Read Evreux Page 5

  Too curious to find out where this new entrance leads he leaves his stuff behind by the lake bed, the walls are made out of concrete and there are lamps on the ceiling, the place looks modern, but the scary modern type you wouldn’t expect to find inside a big scary cave. “Jackpot!” he exclaims at the sight of what he is looking for , in the middle of the room Randy walks into is a map and on top of it is a one-third of a sphere .He goes and grabs the sphere first inspecting it with his eyes first then with his hands, now tier of touching the weird sphere with his hands he goes to grab the map. “Ok….This was ….Easy,” he tells himself while opening the map. Once the map is open he notices it’s in Egypt in a village called Luxor, where Ryu, Cross, and him have to enter another cave and retrieve another third of the sphere just like this one. “Not so fast kid! I’ll be taking that” calls out a voice from behind him, Randy turns around and finds himself looking into the face of a ninja, the guy had a katana on his back and in a black uniform with a giant red K on it. From what Randy could tell his visor was a scanner of some sort and the rest of his face was wrapped. Where did this ninja come from, had Randy confused, and who was this guy working for? “Well am from Roleb team kid, a Kenton. I need for you to behave well and give me the third of the sphere and most importantly the map,” shouts the stranger, “Oh yeah! Come and get it punk,” Randy responds.


  “Hello! Randy! Can you hear me?” shouts Ryu into his precise but all he receives is static. “O well, I just hope he is having better luck than me,” Ryu tells himself, as he keeps walking further and further in. The glow stick held high, he looks back and can see only darkness; he looks ahead and finds the same. Ryu gets a bright idea of tossing the glow stick like he did before to see the end of the tunnel. “Z” he whispers in the darkness and out goes the glow stick like a missile speeding towards it destination. After a few minutes of seeing the glow stick’s faint light keep going he hears a soft thud sound. “Great, that’s like eight minutes of more walking, and that was my last one,” shouts Ryu angrily into the darkness. Figures that he was right eight minutes later he was standing next to the glow stick and what it had hit. “Are you kidding me!” he screams and stomps the floor angrily. Ryu had found his path to be a dead end and now he had to walk all the way back.

  * * * * * * *

  Cross having found his tunnel was a dead end, just like Ryu, was already five steps from where he started. A giant mace with spikes strikes the floor right in front of him, Cross jumps back at the sound. “You are Cross, right?” a voice from up ahead implies, “Well am a ninja of the Roleb team, I’m a Kenton. Don’t think because we can’t use Armorth we’re not dangerous. Please give us the map and you can go free.” “Well unlucky for you, I was looking for a fight and no I don’t have the map,” replies Cross. “Well then I can’t let you join your friends then, now that you know of my whereabouts.” The ninja tosses the mace once again at Cross, only that this time Cross has already popped out his armor and grabs it. Cross now mace in hand attempts to freeze it , but the ninja presses a bottom on the other end and the mace falls to the ground and what used to be a normal mace was now in the form of a whip , being swung in the air at a rapid rate. The whip’s head crashes into the ceiling and chips of it start crashing down on Cross’s head. Cross is hit but manages to dodge the second attack made by the ninja. “That’s a cheap trick,” Cross states, but the ninja responds “If you liked that one you’re going to love this,” the ninja disappears into the darkness. Cross now knowing what to do puts his back against the wall and closes his eyes trying to visualize where is the ninja hiding. “Thousand swords of ice,” screams Cross as the icicles start to fly forward crashing into everything. The cave now full of ice, Cross stares straight ahead of him but detects no movement. He turns around but only in time to have the mace crash into his face and sent him spiraling back. Cross now ticked off and with a bleeding cheek , picks himself up and screams , wiping the blood out of his mouth “His that the best you got?” Cross fills the entire cave up with ice. “I see you gave yourself the home field advantage kid,” voices the ninja from the darkness. Cross lights up a glow-stick and keeps it near himself , the ninja sends the mace after Cross again but having the glow-stick near Cross has a second to react and grabs the chain. “A thousand swords of ice,” screams Cross but he is smarter this time, “That cheap trick again,” responds the ninja to Cross’s attack. Cross holding the whip pulls the ninja towards him, he made his fist into pure ice and slams him once on the left cheek , only to jump up in the air and catch him off-guard once again and freezes his lower body. The ninja un-able to move now Cross smacks him around for a bit shouting “This is for my face you idiot!” Cross gets some rope from his back and ties the ninja up and begins to drag him towards the tunnel entrance but the ninja manages to grab a kunai knife and commits suicide. Cross jumps at the sight and is now sick looking at the guy with a sliced throat. “WHAT THE???!!!!!!”


