Read Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going Page 18

  When we got to Miami, the church had arranged for us to stay at a nice hotel right on the beach, but the hotel had booked us into one room for two days and then wanted to move us to another part of the building for the rest of the stay.

  This caused us to have to pack and unpack twice, more than we wanted to have to deal with. The second room we were assigned to was right next to the garbage bin, and something was stuck in it. The odor that was bleeding through the walls of our room was so bad that, at one o’clock in the morning, we were trying to find someone to come and take care of it. We discovered that hotels are not very heavily staffed at that time of night.

  At our first meeting, the local power company had blocked off the parking lot. They were tearing up the street in front of the church, and people could not find places to park. While we were there, we did a marriage seminar. During the seminar, a man put fliers on the cars in the parking lot advertising for a wife.

  Dave went to the church to sell tapes and could not give anyone change because I had his money pouch in my purse. Two different times the people who were picking me up to take me to the church were late. And, to top it all off, someone hit our rental car while it was parked in the garage.

  Now, there was a time when I would have come back home feeling that the trip had been a disaster! But it would have been so because I had magnified the trouble by talking about it too much. As it happened, the things that went wrong really didn’t bother me all that much.

  Keep yourself happy by being careful about what comes out of your mouth.

  Have you complained today? That will decrease your joy quickly.

  Some people are “chronically critical.”

  Have you said negative and judgmental things about someone else? That will certainly poison your joy.

  Unkind comments about other people cause us much more trouble than we know.

  I was having some trouble one time with the anointing on my life. I felt something was hindering or blocking me. It was hard to explain, but something just was not right. This feeling persisted for about three weeks, and I finally knew I needed an answer from God.

  He showed me that I had made a comment about another minister’s preaching. I had said that it did not have any continuity to it — that he jumped all over the place. I had offended the Holy Spirit. This brother was a servant of God, preaching through the leading of the Holy Spirit, and I was judging his style.

  We judge what is different, and usually because it challenges us. If this man’s style was correct, maybe mine needed improvement. I did not consciously think that, but I do believe that often those fears about ourselves are the root of judgments brought against others.

  I learned an important lesson from that incident. God really dealt very severely with me concerning this issue, and I know that part of the reason is because I am a teacher of His Word. He does not want bitter water coming out of the fountain one time, and sweet water the next time. He does not want me to praise Him, and curse those made in His image.

  Keeping quiet about what we think we observe as faults in other people shows humility. The Bible says in Romans 12:3 that we are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, but we are to realize that what we can do well is because of the grace of God.

  Perhaps another person does not have the same grace gifts that you or I do. We cannot criticize others for not having something which God did not choose to bestow upon them.

  Sometimes we judge people for being slower than we are, and yet God puts different speeds on all of us.

  My oldest son can work faster than anyone I know, and he has had to learn that everyone is not as fast as he is. His speed, with accuracy, is a gift from God.

  I am probably average when it comes to speed in getting things done. I know people who are faster than I am, but I also know people who are slower than I am.

  The bottom line is, we cannot be accountable for something that God did not give us. We can learn and grow, but we will never do everything the same. Judgment comes from looking at ourselves — especially our gifts and talents — and deciding that anyone who does not do things the way we do them has a fault.

  To have these kinds of things in our heart and then in our mouth is to poison our joy level. There are volumes that could be written about the mouth, but I pray that I have made my point.

  Remember, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who indulge in it shall eat the fruit thereof (Prov. 18:21). Therefore, keep your words sweet so that their fruit is sweet!

  Conclusion: Finish Your Course With Joy

  But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy. …

  Acts 20:24

  The Bible is full of Scriptures about joy, rejoicing, gladness and singing. One of my favorites is Psalm 100:1,2:

  Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands!

  Serve the Lord with gladness! Come before His presence with singing!

  Serving the Lord with gladness is a good goal for all of us. Often, we think we must do something great, and we forget the simple things that obviously bless the Lord. It means a great deal to Him that His children serve Him with gladness.

  There were many years when I had a ministry, but not much joy. I have since learned that the Lord would rather have me glad than successful, unless I can be both.

  For some time now in my meetings I have been asking people who are in full-time ministry but who are not enjoying their ministry to come to the altar for prayer. I have been astonished at how many come forward each time that altar call is made.

  So many people are headed somewhere, but how many are enjoying the trip? It would be a great tragedy indeed to arrive and realize that the journey had not been enjoyed completely.

  I agree with the Apostle Paul, I want to finish my course with joy. This particular verse seems to speak deeply to my soul. What an awesome goal: to serve the Lord with gladness, and to complete our course with joy.

  Since I am the determined type, I have always been determined to complete my course. But in the past few years I have added something extra to my original goal. Now, I not only want to complete my course, but I want to complete it with joy.

  I pray that you feel the same way. Whatever your present station in life, whatever you are called to do, wherever you are called to go, enjoy the journey. Don’t waste one day of the precious life God has given you.

  Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say, rejoice!


  Some Scripture quotations marked Ben Campbell Johnson Paraphrase are taken from Luke and John, An Interpretive Paraphrase by Ben Campbell Johnson, © 1980, A Great Love, Inc., Toccoa, Georgia 30577.

  Some Scripture quotations marked Ben Campbell Johnson Paraphrase are taken from Matthew and Mark, A Relational Paraphrase by Ben Campbell Johnson, © 1978, A Great Love, Inc., Toccoa, Georgia 30577.

