Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 19

  Chapter 16: Shades of Gray


  “That’s what Kohl has told you.” Sy said with an all too knowing smirk. I didn’t want to hear anymore of Sy’s lies, I was perfectly at peace with what Kohl had told me. I didn’t want to know anymore. “Beautiful Jayde, why wouldn’t he lie to you? He wants what I want. We both want to rule and the only way that is possible is to have you.” He said stepping too closely to me again. I leaned back and felt that I was cornered between Sy and the large window facing out into the back gardens.

  “I’ve heard what’s been said I’ve heard stuff. I know you are not the most truthful of individuals.” I snapped back. I wasn’t going to let Sy make me question Kohl, he had been honest whenever I asked. Why lie? “Besides Kohl has never said a negative word against you. Everything negative has been courtesy of the media and what I have actually seen.” I replied with equal aggression to the anger that was rolling off of him.

  He broke out in a heart stopping smile and moved back. “And please tell me what have I done to you?” He said crossing his arms, a confident smile settling onto his handsome face.

  “Antonio.” I said remembering all the lies he told me, the pure deception of him in my life. “The only question I have is why try to make me fall in love with him if I was going to marry you?”

  I saw a small twitch in his square jaw, but he maintained that nonchalant smile. “Antonio was an idiot. He went against me and for that he is paying.” He said without a hint of emotion. I looked into his hard gray eyes praying he was kidding. He wasn’t.

  “What was he supposed to do then?” I asked sitting on the couch avoiding this man who made my stomach turn into knots. His indiscretions and heartlessness rivaled on unbelievable, but I wrapped my head around the person Sy was. I couldn’t show my disgust he was supposed to have a fair shot at getting to know me.

  “Find you and bring you to me. If he had done what he was supposed to do I would have had you years ago.” Again the cool detachment he used to discuss anything that wasn’t him or me was present.

  “What happened to him?” I choked out not even sure where the emotion had come from. Antonio and I were over, why did I care? He had lied and duped me the entire time.

  “He’s locked away until the next execution.” He said sitting beside me.

  “Execution?” I couldn’t believe it. “He doesn’t deserve to be killed for…” My head was spinning.

  “Treason is one of the highest crimes in Encante-South.”

  “But…” I couldn’t breathe, my mind was racing a mile a minute. Antonio was going to die because he disobeyed Sy. It seemed so barbaric so wrong. I had to stop this. “You can’t do that.” I said my voice betraying my anxiety.

  “Why not? I am king after all and he disobeyed a direct order that resulted in the enemy claiming my prize.”

  “Don’t do it. Don’t you have any compassion?” I said resorting to rationalizing. “He had to have a good reason for what he did.” I said gaining some strength in my still shaky voice.

  He looked at me for a moment his eyes roving over my face and landing on my lips. “Love is for weak men and if one is blinded by such things then he deserves to be put out of his misery.” I stared at Sy in incredulity. He couldn’t believe the crap he was selling. No one was that angry at the world.

  “Why would you say that? If you don’t believe in love why are you here?” He actually laughed.

  “This has nothing to do with love, Jayde, and everything to do with who can persuade you to their side.” I blinked back the tears that threatened at thinking of poor Antonio imprisoned because of me.

  “Well you are not doing a very good job of it. You are about to execute my ex-boyfriend.” His jaw tightened and that twitch showed again. I was starting to realize this maybe one of Sy’s biggest tells. He was also making it very clear that he did not like to be challenged.

  “How about a deal?” He said plastering an obviously false smile on his deceptively handsome face.

  “What kind of deal?” I said not trusting a word that came out of his mouth.

  “Marry me and I will release him.”

  “What?!” I squeaked out.

  “Don’t play naive those are my conditions, Jayde. Take it or leave it.” Sy said his gaze locking on mine.

  “I can’t agree to that.” I replied firmly not letting my nerves get the better of me.

  “Why not?” He asked twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers. He was too close for comfort but I didn’t want to show how much he disgusted me.

  “The treaty and Encante is relying on me to pick the best king not choose someone because of a threat.”

  “Oh those moral fibers of yours must be new.” He said a hungry smile playing on his dark features.

  “I…” I looked at him afraid of the glint in his eyes. The only thing I could call it was evil, but I just didn’t want to believe at least I hoped he wasn’t as terrible as everyone else was making him out to be.

