Read Evreux Page 1

  Book Title: Evreux

  By: Andy Quesada





  Andy Quesada

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  Copyright © 2012 by Andy Quesada

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  Part: 1


  The world had changed the development of an outer space satellite station which gathered energy to power appliances and so forth all across the world. It was a time of change where countries had made peace treaties and every continent had its own solar power satellite to provide its own people with energy. Surely everything was going good until an army corporation made the grave error of experimenting on humans and enhancing their performance and the field of science in genetics became tainted with dark arts. It was a new age, and with it a new language was forged to make countries connect with one another easier and this language was named Evereux the tongue of networks. It was a day in summer school for Ryu Palace when he nearly gets ambushed by six opponents .He dodges a fist being launched at him from his left. Then one from his right, he is backed against a corner surrounded by six shady guys. One about six feet tall with blonde hair, three are five’ three with jet black hair and the others two are five seven with silver hair at shoulder’s length. These guys were skinny yet muscular, but Ryu is five three with jet black hair, red eyes and you can tell, it’ll take all six of them to get him down. Ryu is fifth-teen years old and in huge trouble since he messed around with Alexis, Kiter’s girlfriend. Kiter sent these six to solve the problem since he found out what was going on. Ryu finds himself out numbered; The Falls Senior High School is not your regular high school. This high school hovers over the city of Melaz. Ryu tells the guys “I have to warn you I was a white-belt in karate”, meanwhile he puts his left foot against the wall and pushes himself forward, flying to the silver haired one closes to him, in a split second shifts his weight to the right smashing the blonds’ chin with his elbow. Ryu quickly jumps back before the two silver heads can hit him. Five are now standing and furious for what he has done , a shadow moves in back of the two silver heads and knocks them out from behind; Ryu takes advantage of this, and jabs the last two on the stomach knocking the wind out of both. One being left and at a disadvantage he sees Ryu’s smirk across his face, pleads for forgiveness and runs away. “You are lucky I was around, Ryu or else you would have been a pile of rubble”, screams Cross a fifth-teen year old replica of Ryu only two inches taller and has blue eyes. “Those guys were going to get it, why the hell did you get in my way, I had it all taken cared of until you showed up” replies Ryu in a harsh tone, “Oh! Come on, shut up and tell me how you got into this” says Cross slapping Ryu across the back. Both head to the main entrance of the school to catch the elevator, meanwhile Ryu goes over all the details with Cross. “You need to watch out I heard Kiter belongs to something big in this school but we freshmen’s are not represented by them nor have any representation. Well you should take my advice of settling down with one chick instead of going around stealing them, look at me and Elizabeth.” “Grow up I’m Fifth-teen, I’m good at what I do, anyways this is the third time this happens, I bet he gave up” announces Ryu leaving Cross to dwindle upon what he had just said. Ryu and Cross go their separate ways; now that he is going south on Adira Avenue is spotted by a hover car that is trailing slowly behind him. The car rapidly accelerates, Ryu in a daze realizes too late and semi-jumps, but he is to slow and the hover car nails him on the back, leaving him in a zest pool of blood. Lights flash in his face, doctors performing a surgery on Ryu’s spinal cord; he shacks and shrivels up like a prune. A terrifying squeal of agony escapes his throat, and he falls back to sleep. A hazy figure appears before Ryu, “Baby are you okay? We’ve been so worried; you have been out for two days and were shacking”, utters his mother a black hair woman in her late forties, that appears to be twenty-five. Ryu gets out of bed, with a drunken move almost falls, but feels the cold hospital air brush up against his skin. Ryu feels out of his own skin as if everything around him is moving slow and he has no control over it all. “What have they done to me?” asks Ryu to his mother. “Honey they found you in the sidewalk dripping blood from your hands and back, a policeman patrolling the area found you” replies his mother hugging Ryu nearly squeezing him to death, while she let it all sink into his mind, she continues “They rushed you here to St. David hospital, they had to inject your spin with the anti-paralysis cure, or else you wouldn’t be able to walk or even move. Thank goodness we’re in the year 2087 and our technology is more advance than when I was a little girl.”


