Read Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 5

  The further we get, the more we learn. This is what they consider the old religion. How is it that I have been around for so many years, yet know very little about it? Wicca was actually not recognized as a religion until 1972, although the beliefs from it stem back thousands of years. Magick was practiced by those known, back in the day, as medicine men and women.

  “Have you found much about your ancestors?” I ask.

  “A little; it appears as though the Magnificent Ones have been in our bloodline as far back as we can trace,” Ebony admits. “Mom and Grams were in line to be Magnificent Ones, but they never had any siblings. It appears as though demons killed their fathers to prevent a sibling from being born. We are the first set since my great, great grandmother and her sister. It also talks a bit about a man named Walter, but he moved away to work for an orphanage. It appears as though demons were trading families for the children’s souls. Walter was there to help protect the children from making a deal with the devil, so to speak.”

  Matilda perks up. “We met Walter, I’m sure of it.”

  “What do you mean?” Eliza asks.

  “Do any of you remember me telling you about the only other white soul, aside from Matt’s, that I saw years ago?”

  “Yeah, I do. You mentioned it when we were searching for dresses one time. You told me Matt was a white soul; this was before you knew what it meant,” Ebony remembers.

  “Yeah, we assumed that it meant they were guardians in training, but now it seems that Walter…wait a second—does it say what Walter’s last name was?” I ask in the middle of an epiphany.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t notice this before. It’s Barton, Walter Barton.”

  Ebony dives towards the book. “What? He was...Matt’s grandfather? You met Matt’s grandfather…” The tears start to run down her face. I know she’s thinking about Matt, and how he would have loved to know about his grandfather.

  “I think this may be something that needs to be explored even more, being that we’ve had relationships with both Matt and Walter, who have both moved on to become guardians. That must mean something,” Alexander suggests.

  Matt had told us about his grandfather, and he was the last one in his family to become a guardian, an angel to witches: their guide against evil. He just never mentioned his name.

  “You may be right. Walter is the reason I became a hematologist. He brought a young boy into the hospital I worked at one night when I was working. He had hemophilia, a disease where the blood doesn’t clot properly. The boy fell and had massive internal bleeding. I, and the team of doctors I worked with, did everything we could, but were unable to save him due to the lack of medical advancements at the time. I swore I would never let that happen again. This is when I first began my research on blood. I not only want to benefit my family, but the mortal population as well. As you all know, I have finally come up with a synthetic blood product made from expired blood products. This is the next best thing to fresh blood for vampires, and is in the testing stages with the FDA for human use,” Isaac explains.

  “So all this research you’ve been doing—and the success you’ve had—comes from Matt’s grandfather?” Ebony confirms.

  “Well…in a sense it does. He cared so much for the young boy that I couldn’t just give up. I needed to do something to help. Now my study has taken a different turn from the original issue of this blood disease, but I still believe the synthetic blood will help. We can remove any impurities from the blood as well as disorders, so with a synthetic blood infusion, we should be able to cure diseases.”

  “Wow, that is really amazing, Isaac,” Eliza admits.

  “Yeah, but we have gotten a little off topic here. Maybe we should look into these white souls and guardians to try to understand them better.”

  “I think that is a great idea. Why don’t Eliza and I look into it? I think we have been at this long enough for today, and maybe the rest of you have better things to do, like check the students or plan a wedding or something,” Matilda jokes.

  With his half smile, Nathanial says, “I get the feeling you are trying to get rid of us.”

  “No, I just don’t think we all need to be here to do research,” Matilda confirms.

  We agree and decide to part ways, although we won’t do any wedding planning without her. We can research venues and ideas for our double wedding though. Most of all, I think everyone can just use a break. Sometimes too much information is difficult to process.

