Read Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 6

  We decide to stop and look at a small herd of mountain sheep. Getting out of the cars, we all take in the brilliance around us. Luke gets very close to the mountain sheep before we can remind him they are still wild animals—as one moves closer, and closer.

  “Oh crap!” he shouts, while jumping on the roof of the black Lincoln beside him and diving over to the opposite side.

  The rest of us burst out laughing as the sheep’s horns just miss nicking Luke in the ass. Caspian reaches out a hand to help him up. “Bro, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I should know better. I guess I just figured these animals would be more tame because of all the tourists stopping. My bad….”

  We get back into the cars and get back on our way, figuring we’ve had enough excitement for one day. Before long, we arrive at the castle-like hotel, and I hear those who haven’t seen it before gasp from the pure exquisiteness of the structure.

  The brown, brick castle with a green roof is nestled in the center of the mountain and surrounded by light, snow covered forest. Even in the middle of March, there can still be several feet of snow on the ground here. Pulling in front of the entrance, the valet assists us with our baggage as Elijah heads to the check-in desk to retrieve our room keys. While we wait, we admire the perfectly polished marble floors and the amazing reception area of the hotel. Long hallways lead to a variety of high-end shops and restaurants. We don’t explore too far for the time being as we know Elijah will be ready to hand out our room keys within minutes.

  “This place is amazing! Why did you ever leave Canada?” Eliza inquires with pure astonishment.

  I beam with the excitement that someone feels the same about this place as I do. “I know, right—I loved it here. We stayed here too long though. It was time to move on,” I say as we walk back towards the front desk.

  Elijah walks over with a handful of room keys. “Okay gang, here are your keys. Ben, you will stay in the Presidential Suite with Florence, Danika and me. This will be one of the safer places for you. Ebony, Sophia, Nate and the kids will stay in the other Presidential Suite, and I got the rest of you in either executive or junior suites. We are all within a floor or two of each other. Why doesn’t everyone go and get settled, and we will meet in Sophia’s suite, so the babies can get comfortable. Girls, they will be bringing up two cribs for Elyn and Nik shortly.”

  “Thank you Elijah,” Ebony smiles as we walk toward the elevator following the bellhop.

    

  In our suite, Ebony allows Nathanial and I to take the master room, and she takes the second bedroom. When the staff brings the cribs up, they place one in each room for our use and set them up with proper bedding, ready for the babies. We take our time unpacking and getting both the kids to lay down for a nap, as it’s been a long and exciting day of travel. Ebony and I review the room service menu for items suitable for the kids and place an order, asking that it be delivered in about two hours, when the kids should wake up. Before long, the rest of the clan files into our suite, and we go over some plans for sightseeing.

  Alexander connects his thoughts with Matilda, Nathanial and me. “Should we tell them yet?”

  “No better time than the present,” I agree.

  Alexander stands, and everyone’s eyes divert to him. “I thought now may be a good time to inform you all that we have finally set a date and location for the weddings.”

  Florence beams with elation. “That’s wonderful kids. What are you planning?”

  The four of us smile. “Next weekend,” Matilda blurts out.

  “What? But we have no time to prepare! And what about all the guests?” Constance begins to panic.

  “We have all the guests we want here with us now, and there is no place on earth more perfect than right here,” I share.

  “Well, I guess we have some arrangements to make. I’m sure the hotel will assist us, but because of the timing and short notice, we may need another location,” Florence points out.

  “Well, we are thinking it might be nice to do it over at the Bow River Falls. That’s not far from here, and it’s so pretty with all the snow and ice just starting to thaw. The waterfall is big enough that it will still be flowing, and I think it is just the perfect location. For a reception, we can have it in the dining room of our suite and order room service for those who need it, and then we can enjoy our own meal as well,” Matilda says with total excitement that surprises us all. We figured she would have wanted a wedding to match Kim Kardashian’s; I guess you just never know until it happens.

  “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am going to take Eliza and Luke out to explore the area. Does anyone else want to come?” Caspian offers.

  “That is a great idea, but we need to disguise Danika. This is where she’s from, and we can’t have people recognizing her,” Constance insists.