  “Ryu please report to room three, zero, five. Ryu please report to room three, zero, five” voiced the loudspeaker in Ryu’s fifth period class, luckily for him it was World History class he was getting out of. Ryu gets up lazily and heads towards the hall making a left to go to the room he was instructed to go. He begins to feels the unease caused by the hallway since it leads to only one room, and was it were things happen. The creepy, poor laminated hallway starts to make sweat run down Ryu’s palm especially once he is closer to the door. He gently turns the knob to walk into a room full of color; pictures of past elites in gold frames flood the room, a nice touch to the room’s actual red color. Zeida Rodriguez sitting in the middle of this room with hazel eyes and just seventeen years old looks up at Ryu content. She is five-nine; quiet a big girl you can say, motions to Ryu to have a seat. The creepy hallway still fresh in his mind, reminds him of a horror movie he saw once , but even more freighting was how it transformed into this picture filled room with a lavender desk and different shapes of cushion seats. It could be said that Zeida had done the decorating, since she had dyed her hair lavender with the tips red. “Ryu, you may go in now, they’re waiting for you”, said Zeida with a soft wink, taking the order Ryu heads towards the door besides her. “Good you’re here! Now we can get this show on the road” announces Roy Damoz an eighteen year old, with white hair and black eyes. Roy overlapping his subordinates at six three, sort of seemed as a skyscraper over the other two.” This is Pilot Quesada” says Roy as he points to a seventeen year old, skinny blonde and green eyes kid. “You’ve already met Kiter Williams” has he eyes Kiter, a six-teen year old blonde with pitched black eyes, five-seven and has a great dislike on his face for being in a room with Ryu. These three stood in back of a black wooden desk in a royal red room. They were the so called Elites that controlled the school, now Ryu was really feeling the cold creeping up his spine and sending a chill up into his skull. Roy sat down and Ryu noticed how the others follow, “Well I will not detain you from your education anymore, let me cut through the chase” stated Roy, putting his hands together over his desk, “We know everything. Pilot and I are embarrassed by Kiter’s actions, since he acted without our consent. Kiter, as you see has quiet a temper, even if in the past we have warned him.” Kiter gets up furious “This is bullshit, why must we apologize to a freshman” saying the last word has if it was a burden to carry the freshman class in his mind "They’re a bunch of pests in this school that know nothing, they can’t be allowed to enter into any of our events”, shouts Kiter across the room has he slams his fists on the table knocking down a picture of Roy and an older light brown haired man with red eyes. Roy says in a soft tone has if he was talking to a young
boy “Listen you, I’m the top dog for now, I really don’t need your troublesome attitude in our ranking, yet alone in my office“. Directing his attention back towards Ryu, Roy begins to speak once more, as if nothing can upset him “Now, where was I? Listen, Ryu we Elites are the top ranked fighters of our class, as you can see the freshmen class doesn’t have one. We’ve been considering that for a while, but more importantly on behave of the entire Elite body we thought you were qualified for the job since you and your buddy beat Kiter’s rank 6 fighters. Out of 7 ranks of course, his 7th rank being his squad that is. But what do you say?’ shouts Roy to Ryu, rather happy than concerned by his subordinates reaction. Kiter slowly gets up glares at Ryu; near the door he grabs a yellow elite jacket with a gryphon emblem on the chest and leaves. “Man you really know how to get the best out of him ,” barks Pilot with his face unchanged since Ryu stepped in. “Well I had enough of this; you know we think alike and you still bother to get me into this boring meeting. Christine gets mad at me for skipping classes, already as it is. Plus now she is scared about my position next year. Later bud!” as Pilot walks out he grabs his red jacket with a phoenix on its chest. “Hmmm…..I guess I should be leaving to?” questions Ryu afraid of the decision placed in front of him. ”Well, tomorrow I want you here first thing in the morning, you’ll give me an answer” announces Roy. Ryu gets up and walks out of the room. “Well, see you tomorrow Ryu, hope Roy didn’t give you too much to think about” shouts Zeida as Ryu exits the room. Ryu goes to his sixth period class practically in a trance; he stumbles into an open locker door but continues to walk to his class. So he began to think about how he would be in charge of the freshmen class and if he ranked high again for the next years to come, he might be able to have Roy’s position. His thoughts raced, as he walks into his Earth Space Science class Cross startled him with a yell from across the room “Hey! Man so you’re going to tell me what has mighty Ryu confused all about a sudden.” Ryu looks at him as if not believing in reality yet and says “Just sit down and I’ll tell you everything, I don’t like to make a big commotion over things and you know it.” Ryu speaks nearly whispering “They want to make me the Freshmen Elite.” “What!!!! Let me get this straight, you get naughty with an Elite’s girlfriend and they want you to represent us the freshmen. Most of all, haven’t you heard of the tournament they have to go through every six months? There’s going to be big fuzz about this all around and the whole school might get up on that arena and challenge you. Ryu honey please tell me I’m dreaming” replies Cross to Ryu’s statement. “Well you see Cross I don’t really know but I don’t want the job. It entitles you to do too much work. So don’t worry about it, that job is pointless for me” exclaims Ryu at his bewildered friend. They walk out of the class at two, thirty minutes before the bell .Mr. Azar walks five seconds behind and shout “Hey! You two at least have the decency of turning in your work,” Ryu and Cross look at one another, their eyes meet but they have a blank stare, since they don’t do any work in class. Ryu shouts back “Don’t worry about it; we’ll turn it tomorrow we just want to work a bit more at home. That’s all.” Mr. Azar please by Ryu’s statement returns to his class. Heading to the elevator they’re stopped by a skinny tan kid who appeared to be Ryu’s height and silver hair can be said to stand out among the three ,his blue eyes seems to suck the heat from the place. “You must be Ryu, the so-called new freshmen elite” says the stranger moving forward. “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Dayan Rinehart, I too am a freshmen. I thought about getting a piece of the new elite before the tournaments came in, so here I am. My you look wimpy” smiles Dayan, his eyes clashing with Ryu’s. Ryu laughs and cracks a smile; cheerfully he says “Give me a break kid! You look like a werewolf with that silver mane running down your back. For your information I’m no elite, but I will accept your challenge”. Ryu goes into Tai Chi stance, as his breath slows down, he stretches out his lower body, then his upper body. Dayan just stands there in front of Ryu with his fist clenched by his side, without a word he moves rapidly towards Ryu aiming with his two front knuckles at his head. Ryu realizes too late and is struck by Dayan, as he stumbles he seems to be in shock by Dayan’s speed and force, but he shakes it off and attacks Dayan. Ryu unleashes multiple kicks at Dayan keeping him at bay, has a second passes of this Ryu takes control of the fight and switches his left kick for a right jab and slams an elbow into Dayan’s nose. Dayan now bleeding from his nose seems to release a smile and says “Wow! It’s been a while since someone has gotten to me like you just did. Well that’s enough for today; I guess I’ll see you around.” “Wait, what? That’s it you’re going to leave in the middle of the fight just like that? You had no right in calling me a wimp in the first place then” Ryu shouts angrily at Dayan, as his new friend walks away. “Can you believe the nerve of that guy?” Ryu asks Cross, they

