Read Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9) Page 11

  The wraiths flew slowly around the space, yet in an agitated, predatory manner. Their shrieks had died down for the moment.

  Aralynn grabbed his wrist. She was trembling again.

  He glanced at her, holding her gaze. He knew she’d seen a lot in the seven weeks they’d been battling together, but nothing as heinous and personal as this. I know this is hard to take. Do you want to sit this one out?

  She shook her head. I’m overcome with rage, not fear. I hate what’s happening here with a passion.

  He could feel it now, the strength of her anger which matched his own.

  The cavern curved toward the southeast, so that he couldn’t actually see Margetta from where he and Aralynn hovered. But her golden glow spilled from the space nearest the east exiting tunnel.

  Margetta called out. “Be ready, my servants. Mastyr Stone is here.”

  At the mention of his name, two of the wraiths shrieked and took to flying rapidly back and forth through the air near the two-story cavern ceiling.

  The third and tallest wraith floated in the air and turned slowly in a circle, hunting for them. Invictus wraiths were fierce-looking, and this one was no different. Her skin was white to the point of opaque and she had yellow fangs, dark lips, and small eyes. She wore the traditional wraith gown made up of gauzy red strips of fabric sewn loosely together to float around her thin legs.

  She smiled, showing red gums. “We’ll find him, Mistress Margetta.”

  Stone took Aralynn’s hand. Let’s get higher in the air. He rose as he spoke, Aralynn with him.

  With no pillars to obstruct his view, Stone caught sight of the Ancient Fae. I see Margetta now.

  She squeezed his wrist. Me, too.

  “Take Gerrod again this time.” Margetta’s voice had a special ring of authority, something he knew to be manufactured. She used her voice to control her subjects.

  “Yes, Mistress.” All three vampires responded in unison.

  One of the powerful male vampires, just shy of mastyr status, headed in Gerrod’s direction. He moved slowly and bore bruises up and down his legs and across his abdomen.

  Stone smiled. The ruling mastyrs had fought back and apparently Margetta didn’t do anything to protect her minions. Typical.

  Gerrod’s head hung down and it seemed to Stone that though he appeared unconscious, his thigh muscles flexed.

  Stone needed more information about the shield. Aralynn, Can I cross the space and still be invisible?

  Let me explore this new creation of mine. He knew she’d focused her thoughts inward. After a moment, she released his wrist. Yes. Absolutely. It won’t dissipate until I want it to. The distances within the cavern are not an issue. Though I have the sense any farther and the lack of close proximity would become a problem. So what’s the plan? I’d like to have a sense of where you might need me.

  I’ll go to Gerrod first, Stone said. I think I can help him in a way that will appear as though he’s the one battling the vampire when the captor draws close.

  Got it. I’m going to rise to the ceiling and remain above you, out of the way but ready. Just call me into action at will.

  Good. He glanced at her. He could see her easily, though a soft violet mist surrounded them both.

  As the vampires drew close to Gerrod, his fists raised protectively, Stone sped in Gerrod’s direction. He opened a path to the heavily muscled ruling vampire of Merhaine Realm. Gerrod, keep your eyes down. Try not to look surprised.

  Stone? Is that you?

  Yes. Stone saw how careful Gerrod was being. But then control was this mastyr’s forte. Take a moment and let both Quinlan and Ethan know that I’m here. The wolf, Aralynn, is helping me to sustain this level of invisibility.

  Gerrod’s even, formal cadence entered his mind. Margetta is here, Stone. This is a trap. You should escape while you can.

  Not gonna happen. Not on my watch. Let the other men know that a rescue is at hand, then return to path with me.

  If that’s what you want.

  It is. He waited until he saw that Ethan’s shoulders tensed and Quinlan eyes shifted slightly to the side as Gerrod pathed with the two mastyrs. But other than these reactions, Stone doubted anyone watching, including Margetta, would have a clue what was going on.

  Seeing that one of the Invictus wraiths now pulled a hot branding iron from the coals, and the male vampires advanced on Gerrod, Stone pathed. When the wraith gets close, I’m going to engage. Use your feet to hold off the vampires as I see you’ve been doing. I have to make this look like you’re the only one battling.