  “Don’t bother Antonio has told me everything.”

  “Like?” I asked hoping my anger would make him back off, he wasn’t.

  “You like to be controlled.” He said catching my wrist as I pushed a few strands of hair out of my face.

  “Let go of me!” I growled and he leaned forward in challenge.

  “Why?” He asked that evil grin making another appearance. I used my other hand to try to pry his vice grip off my wrist, but he just grabbed my other hand with one of his massive hands. The knots in my stomach had turned to lead. This meeting was going to end terribly. “There’s no point in fighting me.” He said leaning over me successfully pinning me with the rest of his body.

  “I will never choose you.” I retorted angrily. “No one this cruel should rule even a fraction of Encante.” Only I never finished the insult when his lips crushed mine. I turned my head but he quickly found my mouth again. The kiss was harsh everything I expected a kiss from Sy to be like. Although he was handsome he was dead and empty inside. This kiss was very similar there was no love, there was no feeling, just his mouth on mine. His hands loosened on me as they seductively slid up my body. I took my chance and pushed him right onto the floor.

  “What the hell?” He shouted angrily as he thumped loudly onto the carpet. I leaned down and slapped him across the face. “You bitch!” He growled the venom in his words clear.

  “Don’t you ever touch me again!” I snapped with enough rage to keep hitting him but I restrained myself. How would it look for the future queen to be pummeling a king? Not good is the answer. He stood up his height making him tower over me.

  “Once you’re my queen there is nothing you will be able to do to fight me off.” He said collecting his composure, but that look I was starting to hate was still present.

  “This meeting is over!” I continued angrily.

  “Calm down.” He said brushing off his dark slacks and sitting back down on the sofa like nothing had happened.

  “Get out.” I said again my temper flaring like I’ve never felt before. This man was swine. If I never saw him again it would be too soon.

  He smiled knowing exactly how angry he was making me. “I’m driving you mad?” he asked picking up a cookie from the coffee table.

  I tried to rein in the rage that was blinding me and making nothing else matter. He stood up and walked towards me again I was ready to slap him again. How could he think I would accept him taking advantage of me? He touched my cheek and said “Calm down and sit I’d like to talk.” His tone was laced with magic. I felt my muscles relax, my anger subsiding. I sat on the sofa beside him. “Good girl. Cookie?” Was I a dog?

  “What would you like to talk about?” I replied trying to stand but having difficulty disobeying his command. Sy was stronger than I thought. I could never control him as well as he was doing me. I didn’t even know how to use my gifts for one.

  “I don’t mean to be rough with you. I really do like yo
u. You have every quality I’d look for in a wife and a queen.” He said touching my cheek. I slapped his hand away. “Don’t move, darling.” He said his tone taking on that hypnotic quality again. “You are beautiful, smart, and quite the feisty one, I love your temper.” He said with an almost appreciative smile. “I’m willing to let Antonio go if you agree to see me again.” I felt tears well in my eyes. I never wanted to be alone with this man ever again.

  “How about coming to my Coronation?” I replied praying he would not want to meet alone again either.

  “I’d like to see you alone again before then.” He said a smile crossing his distrusting yet attractive face. I nodded without even knowing what I was doing.

  “You should visit me in Encante-South.” He said. “It’s only fair that you get to know the people of both parts of Encante.” I nodded in agreement. “How does the following weekend sound?”

  “Weekend?” I replied scared I would have to spend several days with this lunatic.

  “Friday to Sunday I will show you everything there is to see around the kingdom, the castle, the best swimming areas. Consider it?” he said it like I had a choice. “I know this meeting hasn’t gone according to plan. I don’t like spelling you to listen to me.

  “You shouldn’t have kissed me.” I retorted angrily.

  “You’re right.” He said and I could feel my eyes widen that he admitted I was right. “Next time you will be begging me to kiss you.” He said that hungry smile crossing his lips again. “How about I stay an hour longer and you tell me about your ball?” he said it casually like what happened a few minutes before had never happened.

  “I’d much prefer if you leave.” I responded back not feeling as angry due to his spelling but still upset.

  “Now, Jayde, let me make it up to you. I am releasing Antonio as you requested. I am even considering accompanying you to your Coronation Ball. Please forgive me already.” He said it like he didn’t even think I would do anything, but forgive him.

  “One hour and I want you gone. Until the following weekend no contact until then and…”

  “Yes?” He said after I paused.

