Read Evreux Page 2

  Ryu has a sit while Roy begins to walk around the room, “Yes we all know about this but the other side to it is something that I have spoken to various people and they agreed that the earlier the next generation learns about it the better. Mothers and fathers won’t have to hide the secret any longer” Roy now standing still tells Ryu ,“Those scientists changed the face of mankind for ever because they gave us, their children a power that is awaken at your age Ryu, but few are aware of it until their 10th grade. Some don’t ever figure the power out or yet alone can use it. The people who can’t use it are called Kenton; those that acquire and can use it are called Flux. The power is called Armorth can be used for various things. In a way it looks like an armor that enhances peoples’ performance, of course the stronger the person the better you are enhance. Armorth is like a form of energy so if you are weak you can collapse or worst end up in the hospital.” Ryu baffled by all this explanation begins to speak “So wait your telling me all our parents/neighbors/families/grandparent/everyone beyond the age of 16 knows about this and the next generation following mind does not?”, “Well you see by the time you graduate kids in 5th grade will get a lecture on it and in 6th they’ll be taught how to use it. It's like I mentioned earlier I’ve spoken to government officials about this little project of mine, I might also have to stay here as guidance for Pilot’s generation although I won’t be needed since Pilot and I are almost equally matched in knowledge and skills” says Roy having a seat “Now for the other part you are an Elite now. You will have to fight in the Tournament and beat everyone for their respect and of course for your ranking. If you can provide me with at least four fighters that will be in your squad I’d be grateful.” Roy now looks at Ryu with a smile since Ryu as a cold sweat trickling down his neck, “Well I know one for sure is Cross the other is Dayan. Hmm I’d have to go with Ray and Randy Sotolongo as the other two. The last three I don’t really know but I see they are loyal.”. “ I’ll have them come into my office and I’ll give them the same explanation I gave you. Maybe in a week from now the entire 9th grade body will know of Armorth.” “Well I better go then”, mentions Ryu while getting up and puts his jacket on. Ryu now is standing up as if to be a scourge walks out of the office, Roy wave’s farewell as Ryu exits the room. “Glad to have you as an Elite. Your teachers were informed about you being a bit tardy to their class, so don’t worry” yelps Zeida from her desk as Ryu waved farewell to her as well.


  Ryu walking proud with his jacket on goes to his World History class and gives the tardy pass to his teacher. While taking a seat at the rear of the classroom he notices a 5’5, 15 year old black hair, with a well defined body. The kid seemed to be transferred into his class, while looking at him he notices that yeah he must have been transferred since Ryu had seen him around the school. “Hey bud! What’s your name?” asks Ryu to the stranger, and as if he had read the guy’s mind the kid responded “The name’s Randy Sotolongo, who are you?”, “Well my name is Ryu Palace, I’ve heard about you around the school, you’re supposed to be a decent guy with a lot of talent for fighting” responded Ryu. “Keep it quiet boys or you’ll get to stay after school doing extra-training with the senior class” indicates Mr. Pearl. “Well yeah you’ve heard correctly but yet again not everyone in our grade is that strong. I also noticed you were an Elite, which is new because our class has never had one, congrats on making that title. I’ve heard rumors about this being done never thought I’d see it but whatever I don’t really care about Elites, just here to improve,” mentions Randy to Ryu starting the class work and forget about the awkward conversation. The bell rings and Ryu and Randy are the last to leave the class, “Hey, I hope you sign up for the tournament then man, see ya around I guess” tells Ryu to Randy and heads towards his last class of the day. Ryu meet Cross out in front of their 6th period classroom and give each other an inhumane look, like two sides of the same coin, but what was weird about this look was the barrier growing between them. “Hey man you dig the jacket?” asked Ryu to Cross smiling, trying to shake of the awkward moment in between them. “Yeah it looks nice but, what do you think? Should we just skip this class and go eat?” responded Cross getting used to the new side of his friend. Has the bell rang Ryu and Cross were push to separate sides by a wide crowd of students trying to get into the