  The deep bruising on Gerrod’s sides told Stone the mastyr probably had broken ribs.

  As the smiling, evil wraith descended toward her prey, Gerrod’s deep voice sounded through Stone’s mind. Ready when you are. Let’s take these bastards down.

  Stone levitated swiftly and positioned himself next to Gerrod.

  He let the mastyr feel the pressure of his hand on his shoulder. The advancing vampire held his body low to catch Gerrod’s legs if he started to kick. The wraith with the iron moved around her mate’s shoulder. Lift your leg to kick at her.

  The moment Gerrod grunted heavily and swung the lower half of his body in the wraith’s direction, Stone launched at the wraith, caught her on her stomach and flew her backward to land on the hard cave floor. The branding iron clattered away. The other wraiths shrieked.

  The vampire minion caught one of Gerrod’s legs. Stone grabbed the vampire’s wrist and twisted hard. The bone cracked. The vampire fell sideways screaming in pain.

  “The rest of you punish Mastyr Gerrod.” Margetta’s voice filled the space, but her words told Stone his ruse had worked. She didn’t know he was there.

  Stone watched as the two remaining vampires moved in from either side. He shifted pathing frequencies. Aralynn, can you get the manacle keys and release the others while Gerrod and I engage the two vampires?

  Will do.

  From high in the ceiling, he felt her move toward the rack to the left of the mastyrs that held the keys.

  Stone once more took up his place next to Gerrod. I’m beside you again. Aralynn is going to release the other two while we’re engaged. So, I need you to battle viciously and make a lot of noise. Can you do that?

  With pleasure.

  As the wary vampires got within a few feet, Stone saw that each pair of eyes had the crazed look of an Invictus maniac. Snarls formed on their lips and saliva dripped from each chin. The ferocity that accompanied their deranged minds would have intimidated Stone if he hadn’t been fighting them from the time he could remember.

  Aralynn’s pathing voice intruded. I’ve got the key, but I can tell Margetta senses something’s going on. I think she’s tapped into my presence. Try to keep her distracted, so I can get these manacles off Mastyrs Quinlan and Ethan.

  That’s the plan. Stone then instructed all the ruling mastyrs to let loose with as much shouting and obscenities as each could muster.

  The vampires made their move, intending to pulverize Gerrod with their fists. But Stone revved up his battle energy and gave each of them a good zap then began throwing punches. All three mastyrs started shouting as loud as they could, which further incited the Invictus vampires. Even so, they remained focused on Gerrod.

  As each made a move to attack Gerrod, Stone intervened doing his best to make it look like Gerrod had so much power he was thrusting them away with his battle energy. And every time Stone’s fist connected with one of the torturers, his spirit soared. He wanted to shout along with the others, but he worked instead to sustain the deception as long as he could.

  The wraith-mates rose into the air and delivered even more noise to the chaos.

  Because Quinlan and Ethan were shouting to the Invictus vampires, calling them every wretched name possible, one of the vampires soon shifted his attention to Ethan. Being next to Gerrod, he made the easier target. Ethan kicked wildly with his feet. Stone shifted some of his battle ene
rgy to Ethan’s attacker, but the close quarters made doing anything tough.

  Aralynn, how we doin’?

  Almost got Quinlan’s manacles off. One is gone, but he’s holding it in place against the chain for effect.

  I see it.

  Suddenly, Quinlan’s arms fell free of the shackles and he went after the nearest vampire that was attacking Ethan. He rained blows down on the bastard’s head.

  “What’s going on here?” Margetta shouted.

  In the next few seconds, Aralynn freed Ethan.

  In the meantime, Stone continued helping Gerrod battle the remaining vampire, while still attempting to disguise his presence as best he could. The vampire with the broken wrist hung back as the wraiths continued to shriek, but he’d gained his feet.

  Ethan launched onto the back of the nearest vampire and pounded on the man’s ears. The vampire fell to his knees in agony but his wraith-mate soon attacked Ethan from the air, jumping on his back and biting his neck hard.