  start to descend to the city when Cross opens his mouth as if to catch a fly but stays in deep thought, Ryu seems bewildered as he has never seen his friend think so hard, decides to hurl him into a poll that had the avenues written on it. “Hey!! Why the hell did you do that for you idiot?” screams Cross at Ryu “ For your information we have to train hard for those Tournaments and you can’t be saying you’re a white belt and make it sound like if you’re a novice since you are considered an Elite . You as usual get in trouble and this one is so big you can’t say you’re so weak you can’t defeat any of your classmates” shouts Cross to Ryu as he realizes also that since he is Ryu’s friend he might be targeted as well and lets out a hard drawn sigh. “Holy crap! If what you said is true then I won’t be able to slack of as much and from now until the Tournaments everyone is going to want a piece of me! Man you see why I don’t want the job. Like I said before, it’s too much work” announced Ryu as they made a left on Adira Ave. towards three-thirty-three St. Ryu gazes at the sky as the two walk silently, Ryu appears to be in deep thought along with Cross about being an elite even though he would not admit it to anyone. “Sweet! We are here! I love coming here to Baisho” screams Cross as he runs towards the door has if to caress it. “You always think with your stomach Cross” remarks Ryu as his own stomach begins to growl “Would you look at that am hungry too” mentioned Ryu with a smirk Cross pushes the white doors as if to own the place when the smell of hamburgers , fries ,salad, fish hits his face . Baisho was a doomed building with a bartender serving singles in the middle, next to the bar was a dance floor on one side and a ring on the other. The seats in Baisho were set to outline the room so that you can view anything going on in the arena or dance floor. Ryu and Cross take seats westward of the center of the place when a kid with blue hair to ears length and brown eyes 5’7 stir Ryu by the shoulder “Yo! Mind if I join you fellas I can give you some information about the tournament” mentions the stranger, as Cross and Ryu make side glances at one another. “Sure! What’s your name kid?” asks Cross, “Well the names Ray Triba. I’m 15 years old, and I came to inform you, Ryu Palace, about the Tournament.”

