated state. She was in the middle of a rescue with Stone and he could make her feel so much with just a brief pressure of his lips on hers.

  When he drew back, she couldn’t quite close her mouth. Oh, my. She wanted to speak aloud, but she was afraid their voices would carry and alert the enemy.

  Images flowed through her head of taking Stone back to Aralynn’s cottage and keeping him in her bed for the entire day.

  She drew close to him, and settled her hand on his face. How about we go get your men then maybe we can do more of that. What do you say?

  It’s a perfect plan.

  She chuckled softly. Except for one small thing. How are we going to rescue the mastyrs from a madwoman and a cave full of her minions?

  He narrowed his gaze at her. You know that wind you created, the one that got me safely to Joseph’s house? The one that evaded Margetta?


  Can you use it in another context? I’ve felt your power level and I think it might be possible for you to create something similar that would hide our presence from the Ancient Fae?

  You think so?

  He tilted his head slightly. You really don’t know what you have, do you?

  I’ve never thought about it much. But I trust you, so let me investigate and see what can be done.

  Stone’s belief in her abilities, gave Rosamunde confidence. She pulled away from him just a little to give herself enough space to draw inward without the distraction of being so close to him.

  She closed her eyes and thought about the veil of mist she created through the elf-lord power. Could she do something similar, a kind of mist that would allow her and Stone to enter the cave unseen?

  She opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. She thought it best to warn him. I’m going to try to access the elf-lord power from here. I don’t know if I can, but it would be the means by which I could create a kind of shield for us.

  He frowned. But the pain. I don’t want you to hurt like that again. Should I try to channel the power?

  I honestly don’t know. But I want to make the attempt and we can figure it out as we go along.

  Sounds good.

  She nodded once then closed her eyes again. She drew inside herself and focused solely on the elf-lord power. Only a couple of seconds passed before the earth began to rumble. She knew Margetta would sense the shift, so whatever she was going to do, she had to act quickly.

  When the pain started, she knew she couldn’t afford to wait for it to ease up. Stone would have to be involved.

  She grabbed his arm and held on, then let the power flow into him. Only this time, she focused on bringing it back to herself.

  When she felt it return, yet without the smallest discomfort, she began constructing something she’d never made before: A shield that would block their presence to outsiders.

  I can feel what you’re doing and there’s no pain for you, is there? Stone’s telepathic voice sounded excited within her mind.

  She felt the same way. No pain at all. But I’m sensing movement. She opened her eyes and glanced up the tunnel. Stone followed her gaze.

  In the distance, was a golden glow.

  Margetta. Stone drew close, sliding his arm around her waist. She must have felt the earth rumble when you accessed the elf-lord power.

  Rosamunde’s heart slammed around in her chest until she felt sure it would burst. What do we do now?

  Stone drew her tight against the miserably wet cave wall. We wait to see if your shield holds.

  ~ ~ ~

  Stone watched Margetta’s gold light grow increasingly intense until suddenly the Ancient Fae appeared around the corner. She was a striking woman whom he’d only ever seen in her long velvet gowns. She wore a dark blue one now as she levitated slowly in their direction. Her violet eyes were wide and searching. Her long blond hair, sculpted into large ringlets, floated around her shoulders all the way to her waist. Except for the hard line of her lips, she was a beautiful woman.

  “I can feel your presence, Mastyr Stone, but I can’t see you. What has your clever wolf done for you this time?”

  Stone tightened his arm around Aralynn. She trembled beside him, but the elf-lord power kept her shield tight and he knew it would hold.

  He held his breath as she breezed past them, flying even more swiftly back down the tunnel. She carried an evil stench, like rotting garbage.

  He didn’t move, however. Aralynn didn’t either. Margetta wouldn’t leave her captives for very long. Barely ten seconds later, the gold light returned and flew past them. He couldn’t even see Margetta this time, just the brilliant light surrounding her as she raced back in the direction she’d come.

  When she disappeared, Stone released a strained breath. Aralynn turned into him and slung her free arm around his waist.

  He surrounded her with his arms and held her close. Her voice hit his telepathy. That smell. I hate it more than anything.

  You’ve smelled it often?

  Not really. Just once, when I was a little girl. Margetta killed my mother.

  Stone grew very still. The revelation was not something Aralynn had told him before. No wonder you’re shaking.

  Slowly, she drew back and lifted her face to his. Her brown eyes were wet with tears. She offered a faltering smile. But the shield held, so we’re good.

  We’re good.

  She took a deep breath and her lips curved. Let’s go get your men.

  He loved her courage more than anything and without thinking, he kissed her again, another quick press of his lips to hers. She caressed his face and nodded.

  Releasing her, he levitated away from the wall, yet he could feel the shield like a clinging drag of mist all around him. He was grateful for the physical sensation since he’d be able to detect any change if something went wrong.

  I know these caves inside and out and I’ve seen exactly where Margetta has the mastyrs chained up. Stick close. The words sounded like a bark, even telepathically.

Her lips quirked. Yes, Mastyr.

  He smiled. Aralynn, like Delia, never let his head get too big. He liked that about her as well.

  He shifted his gaze to the tunnel and charted his course. Levitating slowly and once more extending his hearing, he could hear laughter, both male and female, coupled with jeers.

  The Invictus bonds were permanent and eradicated a sense of morality from both the wraith and the victim. The worst characteristics of each individual came to the fore.

  Wraith-pairs quickly became thieves and murderers. They developed an instant addiction to blood and killed their victims often by draining them to death. Those they attacked were all ages. Murdering rampages quickly became the preferred way of life.

  The enemy was vicious and without conscience.

  We’re only a few yards away.

  He felt Aralynn’s battle vibration begin to beat at him. She also carried a dagger in her sheath that she knew how to use extremely well. I’m ready.

  Her confident response urged him forward. We’ll be entering at the back of the cave well behind the Invictus and across from where the men are chained.

  Got it.

  The back entrance area was to the west of what he knew to be a large cavern. He could hear Dracut Falls easily now, though the cave was set back about thirty yards from the waterfall.

  As he levitated into the back of the cavern, he could smell the burning coals. A few feet more and the portable fire pit came into view. Branding irons stuck of the middle of the blazing coals, heated up and ready for use.

  He stopped for a moment, needing to take it all in. Aralynn drew up beside him. The shield she’d created held tight. The men he’d served beside for centuries were manacled to the opposite wall: Gerrod, Ethan and Quinlan.

  Though he had a strong impulse to charge in, he needed to be wise. I want to get the layout, he pathed to Aralynn.

  Though there were natural stone pillars separating their side of the massive cavern from the rest of the space, he could see the ruling mastyrs easily. Each had been stripped down to their leathers, whipped and beaten.

  Blood ran from several chest and abdominal wounds, and he could now smell burning flesh, inflicted by the branding irons. At the same time, self-healing energy boiled from the men. They weren’t powerful vampires for nothing and each had bonded with a blood rose, adding to their abilities. That Margetta had overpowered them in some way was a testament to her essential power.