Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 20

  Chapter 17: Cease Fire


  When Sy finally left the day raced by with my fitting and all the other plans I had for the ball. I barely noticed it was night. I slid into the gardens after I had sent Isadora to bed when she yawned for the fifteenth time during our final menu selection. I, however, was still wired from everything that had occurred today.

  Sy had not only lived up to every expectation I had of him but he also relented to all my requests. Was that because he wanted to be in my good graces or was there something else to it? I didn’t trust him and spending an entire weekend in his presence made me dread the impending arrangement.

  I walked across the garden silently. Hoping not to disrupt anyone’s sleep. The mansion was quiet and I assumed at this hour no one would be about. I stopped at the small beach, taking a seat where the water licked at my ankles thinking about yesterday. Yesterday had been so perfect and today so not. Kohl had barely said anything to me after bursting into my room earlier that day. I wasn’t sure if he was angry with me, embarrassed by what happened between us, or ashamed. He was as guarded with his emotions as Sy was and it was so frustrating to be surrounded by men that guarded their thoughts like fortresses.

  I looked out at the dark expanse of water, maybe I just needed to clear my head and take a swim? I pulled off my nightgown and set it far off in the sand and dove into the dark abyss. It was colder than normal, but that probably had to do with the cool night. I rose out of the water and for a second I considered switching forms. Swimming in dolphin form had been such a rush the first time, but I didn’t know if I ever wanted to do it again. The last time I had I was being chased down by Sy’s men and I never appreciated the excitement of it, but I also didn’t want to transform with no one to help me if I messed up. For all I know I could do it wrong and end up half dolphin, half girl. I swam out further leaving all my thoughts on shore and only appreciating the cool breeze, the weightless feeling of floating, the light waves coming towards me every so often. I swam closer to shore determined to float,relax, and clear my brain of all the unnecessary thoughts that were keeping me awake.

  I felt a shift in the water almost instantly. I shot up immediately and looked around. A dolphin was swimming towards me. I swam as quickly as I could to shore and turned around to not see anything there. “I really am losing my mind.” I groaned as I stood on the shore and looked for my nightgown.

  “Jayde,” I heard behind me. I turned around to see Kohl deep in the water.

  “Were you just in…”

  “Why did you run?” He asked smiling and looking remarkably handsome in the moonlight.

  “I didn’t know it was you.” I said putting down my nightgown and walking closer to shore.

  “Swim with me.” He said holding out a hand for me.

  “I’d love to.” I replied happily, diving in to catch up with him.

  “Are you mad at me?” I asked when I reached him, patiently waiting where I had last seen him.

  “Why would I be mad with you?” He said a hand reaching out to touch my face.

  “You’ve barely said anything to me since you saw me with Sy.”

  “I’ve had a lot to do with enforcing a new treaty and all.” He teased with a whisper of a smile on his devastatingly gorgeous face.

  “Then you aren’t embarrassed about last night either?” I said hoping that voicing my fears would ease my mind.

  He shook his head and placed a kiss on my forehead. “You are one of the best things to ever happen to me.” I felt my heart swell with his words. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect man to be in love with. “Are we going to swim?” He asked sinking further into the water. I nodded taking off before he could, splashing him every chance I had. Laughing hysterically at his surprise I didn’t even notice him catch up to me and wrap his massive arms around my waist. He pulled me close to his core making me realize he wasn’t wearing anything but that dreamy smile. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him as if my life depended on it.

  Kohl pulled away. “You make it impossible to resist you.” I sighed when I didn’t feel his warmth anymore. His voice was laced with desire, his eyes hungry for more and I really wanted to give in.

  “Then why resist?”

  “Jayde.” The way he said my name was all I needed, he was about to disappoint me.

  “We can’t keep going on like this. It is unfair to Sy and it is not appropriate behavior for a king and queen.” I sighed resting my head on his chest.

  “I am tired of propriety I just want to be with you.” I said not even looking up at his reaction.

  “Soon, we will have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other’s company.” He said wrapping his arms firmly around me. “Let’s go inside and get you to bed, my dear lady.” I nodded not wanting to break from his embrace, but knowing I was not going to change his mind. Kohl was sticking to his beliefs whether he had to drag himself away from me or not.

  I threw my nightgown over my head when Kohl came over with a massively plush robe tied around his trim waist. We walked in silence to my room. Kohl surprisingly followed me into my living room.

  “Will you meet me for a swim tomorrow night?” He asked a bit nervous as he purposively avoided my eyes.

  “Of course,” I answered automatically pleased he still wanted to have some alone time with me. He kissed my lips and I heard myself whimper when he pulled away.

  “You are so beautiful.” He said still not leaving my room. I wished for a millisecond that his resolve wasn’t so strong, but I knew it was for the best. He kissed me again lingering a moment longer. Was he having just as much trouble as I saying goodnight? I wrapped my hands into his hair hoping to keep him entranced in our kiss, but again he broke away. “I love you, sweet temptress, good night.” And with those words he was gone. Leaving me alone and aching for one more touch preferably one more knee shaking kiss.


  I was convinced she had a spell on me. I looked at the door I had abruptly come out of. I knew she was still near it willing me to come back in and sweep her off her feet into her bedroom. It was taking every ounce of moral fiber in my being to not actually do that. I walked away looking back a few times hoping she’d come out and praying she wouldn’t. I didn’t think I had any more strength to say no to that flawless face and watch her emerald eyes blink away the first onset of tears. I made my way into my room relieved she hadn’t followed me. I switched on the light and groaned. I was not in the mood for this. For her.

