Read Evreux Page 6

  Randy this time dropped his glow stick all the way the bottom but it took several minutes to see it land on the floor. The three noticing it was a long way down pushed their bags inside and then followed them. Once at the bottom the three took out their glow sticks and began searching around the room. It was very dark, but unlike the cave, it wasn’t damp or humid instead it resembled the chamber Randy found the shard. Ryu stepping on a tile sinks in for an inch and arrows begin to come from the sides, the boys dodge them but could not escapes unscathed , Ryu himself had received an arrow to his left leg , Randy caught one with his hand before it could reach his face . And of course Cross had gotten hit by two on his forearm, all minor wounds but without any first-aid kits they needed to take out the points quickly and wrap the wound in the best manner they could before it slowed them down. Randy was the first to wrap his up and began to walk slowly through the room examining the paintings on the walls. Similar figures like the one they had encounter outside were everywhere, by the looks of it they just had to find the right one. “Hmm. It says here the next bird thingy we have to press its chest first then it’ll give off a glow and a number pad will come out. Any ideas?” indicated Randy , “I’ve got one” said Cross as he changes form and screams out “Thousand swords of ice,” all of the icicles hitting each tile on the wall . One begins to glow and they run towards and find the keypad, on it Randy inserts three, zero, five, zero, two and the keypad is swallowed by the wall. Seconds later to the east of the stair they climbed the walls begin to move and open up into a chamber. In the chamber there is the eagle once again, in its talons a shard in the other a piece of papyrus. Ryu takes the shard as it begins to glow, along with the other one in his pocket, he puts both shards next to one another and they begin to merge to form half a sphere. Static by all this is Cross since he can’t imagine how such a small thing can be so important to those Kentons and Roy. Randy goes for the papyrus, once he has it on his hands he unfolds it and on it, are instructions with an image of the sphere of Bauza and what it can unleash. On the the papyrus read Dear fellow humans: We scientist have created a sphere for the better of mankind , so far we haven’t lived divided like our fathers have and therefore scared of a dark hour happening in the future we have made this sphere to empower a human if he has the right blood. A blood type so rare it has never been categorized before. Well moving on, this sphere has been made in Echo Lab for the good of mankind as we’ve mentioned above. We split the sphere into three pieces so that it won’t fall into the hands of evil instead. Good luck and safe journey home! “Echo lab? That’s where my father used to work,” Ryu remarks, “Hey wait! If your dad worked for these people then, these are the same people who have split the human race into Kenton and Flux. Also if the Kentons are trying to get their hands on it, it can’t be for a good reason or not Roy wouldn’t had sent us here,” states Randy and then continues “Therefore we must go into the nearest town and buy some new clothing and head home as quickly as possible, am sure that Roy has a safe place to keep these shards.” “Agreed,” Ryu remarks but then is interrupted by Cross “Well! What if we’re on the bad side, shouldn’t we keep one shard to see what happens?” to which Ryu answers “ If we would of known this sooner then I think I’d keep the shards apart. Don’t you?”

  “Well, we have no choice, but to keep our eyes open for anything. Roy already knows we’ve got this much of the sphere since he did send us. So let’s just go, the sooner the better,” Randy mentions as he begins to climb the latter and goes out into the desert.


  “They got it bro, the half we’re missing. Now for phase two, just wonder if you are right,” tells Serot to Roy over the precise.

  * * * * * * *

  Finally the trip is over for everyone and its one month from the next tournament. Ryu, Cross, and Randy are in an old warehouse, used for training at the center of town. It is midnight and they just arrived hours ago from Egypt. Each exhausted from the trip and wondering why Roy has made them come all the way here, to this weird and shady place. “Glad to see your all back,” remarks Roy from the shadows of the room, flipping on the lights. Ryu remembers the place now, since he was kept in here for a week trying to figure out how to use his Armorth. “Screw you!” shouts Cross, flicking Roy off, “Well, well. Why so aggressive now?” “Well besides sending us to the sun you didn’t tell us anything about ninjas with weird weapons attacking us,” says Cross to Roy. “You see. I thought you guys could handle yourselves well. And here you are. Please let me get what I sent you guys for,” Roy says as his hand reaches out to receive half the sphere. “Hey ,we read this paper here,” speaks Randy from behind Ryu and steps forward saying “We are concerned about what you have in store for it,” Randy tosses the paper to Roy so he can read. After minutes of reading, Roy begins to speak “Well, it's all true and I need that half of the sphere to merge it with this one,” he shows them the half he collected from the temple of Iris, “It's for safe keeping, as you can tell the Kentons want to get their hands on it and do away with us Flux, since we’re somewhat of a high-breed. Furthermore, I have a secret safe you are all welcome to seeing it with your very eyes. It is where I’ll hid it and latter on try to destroy.” “Sounds fair to me,” remarks Ryu as he begins to think about the power the sphere could grant and even worst is the way he has become edgy lately, having dark thoughts about becoming supreme ruler or worst a destroyer . Ryu now clutching the half of the sphere in his hands hard as if trying to squeeze a bit of power out of it , he can hear Zepar whispering “Let's do it……Lets become……” he hands half the sphere to Roy now looking at it and sweat running down his forehead. “Are you ok?” asks Roy noticing the change in Ryu’s eyes. Roy holds both halves together and just like before they merge only this time becoming a purple, crystal sphere with a black inside. “Well, I don’t need to see anything. In fact I don’t really care, I just care about stopping the psychos that’ll try to dominate this world or try to eliminate us Flux,” Cross tells Roy , “Yeah same here! Count me in for any bad guy thrashing” adds Ryu. Ryu and Cross now tier begin to head home, since they have school tomorrow and are exhausted from the trip.

