Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 24

  Chapter 21: Asylum


  “Please be a merciful king and grant me asylum if I go back to Encante- South I will be killed on the spot.” Jayde’s ex-boyfriend begged. I looked over his disheveled appearance it sure seemed like he’d been through hell, but him being a spy still seemed like a possibility. He had a history with Jayde and would probably be the only one to persuade her to Sy’s side.

  “Kohl, may I have a word with you.” Jayde said stepping closer and turning her back on Antonio.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I never told you this and I’m sorry.” She started. “Sy was going to kill him and I made a deal with Sy to release him. I…I never thought it would be this bad.” She said with a fresh burst of tears developing.

  “This is for you?” I asked taken aback. Damn Sy. What else did they bargain for in that awful meeting? What did she give him to return the favor?

  “I think we should take him in.” She said softly.

  “Jayde, I understand that you have a history with him, but he has been one of Sy’s men for years, what makes you think he’s changed? I don’t trust him and I don’t think it is wise to let him have run of the mansion.”

  “Are you going to lock him up and torture him too?” She snapped bitterly. Her glare made it obvious that I would never get away with that.

  “Jayde, you know I wouldn’t.” Her eyes stopped whatever words I was planning to say.

  “Just give him a bedroom, put him wherever you have the infirmary.”

  “We don’t have an infirmary.”

  “He can barely stand and you want to turn him away. What can he do? Look at him.” I did, he was pretty beaten up. His legs looked like they would collapse any moment and the only reason he was standing was because he was being supported by the two guards holding firmly onto each arm.

  “He could be faking his injuries.” I said.

  She scoffed, “Really the last time I checked I didn’t know bruises and broken bones were so easily faked.”

  “Jayde, you can’t let your personal feelings cloud your judgment. He worked or works for Sy and from that alone he is not allowed in Encante-North.”

  “It’s all my fault he can’t return. You can’t expect me to let you turn him away.”

  “If he stays he will be in an infirmary for a few days to recover but then he will be placed in the dungeon.” Her eyes were swimming with tears again, the green of her irises seemed to glow with the new onset like a headlight in the fog.

  “Please, can we discuss his placement somewhere else?”

  “Jayde, I think this is for the best, but for now let’s get him the treatment he needs.” She nodded still crying.

  “Take him to the infirmary I want a full report on his injuries and keep a guard at his bed post around the clock. The guards both nodded and started to almost literally drag Antonio out of the room.

  “Kohl, please.” She said again. “He means no harm.”

  “Jayde, he works for Sy. I can’t just give him the freedom to walk around Encante-North. He could be a spy.”

  “Do you really think after all that Sy did to him, he would work for him again?”

  “And what is it exactly that Sy did to him?” I said growing frustrated from Jayde’s secrets, the intrusion, the treaty, hell I was fed up with anything that had to do with Sy. That bastard had gotten into her head more than I had thought possible.

  “He … he was going to kill him.” She replied meekly. “I made a deal with Sy to release him.”

  “And what was the deal?” I said aggravated that she had told me none of this.

  “An invitation to my coronation.” She answered looking away.

  “I thought that was the price of the new treaty.”

  “Yes, it was as well as my weekend visit to Encante-South. He knew I would never want to see him again after that meeting so he said he would free Antonio if I agreed to meet him again.” I sighed in relief mostly. Nothing had happened with Sy, she didn’t even like him, but was forced into his presence by his conniving ways.

  “I’m sorry I was upset with you. I know you have a history with him, Jayde. We can discuss what we plan on doing with him while he’s recovering.” She nodded the tears had stopped and she was gaining her resolve again.

  “I know I was being irrational, but everything that has happened to Antonio is my fault.” She actually broke down this time worse than I had ever seen her. I walked towards her and wrapped her in my arms.

  “He was going to be put to death because he never told Sy he found me. He had to be protecting me. He must have known how awful Sy was. He was beat up and could barely move because I asked Sy to release him. I didn’t know I needed a clause to have him untouched.” Her words came out in chocked whispers as she held firmly to me.

  “This isn’t your fault,” I said trying to calm her. “None of the blame should be on you. You did nothing wrong. Sy is to blame and Antonio. You are making Antonio sound far more noble than he really is if he wanted to protect you from Sy, why didn’t he run with you? Why did he come back to take you to Sy. Why did Antonio use you instead of being a friend? Sy attacked Antonio. You need to remember that wasn’t done for you it was done to make sure Antonio got whatever message he needed him to receive.” She nodded still pressed against my chest.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just felt so guilty.” She rasped.

  “There will be a lot of things for you to feel guilty about, but this is not one of them.” I said kissing the crown of her head.

  “Thank you.” She said softly. “One more thing I want to visit with him and tell him what we are going to do with him.”

  “Jayde, that might not be for the best.”