  “What do you want, Shawna?” I asked glaring at the barely dressed woman in front of me.

  “Nice to see you too, Kohl.” She said standing up the black sheer material of her dress clung to her curves. “Don’t you miss me?” she purred walking towards me. Trouble shimmering in her sea foam green eyes telling me all I needed to know.

  “Shawna, you knew things would change once Jayde was here.” She rolled her eyes like I didn’t just say we were over again.

  “I know the laws, but you aren’t getting married yet.” She said moving a long thin hand to touch my face. “How about one more night for old time’s sake.” She tried leaning in closer to me. I moved her hand.

  “No, just go.” I snapped not in the mood for her games. Shawna was beautiful but the girl was about as no good as Sy. The only reason she had even shown an interest in me was the chance to be a queen even if it was only part of Encante. I thought I had made it clear there was no way in hell I was breaking the treaty, but she just didn’t get it. If I had known about her ulterior motive before I wouldn’t have even looked twice at the blond beauty but looks are deceiving and I’m only male. She had seemed so sweet and beautiful I couldn’t look away but when I actually started to realize what was hiding behind that beautiful veneer I didn’t want anything else to do with her.

  “Kohl, why are you so upset? Don’t you love me anymore?” She said a slight pout to her full lips.

  “I’m not upset.” I said evenly. “Shawna,
don’t try to fool me with your love talk. I know you feel nothing for me.” She looked at me surprised.

  “You know that’s not true. I love you, Kohl.” She said touching my face again. I pulled her hand away.

  “Don’t do this, Shawna. Just go.” I said opening my living room door to see Jayde standing there wide eyed and confused, but Shawna didn’t waste any time and knew exactly what to do to make my life a million times harder.

  With a smile, Shawna kissed my cheek and said, “I had fun tonight, see you soon, love.” This woman was the devil I was sure of it.

  I looked at Jayde her eyes were wide and shiny like she was ready to cry. I felt my heart clench with just the thought. She looked down the hall watching Shawna glide away into the darkness.

  “Jayde, I can explain.” She shook her head and started walking back to her room without a word. I followed I had to tell her what happened. “Please listen to me, I can explain everything.” She looked at me her green eyes showing a hardness that matched her name perfectly.

  “I understand perfectly, Kohl. This isn’t the first time this has happened. I guess it’s an Encantado thing.” She said and slammed her door in my face. The hall was quiet except for the echo of Jayde’s door. I had really screwed things up. Why would Shawna show up now? Who the hell would have let her in? Didn’t she know Jayde was here? All of the kingdom knew. I knocked on Jayde’s door. I had to at least tell her nothing happened. It must have looked horrible from her point of view.

  “Please, Jayde, just a few minutes and this will all be cleared up.”

  “Just go away.” She yelled still very close to the door.

  “Don’t make me talk to your door.” I tried hoping she would relent. Her door flung open. I looked at her and I felt that clenching feeling again. Her face was lined with tear streaks. Her eyes were red but she still tried to hold on to her hardness, the fierceness that made me love her. How could I live with knowing I made her feel this way? I had to make her listen to what really happened.

  “Spit it out so I can go to bed.” She snapped, walking away from me and sitting at the single chair settled near the windows of her living area. She stared out the window avoiding me. I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

  “Shawna is sort of an ex. Nothing happened tonight she was in my room when I arrived. I told her we were over and to leave and then I opened the door and you were there.”

  “And that’s such a good time?” She asked her voice was no higher than a whisper but tinged with anger.

  “She was pushing your buttons, Jayde.”

  “Really? Did you tell her about us?”

  “No, but everyone knows about the treaty. We had broken up before I went to look for you. She’s only trying to upset you.” I pleaded grabbing her hand from across the couches. She pulled away instantly.

  “That’s awfully convenient for you she shows up tonight? Maybe I just missed her the other times.” She retorted disgusted.

  “What? You can’t believe that! I love you.” I snapped firmly.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?”

  She turned and looked at me. “How did Sy’s father die?” I sat down. Why did that matter? Why was she asking about this?

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Just answer the question.” She said her voice rising slightly.

  “Heart Attack.” I answered eager to get to the point.

  “Your uncle had nothing to do with it?” That’s when it all snapped into place, damn Sy. Between Shawna and Sy they were really wreaking havoc with Jayde’s head.

  “There was an attack to the old kingdom right before that, but my uncle did not injure or kill Sy’s father.” She looked out the window again. She had stopped crying, I had hoped she was just processing everything and preparing to forgive me. I didn’t want her to go to bed upset. Damn it she had to know nothing had happened in a span of ten or fifteen minutes.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said and stood telling me she was done with this conversation.

  “Am I forgiven?” I asked worried by the tinge of sadness still present in her usually vibrant eyes.

  “Kohl.” She said with no feeling, it was almost ice. I knew bad news was coming. “I don’t know how you are in relationships, but I’ve had my share of heartbreak. Not only did Antonio cheat on me, he lied to me, and he hurt me. I thought you were different. I hoped you were different, but I guess you aren’t. I’m not going to hold this against you especially in regards to the treaty, but I’d really like to be left alone for a bit.”

  “Jayde, you can’t be…” I stopped talking when I saw the sharp look in her eyes. “I really do love you, Jayde.” I said losing my resolve. “I would never intentionally hurt you.” She walked into her bedroom and closed the door quickly behind her.

  This was such a mess. I left knowing she wasn’t going to talk to me again tonight or any time soon.