Read Evince Me Page 12

  Chapter 8: Brand New

  We managed to eliminate a majority of the rabid pack outside before getting a hold of their Beta Julio. He was inside the pack house with the wolves that decided against fighting for Maria. Julio never saw eye to eye with Marco's way of running the pack after losing his mind, but being his best friend he stood loyally by Marco's side.

  Just because he stood by Marco's side as his Beta, didn't mean that Julio or any of the other wolves had to listen to Maria or follow any of her commands. For some strange reason she had her own little cult of followers, what I deemed to be the 'bitter about love' clan.

  A few of Marco's wolves decided since she was Marco's mom they had a duty of sorts to protect her, but those were the unwise wolves. Protecting evil wouldn't get them any brownie points in Marco's pack. It would only sentence them to an early you can all see.

  Rico shifted to human form and notified Julio we had Marco and that he was safe now that we've eliminated Maria from the picture. Upon hearing the news that 'ding dong the witch is dead', Julio called off the wolves. It was like a switch was flicked and suddenly the pack ceased their fighting, just like that.

  After an extremely long steamy shower to loosen my tense muscles, I managed to fall asleep in Tristan's arms. However that was short-lived as I was disturbed from my peaceful dormancy by the sounds of Marco's agonizing screams of pain which seemed to echo down the hall.

  Each wail that escaped his lips managed to cause a spasm in my chest, like a dagger to my heart. My body reacted before my mind registered what was going on as I jumped frantically awake in Tristan's arms.

  Tristan was spooning me from behind, having just got in a few hours ago from the epic battle...all of us were filled with exhaustion. His muscular arms coiled around my waist holding me securely against him, as he cooed into the top of my head. "Its alright baby, just let him be."

  The simple vibrations of his chest against my back with words of reassurance managed to settle my bundle of nerves as I snuggled into him. "Is he ok, what's going on?" I whispered turning in Tristan's arms to tuck my face into his shoulder.

  Tristan's lips caressed my forehead as his warm minty breath washed over my face. "He had to shift back to human form so his bones could reset properly. More than likely he's feeling the effects of his broken arms, legs, and ribs resetting. It'll be over soon, I promise."

  Tilting my head upwards to stare into the same smoky eyes I've grown accustomed getting lost in, I needed to be sure Tristan was serious when he meant it'd be over soon. I don't think my heart could take much more of hearing Marco's cries. I really wanted to go and hold Marco's hand to reassure him everything would be fine, but by the way Tristan had his arms locked around me in a vice grip. I'm pretty sure he didn't plan on letting me go any time soon.

  "The doctor and Julio are in the room there's nothing you can do for him, but let nature take it's course." Tristan stated with a pointed look, giving me a slight nod to make sure I understood. "He's gonna be fine."

  All time froze while we lay there enchanted in one another's presence. Tristan's eyes roamed across my face in a loving manner as a sneaky smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "There's something you could do for me though." He teased softly, the way his eyes lit up playfully tugged at my heart strings.

  "Oh yea? What would that be?" I breathed out in a hoarse whisper, my heart pounding against my chest at a staccato pace. I'm pretty sure you guys would be just as nervous when perfection is staring you straight in the face.

  "Promise me you'll stop blaming yourself." His voice was deep and husky sending chills up my spine. He knows me too damn well. "It's not your fault, never was." Was I blaming myself for Marco getting hurt? Deep down inside I knew none of it really had to do with me, but I couldn't help but feel guilty.

  Tristan's face moved closer to my own as his lips captured mine in a soft passionate kiss. For a split second I forgot that it's been four days since I've last been in his arms. The softness of Tristan's tongue brushed against mine as it delved into my mouth.

  My hands were placed firmly on his chest while we faced one another. Tristan''s left hand slithered under my body, wrapping around my back and pulling me impossibly closer as his right hand tangled into the back of my hair.

  He let out a throaty moan as our legs tangled together, Tristan rolled so that he was hovering on top of me. That's when a knock sounded on the door interrupting our moment of intimacy. "Who is it?" I couldn't hold back the smile from my lips as Tristan growled out rather annoyed.

  "It's Lonso, is Lise awake? Marco's calling out for her." Alonso's voice carried through the locked door. Childishly Tristan rolled his eyes and let out a disappointed sigh while he rolled off me, but not before he gave me another peck on the lips. Standing up from the bed, I made my way over to the door and unlocked it.

  My brother stood there with a guilty expression pasted on his face, I'm pretty sure my messed up bed hair gave away what we were in the process of doing! Chewing down on his bottom lip fighting back a smirk, Lonso uttered quickly. "Sorry."

  I followed Lonso down the hall towards the guest room where Marco was. "Is he awake?" I asked timidly glancing over at my brother. In a way I wanted Marco to have a speedy recovery, but then again I was worried how he'd react when we told him I killed his Mother.

  Would he fly off the handle again and go on a rampage? After all he was a Mama's boy, so there's no telling what the future holds. Shaking his head slightly, Lonso offered a small smile. "He's been in and out of consciousness. When he woke up this last time, he called out for you."