  “That’s right huney, I forgot. How do you feel about being back here? Do you want to see your family at all?” Ebony questions.

  “Are you kidding? My family was nothing but a bunch of uncaring, selfish alcoholics. The only reason they would care that I’m gone is they lost their punching bag and maid.”

  “What? You never told us any of that before,” I say with utter shock.

  “What was the point? I was given a new life and a new family, so why dwell on the past?”

  “Danika, I’ve felt bad about attacking you that night before you ran away, but now I feel even worse. I’m so sorry.”

  “Sophia, please don’t worry about it. I understand where you were coming from, and I should have talked to you about it before things got out of hand.”

  Sitting next to Danika, I wrap my arms around her in a caring embrace. “Will you tell us more about your family and life as a human?”

  “Yeah I guess, if you really want to know.” She takes a deep breath and begins. “I was born here in Banff, Alberta eighteen years ago on January tenth. Wow, I didn’t realize until right now I would be eighteen; finally an adult. Time really does go by fast when you’re a vampire. Okay, never mind that now…so back to my life. My dad died in a car accident shortly after my birth, and my mom began to spiral out of control, drinking and abusing heroine. She was involved with this awful man, Tony. Tony used to beat me, and from a very young age, I was in charge of the cooking and cleaning. If Tony wasn’t pleased with what I made for dinner, I was beaten. If Mom wouldn’t perform sexually to his standards, he would take it out on me and beat me even harder. I had several broken bones, but the hospital believed their stories—that I was a clumsy child—and never did anything about it. When I was about ten, I was forced to get odd jobs around town, shoveling sidewalks in the winter and mowing the grass in the summer, as well as a paper route that I would do at four in the morning. At fourteen, I was old enough for a real job and began working at the local movie theatre on top of the odd jobs I did. The money I was making was not too bad, but of course Mom and Tony used all the money for their booze and drugs.” She wipes a few stray tears from her cheeks as the horrible memories flood her. “I used to harm myself too, cutting my wrists and ankles with razor blades. I figured that if I could make myself numb to pain, they couldn’t hurt me anymore. I really hated my life; I struggled with myself and my family. Never have I felt good enough, not until you came along and accepted me. That’s when I realized what family really was. Once I became a vampire, all my scars healed so I never told any of you. I did try and cut a little more but it healed instantly. I know harming myself was stupid, but it was the only way I knew how to escape. I would never do it again, and hope that one day I can help others like me that believe hurting themselves is the only way. It’s hard when you feel all alone, but somewhere, somehow I know now there is someone that is there for you…it’s finding them that’s hard. I guess no matter what we all just have to believe.”

  Florence also begins to tear up. “Danika, sweetheart, I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. Is there anything we can do to make it better?”

?Really, you already have. Bringing me into your family and treating me like your own is all a girl like me could ask for.”

  Luke slams his fist on the table. “Well, I can think of a few other things. For Christ’s sake, your new family is a group of vampires and witches. I think we can manage to take care of that ass Tony in a way he won’t forget.”

  I’ve never seen Luke so mad before. He obviously doesn’t take kindly to child abusers.

  “Luke, thank you for caring so much, but I’m better than they ever were, or ever will be. I am much happier just forgetting that Tony and my mom ever existed.”

  Eliza places her hand on Luke’s knee. “Danika is right. As much as I would love to curse them for everything they did to her, we can’t use our powers for personal gain, or self-serving purpose. Even though it would be for someone else, they are just bad people, not evil. Cursing or killing them will not help the greater good of man. They will get what is coming to them, believe me.”

  “I know. It just drives me nuts how some people treat their children. How did Nate and I get so lucky to have such a wonderful family and upbringing?”

  “Don’t worry about it, Luke. I really don’t care anymore. We are only given as much as we can take, and I handled this as best as I could. I’m just glad to be a Pierce now.”

  I’m in complete shock about the life Danika had before us. I feel so bad for the way I treated her now. I wish I had gotten to know her a little better before judging her. How is it we’ve had her as part of our family for over two years, and not one of us knew anything about her past life. How will I ever make this up to her?