  “So kid hand over the map and nobody gets hurt,” voices a ninja at Ryu, “Who are you, and do you mind your in my way,” Ryu responds and attempts to pass by but the ninja goes to strike him and but Ryu jumps back. “I am from the Roleb team and a Kenton. Please hand over the map now or I’ll have to fight you,” spoke the ninja trying almost to not fight with Ryu at all. Ryu felt a bit weird since his enemy seems peaceful and by the looks of it, it’s a girl so he just has to ask “Are you a girl by any chance?” “Yes, Ryu I am. Now prepare yourself,” the ninja states almost offended by the question. Kunai knifes begin to be tossed at Ryu but they have a red glowing dot at their ends so Ryu has enough time to dodge them. Dodging the knives, one by one they begin to explode and send Ryu flying forward to the feet of the ninja. “Black-Sun,” Ryu shoots the ninja on her left waist, “Damn it” the ninja screams and tosses the damaged piece of armor to the ground “I have to admit your pretty good,” mentions Ryu to the ninja. Ryu now knowing what to look for tossed his glow stick at the ninja and hides behind a boulder nearby. Unfortunately for Ryu the ninja hides as well and both seem to be lost in the darkness, except you can hear Ryu inhaling and exhaling air and the ninja just figured out where he was. A harsh thud fills the room, the kunai hits the boulder Ryu is in back of, noticing this he jumps aside but is hit by bits of rocks flying out of the explosion. “Great, just great,” mentions Ryu just remembering that Roy never told him that he was going to be harassed by maniacal ninjas with exploding devices. “Black-sun,” he uses it this time to have just a bit of light ahead of him, the ninja jumps out of her hiding spot and charges Ryu. Ryu’s attack now in the shape of a lance , moving towards the ninja in a head on collision , both were tired of playing games it appeared and wanted to get it over with. Ryu’s lance slicing though the air, misses the ninja and she attacks him from behind with what appeared to be a hundred kunai knives. Now Ryu’s attack was taking affect on the ninja’s body, in fact it was so hard, she was on her knees .Ryu fired another attack against the kunai knives and it led to a blinding explosion in the tunnel, and the ceiling began to collapse. He begins to run away in the direction of the cave entrance but looks back every second to

  make sure she isn’t chasing him or that he is not running into a trap.

  * * * * * * *

  "Ah! I see you ran into a bit of trouble yourself,” hollers Cross as he can see Ryu approaching him now. ”Yeah, but let’s discuss it later, Randy isn’t back,” Ryu responds to Cross and both friends begin to run towards Randy, now hoping that he has found something or worse, he has lost against a Kenton.

  * * * * * * *

  “So, you’re a Kenton? A pissed off one to boot,” remarks Randy unleashing his Armorth. The katana wielding ninja now with a hand on his sword ready for anything that’ll come his way. Randy now with orange hair and the helmet of a sphinx, wrapped in cloth and some bits of plated golden armor, can’t forget his black eyes and scimitar. “Sands of time,” he calls out as the place beg
ins to become filled with sand, his sword now glowing he says “Now! Combine with me,” his sword transforms into bracers at his wrist and hands now full of flames. The katana comes at Randy with great speed and he is able to catch it with his palms, holds it tight, thrusting it up. Randy looks up to the flying sword but is hit by the ninja on his stomach, crouching down he gets slammed by the ninjas two hands on his back making him feel the cold wet floor . The ninja jumps in the air reaching for is sword, pushes his body from the ceiling down to stab Randy in the middle of the back, but is too slow and Randy blocks the move with his bracers. “Nice!” mentions the ninja , but evidently notices that was because he had gotten Randy off-guard , Randy charges him with flaming fists only to pass inches of his ribs . He now is tiered and angry from the beating he just took and cries out once more “Sands of time,” to perform his ultimate attack. The ninja takes to the skies to capture a clear view but is no match for Randy’s move he covers his eyes to keep the sand out , only to be strike down by Randy’s flaming fists once , twice and then slammed into the ground . The ninja attempts to get up fast trying to block all attacks from his enemy but yet again is too slow as Randy pops up from behind the sand without being noticed and does two jabs and a quick hook . The ninja unable to take it anymore attempts to concentrate on Randy’s movements and takes a wild stab at the sand nearly hitting Randy but only to get his sword stuck on the wall. “Sand storm” calls Randy from behind and the sand that was blinding the ninja now becomes hard and begins to pierce his skin. Seconds after Ryu and Cross arrive to meet him. “Wow! Seems you took care of him,” mentions Ryu has he takes a look of the ninja , taking a piece of his Roleb team emblem and trying to see if he can find something out from this guy . “Hey guys…..Fiji is out of the question, guess what?” Randy shouts, “We’re going to Hawaii instead right? Please tell me we are” implies Cross, since he can’t take this heat anymore and wants to be home really bad. “Well you’re not that off. The place does have a lot of sand. It’s in Egypt in a village called Luxor.” “Hey guys! Here it says theirs five members in a team, and by the looks of it we each faced one, so that’s three and two are missing,” Ryu remarks in his most serious tone.