  “I know, but if someone is delivering his fate I want him to know that I fought for him despite all the horrible things he did to me.” I gave in she wanted closure, I thought she might actually need the closure. I could grant one more wish for her.

  “Okay, but you must deliver the verdict we choose. I’m calling a meeting tomorrow to discuss what we are going to do with him. You are welcome to join me.” She nodded.

  “I guess I should prepare for bed.” She said pulling away from me and wiping at the remnants of fallen tears on her cheeks. “I must look a mess.” She said with a sad chuckle.

  “You are always beautiful.” I said and kissed her goodnight.

  “Goodnight.” She said with a hint of a smile on her face.

  After everything I had heard, what the hell was I supposed to do with him? My instincts told me prison, even death would be a good option, but I was sure Jayde would forbid it. I knew I was preparing for a sleepless night with thoughts of my love’s injured lover and all the problems that would arise with his arrival. There was one thing I was sure of there was no chance that I would let him roam Encante as a free man. No matter his relationship to Jayde. It was not happening in my kingdom.


  I washed my face. I couldn’t cry anymore. Why was I even crying? Kohl was right this wasn’t my fault, Antonio was a pawn in Sy’s scheme. I wasn’t responsible for what transpired between the two of them. Why was I even sympathetic he had broken my heart not once but dozens of times? Antonio did not deserve my sympathy so why did I still cry? Why did I plead with Kohl not to lock him up? I had moved past my feelings for him. Yet, I still felt responsible for what happened to him. It was odd and I wasn’t comfortable contemplating why that could be.

  My thoughts turned to the man that did this. Sy was far worse than I thought. He kept his word with minor alterations that I would never have considered when making a deal with him. Would the treaty end the same way? On some technicality that only Sy could devise.

  I fell onto my bed. My day had went from bad to good to worse.

  Surely this is not how things would go until I decided on the treaty. I had a sinking feeling that there was more to this and Antonio was only the beginning. That had to be the most frighte
ning thought of all. What was Sy up to?

  I sat up contemplating whether I should tell Kohl of my new theory. I looked at the red numbers on my alarm clock, he had to be asleep by now. I rolled over, preparing for another night without sleep.

  I heard a soft knock from my front door. I left my room and opened my living room door to find Kohl, partially dressed in what looked to be silk pajama bottoms and nothing more.

  “May I come in?” He asked in hushed tones. I nodded and granted him entry.

  “Why are you awake at this hour?” I asked as I closed the door.

  “I’ve been thinking about this situation and I think Sy’s up to something. He can’t just accept everything the way it is, there is more to this than we are seeing.”

  I sat beside him in disbelief. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Is that why you’re awake?” He said with a hint of a smile.


  “I’ve been going back and forth. I have no clue what else he could be planning.”

  “Maybe a break in the treaty?”

  “I don’t think he will do that until after you visit…maybe even during your visit because he is guaranteed not to injure you.” I didn’t like how that sounded.

  “Will he hurt you?” I asked afraid of the answer.

  “I don’t know, but I never know with Sy.” I nodded, and tried to think of happier things so I wouldn’t cry, again.

  “What if I don’t go?”

  “Then he is most definitely attacking here.” There was no winning with this. “I’m sure his plan will be revealed soon. I just thought you would give me more insight. I’ll let you get some rest now.” He said standing.

  “Kohl, don’t go.”

  “I hoped you would say that but I really should be going.” I stood up and kissed him hard. “Please just stay for a little.” He seemed to be contemplating it.

  “With everything that is happening I want Philip to be able to find me.” I gave him a pointed look.

  “I imagine if Philip did not find you in your quarters he would know exactly where to find you.” Kohl actually laughed a sound I absolutely loved.

  “Your laugh is wonderful,” I said resting my head on his chest.

  “How did you know I told Philip?”

  “He didn’t even seem surprised when he found us swimming in the nude.”

  “We are Encantado. Our dolphin selves are strictly nudists. It’s not something we can help.” I chuckled, like I would believe that story for one second.

  “I just thought he would be surprised that we were together.”

  “Philip wants us to connect. He is practically a brother to me and he wants the treaty to work in our favor.” I nodded in understanding.

  “You know if you want it to work more in your favor you would take a lonely girl up on her offer and follow her to her bedroom.”

  “I think you are going to be a very difficult queen to dissuade.” Kohl said picking me up and walking towards my bedroom. We collapsed into my bed and all the rush that had distracted us our first time was gone. Kohl’s worry was diminishing. He really did love me and wasn’t giving a damn about what people would think. We were supposed to be together. I was sure of it and now I was starting to think he was sure of it.

  “I love you.” He said as he planted another long, earth shattering kiss on me. His hands moved with expertise and knowing up and down my body.

  “I love you too.” I said throwing his shirt into the small heap that was building beside my bed.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.” He said placing kisses along my neck and collarbone, moving further down.

  This moment right now is what I had expected for my life. Love. Unconditional love. I had found it with Kohl I was sure.