Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 23

Chapter 20: Everything


  Even I had to admit, Kohl was making it nearly impossible to stay angry with him. We took a carriage to the town center and Encante-North looked everything like I imagined it would. People were bustling about going through their daily routine without a worry. People stopped and looked at items being sold by outdoor vendors. All the stucco sided buildings were vibrant colors reminiscent of Brazil, reminiscent of Rio, reminiscent of my home. This place looked so happy I wanted to be a part of it.

  “Here we are.” Kohl had said and we left to walk around the marketplace. I could care less that my feet were still sore from those evil shoes, but that was the price of height, the price of great shoes and I was going to be comfortable in them once my Coronation was here. We walked around and I had to admit the stuff they were selling I wanted it all. Okay, that was probably me reverting a little bit back to the old Jayde, but silk scarves, colorful dresses, bags, sculptures, paintings, and any other item I could possibly want was shown on this strip. Kohl was ever the gentleman stopping at each stand I did and patiently waiting for me to look at whatever it was that caught my attention. He almost made me forget what happened and just made me appreciate having time together.

  “Thank you for doing this.” I said as we walked from the last vendor to the restaurant that Kohl said was one of the best on the island. We stopped at a small window at the side of one of the many stucco buildings. A woman with pale skin and just as pale silver hair came to the window.

  “Hola,” she said and her smiled wide when she recognized Kohl.

  “Two of my regular orders.” She smiled and nodded and disappeared from my view.

  “What is your regular?” I asked as he guided me to an outdoor dining area. “What is this place?”

  “Hola, the best place in Encante.” He said as he took a seat at one of the picnic benches in a corner.

  “It looks like a picnic.”

  “It’s barbecue.” He said as the same elderly woman came out of the door to the yellow stucco restaurant with two plates and covers.

  “Dinner is served.” She said with that same bright smile. “Enjoy your majesties.” She said with a bow and left quickly.

  I pulled the cover off the plate and looked at the barbecued dish in front of me. “You brought me here for French fries and a burger?” I asked confused.

  He smiled, “Isn't the best food the worst for you? Besides it’s not just any burger it’s a bacon burger.” I felt my heart thud loudly at that heart stopping smile of his. I wish he didn’t make me feel this way after all he had done to me, but I slowly felt the anger I had been harboring towards him since last night begin to die down. I knew I should still be mad he was with another woman, but my heart just didn’t learn just like Antonio before him I was still blinded by their façades. I was still in love with Kohl despite everything that had happened. Sometimes it was hard to kick old habits.

  I ate the food which turned out to be just as good as Kohl had said it would be. Then we went for a walk around the rest of town, mostly down some busy streets with shops and people.

  “I hope this was a good start to you forgiving me for what happened.” Kohl said bringing up exactly what I didn’t want to talk about.

  “Kohl.” I started, but he promptly cut me off.

  “No, Jayde, I have heard what you have had to say about the topic. I know it looked bad, but you have to know deep down you are the only person that means anything to me. I told you I love you and that is not something I say lightly.” He looked down as he said the last part, his dark hair falling forward and blocking his eyes from mine.

  “I told you I just needed space. I believe that nothing happened, but this has made me look at our relationship differently we are being rash. We need to step back and be objective about this whole situation.” Kohl actually chuckled. “That wasn’t meant to be funny.” I said feeling a bit insulted.

  “That is almost exactly what I said to you the night we first kissed.” He said with his rogue smile making my heart pitter patter hard and fast. “But I think you are trying to pull back. I swear to you, Jayde, I am the last person that will break your heart.”

  “I wish I believed you.”I answered honestly and we started walking again.

  “How about we head back for a swim?” He said as his hand actually took hold of mine. It was the first time he had done that since we had been out and it was a huge surprise. We were in public and he was holding my hand as we walked by dozens of people. “Come on.” He said shaking me out of my shock and moving forward with him.

