Read Evince Me Page 13

  Chapter 9: Think Before Speaking

  Tristan's POV

  Deciding to let Lise go check on Marco by herself, I relaxed back onto the pillow with my arms folded under my head. Taking in deep breaths I tried the best I could to calm my raging hormones. I swear Alonso's lucky he's her brother, I could've beat the life out of him for interrupting us.

  It's been four days since I've held her in my arms and just when things were starting to feel normal between us again, he goes and knocks on the door. After thinking about all of today's events along with all the things I planned on doing with my mate when she came back, I realized Lise has been gone for what seemed like an eternity.

  An unsettling feeling began to develop in the pit of my stomach. I could only explain it as being an uncomfortable queasiness. Getting up from the bed, I pulled a white tee over my head and yanked on a pair of basketball shorts. Opening the door to the bedroom I headed towards the guest room down the hall.

  Standing a few feet outside Marco's room was Alonso and Julio. They were discussing something calmly. What the hell are these two doing outside the room? The entire point of me allowing Lise to go see Marco was because I was under the assumption that they'd be right there beside her.

  "What the hell?" I grunted through clenched teeth, the anger from earlier's interruption creeping slowly to the surface again. "Why aren't you in there with her?" I directed towards Alonso with an angry glare. What type of brother is he? Knowing perfectly well what Marco is capable of, yet he would still leave his baby sister alone with him?

  Alonso shrugged his shoulders and threw his hands up in front of him in surrender. "I...I figured she'd be perfectly fine. We're only right outside the door." He mumbled as a sudden look of guilt took over his expression. Guess now that he thinks about it, not such a good idea now was it?

  Breathing in deeply through my nose, I shouldered my way through the both of them reaching out for the door. I honestly wasn't prepared for what I saw when I opened it, the wind was knocked right out of my lungs. Marco and Lise stood at the center of the room in a loving heart cracked against the cavity of my chest.

  It was bad enough my ego took a beating when my mate threw herself on top of this prick to save his life. Now I let her come here to check up on him and I catch them hugging each other like this? What the hell else happened prior to my walking in?

  I already had a sick feeling something happened between the two of them during the four days she was held captive that caused them to become so close, but I tried the best I could to brush it off. Lise wouldn't do something like that...she loved me.

  As I stormed towards them prepared to kill Marco and just end this once an

  d for all, Lise pulled away from him in a panic as she jumped in front of me. "No Tristan!" Lise's voice pleaded as she latched desperately onto my arm sending me over the ultimate edge.

  I think it was a mixture of lack of sleep, pent up anger, and sexual frustration that caused me to snap. I shouldn't have said the things I did, shouldn't have allowed them to escape from my mouth...should have definitely thought before I spoke, maybe then I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now.

  "Get out of the way Lise." I warned clenching my jaw down tightly as I stared at my terrified mate. She shook her head defiantly as she stood in front of me blocking my path from Marco. "What the hell's going on between you two that you're so protective of him?" I bellowed in her face causing tears to escape her eyes.

  My heart ached at seeing her cry, knowing I was the one that caused her pain. I just couldn't get over the fact that she was supposed to be in my arms not his! Why does he keep getting in the middle of us?

  "Nothing happened between us." Lise cried trying to defend herself from my false accusations. Accusations I knew perfectly well were crap lies. "I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me, it was an innocent hug!"

  That wasn't a good enough excuse for me as I shoved Lise away angrily, I was fed up with her trying to defend this bastard. "If you're so hell bent on his safety then maybe you and I shouldn't be mates, maybe you should be his mate!"

  An audible gasp was heard stopping me in my tracks as I closed my eyes and cringed. Dammit, I've done it now...gone and stuck my foot in my mouth. Spinning on my heels I reached out for Lise trying to apologize for being such an ass. She knows I spew crap out of my mouth when I'm really angry.

  Lise stepped away, out of my reach and stared at me with disbelief. Those hazel eyes that always spoke a thousand words to me were suddenly silent. Clearing my throat I tried to swallow the knot that prevented me from speaking, but it stayed put. "Lise, baby...I...I didn't mean it." I begged, but the look of disgust plaguing her face as the tears flowed freely said it all, she hates me.

  In that split second Lise spun around and took off running, I was torn whether to stay and confront Marco for putting his hands on my mate or chasing after her. That pause caused me I finally decided Marco wasn't worth it and raced after her.

  She was within my reach, I could feel her at the tip of my fingers. "Lise, stop...wait." I called out trying to grab a hold of the back of her shirt to stop her. 'Damn she's fast' I thought as she suddenly flew into the room. My body slammed into the frame of the door shaking it on its hinges as she locked me out.

  Pounding my fists on the door relentlessly, I called out to her. "Lise open the door. Please baby, we need to talk. I'm sorry." I apologized but was greeted with complete silence. Calming myself down from the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins, I kept reassuring myself that her father wouldn't appreciate a broken down door.

  I did the only thing I could think of, sliding my body down the wall next to the door I settled myself in for a long night of waiting. Hopefully she'll open up the door in an hour or so when she cools down and lets me in so I could explain.

  'Lise, baby please I love you. I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said.' I tried reaching her through the mind link, but she was blocked off. She's never put her walls up on me, not since the first time we knew we were able to mind I knew she was pissed.

  Staring up at the grandfather clock that stood midway down the hall, I've been sitting out here for fifty minutes and still no sign of Lise. Using the back of my fist I pounded it against the door like I have been with each fifteen minute interval that passes.

  "Liiisseee." I dragged out her name as my eyes began drooping closed. Yea, I know I'm a pathetic jerk...and I deserved the silent treatment and so much more for all I've put her through. "Please baby, just open the door."

  "Maybe you should give her some time." Rico's voice drifted down the hall from the top of the stairwell. He was staring at me with pity, I'm sure Alonso filled him in on the events. "Try and talk to her in the morning.

  Talk to her in the morning? 'It is morning!' I thought as I glanced at the time, 5:45AM. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. There was nothing left in me. "Go get some rest in the spare room." Rico tilted his head to the door beside him. "I'll try and talk to her when she gets up."

  Nodding my head in utter defeat, I braced myself against the wall and stood up. Dragging my feet the entire way down the hall, I plopped myself on the bed and drifted off into a deep sleep. My mind didn't want to give up, but my body thought otherwise...

  I was awoken from my precious few hours of sleep from the curtains being yanked apart and sunlight shining me in the eyes. Throwing my arm up to shield my eyes from the blinding light, I squinted a few times to adjust to the sudden change.

  When my eyes finally focused I was faced with an angry looking blonde. Glaring at me with rage in her big blue eyes....ahh the furious best friend. "You idiot!" Anya whisper shrieked smacking me in the arm with her thin hands. "How could you?"

  "How'd you find out so quickly?" I sighed staring up at the ceiling. I'm sure if Anya knows, Luke knows too. So I'll never hear the end of it from him either, because I'm sure Anya will keep pestering him to nag me about it.

  "What do you mean how'd
I find out so quickly, that's my best friend's heart that you broke, ya moron!" Anya thundered, her tiny fists aimed at me in a threat. "You better get your sorry ass up, fix it and fix it now."

  Covering my eyes with my arms, I let out a groan of frustration. I know I messed up big time, I sure as hell didn't need Anya rubbing it in and reminding me of it. I was a man on a mission this that included groveling on my hands and knees to beg for Lise's forgiveness. I wouldn't take no for an answer, she's got to forgive me.