Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 28


  We never did make it back to the kissing and touching I was actually hungry for. Shortly after we started eating Philip walked in. He blinked his surprise at seeing me but didn’t say much else on the matter. He informed us that everyone was seated and ready for the meeting to commence. Needless to say, I suppressed a groan and went back to that awful meeting.

  Lunch did not make it an iota more interesting, either. In fact, I was almost positive it was dragging even more than it had when we left. I shifted in my chair and felt everyone’s gaze upon me again. That wasn’t getting tiring at all. Since the first meeting, everyone stared at me like the out of place girl I was. If I inhaled too sharply all eyes were on me. If I moved a fraction of an inch all eyes were on me. You think these men had never seen a female before. Get over it already.

  “Gentleman,” Kohl said distracting their attention away from me. “I think it is time to initiate our plans. We have come up with several great strategies to combat Sy’s troops, but we are nothing if we do not stop arguing and put these plans into action.” He had a point and I was thankful he was making it now. I looked around at the table there were a few grumbles, but everyone seemed to be in agreement. Five minutes later the meeting was adjourned.

  I let out a deep breath and my shoulders sagged with relief. I knew everything with Sy was just beginning, but as long as that meeting was over this was a relief.

  Another group of men shuffled into the room almost immediately. I looked at Kohl. How could he seem so unfazed by this? I was starting to lose my battle with staying awake. I hadn’t slept well two nights in a row and one more meeting was sure to push me over the edge.

  “You don’t have to stay.” Kohl said seeming to notice my utter shock that there could possibly be anything left tot talk about.

  “I promised I’d stay. It’s not your responsibility. It’s our responsibility.” He smiled and squeezed my hand under the table. The men filed in and I noticed the man from the first day. Burton. He smiled and took the seat to the right of me. I looked at Kohl who had noticed him too.

  “I could...”

  “Kohl, don’t.” I laughed. One thing I had learned about Kohl these last two weeks was that he was territorial. “What’s this meeting about anyway?” I said trying to draw Kohl’s attention away from the poor man, who looked ready to run.

  “What to do with Antonio.” His grip tightened on my hand. “I know this is important to you.” I nodded nervous to hear what all the men would say. What they must think of me trading myself for my ex-boyfriend.

  “Your majesties could you explain how Antonio Bahomonde ended up in our custody.” I looked at Kohl. I wanted to tell the story.

  I stood and started from the beginning.“Antonio was a spy for Sy that was implanted into my life three years ago. I didn’t learn about his dealings with Sy until I came to Encante. During my meeting with Sy, he informed me that he would be putting Antonio to death for treason.” I took a steadying breath. “Although, I’m not particularly fond of Antonio, I could not in good conscious let him be killed. I made a deal with Sy. In return he was given an invitation to my coronation. I cannot defend Antonio’s character and claim that he is a good man, because I have never known Antonio to be a good man. Yet, no man deserves the torture Sy put him through. I hope you can find it in your hearts to not prolong his torture and let him heal.” I sat down and the whispering started.

  Kohl took my hand in preparation for the backlash. It was going to be ugly if the tidbits of information I was catching were any indication.

  “With all due respect my queen, but letting him go is not advisable. He may still be working for King Sy.” I nodded knowing this was coming.

  A few men argued for my side but when arguments were all that we heard Kohl called the meeting back to order.

  “I think everyone has had their chance to speak we should take a vote. The queen and I are insisting that he remain in the hospital until he is fully healed with a guard at his door. There will be no discussion there. However, we will be voting on what should be done after he’s allowed to leave the hospital. One option is to be jailed. Option two we let him go. Option three” He stopped and looked to me as if he was sorry and continued. “Option three would be exile from Encante.”

  I gaped at Kohl. He couldn’t be serious.

  “All in favor of option one raise your hand.” Kohl said looking around the room counting the hands. There was a good amount of hands in the air. “All in favor of option two?” He asked and I raised my hand with only a few others. “Option three?” He asked as he raised his own hand with the majority of his staff.

  They were going to exile him. I felt tears burn my eyes, but I fought knowing I couldn’t show any more weakness then I had today in front of these men.

  “It is decided Antonio Bahamonde will be exiled once he fully recovers from his injuries. Meeting adjourned.” Kohl said standing. I followed closely behind him.

  “Kohl, how could you?” I snapped hurt.

  “I told you he couldn’t stay. Be happy they didn’t offer to kill him. If someone would have mentioned it I’m sure it would have snowballed into that.”

  “But Encante is his home.”

  “Encante-South was his home and he has been exiled from there I can guarantee.” Kohl said turning to face me. His face was a mask, not showing a single emotion. “He will have more then most exiled. He has resided in Brazil for the last three years, he has a place to stay and maybe even a job. He will survive.” Kohl said walking out of the room not even hearing my response.

  “I guess you’re right.” He stopped in his tracks.


  “He can make it in Brazil. He has lived there already. Him being in Encante is only asking for trouble. We don’t know why he is here or anything, but it’s just so hard to get past...” I stopped to will the tears away again. “The fact that he isn’t just my ex-boyfriend but a spy. I understand the decision made and as promised I will deliver it.”

  Kohl smiled sadly at me. “You surprise me every chance you can. Don’t tell him until he is better let him focus on his recovery.