  Chapter 9


  Elyn and Nik are getting so big; they are growing so fast. I never realized how much a baby learns in the first few years. Elyn will be a year old in just a few short months, and Nik will follow. They’re both doing very well. Eliza and Ebony did a spell to bind Elyn’s empathy…it was getting too much for a young baby to handle. She doesn’t even understand what half of these emotions are. When her father died, and Ebony was at her worst, it must have been unbearable for the poor girl.

  In the months after Matt’s death, we had a difficult time snapping Ebony out of her rut. She was good at hiding it when around everyone, but on her own, we could all hear her sobs. Alexander has done a good job at keeping an eye on her and, when needed, he lets me or Eliza know. Being a teen mother isn’t easy, but being a vampire-witch, teen mom, and widow is more than any seventeen-year-old can handle. I believe Elyn is the only reason Ebony has made it. She is such a good mother too. Every night she and Elyn look at pictures of Matt and Ms. Edwina, and even of her parents. She wants Elyn to know all of them since they can present themselves to her. Ebony doesn’t want her to fear her family, and she wants her to know her father. Nathanial and Luke feel the same way about their parents, the McCords, when it comes to Nik.

  Today the Barton’s are coming over to see Elyn and Nik. They are Elyn’s grandparents, but treat Nik as if he is their grandchild as well. Losing their only son, Matt, was hard, but they were prepared. With the family history of guardians, they knew what to prepare for. Until they arrive, we just hang out with the kids, letting them play. The two of them really have a special connection.

  Smiling at the two little ones, I ask, “So Ebony, what do you and Matt’s parents have planned for the day?”

  “Not really sure. I think we are going to go put fresh flowers on Matt’s grave. I know they are hoping he will complete his guardian training and return to earth soon.”

  Matt was chosen at birth, maybe even before birth, to become a guardian; like an angel to witches. He began his earthbound training at a very young age, learning about various supernaturals. The Great Ones are his guides, kind of like a boss. His grandfather was also a guardian but, from our understanding, has moved on to the rank of a Great One. For a chosen one to complete their training and become a full fledge guardian, they must pass on into the spirit realm. After they complete training, the guardian is assigned to assist witches from around the world. When their assigned witch calls them, they get an alert, so to speak, and use a kind of astral travel to come to their side, offering assistance where needed. Matt was taken from us a few months ago—in October. No one knows how long his training will last, but we assume he will return to Ebony and Elyn as soon as he is permitted back on earth. From what he has told us, he returns in human form, but like us, he doesn’t age.

  “It must be hard for all of you, never knowing when he will return.”

  “Yeah, it is. I guess that, now that I’m a vampire too, I will have to get used to waiting around for things.”

  “You’ll get used to it. It’s not so long. I mean, I’ve been around for over a century, and it seems like everything happened just yesterday.”

  Not only is Ebony one of the most powerful witches, she is now also a vampire, like my family. When Elyn was born, Ebony had some problems and needed surgery to deliver. Afterwards she began to hemorrhage; Constance did everything she could to try and save Ebony, but with her slipping deep into the grim reapers grasp, there was no other choice. Constance Embraced E
bony that night, and she has been one with us ever since. Her control and abilities are second to none; she learned control in a matter of weeks, and almost instantly was introduced back to society, just in time for graduation.

    

  “Oh my God, look at the kids,” Ebony chuckles.

  I turn to take a peek and see Elyn holding Nik’s bottle and feeding him. “That’s just too cute. She’s has looked out for him since day one. Elyn’s strength has far surpassed any baby.”

  “I know, right. I don’t even know how she knows what to do.”

  “I wonder if they have a special way of communicating that we don’t know about.”

  “Hey, around here, anything is possible.”

  “You said it, sister.”

  We both chuckle, and the babies look at us like we’re crazy or something.

  After Matt died, Ebony and Elyn moved back into the main house, and we converted the guesthouse they’d lived in to a play area for the children. Everything is here; Elyn’s nursery remains the same, with her round canopy crib, a changing table, and a rocking chair. Along with all the supplies the two kids may need, we changed Ebony and Matt’s room into a second nursery for Nik. Florence watches the kids here during the day, when we’re at the supernatural school. She only comes back to the main house to cook the meals for the school. Since we’re all new to the teaching game, and have so many supernatural’s experimenting with new things and magick’s, we all felt it would be safer over here.