  A wind suddenly filled the cavern and Margetta’s golden glow flooded the space. “Stone, show yourself? I know you’re here, but how are you remaining invisible to my practiced eye?”

  Stone ignored the Ancient Fae. He used his battle energy and struck down one of the wraith-mates. She dropped dead near her companion vampire. Because the bond gave so much shared strength, once death intervened, the mate fell at the same time.

  One pair down.

  The vampire with the broken wrist launched in again.

  Quinlan pinned him easily to the ground while Ethan battled a wraith and her bonded vampire with his blue battle energy. Blue and red sparks rose into the air.

  Aralynn, I’ll try to get this vampire under control then you can work on Gerrod’s.

  I’m trying to stay out of the way of battle fire and your fists almost got me twice. But, I’ll see what I can do.

  Stone leaped onto the back of the vampire attacking Gerrod, and got him in a head-lock. He drew him away and watched as Aralynn made quick work of Gerrod’s manacles.

  Gerrod wasted no time, but came at the same vampire and punched him hard in the stomach. When the vampire fell forward, Stone released him. Gerrod then brought the full force of both fists down on the back of his neck. Stone heard the crack.

  The vampire was dead.

  The bonded wraith fell from high in the air, struck her head on the side of the fire pit. Stone checked her pulse. She’d died instantly, her face half-submerged in a puddle of cave water.

  Two pairs down.

  Aralynn’s voice pierced Stone’s mind. Margetta’s winding up her power. I’ve got to lead her away or she’ll kill the ruling mastyrs.

  He looked around for Aralynn and saw her high in the cavern, toward the ceiling. Will you be safe?

  Yes. I already know I can outrun her.

  Contact me as soon as you’re free of her.

  Will do.

  With that, Aralynn whipped toward the eastern tunnel that led to the waterfall. She created her former and very powerful violet wind. She flew straight at Margetta then clipped her hard. Margetta fell to the stone floor, but rose almost as swiftly, cursing loudly.

  She took the bait and went after Aralynn.

  With Margetta gone, quiet filled the cavern. All six Invictus were now dead and the ruling mastyrs were breathing hard and working on self-healing. Because Aralynn had left, his shield dissipated quickly.

  He didn’t waste time, but contacted Harris for back-up. He briefed him quickly and ordered several squads dispatched to Dracut Falls immediately. Within minutes, any vampire Guardsman or Brigade shifter in the area would be rerouted to Stone’s position. If Margetta returned, they’d be ready for her.

  Harris would also call for a troll removal team to care for the dead Invictus.

  Stone turned his attention to the mastyrs.

  Gerrod drew close and planted his hand on Stone’s shoulder. “Thank you, Brother.”

  “Of course.” But his gaze shifted to the place where Margetta had followed Aralynn in pursuit. He couldn’t help but worry. The woman he wanted to bond with was being pursued by the Ancient Fae.

  Ethan moved to stand in front of Stone, Quinlan with him. “How the hell did you find us? We were dining in a private room in a restaurant in Grochaire Realm, Margetta showed up and suddenly we were here. We had no way to contact anyone.”

  Stone forced his attention back to the men. Each was sweating heavily besides being bruised, cut up, and branded. But they were already healing themselves.

  “How did I find you?” He debated exactly how much to tell them since he didn’t want to reveal that elf-lord power was involved. “Because of Aralynn. I know I’ve talked about her.”

  The men nodded. Quinlan said, “She’s the one who gets the fae visions, though she’s mostly wolf. That’s a helluva lot of power.”

  “It is.” He felt the need to twist events around a little. “But tonight, when she got the vision of the three of you, she touched me. The moment she did, I saw the vision as well, that you were here, behind Dracut Falls.”

  Gerrod’s serious blue eyes pierced him. “The power of the Nine Realms is moving through Tannisford, isn’t it?”

  He’d said it exactly right. “Aralynn is a blood rose.”

  At that moment, he felt Aralynn tap on his pathing frequency. He lifted his hand toward the mastyrs. “Hold on. She’s reporting in.” He switched to telepathy. Everything okay?

  I made it fine to Ferrenden Peace. Like last time, I was able to lose her pretty fast.

