Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 29

Chapter 24: With Sy


  I looked around my room one more time. The week had flown by and I was leaving to Encante-South. Isa had packed my luggage for me last night, but I was just prolonging the inevitable. I was spending the weekend in Encante-South with Sy. A weekend alone with Sy. It was one long nightmare I hoped was over quickly.

  “We could reschedule.” Kohl tried again. I shook my head. I wanted to get this over with so I could officially be with him without reservations.

  “I want to announce our engagement at the coronation, remember?” He sighed but nodded knowing I was right. “I’ll miss you.” I said and kissed him. He pulled me toward him enveloping me in his strong arms.

  “I will see you in three days, my queen.” I smiled and left the room with Kohl carrying my weekend luggage behind me.

  I walked downstairs to be greeted by Sy, himself. He smiled and bowed toward me. I followed suit trying my best to be civil even though he was a royal jerk. I had spent the last week in meetings because he increased his numbers at every checkpoint. He hadn’t made a move and it was starting to look like one big game to me.

  “You look beautiful as always, Lady Jayde.” Sy said as he took my hand and kissed it like he had the first time we met.

  “Thank you, Sy.” I said turning and taking my rolling bag from Kohl. He looked like he was stressed and I knew he was nervous that Sy had some devious plan of breaking the treaty while I was in Encante-South. I hoped that wasn’t the case, but I just never knew with Sy. Sy took my bag in a quick move and he guided me outside to a waiting carriage. His was more ornate than Kohl’s. Where Kohl had a simple white carriage like nearly everyone else in Encante-North. Sy’s was made of a dark wood that gleamed to almost look black. It had gold embellishments on the outside and inside. I slid inside to the gold upholstered seats. Sy slid in beside me.

  “Are you ready for a weekend you will never forget?” Sy said with a teasing smile.

  “I’m ready to get this over with.” I replied back not too nicely. His smile disappeared and the mask that I was accustomed to seeing on him was back. I knew he was a royal jerk, but I still felt bad. “I’m sorry, Sy. That was rude.”

  “I’d rather you be honest then pretend.” He said still showing no emotion.

  We rode the rest of the way in silence. I watched us go through the town center, the small wooded area that separated Encante-North and South and the checkpoint to enter Encante-South. Guards for Encante-North stopped our carriage inspected it’s contents and allowed us entry to Encante-South or at least the Encante-South Checkpoint fifteen feet away. Where they did the exact same procedures, inspecting everything inside and outside of the carriage. When they noticed Sy’s less then thrilled demeanor they quickly finished and allowed him entry.

  We stopped in front of what could only be described as a castle. Big stone walls, that seemed to be tall and daunting all on their own. I was intimidated and hadn’t even stepped foot inside. “You live here?” I stammered out looking at the foreboding structure in front of me. Three sides of the castle were surrounded by water and the small sliver we had ridden here on seemed like it would be sucked up by the ocean.

  “For the weekend you do too.” He said sliding out of the carriage after me. He took my luggage back from a guard who held it out to him. “Would you like a tour first or would you like to rest first.”

  “I’d like the grand tour.” I said keeping his quick pace into the castle. This place is what I expected when I thought of royalty. It was a classic medieval castle.

  “Reggie.” Sy called and a small, round man came out faster then I expected someone his size to move. “Take Lady Jayde’s luggage to her room. I’m going to give her a tour first.” Reggie nodded, keeping his head bowed as he took my bag. He cautioned a look at me and his eyes doubled in size. “Now, Reggie.” Sy said with a bit more authority and the ruddy man scampered off to wherever my room was.

  Sy shook his head in exasperation as he watched Reggie leave. “Good help is hard to find.” He walked to the left and waited for me to follow. He put his hand on my back and guided me through the first room.

  I listened as he told me as much as he could about every room. The castle was only two years old. The first one being destroyed in a bombing that injured his father and later killed him. Sy had built this castle to look exactly like the old one before. He included all the same furnishings like one last homage to his father. He didn’t say that, but it was clear when he relayed all the similarities to the two castles in each room. The castle was large and had many rooms that Sy deemed useless. He didn’t understand the importance of three sitting rooms and honestly I didn’t either.

  We finally made it to the second floor where my bedroom was and Sy had picked up his pace pulling me along. I bit back a smile he almost seemed excited to get here. “This my lady is your bedroom.” He said pushing open a massive white door and allowing me entry. I tried to blink away the shock. It was beautiful and looked nothing like the rest of the house. Where Kohl’s mansion had an elegant nautical theme that swept through the house even into my room, Sy’s castle was simply regal. My room was a surprise.