  Before we know it, the same angel who was after Ben is rapping at the side window. With a quick glance at each other, Ebony and I grab the babies. I scream for Alexander to alert everyone. He will put the school on lockdown, but I don’t want to mention anything, in case the angel can read minds or intervene in our thoughts.

  “Witch, I told you six months, but I also said I would be checking in on you. I want a report, and need to see what that abomination is doing for myself.”

  I walk over to the window. “Seriously? I thought angels are supposed to be all peaceful and loving and such. Why is it that you’re such an ass then? Not to mention, it’s only been a few months.”

  “I am here to keep the peace. By following the laws, I must destroy all of those that are not worthy of being part angel. That means all of them! Half breads are not welcome here or anywhere.”

  “Ben has done nothing to warrant your accusations, and has done nothing but prove himself. I refuse to take you to him, and furthermore, I would appreciate you not coming around like this when the children are here. What kind of angel are you anyway?” Ebony gives it to the angel for a second time. With her tearing the curtains shut, we peek out to watch as he turns and flies off.

  “Ebony, once again, you continue to amaze me.”

  “Well Sophia, I don’t think we can piss around any longer. We have to find some way to help save Ben, once and for all.”

  “I think you’re right, but what are we going to do?”

  “What do we always do when we have a problem?”

  “Call Ghostbusters?” I joke.

  “Yeah, that’s it, you dork.”

  “I know; we talk to Elijah. Do you forget? I’m the one that taught you that!”

  We wait for the Barton’s to arrive and request that they take Nik and Elyn out for the day without us. Of course, they agree wholeheartedly. Ebony makes arrangements to meet them another time to deliver flowers to Matt’s grave site.

  Chapter 10

  Sweet Escape

  Elijah excuses himself from the family meeting and retreats to his office. The rest of us look around with disbelief. Elijah never just leaves a situation—he always has the answer. Has this brought our fearless leader, our father, to his breaking point?

  Ben bites his bottom lip and says, “This is my problem. Maybe the angel is right, and I shouldn’t be here. You’ve all done so much to help me, but maybe it’s time for me to face the music and follow my fate, even if it means destruction. This family, and the school you’ve created, has so many good things to do, I won’t be the reason you all fail. Tonight I will surrender to the angels, and let God’s will be done.”

  Elijah comes booming back into the room. “You will do no such thing, my boy!”

  “But sir, not even you have an answer for this.”

  “You are correct there, but I will have an answer soon. For now, I have a plan.”

  Florence walks around to stand next to the man she has loved for centuries. “What kind of plan, my dear? We can’t keep hiding him here.”

  “That is exactly why we won’t be here.”

  “What? We can’t move—the school; the students; the Cerberus…” Danika argues.

  “You, too, are correct Danika. That is why we are not moving. I’m thinking more like a vacation—just to get Ben off the radar for a bit.”

  “Okay; and who will run the school while we are away?” Caspian asks.

  “I think that Dakota and Skah can handle things for a few weeks, don’t you?”

  “Fair enough Elijah, but where do you suggest we go?”

  “Back to a place we all love at this time of year—Banff, Alberta.”

  I jump with sheer elation. “Are you kidding? We get to go back, so soon?”

  “It has been a few years, so I don’t think it will be a problem. We can dress and do make-up to age us a few years. Now, I do think we should depart immediately, so why don’t you all get packed, and I will discuss the arrangements with the Williams. They will have to take care of meal preparations for the school, as well as all the training and education. This is a time when everyone needs to pitch in.”

    

  Upstairs, as everyone is getting prepared, I slip into Alexander and Matilda’s room. “Hey guys, I have an idea I would love to run past you.”