  He released a heavy sigh. He hadn’t even been aware he’d been holding his breath. That’s good news. I’m wrapping things up here with the mastyrs. Harris is sending troops in as we speak.

  I’ll wait to hear from you.

  Good deal.

  He felt her end the communication and he reverted his attention to the men.

  All three of them were smiling.

  “Is everything okay?” Ethan asked, showing all his big teeth, the handsome bastard that he was.

  “She’s fine. She’s back in Ferrenden Peace, safe and sound. She lost Margetta just a few miles out.”

  “Good to hear.” Quinlan nodded. Though usually dour, his lips had an upward slant as well. “So, she’s a blood rose.”

  Stone nodded. “That she is.”

  Gerrod once more clapped him in the shoulder. “I trust this is a good thing.” His speech was as formal as ever.

  “A very good thing. I admire the hell out of her. She was the one who kept us invisible from Margetta so that we could initiate a rescue.”

  Gerrod nodded solemnly. “But it’s a difficult path at first.”

  Ethan clubbed Stone on the arm. “But worth it. Have you tasted her blood yet?”

  Stone nodded and just like that the memory flooded him, of what it had been like. For a moment he couldn’t speak, then finally said, “There’s no more pain.”

  “It’s damn overwhelming.” Quinlan’s deep voice brought Stone’s attention back to the moment. Quinlan added, “I know it’s only been a few hours, but has anything else changed in our world? Do you know if Batya has been harmed? Abigail? Samantha?”

  Stone shook his head. “I haven’t heard anything about your women. I’d only barely heard from Harris a couple of hours ago that there was some concern you couldn’t be reached.”

  He felt it then, the profound need the men had to get back to their women, to their blood roses. And they each needed to be fed. Though they’d bonded with women who had freed them from their chronic blood starvation, they were still vampires that had been wounded badly and would need to be restored.

  Quinlan continued, “Has anything new surfaced with Margetta? While she had us in chains, did she send her army to attack any of the realms?”

  “No. Nothing like that, at least not that I’ve heard.”

  Ethan shoved at his wild curls. He frowned. “So, what’s going on, then? She could have killed us all, at any time. Instead, this had to have bee
n a trap of some kind. Was this about you? Or Aralynn?”

  Stone shook his head. “We think it’s about me.” He then told them about Charborne and the Ancient Fae’s attempt to kill Aralynn.

  “She doesn’t want you dead, then?” Gerrod narrowed his gaze. “If not, what does she want from you?”

  Stone shrugged. “Hell if I know.” Though in the back of his mind, he suspected it had to do with his ability to channel the elf-lord power. If Rosamunde was right, and Margetta had been trying to acquire the elf-lord power all this time, then Margetta might have learned through a fae vision of her own that Stone could channel this power. But he was so new to the phenomenon, he didn’t know what to think and he didn’t want his brothers-in-arms distressed by something called ‘elf-lord’ power. It would raise a dozen questions for which he had no answers, at least not yet.

  Ethan said, “If she was aiming for Aralynn, it’s possible she’s just trying to get you off your game. We all know what an effective battle partner she’s become for you.”

  “You got that right. She’s saved my ass a number of times as it is.”

  Ethan glanced around. “So what did Aralynn do? I saw a purplish wind that disappeared down the east tunnel. Then Margetta’s gold wind followed.”

  “She led Margetta away because the Ancient Fae was preparing to fire on the three of you. If she’d succeeded, you’d all be dead.”

  Gerrod nodded. “Sounds like you’re an excellent team.”

  Stone agreed. “But right now, I want to get you men back home.”

  As the mastyrs each contacted their respective realms, Stone thought about just how long it would take for the men to fly back on their own power. He decided to give Davido a telepathic shout.

  And how do you fare, my good man?

  Stone’s lips curves. Despite the terror of the last few minutes, the sound of Davido’s almost quaint speech made him smile. He told Davido about Ethan, Quinlan and Gerrod. So, I’m wondering if you could give them a lift home. Otherwise, it’ll take hours to fly. Apparently, Margetta swept them all here with her teleporting ability.