class . “I challenge the both of you” voiced an unseen shadow from across the hall. The mysterious stranger that had passed by Ryu in the Elite’s office was calling out to them. “Hey! Did you two hear me? And to make it fair I have my brother here to help me since you have your bud , with ya” as the stranger said this another 4’9 feet kid with green eyes and blonde hair appeared next to him as if he had come from the shadows . Suddenly this kid looked like the alive twin. “Prepare your-selves!” they screamed as they rushed Ryu and Cross at the same time. They came swooping in from behind in an instant , soon enough it appeared to Ryu and Cross that these two where moving so fast their eyes couldn’t keep up with the strangers movements . As 30 minutes passed a watch alarm began to ring and time appeared to have stopped. “Hey wake the hell up!” shouted a gruesome voice to Ryu. Ryu in a trance stood up from the ground everything began to gain color. Suddenly there was a weird figure standing in front of him with an angel’s face ,the stranger stepped forward, it became cleared he wasn’t. The figured tossed aside his red cloak to reveal an armor made of plate in white with a blood red outline to match his cloak. “How are you feeling, young one? It appears that those strange kids used their guardians to blind you and your friend. It’s an awful trick to use on someone like you that has no way of noticing when his opponent is using Armorth, especially after they masked it that well. I believe those two are of the senior class” explained the weird half angel almost demon type of figure. Ryu regaining strength and control over his voice mouthed “Who or what are you? And how do you know all these things?” “Well you see Ryu my name is Zepar am the picture that you have on your jacket. If you didn’t know that picture wasn’t there before, it only appeared once you grabbed it. But most of all I’m your guardian, you can channel Armorth due to me” responded Zepar as he got closer to Ryu “This place is my domain and for starters you should feel lucky that those two boys attacked you, if not you might of never met me, for it was your darkest and most hopeless hour that brought you here to learn and bond with me” Zepar now standing in front of Ryu now, takes a seat. Zepar’s realm was like a dessert except the sand was white and there was a sun in the sky except it didn’t shine instead it looked like a black hole, you can see some trees in the distance but they had no leaves. It was weird, it almost made you feel empty since there was no sign of any living thing in here, how can he live here Ryu wondered. Zepar looked like a human with flawless skin and a golden circle surrounding his crimson eyes. Port still analyzing all this took a step back and recalibrated his next choice of words “Well then ……Zepar……Tell me. How does all this work? Have you always been with me? Can you sort of explain everything to me, am kind of freaked out now:” Zepar knowing that this was going to take a while he demonstrated a devilish grin; he passed his hand by his chin enjoying its smooth skin “Well you see …..?I’ve been with you since you were born Ryu and have guided many of your punches, but like many young kids, you never noticed. Now you must learn how to draw upon my power at my convenience.” Time passed by for what seemed like hours, maybe even days Zepar so far answered all of Ryu’s questions and says “Now it is time for you to leave my realm and return to your own. Remember that only you have the power to use my Armorth. Good-bye” he disappeared and a blinding light took over as Ryu had an outer body experience. “Yo wake up, those guys got us good!” screamed Cross into Ryu’s ear while shaking him. “We’ve been out for 30 minutes now” Cross informed Ryu. Ryu began to open his eyes and directly in front of him stood Zepar on his jacket. Now that they had met Port jumped up at noticing this and looked at Cross, with his hand covering his eyes trying to block the light. Ryu re-adjuste
d to the hallway and looked at his watch; it was 30 minutes exactly after the bell and he felt like his conversation with his guardian had been a dream. The two boys had woken up and now were standing side by side “Yo am going to go home, I can’t believe all the stuff that has been happening” said Ryu to Cross in a hoarse voice. Ryu dashed out of the hallway faster than what Cross could respond and ran all the way home without being worried about anything else.

  * * * * * *

  Roy gets in front of Ryu a few blocks before his house. “Did you meet him?” he asks Ryu. “Meet who?”, “Come on you don’t have to hide it from me. Anyways come along we have training to start on,” Roy alerts Ryu.