  Why would he call out for me of all people? Opening up the door I was faced with pack doctor along with Julio who was standing off to the side. Julio's face held concern for the condition of his best friend.

  "The worst of it's over now." The doctor announced to no one in particular. "His wounds have all healed up nicely, all the bones reset properly, now all he needs is rest." I was grateful to hear the good news. Staring down at Marco's sleeping form, he looked good as new. Now let's just hope his mindset is the same.

  With that said the doctor, Julio, and Lonso decided it would be best if they left me in the room with Marco, alone. What may have possessed them to do such an outrageous thing is beyond me. Who says he's not gonna wake up and blame me for his injuries?

  As I sat in a chair next to the bed, he seemed so peaceful. Feeling guilty for what Tristan and my brothers did to him, I picked up his hand in my own and held it. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you." I mumbled quietly as my eyes began filling with tears.

  I know I promised Tristan I would stop blaming myself, which I did...but that didn't mean I couldn't be sorry. "You don't owe me an apology Princesa." Marco's voice croaked, his eyes remaining closed and his breathing was steady. The only thing that proved to me I wasn't hearing things was the tiny squeeze of his hand against mine.

  Marco's eyes snapped open staring up at the ceiling as he let out a huge sigh. "I'm sorry for all I've put you through." His head turned slightly so that he could look at me. I managed a small smile to let him know I wasn't angry at him.

  As we sat there in a comfortable silence I thought of something that I've been meaning to ask Marco as soon as he woke up. "Wh-why didn't you fight back?" My voice quivered, not that I wanted him to fight and injure Tristan or my brothers, but I needed to know why.

  "I was ready to deal with my punishment for the things I've done..." Marco let out another huge breath, "Ready to accept my fate and maybe I could be with your sister again." He admitted sadly a single tear trailing out the corner of his eye. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to fight back his emotions.

  "She came to me..." Marco's voice broke off, getting choked up as he shook his head in disbelief. "My Mia, she came to me and told me I needed to hold on. To live my life and be the best Alpha I can possibly be...for her honor." A look of newfound determination overcoming his sad expression as Marco wiped away the tears that escaped.<
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  I could only sit there in silence and listen to the things he was saying, nodding my head here and there to let him know I was still paying attention. "What's become of my pack...of my...Mother?" Marco asked hesitantly, his eyes burning deep into the side of my face.

  Oh god, do I have the strength to tell him the truth? I wrung my hands together as they began shaking nervously. I wanted to get up and run straight out of the room, back to the safety of Tristan's arms. "Tell me..." Marco begged, reaching over to grab one of my hands in his.

  Knowing he deserved to hear the truth from me, I cleared my throat. "All those who decided to fight were ultimately killed. Once we assured Julio of your safety, he called the others off." I told him as my eyes darted anywhere and everywhere.

  Thinking of my sister and the unjust fate she faced, I somehow got a surge of power. Maria wasn't a good person at all and she deserved everything she got. "As for your Mother..." I allowed my hazel eyes to meet Marco's chocolate brown ones. He held his breath, waiting for me to break the news to him. "She tried to run, when I confronted her she attacked. I had no other choice, but to defend kill her."

  Marco stood quiet for what seemed like an eternity. He still held onto my hand, which I took as a good sign, right? I mean if he was going flip out, wouldn't he have done so by now? Not unless it was taking a long time for the information to process, did he have a brain injury?

  "I loved my Mother, but I loved my mate...your sister much more. My mother was without a doubt the evilest most vile woman I've ever come across." Marco admitted, I thought I saw a look of anger and then relief pass by his eyes, before he stared at me blankly again. "I was a coward to not stand up to my Mother and I can only thank you for serving her with the proper revenge my innocent mate deserved."

  It was as if I got sucked into the twilight zone. I was sitting there staring at Marco with unsure eyes. Who is this Marco and what happened to the old one? Can you honestly tell me one visit from my dead sister caused him to become a changed man? Was he that terrified of Maria, that he couldn't even stand up to her or did he know deep down inside what she was capable of?

  Shakily I nodded my head as a form of 'I killed your Mother, don't worry about it...there's no need to thank me.' type of way. Standing up from my seat, I was getting ready to leave the room. Seems like all has been said and done and there really wasn't a reason for me to be here anymore.

  "I'm really glad you're ok, I'll call Julio to come in. If you don't mind I'm exhausted so I'm going to head back to bed." I smiled, patting him one last time on the arm I began backing away from the bed. My body wanted to run out of the room and down the hall back to Tristan, but I chose to take the slow approach as to not look like I was crazy.

  "Wait!" Marco shouted out, before jumping up quickly from the bed. He closed the distance between us pulling me into a tight embrace. "Thank you Princesa, I owe you my life." I wanted to say 'don't mention it', but it didn't seem like the proper wording so I decided to stay quiet and just hug him back.

  Of course, that was the exact moment the bedroom door opened. Standing there glaring at the sight before them was Tristan with Alonso, and Julio standing at his side. Can I ever catch a break?