Read Evince Me Page 14

  Chapter 10: Agree to Disagree

  My head was pounding like there was a tiny child sitting inside going all wild with his first drum set. I threw the comforter off angrily as I peeled myself off the bed. There's no hope, I'm not going to get any sleep. Sniffling, I tried to clear out my clogged nasal passages and rubbed at my swollen dry eyes. Damn you Tristan for making me cry.

  Glancing at the clock I noticed it read seven o'clock, may as well do something constructive with my time instead of laying in bed feeling sorry for myself. I'm sure Rico's up already dealing with his Alpha duties. Maybe I can go talk to him and see if he needs any help.

  Taking a quick shower, I used some concealer to try and cover up the puffy bags under my eyes. This is the first serious fight Tristan and I have been in, guess it was bound to happen sooner or later right? I prayed silently to myself that he wasn't sprawled across the doorway asleep, it's still too early to face him.

  Was it my fault for allowing Marco to hug me even though it was an innocent hug? I know it's really difficult for Tristan to see me so touchy-feely with other guys since he's my mate, but I truly can't help the fact that I'm such a loveable person.

  All right, maybe I'm just being a real bitch here. I mean look at how I reacted to that girl in the club practically mauling him! I can't even begin to imagine what Tristan felt when I defended the person who tried to take me away from him....ok I'm being a brat, I admit it alright?

  I should've known better then to add fuel to the already out of control fire burning deep within Tristan. I'm surprised he didn't shift and kill the both of us! Got to give it to my baby for having full control over his wolf, he's gonna make one hell of an Alpha.

  'Rico, you up?' I thought trying to summon my brother for help.

  'Yea Lise, what's up? You ok?' His tone was one of concern, which means he was well aware of the events that went down early this morning. Thankfully he's not one to rub things in or pry into my business. Rico's just there for me as my rock, to listen and offer advice when asked.

  'Is he outside the door?' I asked in embarrassment, knowing if I attempted to open the door a crack and Tristan was out there...I'd have to face him. Something I'm not emotionally ready to do, at least not right at this minute.

  'I sent him to the guest room around six to get some sleep. He looked exhausted.' Rico's answer caused me to feel extremely guilty for locking Tristan outside the room after such an intense night of battle. Wow, such a great mate I am, huh?

  'Thanks. Where are you, can I come help?' I offered, unlocking the door and tugging it open a tiny slit. I used my one eye to peep out the crack for any signs of Tristan.

  'I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, come cook. I mean help me cook.' Rico chuckled.

  Satisfied that the coast was clear I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where Rico had all the ingredients laid out on the counter, but he stood there sipping on a glass of orange juice. "Hey you're just in time." Rico joked giving me a hug, though his eyes stared at me with a knowing look. The look of, I know you haven't slept and cried all night.

  Being the great sister that I am, I got busy cooking breakfast for the pack. I decided I'd swallow my pride and beg Tristan for forgiveness. No, he shouldn't have said the things he did to me but it was out of jealous rage and yes I planned on making him feel really guilty for it, trust me.

  Within fifteen minutes of cooking, I suppose the aroma of the sausage, bacon, eggs, and pancakes I had going on the stove wafted upstairs waking all the guys up. Soon the entire kitchen was filled with people coming to get their grub on.

  "I see you took heed to my threat and made it home in one piece." Anya's voice caused me to jump as she appeared beside me out of nowhere. "I heard you got tricked into cooking breakfast and I've come to help." She grinned, but that grin soon turned into a frown as Anya got a good look at my face.

  "What happened? Did someone die?" Anya grumbled angrily under her breath as she took a step closer to me, not wanting anyone else to hear. I shook my head no, basically asking her to just drop it and forget about it, but Anya being Anya didn't want to hear it. "Well if nobody died, who the hell made you cry?"

  Anya's head snapped side to side looking over both her shoulders around the kitchen. I don't know what or who she was looking for, but soon enough she mumbled a "Be right back" and took off leaving the kitchen like a bat out of hell. The look of determination filled her big blue eyes.

  I finished cooking enough breakfast to feed a small country, leaving a plate on the side for Tristan. Yes, I may be angry with him still, but I'd never be cruel enough to let him starve. Just as I rinsed the last dish and placed it into the dishwasher, Anya came back in grinning ear to ear innocently.