  Matilda runs down to one of the stores in the hotel to get Danika a wig. She comes back with a longer style, brown wig. It looks really cute on Danika and renders her nearly unrecognizable. Before long, we all head out the door to see the sights a little. I think this vacation, so to speak, is just what we all need; a great way to forget about all the evils we’ve been fighting for the past year or so.

  Chapter 12

  I Do

  The last week in Banff has been wonderful; we showed our loved ones our old house, and the hospital where Constance found Danika. Now it is time to get down to business. Tonight Alexander and Matilda, along with Nathanial and me, exchange our vows. I never thought this day would come. Tonight I become Mrs. Nathanial McCord Pierce. Throughout tradition when a couple is married, the woman adds the man’s family name to the end of hers. We will be changing it to have Pierce as the last name because Nathanial is joining our family, and we all take Elijah’s name. We decided to keep the McCord in honor of his family; hence the double last name. We’ve secured a justice of the peace to meet us at Bow Falls tonight at six, so we can be married as the sun goes down and by the light of the moon, the moment when day and night collide.

  After a quick drink of blood punch Florence made from Isaac’s synthetic blood, I meet Matilda and the other girls in Florence’s suite. The boys will all hang out in Ebony’s, mine and Nathanial’s suite. I think they are planning to do the normal guy thing and play video games while us girls arrange the flowers. Because of the short notice, we’ve been unable to secure a florist. Something as simple as flower arranging won’t stop us, though.

  Florence and Constance go down to the local floral shop and purchase dozens and dozens of flowers: bright red Charlotte roses, crisp white calla lilies, along with cranberry and evergreen sprigs. After we finish bouquets for Matilda and me, we make some boutonnieres for our men, along with some large flower arrangements to take to the waterfalls with us. The pictures will be amazing. For a small intimate ceremony, it’s going to be more than I could have ever imagined.

    

  Driving down the road to Bow Falls, the sun glistens off the light dusting of snow on the trees surrounding us. The mountains are one of the world’s most glorious creations. There’s a slight chill to the air, but it’s warmed up enough that the water is flowing freely from the mountain caps. As we pull closer, the sound of the rushing water becomes louder. Mist reaches the windshield of the cars, and my excitement threatens to explode. Only a few cars grace the parking lot. With sunset upon us, most everyone is leaving.

  The justice of the peace is already waiting when we arrive. Florence and Elijah left ahead of the rest of us to ensure that everything runs smoothly. They brought the flower arrangements out with them and strategically placed them on the small foot high rock wall. From the parking lot, looking straight ahead, you see the rock barrier wall on the opposite side of the riverbank, where it holds back the loose rocks and drift wood. If you look just off to the left, you see the thirty-foot-high and seventy-foot-wide waterfall, falling freely over the edge to meet the riverbank and flowing through the mountains. The sun meets the horizon and reflects off the water, creating a breathtaking rainbow. Each color is bright and full, in complete unison with the next, reaching from one side of the waterfall to the next. I’ve never seen a rainbow at sunset before. I believe this is the McCords giving us their blessing.

  Before Matilda and I take another step, Danika presses play on her iPod, which is connected to a small battery operated stereo. Elijah hurries to our sides. Standing between us, he takes both of us by the arm. A beautiful instrumental song plays over the speakers, and Matilda and I both turn and smile at Elijah, the man who has been a father figure to us for over a hundred years. Standing along the wall, before the rushing beauty of Mother Earth, is my wonderful, twin brother, Alexander, and the most handsome man I know, Nathanial. As we approach the men of our dreams, a feeling, a sense of peace rushes over me.

  The floor length, slip style gown I wear is accompanied with a soft white fur-style bolero jacket. It is a soft winter white, beautiful and simple, perfect for me. Matilda’s is a touch flashier than mine, with a ball gown skirt and Swarovski crystal encrusted in a two inch band at her waist, and a straight cut neck line. Matilda likes being different, so she chose a long red coat, trimmed in white fur that clasps at the front, just beneath the breast line, with one single jeweled button. She looks like the daughter of Santa and Mrs. Claus, and she knows it too.