  “Sure; what’s up, Sis?”

  “Well, I know we’ve been trying to hammer out details for our double wedding, and haven’t been able to pick a date yet. Well, I…I was wondering…”

  “Oh my God, Sophia, that is an amazing idea!” Alexander high jacks my thoughts and blurts out.

  “Okay Alex, not all of us can read minds; so can someone fill me in?” Matilda snarls.

  “Sophia wants to have our wedding in Banff, with only our family around.”

  Matilda runs over, wrapping her arms around me. “That’s perfect! An intimate family- spring wedding couldn’t be more perfect. We can finalize arrangements once we arrive. What does Nate think of this?”

  “I haven’t mentioned it to him yet, but we’ll have to have Luke and Eliza come with us, or at least come up for a bit. I’ll call Luke and get his schedule, so we can plan around it.”

  “And I’ll go talk to your future husband, and my soon-to-be brother. I tell you, it is about time we have some more males in the house my age. I am sick of all the ‘OMG, what nail polish should I wear?’” Alexander teases and Matilda nails him square on the head with her pillow.

  With a small chuckle, he leaves.

  “Alex was right about one thing—OMG, we have so much to do! I have my dress already, what about you? We can go on to Connie’s designer friend’s website and pick a dress you like. I’m sure she’ll ship it to the Banff Springs Hotel, since we are leaving right away.”

  “Mati, calm down, it’s all going to be perfect. I can just buy a dress from a shop. The important thing is I’m marrying Nate, and you, Alex. The dress isn’t important.”

  “Are you serious? The dress is very important, and I will not marry Alex next to you, standing in some frock from a two-bit store,” Matilda huffs as she logs on to her computer.

  I chuckle and agree to make her happy. I am just so excited to take Nathanial to the place I love so much: the mountains, the melting snow and fresh, crisp air, and the beautiful downtown area that bustles with the town folk and tourists. Ahh—I miss Banff. He’s going to love it, and I can’t wait to take him to Lake Louise. It’s only a short drive, but to stand at the lake looking up at the moun
tains. Not to mention, it is the time of year when the there’s still snow, but the spring melt is starting, and the trickle of the water comes through. I can’t wait.

  Once I play into Matilda and pick a dress, we continue to pack. Everyone is going to be so surprised when we tell them we’re getting married.

  “Mati, I better go pack up for Nik. Taking a baby on a trip is a lot of extra luggage.”

  “No prob. Funny thing is that’s what Alex says about taking me somewhere.”

  I can’t help but let out a huge roar as I laugh from the very pit of my stomach and nod as I leave her room.

  Chapter 11


  We arrive in Calgary, Alberta, and Elijah has already arranged for some cars to be waiting for our use. Once we collect our luggage, Elijah, Caspian, Alexander, and Isaac go to retrieve the vehicles. We need several as there are fifteen of us. Along with the Pierce family, we have our newest additions in Eliza, Luke and Ben, and of course the two babies. Luckily, he reserved a couple of mini vans and sedans for our use while we’re here. We load up into the vehicles and make the ninety-minute-plus drive to Banff. Driving from Calgary to Banff is beautiful, with the scenic mountains for a horizon to follow. I’ve never in all my years seen anything as perfect as the clear blue sky and snow capped mountains ahead, with snow whiter than an angels wings. I will never get sick of the Rocky Mountains.

  The cars begin to slow as we approach the brown wooden tolls, which allow us entry into the National Park. Elijah is in front and pays the toll for each of our four vehicles filled with passengers.

  Traveling down the Trans-Canada highway, we are able to spot lots of wild animals. Making it a game, we keep track of who spots what. Some of our friends and family members are amazed at the sheer beauty of this province. Everywhere we look we’re surrounded by tall snow-capped mountains and crisp, full evergreens. The animals are brave, wandering so near to the highway, and many onlookers stop alongside the road to take pictures of the magnificent creatures.