  “I had it made up for you.” He said with a mask hiding each and every emotion. I took in the soft sandy rug, the cool creams, blues, and greens that swept from the living room, into my bedroom. I walked into the bedroom. Beds appeared to come in one size in Encante: ridiculous. I ran a hand over the silk navy comforter that like the rest of the castle was the royal color of Encante. He followed me not saying a word as I took in my surroundings.

  “You did this all for me?” I asked confused. Sy had been the polar opposite of the man I had met in my room only a few days before. That cold, hard demeanor I recognized as his mask was all I was given today. No playful shift, after my snide comment he had shut down. He was holding back a lot today and I wasn’t sure why. He didn’t hold back our first meeting.

  “Of course, Jayde. I was a royal ass when we first met. This is just one of many apologies. When we met I didn’t treat you like the queen you are and I’m deeply sorry for my arrogant displays. I was upset with the situation and I should never have taken it out on you.” I openly stared at Sy. Was he serious?


  I was trying...really trying to make this right. I had one weekend and I couldn’t screw it up. She smiled and I tried not to get my hopes up. She had told me she didn’t want to be here and was only here under obligation. I had my work cut out for me.

  “This place is beautiful, Sy. I never expected this, any of this.” She said walking back into the living room. She had a body hugging dress that seemed to emphasize every curve she had. Her black hair fell down her back in ringlets that were almost too perfect. “I was worried that you would just lock me in a dungeon when I got here.” She said again too honest for my liking. Did she really think I was that awful of a person? I gave her everything she wanted and I was just a monster in her eyes, still. Sure, I may have forced her to kiss me, but I had made up for it in spades, giving into every one of her demands without argument.

  “Am I really that awful?” I countered not even hiding the fact that her comment bothered me.

  The smile dropped from her face, “I have heard a lot of bad things. I saw what you did to Antonio. It’s hard for me to forget that when I’ve met you twice. You may be nice at the moment Sy, but I’m aware there is more to you then what you say or do.” A hint of challenge shined in her dark green eyes.

  “You of all people should be able to look past what everyone thinks and see that there is more to me.” I challenged right back. I had heard about her relationship with Antonio. I had heard about her life in Brazil. Although she was beautiful, smart, and kind. She had a reputation that left many not willing to even associate with her.

  She lowered her head as I saw tears develop. “You’re right. This weekend Sy I want complete honesty. I will forget everything that you have done to me, even while I was in Encante. I’m a girl and y
ou’re a boy. Show me what no one else sees.” She looked at me not hiding the glossy look of her eyes. I didn’t mean to make her cry. I just wanted to be given a fair chance.

  “Anything you want is yours.” I said taking her hand and kissing it. “All I wanted was a chance.”

  “How about those gardens?” She said with a small smile.

  “Whatever you want.” I replied and wrapped my arm around hers guiding her out of the castle. We walked around the gardens and finally ended at the beach. There were several chairs situated around the beach area because it was the best view in all of Encante-South and sometimes I needed a moment to just think.

  Jayde had asked me a million questions as we walked through the gardens. The apprehension she had when she arrived seemed to dissolve with the chance to ask me anything she wanted. I still wasn’t sure why I had agreed to such a request, but with Jayde I gave up questioning my actions. I would never understand what she did to me and I accepted that. Her questions ranged from menial to a little too personal for my taste. She has asked about the decor in her room. I was happy to tell her about Drea and her hard work. She asked about my mother, which was not a topic I visited often. She was one of the first casualties in the war. Her and my unborn brother. Once I told Jayde this, she openly cried. The war was a delicate subject for her. Her feelings about losing her parents must have made this difficult for her. I understood that and usually guarded all my feelings of my parents. No one knew what I felt. I had no one to confide in about all the good and bad that had happened since the war had started.

  “There has been so much death for everyone, especially us. We have all lost everyone we loved. I never knew my parents. You lost your parents, a little brother you never met. I want this to end.” I let her cry on my shoulder as she tried to sift through all the damage the war had caused. She was right. Ever since I signed her treaty, her words haunted me. What was I even fighting for? I had lost everyone. What would winning the war solve? I’d still be alone. I had spent the last three years thinking if I just ended William and Kohl’s reign I’d avenge my father, but it didn’t feel like the truth anymore.