  Ryu has been training with Roy now for a week and finally got the hang of his Armorth and how to use it. It is a Monday and he steps into his 1st period class with a hardened look on his face. He changes into his work-out attire, begins to stretch in silence as everyone stares at him, since strange things were happening. Something seemed different about him; something had changed in just one week, his eyes where less dreamy now. He seemed as if to man up to his real rank and everyone noticed, like if he had dyed his hair or gotten an awkward hairstyle. “I challenge you!” said Richard a 5’8 kid with his long hair tied back into a pony tail; he was known for his old fashion Japanese martial arts. Ryu still stretching and stumping his feet on the hard wooden floor of the dojo didn’t pay attention to Richard, he just walked over to a punching bag and began to slam hit with soft kicks and punches as if to shake the cold of his joints . It was a chilly morning but it always started like this in the spring. “Hey you idiot am challenging you to a duel .Do you accept or not?” asked Richard now even more annoyed, “Fine! If it’s what you really want to do on a Monday morning. Mind re-scheduling for tomorrow maybe?” responded Ryu letting his old-self settle in. “Are you serious?” asked Richard , “Yes, but if it pleases you we can start now , that am ready to train” answered Ryu as he moved to the center of the ring . Richard followed and bowed to Ryu but took up his stance as quickly as possible as if afraid to be caught off guard by the Elite. Everyone was watching and waiting to see what would happen next, the clock ticked and seconds passed along like hours. The clocks giant hand struck the seven and Richard flew towards Ryu with a lighting fast kick, once he connected his kick he back stepped to go in with another blow from his left foot. Ryu was hit twice now and Richard was charging him again and everyone saw that Ryu had not moved an inch. Richard threw a jab, landing it on his belly; still Ryu had not flinched or changed his face. The entire class was stunned by all that was going on now, their new 9th grade Elite was being beaten by a rank 4 from the 7 ranks of fighters that attended the school. Ryu grinned now but the letter Z escaped his mouth within seconds Richard was unconscious on the ground. The crowed was stunned with bleak eyes trying to find out what had happened, how can a person mutter a single letter and have his opponent on the ground like that, they all feared to even direct a word to each other. Yes the entire 9th grade class had attended a reunion last Friday held by Roy the senior Elite and were informed about Armorth and Kentons and Flux. Those three words echoed in their minds as if they were all synchronized, everyone was wondering if this was the power that was explained to them by Roy. “Yes! This is Armorth. If you didn’t notice I did move and blocked all of Richard’s hits” spoke Ryu, and then he added “I was told of this by Roy just like all of you, with the only exception that I’m an Elite. I’ve been missing for a week now, that’s because in my last duel, on which I got beat up like a plum” he smiles “Inside me awakened something that all of you might have and I wish you the best of luck if you want to compete in the tournament,” the crowd still amazed, listening to Ryu’s every word with their mouth’s half wide open. What would of seem to take minutes had taken seconds , Ryu wiped two beads of sweat from his brow and began to walk towards the sand bags again. The crowd began to form groups and began training as if Ryu’s effect had worn off when he stepped out of the center. An hour passed and Ryu was drenched in sweat from hitting the sand bag at a slow pace, all his movements were now precise and orderly hitting the right spots. He walked into the locker to take a shower and change but was stopped at the entrance by Cross. There was time to talk they had two more hours before they had to go to class. “So? You’re going to tell me what you’ve been up to for the past week?” asked Cross as he stood between the locker entrance and Ryu. “Well you see if you let me take a bath I can get back to you on that. I have never seen anyway who is resilient to my strong manly odor” announced Ryu with a smirk, Cross let him passed by. Now in the shower Ryu began to talk “You see once I got home the day on which we got our butts handed to us by those little gremlins. Roy contacted me to go to a dojo by the night with a bag full of cloth to train for a week. I followed his instructions and followed him to it. The site was old and in the center of the city, I would of had never imagined such a place. Well to wrap it