  “I want a stop to the violence, Sy.”

  “This war has nothing to do with you.” He countered already dismissing whatever I was going to say.

  “It has everything to do with me and if you don’t agree to my conditions. I will report that I am marrying Kohl tomorrow.” I saw his jaw tighten a small vein pulsing with the harsh set of his jaw. “I will overlook today if you agree to stop all the bombings and underwater attacks.”

  “You are good, Jayde.” He said his face still strained. “I agree, but I get to stay until three today.”

  “Fine.” I said extending my hand and he shook it. “One more thing.” I said grabbing a sheet of paper and writing what I had just said down. “Sign,” he ground his teeth together that twitch in his jaw working double time but he begrudgingly signed.

  “You drive a hard bargain.” He nearly snarled and leaned back. I slipped the paper into my pocket and as if on cue Isadora came in with lunch on a cart.

  “I assumed you would like lunch in the room, since you were entertaining.” Isadora said looking at both of us each for a moment and then clearing off the remnants of breakfast and placing lunch in front of us. “If you’d like to go to the formal dining room you are also welcome.” She said probably hoping I wouldn’t insist on remaining alone with Sy.

  “I think we will just stay here, Isa.” Sy answered. She nodded and served the tea without another word.

  “Have you finalized the guest list yet?” I asked.

  She looked cautiously at Sy and said “So far.”

  “Have King Sy added.” She nodded her lips pressed together in a thin line of disapproval.

  “As you wish, Lady Jayde.” She said and walked out.

  “Oh she’s lovely.” Sy remarked sarcastically. “She loves me about as much as a root canal.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “That’s about as much as I like you too.”

  “So, love tell me more about this ball?” He said ignoring my comment, leaning into the sofa comfortably with a finger sandwich. He was one of the most frustrating individuals I had ever met. When he pushed my buttons he backed out of it and went back to his casual attempt at friendliness.

  “What is it that you’d like to know?” I asked avoiding his smug face and focusing on the multitude of sandwiches Isadora had set out.

  “What have you planned?”

  “Not much yet. My first fitting for my dress is later today. We are still working on the guest list and the menu. I think we are also choosing invitations later today.” I said placing several items of fruit and small sandwiches onto a plate.

  “I bet you have picked a lovely dress.”

  “It’s unique.” I said not clarifying.

  “I imagine you have a picture somewhere?” He asked trying to get more out of me, but I wasn’t happy about having to spend four more hours with this man. “Where is it?”

  I groaned and stood going to my bookshelf to retrieve the book of dresses. I sat beside him, Sy moving uncomfortably close to me. “This is it.” I said pointing to the design half way through the book.

  “You will most certainly be all that people are looking at in that number.” He said with an appreciative whistle. I closed the book quickly and returned it to its original spot. When my front door flew open, the sight of Kohl’s strong form made my shoulders sag in relief. I hadn’t even realized how much I missed him until this instant.

  “I’m sorry to disrupt,” Kohl said sending a deprecating glance at Sy, “But I need to speak to Lady Jayde for just a moment.” I nodded and followed Kohl into my bedroom where he closed the door behind us. “You invited him to your coronation?” Kohl hissed.

  “I thought you said it was my decision?” I said insulted by his accusatory tone.

  “Yes, but…”

  “But nothing it was my decision Kohl and you should be thanking me.” I retorted throwing my impromptu treaty with Sy at Kohl. He grabbed the sheet of paper and read it thoroughly.

  “He agreed to this?” he asked stunned.

  “For an invitation and for a weekend visit to Encante-South.” I said calmly, hoping Kohl wasn’t preparing to overreact about the visit. He flinched at the mention, but a temporary end to the war was almost priceless.

  “You want to visit him in Encante-South?” He questioned not sure if he heard me correctly.

  “I don’t really have much of a choice and I should get to know the other people of Encante.”

  He nodded still angry, but silent. “I guess I will leave you to the rest of your day.”He said walking towards the door.

  “Kohl,” I said softly stopping him in his tracks. “I wish you would have stayed.”

  He smiled making my heart thud so loudly in my chest I could hear it in my ears. “I can’t wait for when I can.” A second later he walked out the doors to my quarters leaving me noticeably with a feeling of emptiness. Sy looked up at me when I entered the room with a mischievous grin on his face. I didn’t want to know what he was up to.