  I could instantly tell she was up to no good as I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Anya just walked straight past me to join Luke at the table. "Breakfast's delicious Lise, thanks." Luke said appreciatively causing everyone else to shout out "Thanks."

  Grabbing a pancake off the stack on the kitchen table, Anya stole a piece of bacon off Luke's plate and rolled it into the flapjack. She poured some maple syrup on to a plate and dipped her creation into it, taking a huge bite out of it. "Yummy." Anya gushed with puffy cheeks.

  "I think you should be designated cook for the pack, considering Anya sucks at cooking." Luke began laughing at his own joke only to have it turn into a choking sound when Anya smacked him upside the back of his head.

  "See if I'll ever cook for you again. No more of my grilled cheese specials for you!" Anya glared at Luke hatefully, but everyone knew she was only kidding. These two have such a comical relationship, I don't ever see them arguing over anything serious.

  Suddenly the entire kitchen became quiet and I could only assume what caused the silence as I felt all eyes trail from me to something behind me. Tristan must've come down for breakfast. Gee, how in the heck did everyone find out my business? Guess word travels fast?

  'Oh gosh, what do I do?' I thought to myself as I faced the stove and began tediously wiping it down. My hands were shaking nervously, not knowing if I should woman up and turn around to face him or feign like he's not there and continue ignoring him? Decisions....decisions.

  I could feel the warmth of his muscular body heat up my back as Tristan's hand came down on top of mine, stopping me from wiping the counter. His breath tickled the side of my face when he leaned down slightly to say, "You've been cleaning the same spot for the past couple minutes."

  My entire stature stood frozen, I was unable to move. Surprised at Tristan's daring attempt of getting so close. Wasn't he scared I'd turn around and slap him in the face for the stunt he pulled last night? Obviously Tristan's confidence level was high on the meter.

  Noticing that it seemed unusually empty in the kitchen I turned my head slightly to the right towards the tables to realize that it was just Tristan and I left. Rico must've made everyone leave so we could have privacy, what a sweet brother.

  "Maybe the spot isn't clean enough." My voice quivered as I tried to answer Tristan in my strongest tone. Epic fail, I hope he doesn't hear the forgiveness in my voice, I want him to feel guilty for a bit longer.

  "I think..." Tristan spun me in his arms to face him, I stared straight at his chest refusing to meet his gaze. Once our eyes meet, I'm done...there's something about those gray eyes peering into my soul and melting me from the inside out. "Maybe you're avoiding me."

  His fingers moved up to caress my face softly as Tristan unknowingly guided me towards the corner, pushing my back against the counter. I was trapped, not able to escape if I wanted to. "Please don't be angry with me baby, I'm so sorry for being an insensitive jealous jerk. I know it was an innocent hug, I just saw red when his arms were wrapped around you."

  I was slowly but surely cracking, I could just feel my anger dissipating. Soon, very soon I'd be wrapped around Tristan lovingly. Tristan took a hold of both sides of my face, tilting my head so I'd look him straight in the eyes. He always made me look him in the
eyes, so I'd know he was telling the truth.

  "I'll do anything..." Tristan pleaded with tears evident in his eyes. "Anything...for you to forgive me. I'm sorry for disrespecting you as my mate and my Luna." Ok guys I think he groveled enough, it’s time to speak my peace and let this be done and over with, no?

  I hate fighting with Tristan, makes it feel like a part of me is missing! Swallowing deeply, I began my apology. "I'm sorry for being such an inconsiderate bitch. There's a lot I need to work on first and foremost being respecting you as my mate and my Alpha." My words got caught up in my throat as I took a deep breath in to fight back the tears. I love him so damn much it hurts if that's even possible.

  Never again will I do anything to jeopardize the well being of our relationship. "So we agree to not disagree anymore? No more jealousy on my part and no more making me jealous on yours?" Tristan asked in a playful tone.

  "Yes." I answered throwing my arms around his neck. "I love you." I uttered into the crook of his neck as my body shook overcome with emotions. Never wanting the thought of not being Tristan's mate to ever come up in conversation again.

  "I love you too Lise. You belong to me and me only." Tristan all but growled as he lifted me onto the counter and our lips collided together sealing our agreement to stop fighting over dumb things. It was time for us to get our priorities straight and grow up. To focus on being the best Luna and Alpha we could.