  With each step, I can’t take my eyes off the man standing before me, but from the corner of my eye, I can see Alexander beaming from ear-to-ear, and feel total happiness. As we meet the men of our dreams, Elijah places our hands, one at a time, in the hands of our prospective grooms. Nathanial and I lock eyes, and warmth fills me like the first time we met; the first day at Wenham High when I bumped into him and knew it could never be. Through his persistence, and the inevitable connection between us, we are standing here, ready to pledge eternity to one another. In the last year, we watched our friend become a wife, a mother, a vampire and a widow. We graduated high school, lost loved ones and became parental figures ourselves. Through our love and commitment, I Embraced Nathanial, and he promised me forever. Tonight, we make forever eternity and pledge our love for all time, with only those who mean the most to us here. I could never ask for anything more.

  Matilda and Alexander share their vows first. “Alexander, I’ve waited more years for this day then any woman should. You have given and taught me so much. I’m blessed to be your partner. From the day I met you, I knew my life would never be the same, and today I pledge my existence to you for all time. You are my love, my life and my forever. I love you Alexander.” A smile breaks out across her face as she finishes her vow.

  “Matilda, I have wanted to marry you since the first day we met. I’m so glad this day has finally come, and now we can become one for all time. I can’t begin to explain what you mean to me. Without you I’m lost, and nothing. I have been blessed to have you as my friend and lover. I never want you to forget that you are what makes me whole. I love you, now and forever. Thank you for making me the happiest being to walk the earth. I love you.”

  The justice of the peace smiles as Alexander and Matilda place simple, platinum bands on one another’s hands. “Now, Sophia and Nathanial, have you also prepared vows?” We both smil
e and nod. “Sophia, will you please share your vows with Nathanial?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I take a deep breath, look around at my family and friends, then my eyes lock with Nathanial. A rush of emotion, and love, overcomes me. I feel the intensity we felt when we first met, first kissed, and first made love. The same fireworks begin to explode within me. With a slight touch of his hand to mine I feel calm, knowing with every inch of my being that this is right. “Nathanial, I never thought I deserved love, much less expected to find it in a small town high school. The day I bumped into you—”

  “You mean ran me over,” he whispers with sarcasm.

  Everyone chuckles a bit.

  “Okay, when I ran you down. I knew there was something different about you, about me when I was around you. This is a life I never wanted for you, but fate had different plans, and here you are, ready to spend eternity with me. Not only have you brought me love, but you have brought me a beautiful baby, for me to help you and your brother to raise. I thought you would be the only man I would ever love, but I know now that isn’t true. I also love your baby brother, Nik, who has brought so much joy to my life, a kind of joy I never thought I would know. We have lost so many that we love in the process, but tonight we reach the next step in an eternity of happiness together. Thank you for everything you have given me, taught me, and will show me in the future. Tonight I marry the man of my dreams, and I promise to do everything in my power to make all your dreams come true. I even believe that rainbow, there, is a sign from your parents, letting us know they approve. So I thank you for choosing me, and loving me with all your heart and soul. I love you more than all the stars in the heavens, and look forward to taking the next step with you—for now, and forever.”

  Nathanial smiles and places a small kiss on my hand. “Sophia, there is so much I wanted out of life, and that all changed the moment you walked into town. You have shown me things I could have never imagined, and I thank you for that. Family has always been important to me, and you have the most wonderful family a man could ask to join. Together we have learned, and grown; and my only regret is that my parents are not here to witness the man I have become because of you. From this day forward, every step I make, every breath I take, and every beat of my heart is all for you. My new brother will miss out on our wonderful parents, but he now has you, and I know that no one will ever love him more. You brought the kind of love into my life I thought only existed in the movies. I knew true love existed—I saw it with my parents—but I never expected it to feel this amazing. I know you didn’t want this life for me, but the only life I could ever want is one next to you. Without you, I’m nothing more than a shell. You have fulfilled my every need and desire. I’m excited to see what the days and years ahead will bring us, and would not want to share them with anyone but you. Tonight I marry my soul mate; my other half. Thank you for allowing me to experience such great pleasure and immense love. I promise to love you until the end of times, and beyond. I could not ask for more.”