  Some Scripture quotations marked Ben Campbell Johnson Paraphrase are taken from The Heart of Paul, Biblical Truth in Today’s Language by Ben Campbell Johnson, © 1976, A Great Love, Inc., Toccoa, Georgia 30577.

  Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

  Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from The New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979,1980,1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.


  Exley, Richard. Rhythm of Life. Tulsa: Honor Books, 1987.

  Strong, Dr. James. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990.

  Vine, W. E., Unger, Merrill F., and White, William Jr. Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers, 1985.

  Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1990.

  Webster’s II New College Dictionary. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995.

  Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictiona
ry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984, 1988, 1994.


  JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, she has written more than seventy inspirational books, including Look Great, Feel Great, the entire Battlefield of the Mind family of books, and many others. She has also released thousands of audio teachings as well as a complete video library. Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast around the world, and she travels extensively conducting conferences. Joyce and her husband, Dave, are the parents of four grown children and make their home in St. Louis, Missouri.

  To contact the author write:

  Joyce Meyer Ministries

  P. O. Box 655

  Fenton, Missouri 63026

  or call: (636) 349-0303

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  Please include your testimony or help received from this book when you write. Your prayer requests are welcome.

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  London, ON N6P 1T5

  or call: (636) 349-0303

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  Battlefield of the Mind*

  Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

  Approval Addiction

  Ending Your Day Right

  In Pursuit of Peace

  The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word

  Seven Things That Steal Your Joy

  Starting Your Day Right

  Beauty for Ashes Revised Edition

  How to Hear from God

  Knowing God Intimately

  The Power of Forgiveness

  The Power of Determination

  The Power of Being Positive

  The Secrets of Spiritual Power

  The Battle Belongs to the Lord

  The Secrets to Exceptional Living

  Eight Ways to Keep the Devil Under Your Feet

  Teenagers Are People Too!

  Filled with the Spirit

  Celebration of Simplicity

  The Joy of Believing Prayer

  Never Lose Heart

  Being the Person God Made You to Be

  A Leader in the Making

  “Good Morning, This Is God!”

  Jesus — Name Above All Names

  Making Marriage Work

  (Previously published as Help Me — I’m Married!)

  Reduce Me to Love

  Be Healed in Jesus’ Name

  How to Succeed at Being Yourself

  Weary Warriors, Fainting Saints

  Life in the Word Devotional

  Be Anxious for Nothing*

  Straight Talk Omnibus

  Don’t Dread

  Managing Your Emotions

  Healing the Brokenhearted

  Me and My Big Mouth!*

  Prepare to Prosper

  Do It Afraid!

  Expect a Move of God in Your Life … Suddenly!

  Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to

  Where You Are Going

  The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make

  When, God, When?

  Why, God, Why?

  The Word, the Name, the Blood

  Tell Them I Love Them


  The Root of Rejection

  If Not for the Grace of God*


  Las Siete Cosas Que Te Roban el Gozo

  (Seven Things That Steal Your Joy)

  Empezando Tu Dia Bien

  (Starting Your Day Right)


  Life Lines

  *Study Guide available for this title


  Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others you will find happiness once you have reached a specific goal or position in life?

  Jesus came so we might have and enjoy it (John 10:10). Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. If you have not been enjoying your life to the fullest, it is time to begin!

  In this book, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences for powerful teaching on how to enjoy each day on your journey through life. By applying the principles outlined in this book, you will learn:

  • How to make the decision to enjoy life

  • How to rid yourself of regret and dread

  • How to experience the simplicity of life

  • How to find joy during times of waiting

  • How to finish your course with joy.

  Enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of your heart. So learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going today!


  Visit our Web site at

  1 1James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), “Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary,” p. 38, entry #2416. (back to text)

  2 2W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, and William White Jr., Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers, 1985), p. 367. (back to text)

  3 3Reprinted, by permission, from The Station and Other Gems of Joy, copyright © 1993 Robert J. Hastings. (back to text)

  4 1James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), “Greek Dictionary of the New Testament,” p. 21, entry #1161. (back to text)

  5 1W.E. Vine, Merrill Unger, and William White, Jr., Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1985), pp. 335-336. (back to text)

  6 2Vine, p. 336. (back to text)

  7 3Webster’s II New College Dictionary, s.v. “joy.” (back to text)

  8 4Vine, p. 201. (back to text)

  9 5Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “enjoy.” (back to text)

  10 6Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “believe.” (back to text)

  11 7Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “receive.” (back to text)

  12 1Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “complicate.” (back to text)

  13 2Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “complicated.” (back to text)

  14 3Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “simple.” (back to text)

  15 4Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, s.v. “conversation.” (back to text)

  16 5If you have not read my book titled, If Not for the Grace of God, I recommend that you do so. See the book list in the back of this book. (back to text)

  17 1(Tulsa: Honor Books, 1987), p. 36. (back to text)

  18 2To obtain a copy, see the book list at the end of this book. (back to text)

  19 3James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), “Greek Dictionary of the New Testament,” p. 71, entry #5040. (back to text)

  20 1Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “religion.” (back to text)

  21 2Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v. “relationship.” (back to text)

  22 1James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), “Greek Dictionary of the New Testament,” p. 60, entry #4231. (back to text)

  23 2Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, s.v.
“celebrate.” (back to text)

  24 1W. E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, and William White, Jr., Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers, 1985), p. 97. (back to text)

  25 2James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), “Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary,” p. 51, entry #3327. (back to text)



  Joyce Meyer, Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going



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