  Roy is a bit ticked off since he has had to find the temple of Iris all on his own. He is mad about Serot not listening to him and even more pissed about Pilot giving him his I’m sorry Christine will really get mad at me speech. In green cargo shorts and a green shirt that says I’m with stupid Roy walks through the Amazon jungle now, his boots full of mud. Looking at the map wondering if the last villager he saw told him two hundred miles or was it kilometers.

  * * * * * * *

  “DAMN IT!!!” he screams as he steps on what seemed to be monkey droppings , but it gets much worse as he is walking now stomping the ground with rage , trips over a vine and lands face first in mud. “I hate doing the hard work!” He continues to walk, while cleaning his face with a handkerchief when he reaches the end of the jungle’s floor. Looking to his right side he sees a path going down, now since he is at the jungle’s end he can see down and can make out an ivory temple. “Checkmate!” he screams and begins to descend. He reaches the bottom face to face with the temple. Roy looks around suspicious as if he is being watched but finds no clues or detects anything. He moves cautiously towards the doors and pushes them open, dust in the air so thick it makes him cough, and cover his mouth and eyes. He stands back to get some fresh air then turns on his glow-stick and waltz right into the place. Making sure the place is not bubby trapped he takes every step with care, Roy hears the sound of a rope being snapped and looks down to notice he stepped into a latch on the floor that has triggered something. A rock the size of a meteor comes into view as it is tumbling down from underneath the door at great speed. Roy now tense says to himself, “Just great! Guess the shirt does suit me!” He begins to run but only to step on more traps on the floor and the holes in the walls begin to spit fire scorching his clothing. Now ticked off about his cloth and getting burned a bit and chased by a giant boulder he unleashes his Armorth. His black eyes turn silver as his hair begins to show rays of light blue. On his body a leviathan imprinted on his chest plate armor, covered in a semi-knight sort of thing and with a long sword in hand, he swings at the boulder with great ease slicing through it like a pancake. “That was easy,” he exclaims and begins to walk towards the door at the end of the corridor, opens it wide so that the light from the entrance can make its way inside and lets the dust come out. The room is a shrine for Iris, the goddess of water and beasts. A mermaid herself, her sculpture in the center, with her arms in a v-shape spread out with her palms flat as if to hold something. She had green limestone eyes and her body made of crystal and with something on her belly button. An object that seemed almost foreign, by the looks of it, the object wasn’t made with the statue nor was it part of the goddess. Roy looks to the floor and tosses a pen hard against each tile before moving forward. He gets to the statue and without hesitating grabs the object on her belly button. A kunai strikes above his hand and a voice warns “Don’t touch that or you’ll pay with your life,” “I’m afraid this is the reason why I came here, so I do beg your pardon if you don’t mind stepping aside,” Roy responds. “I am from the Roleb team and my men along with my vice-captain have probably retrieved by now the other thirds of the sphere,” “Oh, really? And do you know what to do with it once you have it? Also, then if you know that then you know that the squad and Elite I sent out are possible candidates. So I wouldn’t take them lightly,” Roy remarks. The ninja shoots another knife at Roy but he is already using his Armorth and blocks it with his hands. The ninja surprised intents to get behind Roy and attack, but Roy is too quick for him and doesn’t let him. “Am sorry, you must not know who I am then? If not I’d be concern right about now,” Roy goes head to head with the ninja and hits him once with his sword on his left side , then strikes another blow with the hilt of the sword to his opponent’s jaw .Bummer. I hope for their sake not all of them are this weak, Roy thought to himself, as the ninja attempts to get up on his feet again, but Roy steps on his back kneeling on him. “So tell me! Who send you?” but the ninja does not answer “Alright I see you’re a tough guy,” he slams the blunt side of his sword against the guys back making him squeal, like a wounded animal. Roy does this several times but receives no answer, disappointed by such a fight, he sighs and moves toward the statue to collect the third of the sphere. “Run along now, I’ll let you live, but tell your boss, once we get that sphere he’ll have to pick a side.” Roy walks off into the sunset with half a short and his shirt now sleeveless, with a broad smile, but he begins to get concern and reaches for his precise to contact the others. After several attempts his broad smile fades and he gains a grim look over his face. “Serot, are you there?” calling his brother now, but no response. “What’s all the commotion about? I was sleeping, while your squad was inside the cave,” Serot responds on the fifth incoming message. “Are they alright?” Roy asks, “Yeah, they’re coming out now, a bit banged up and dirty but they’re ok,” Serot mentions. “Ok! Good stay with them, I just ran into a Kenton ninja trying to get the shards as well. See you later."