  The carriage was waiting down the street for us to go back to the mansion. We slid into the carriage and I actually felt a million times better than I should. I should not be holding Kohl’s hand or going for a swim. I was furious with him this morning. Yet, every time I looked at him for the life of me I couldn’t remember why I was so upset. I wanted to trust all the words he said to me. Why couldn’t he love me? Why couldn’t his words be true? Didn’t everyone deserve to find that one person that would say the truth no matter the consequence?

  “Meet you downstairs by the beach in five minutes?” He whispered into my ear as the carriage door slid open. I nodded and quickly went to my room. I knew I shouldn’t be excited, but I couldn’t help myself again. I wanted to be happy and damn all the things that happened in the past with Antonio. I knew Kohl was different, I prayed Kohl was different.

  I changed and ran down to the beach where Kohl was patiently waiting for me.

  “Took you long enough.” He teased taking my hand and racing towards the water. “We are changing tonight.” I abruptly stopped.

  “Changing? Bu…but I don’t know how.” He stopped beside me.

  “Sure you do, you’ve done it before. There isn’t any difference.” He stood beside me wading in waist deep water. “Breathe,” he started, “Take deep exhales and feel the water around you.” I closed my eyes and followed his instructions. “Do you remember the last time? What did you think about?” He was close enough that his breath was caressing my cheek.

  “Swimming, freedom, escape.”

  “You’re free here just fall.” I followed his instructions and within a matter of seconds I was shifting. The same rush as the first time. My senses were alive with the new sensations and perceptions. The feel of my tail moving back and forth the eerie blue tint that shadowed everything I looked at. Another dolphin was by my side I realized it was Kohl when he came and nudged my side. He spiraled around me making me spin to watch his long body. When he stopped and started swimming I couldn’t help myself I bolted. Racing I went full force as fast as my new body could take me, appreciating every new feeling and reaching heightened levels of appreciation for the beauty of the water. It was simple this was home. Kohl caught up with me and shifted back.

  “What did you think?” When I didn’t immediately change back into my human form he started coaching me through the process again. “Jayde, focus on your human body, think of your reflection, think of the shift and breathe.” It didn’t immediately work like the first shift had and I started to panic. “Don’t be scared,” he said petting the top of my head. I tried to shoo away all my fears and focus like I was instructed. A deep inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. I felt my limbs elongate.

  “It feels great to be me.” I said with a wide stretch of my newly founded limbs.

  “You don’t like the shift?” Kohl asked teasingly as he floated around me.

  “I do but the conversation is so much better this way.” He chuckled, but didn’t say anything. I started for shore swimming to grab the remainder of my swimsuit.

  “Finished already?”

  “Not nearly but some clothes would be nice.” I said coyly as he approached me.

  “I think right now you are perfectly dressed.” He said catching me and placing a kiss on my lips. He really was trying to get back in my good graces.

  “I forgave you already now don’t cause trouble.”
I said as he started swimming beside me to reach our clothing as we reached the beach Philip was waiting with a somber expression on his face.

  “Majesties, we have a problem.” He said while handing us our robes without even blinking an eye. I had a sneaking suspicion that Philip knew a lot more than I gave him credit for.

  “What’s wrong?” Kohl said tying his waistband, quickly putting on his diplomatic tone.

  “I caught up with them. There was a violation at quadrant four one of Sy’s men is searching for asylum from King Sy himself. He is begging for mercy.” Philip sent a quick glance my way, “and to see Lady Jayde.” I blinked who would be asking for me?

  Kohl and I quickly changed and went to the throne room where guards were waiting with our suspicious guest.

  I entered beside Kohl and looked down at the man in rags and covered in dirt. His head was bowed and he seemed to be praying. Kohl walked forward first.

  “Stand.” Kohl said in that authoritative voice that made me admire him even more. The man stood on shaky legs. What had Sy done to this poor man? It looked like he hadn’t showered in days and he was covered in bruises and I could barely make out his facial features from all the swelling, but that look I’d never forget.

  “Antonio?” I shot out startled. Kohl looked at me with a stern look.