all up I had to train rigorously where I believed I was going to die. Then it happened, as Roy was taking me to my limits I tapped into my Armorth and tugged at the power for a minute or so. It was wonderful I could actually see Roy’s movements and almost keep up with him after,” Ryu now finishing his shower went to put his school uniform back on followed by his jacket, “You see that happened on the third day of training and boy was I scared after a while. But then I learned what I was looking for and tapped into Armorth again and was covered with a white armor with red outlining , a red cape at my back and my eyes had gone black , although my hair didn’t change . It was amazing I can’t describe it man” Ryu was smiling from his accomplishment but Cross wasn’t too thrilled or interested. Something was growing in between them and neither would talk about it, they just acted as if nothing had changed. “Well man that’s all that happened now I can control my power and use it at my will, even mask it for just a few seconds like those punks that hit us, they did it so well we thought they were average fighters,” concluded Ryu, “Well while you were being trained by Roy, your squad was being informed and trained by Pilot.” Ryu was stunned by the sudden revelation “I tell ya it wasn’t easy, one of us got the hang of it on the 2nd day but we’re not allowed to talk about it or comment on who might be the strongest. Well we’re all strong just some growing faster than the others. I gatta hand it to ya though. Thanks to you the four you recommended to be in your squad awoke their Armorth and we all thought we were going to die as well,” summarized Cross as he sat on a bench near the class exit. “I tell you something, bud. This Armorth thing is kind of scary sometimes I wonder if I’m even controlling my guardian .It’s the other way around and it’s only been a week since I uncovered mine” Ryu tells Cross joining him on the bench. Ryu begins to wonder now which of the four from his squad tapped into Armorth even before him. Both Elite and subordinate sit side by side not making a single move nor directing a word to each other, they just sat and watched the lower ranks train.


  Time passed by now and its two weeks before the tournament and everyone is psyched about it. Ryu, along with his squad members have been very busy, training with one another growing close and creating bonds. There was a criminal on the loose, the news had said, he had escaped from Sisura a heavily guarded prison in Alaska where those who used Armorth for evil doing were kept. The criminal’s name was Serot, no one knew where he had originated from or how he became so powerful but this six foot man with light brown hair and red eyes was looking for something. Ryu had heard about this crazed, blood thirsty psychopath for a week now and he wasn’t so thrilled of the idea. He then began to wonder how many schools like his were out there. How many Armorth users were in the entire planet, because surely the new fifty Armorth wielders along with the 10th, 11th, 12th users weren’t the only ones. Suddenly Roy’s words hit him like a hazy flashback “….I have spoken to various people and they agreed that the earlier the next generation learns about it the better. Mothers and fathers won’t have to hide the secret any long
er…,” then it all fades once Alexis comes into view. “Hey! How’s it going?” says Ryu as he gets closer to her he notices something that is tugging at her face. “Listen, am sorry about what I got you into a while back and I’m even more sorry now is when I tell you. I’ve been busy training for the tournament,” announces Alexis, suddenly remembering her friend she presents , which she presents a moment later, “This is Xinaly,” introducing the golden hair girl with blue eyes next to her standing at her shoulder’s length. “So are you still with….?”Asks Ryu shyly and embarrassed by the only thing running through his mind, “No, I broke up with him after I heard what happened. He disgusts me , what he did is unforgettable” responds Alexis with a smile now on her face as if she read Ryu’s intended actions. “I challenge you Alexis to a duel” screamed from the middle of the hallway a green hair girl about 5’7 tall and blue eyes. This girl stood out like a sore thumb due to her hair, more importantly was the professional men’s boxing belt hanging from her shoulder. It was clear that she was not an easy challenge and was insanely mad about something. “Well did you hear me? You said anytime after school, and guess what its after school,” then Alexis responded “Alright Jackie you got me, but let’s do it at Bashido’s at least there we can fight in a ring.” Even more amazing was how