  Now it's been a few weeks since Ryu’s squad had gotten out of that cave and were making excellent timing on their way to Luxor. They arrived at dawn the very next day; all three dirty from the sand and of course their previous encounter. The map took them west of the village near the river bank; it showed no trace of a cave or anything except a big x and directions of how to acquire the shard. If they were being watched or stalked, they couldn’t notice since in this dessert there were few places to hide. Not even a cactus stood in this place, it seemed abandoned, but no traces of humans ever living was ever found. Ryu being who he was he began to complain, “Great nothing, nothing, nothing. Why can’t there be a cave or something that we can see.” “Well, we might have a way, start looking around the river bank to see
if you can find any clues,” states Randy as he goes south of the Nile. “Not this again, doesn’t this guy get tiered of splitting up,” Cross mentions as he begins to walk in the opposite direction, “Hey! Wait up” yells Ryu from behind catching up to Cross. Cross and Ryu begin to walk but don’t notice the ninja hidden in the sand trailing behind them. Lucky for them Serot is also hiding in the sand and notices the ninja.

  * * * * * * *

  Serot creeps up on the ninja and holds his mouth shut, until Ryu and Cross are out of range. “Now tell me who you are?” asks Serot to the ninja beneath him, “I am of the Roleb team and get off me you Sasquatch,” the ninja responds. Serot does as he is instructed and uses his Armorth. Serot’s Armorth was like no other, he had black wings coming from his spine and black claws instead of a hand, his eyes now gleaming red and his body covered in scales. “What the hell are you?” the ninja asks looking at Serot, since he had never seen a Armorth of such power, especially controlled so well. “Now, I don’t have much time,” hissed Serot “But yes! I am one of the few who can unlock his Armorth all the way to rank S. Your team leader messed with my brother, but he hardly uses his full power, so he should still be alive.” Serot disappears into thin air and claws at the ninja’s right rib and then kicks him on his spine. Serot’s movements were precise and he executed them without thinking. The ninja looked into Serot’s eyes and saw a burning hell that was awaiting him; he screamed at the top of his lungs when Serot sliced him in half.

  * * * * * * *

  A scream is heard in the distance and Ryu; along with Cross begin to head back to the start of point only to find Randy sweating there as well. “What was that?” Randy says panting, “I don’t know, we thought it was you” responds Cross. The three of them got back to back and gave intense looks to the horizon but the wind carried sand from place to place and nothing came into sight. It was three in the afternoon and the sun was blazing hot, making the boys take a dip in the Nile. “Wow! This is refreshing” comments Ryu sinking into the cold water neck deep. Cross a few steps in back of Ryu stumbles with a rock and falls face first into a tile on the floor. The tile has an eagle on it, with its wings spread out as if to fly away. Randy reads the map out-loud “Once you find the soaring bird of the dessert touch its beak and then each eye, once done wait five minutes and pour water from the Nile on it.” Ryu did everything has instructed and seconds later the sand around the tile began to sink, startled by it, they all jumped back scared of falling in. The tile broke in two and one half was being pulled to the right while the other was being pulled to the left. A small hole appeared on the desert floor with a set of stairs carved into the walls ages ago.