  Startled by the revelation, Ryu looks at Ray with a crazed eye, but he responds “Why don’t you have a seat? You see we’re new to this system since we transferred from our middle school into the high school, as you can see we need a high school that can teach us what we want and how to control this strength we have that is beyond normal.” “Well I hope you fellas have time because it’s very lengthy” says Ray as he gracefully combs back his hair, “Well for starters there are only one on one fights. Who ever win is Elite. Elites get challenged at the end for their title if no challenges their term continues. Elites can be challenged to private duels if they accept. No hitting below the belt and if you step outside the ring you lose. The ring is square about 57 feet long and 80 feet wide so you won’t step out that easy” announces Ray with another graceful gesture “Oh! One more thing Elites have their own personal squad which consists of four of the Elites most trusted and topped ranked fighters and of course it’s in May just 2 months away” tells Ray to Ryu an
d Cross. “So that’s it huh? I thought it would be something more complicated really, but that part of picking four is really tricky Ryu honey” mentioned Cross as the waitress brings him their usual round.


  “What the hell is that terrible buzzing, I warned Cross about detaining us in Baisho. How can he eat so much and then wake up early the next day?” groans Ryu as he knocks the alarm clock over. Today is a big day and everyone around feels it even Ryu’s mom is humming in the kitchen making breakfast. Ryu gets dressed and heads towards the kitchen, gives his mom a kiss on the cheek and cheerfully seats down. “My! Aren’t you joyful today? Why don’t you comb that hair for once?” mentions Ryu’s mother as she serves him pancakes. Ryu waffles the pancakes down and heads towards the door, “Later mom!” screams Ryu as he fades from sight. Ryu arrives to school late to his first period class , which is the school’s dojo for students that want to improve or train their fighting skills .Ryu takes off his shoes as he gets ready to bow , his sensei signals him to come quickly towards him . “What’s the problem old man?” questions Ryu to Master Veguer a bald old man 5’3 with crystal blue eyes, at the age of 67 but holds a posture as if he were 40. “Listen you idiot! You were called upon by the Elites; I don’t know what they want with you since you lack a great deal of skills. Now get on with it and don’t dirty my floor” tells Master Veguer as he turns and leaves Ryu to his own thoughts. Ryu on the west wing of the school cuts quickly through and dashes towards the center wing reaching the corridor were room three zero five was. A loud noise alerts Ryu of trouble as he approaches the door knob. Out of the entry walked out a black hair kid with white eyes, at a height of 4’9 feet he seemed like a pre-schooled .The only weird thing about this kid was his cold, white eyes that seemed to be blind. Ryu entered the room as the stranger passed him by without even a backwards glance. “So you’re here!!! A bit late but you’re here. That guy always gets the best of me though so don’t worry if I seem mad it’s not towards you” said Zeida her pony tail lashing out, she seemed different this time , like if something important was going to happen . Zeida had on formal clothing, this time instead of lavender all around the room her reddish orange dress stood out. Ryu astonished by Zeida’s beauty was trying to figure out how to respond. “Well don’t stand there, with your mouth open staring at me!! Get in there. They are waiting for you” decreed Zeida. Ryu pinched himself once, twice then started towards his destiny. “Well hello” says Roy once Ryu steps in, “I hope you bring me some good news”, Ryu notices a gleam in Roy’s eyes which weren’t there the other day. “Well………Anytime now. Come on don’t be afraid I need to teach you a few things anyways, you also have to learn how to control it” Roy tells Ryu. “I’ve decided I want to become an Elite. I shall train very hard” Ryu whispers. Roy turns his back on him and starts to search for something in a box in back of his table. Ryu unsure of himself repeats it all again but this time a bit more confident. “Yeah I heard you. Boy am I glad” mentions Roy with a chuckle as he throws an orange jacket towards Ryu. Ryu catches the jacket and exams it with a critical eye, his fingers rub against the cloth of the jacket. He begins to search for an emblem when he finds it moments later appears the image of, Zepar a soldier dressed in red armor. Ryu mesmerized, letting go of a broad smile looks at Roy who is studying his every move. “Ok! Listen what am going to tell you next. It is classified information released only to those from 10th grade and on. About thirty years ago there was an explosion, which you should know, about that changed mankind forever.” “Of course I know of this my father was the lead scientist but he died in it when my mother was pregnant” mentions Ryu staring at Roy.