nice and calm the four of them walked to Bashido since Alexis and Jackie weren’t going to fight for another half block nobody showed any sign of inconvenience. Minutes after arriving Ryu had to ask “are you seriously going to fight? You don’t look like a fighter to me” but as Alexis turned around and gave him a grim look he sank into a nearby chair. Both girls now on the ring staring fiercely into one another’s eyes took their stands , moments later a clash of fists was heard throughout the entire room. Kicks were tossed at each others’ neck, while punches where aimed to one another’s chin, it went on for a full ten minutes and neither one of the two girls looked tier. Their fighting was like a dance between the two, everything perfectly executed and Ryu dazed at the show. “Well, well I’ve seen you’ve gotten a bit better Jackie. Let’s end this please I have sort of a date coming up” Alexis shouted in the middle of the room has she winking at Ryu , “Fine I’ll power up if you do it as well , next three hits wins” said Jackie and for what it seemed Alexis had accepted the terms . Then it began, Jackie turned black with a sun imprinted on her skull, and Alexis stayed in her same form except her hair color is now black. Jackie is moving at a hyper-speed since it appears instead of a defensive Armorth she has an offensive one just like Alexis. “Emerald-burst” yells Jackie charging Alexis with glowing green fists. Alexis now glowing in yellow and dodges the move by inches and let’s go of a small red ball into Jackie’s back. The fight was over; Jackie was on the ground picking her-self up grunting at the pain inflicted on her by Alexis’ tiny attack. Ryu both wondering and amazed at what happened, he came into terms with his first Armorth duel. “Do you mind?” asks Alexis has she motioning to Ryu to help her get down the stage. Everyone cheered at Alexis’ strength, but weren’t very pleased that she was hanging out with the new Elite. “Ummm…Sure why not” says Ryu rushing towards Alexis blushing at the sight of her smile. Alexis and Ryu waved farewell to her everyone and walk out of Bashido without speaking a word the two didn’t know how to start a conversation after the events. Trying to break the ice Ryu asked Alexis “So you have a date to get back to?” he smiled at her indicating he caught the statement between her and Jackie, “Yeah? We have a lot of catching up to do, you honestly think I only wanted to make Kiter mad?” blurts out Alexis. Now being a few blocks away from Bashido and Ryu getting used to Alexis’ cheery personality he makes a stop, “Well I go this way” uncertain of how she is going to reply he begins to speak again “I can...”, “I thought you’d never ask” mentions Alexis cutting Ryu of, “My house is this way follow me,” Alexis now grabbing Ryu’s hand takes him towards a tree across the sidewalk they were previously walking on. Ryu in a trance by the soft, warm touch of Alexis’ skin on his hand nearly drools, especially when she stops right away without any indications and a wisp of her perfume baffles his entire nose. The sweet strawberries scent nearly knocks Ryu of his feet and into heaven, “You see this tree right here?” asks Alexis in a soft tone, “I’ve climbed this tree since I was a little girl. Over there is my house” Alexis points towards a big white house with a picket fence. Ryu notices that Alexis is gone and begins to look around, then follows the strawberry scent up the tree seeing part of Alexis’ underwear, he grins and drools a bit, “Hey! Come up” says Alexis indicating to Ryu the right path to get where she is. Once Ryu grabs the last branch, meanwhile a short pain begins to run through his arms, he has to hurls himself over the final branch to have a seat next to Alexis when she makes a forward motion. The stars are coming out now and the moon’s light is hitting the try, as Alexis presses her warm lips into Ryu’s, he begins to feel woozy like the last time they had kissed. Ryu is trying to figure out how this normal day led all the way up to this perfect moment, but his right foot begins to slip without him noticing and the lovely moment begins to change. All at once he shifts his weight on his left foot but has already lost some of his balance; about to fall something grabs him “Silly!” responds Alexis to his bewildered look. She gets him back on her branch and waits for him to get comfortable. The two being hit by the light of the moon look into each others eyes and kiss once more. “Well, I gotta go now, thanks for walking me home and everything else,” says Alexis to Ryu in a flirty tone descending, “No, thank you for a wonderful evening. I guess I’ll see ya around?” “You better,” Alexis reply’s to Ryu.