  Randy stays with Roy to see the safe and ask him some questions. Once they are alone downstairs in the basement of the warehouse Randy asks Roy “Do you think one of us poses the rare blood indicated on the papyrus?” “Well, maybe, for all we know it might not exist. Remember this was written before humans were separated into Flux and Kentons,” answers Roy “But if it was one of you three. Do you think I’d be showing you where I will keep the sphere?” “True. Well I’ll be going now,” Randy lets Roy know and leaves the warehouse. The sphere now in Roy’s box locked away from harm's way or so we believe. Serot appears in back of Roy commenting “So? You don’t think it's one of them after all. Well we should start getting ready for war then brother. If it's one thing I know is that we’re going to get attacked anytime soon. Remember that Kenton boss is desperate now.” Roy just takes the comment and strolls on to the roof with his brother trailing behind. “Indeed brother, indeed” Roy remarks and just lets the wind pass by his hair and the stars are shinning bright. The entire world is at peace and it’s all aligned to perfection. Not a single tint of darkness is roaming the earth tonight.

  * * * * * * *

  “Begin the assaults” shouts the shady being from behind a desk………………………………


  Ryu is standing in front of the world now and it is burning. His eyes have change and Zepar is next to him standing. “If the Kenton get their hands on that sphere the world will be like this. You’ll be hunted down and killed like wild dogs. Let me guide your moves.” Ryu wakes up sweating from head to toe as the images of the burning world and him being hunted down by Kenton retreat into the back of his mind. Some dream he thinks to himself but just remembers what Zepar told him “Let me guide your moves.” It’s a nice lovely day outside and Ryu can’t seem to get used to the
feeling of being back yet. He is now going to his first period class, with a broad smile as he takes in the sun, which he detested a few days ago, but now enjoyed its warmth. “Ryu please report to the Elite’s office,” this time it was Zeida on the loud-speaker. “Darn it! What do they want with me now!” screams Ryu as he is irritated by it all already. Once close to the Elite office he can see several squads outside awaiting instructions. Ryu walks in since he doesn’t recognize anyone and his squad hasn’t been called on yet, it seemed. Roy in his office with Pilot looks at Ryu when he walks, simultaneously, “So? What’s up now?” he asks the two men with grim looks on their faces. “It appears that all around the world the Flux schools are being attacked by ninjas. Am afraid that they’ll be here any minute so we need all Elites to be here along with their squads to be prepare,” answers Pilot, “Your squad Ryu , should be arriving any time soon . I’ll direct them all including Roy’s and Kiter’s and also assign them spots.” “Yeah! While he is doing all that. I need you and me to protect the sphere at all costs. Pilot would have been with us but since Kiter has been missing for some time now. I need Pilot to take care of the squads.” mentions Roy. “Wait Kiter is missing? Since when?” asks Ryu to Roy, “Well three days since I sent you to Sudan to recover the sphere. But that’s the least of our worries now.” Alarms start to go off all around the school indicating Roy’s prediction to have come about true. “Alright Pilot, carry on with your orders, Ryu we must stay here,” says Roy taking a seat and puts a chair for Ryu to seat next to him. All over the world a war was being waged by Kentons against the Flux. The Flux were small in numbers compared to Kentons but they had Armorth which made them count for much more than one Kenton. Everyone at the Falls Senior High was fighting five or more Kentons at the same time, the school was being overrun by ninjas. It didn’t take long for the students to begin a counteract using Armorth since the large flood of ninjas didn’t stop coming. At this rate, the Flux where pushed back as far as the Elite hallway where Pilot and the squads where. Now surrounded by every single ninja in the entire area only Cross and the alive/undead twins, which ambushed Ryu and him stood in front of Pilot ready to attack. The three squad members charge into the ninjas and begin to use massive attacks, but little did they know, their boss would be there in person. The alive, looking twin is knocked all the way back to the door, followed by his undead looking counter-part. Both were hit hard by some kind of weapon used by the enemy, which now stood in front of Cross. The Kenton leader was dressed in heavy armor with a cannon on his right arm and a synthetic left hand, He looked half man half machine, but it appeared that his armor was light-weight for he moved fast and knocked Cross out with one jab to the stomach. “My name is Caleb, can I please have the sphere,” the man said, Pilot on the other hand still shocked by his kindness answered “No. Who or what are you?” “I’m the leader of these ninjas and I was in a lab accident years ago which explains why I look like a cyborg,” answered Caleb. Caleb was 6’5 feet with a bald head, he looked powerful and within minutes Pilot was down to the point of exhaustion. “Phoenix-inferno,” Pilot screamed as he changed into a new form, Pilot is encircled in fire and has a halo on top of his head, the rest of him appeared to be like if he’d never even used his Armorth. “Oh! I see you are the Phoenix of the sky, Roy has kept all the good ones to himself,” remarks Caleb. Pilot disappears in the blink of an eye and kicks Caleb on the ribs with all his might slamming him against the metal walls. Pilot moving at hyper-speed, appears to be flying through the air making the shape of a phoenix. “Arise now from the ashes, and take into your talons your prey,” voiced Pilot and a flaming bird appears in between the two fighters, it screeches loudly and in a matter of seconds the room bursts into flames consuming Caleb completely. Pilot at the brink of death, as a seat to admire his work, but the smoke begins to clear and in the middle of it all stands an unhurt Caleb with his canon glowing red with fury. “Let’s see how you like your own attack,” the mad man screams and unleashes Pilot’s own attack on him. Pilot takes the blow directly since he is to exhausted to move , in his mind pictures of Christine begin to trickle by , he wonders why didn’t I ever listen to her . Pilot collapses in front of the Elite office door, his body burned at 300 degrees.


  Serot appears in front of Roy and remarks “He is here brother, lets power up,” startling Ryu who was already nervous about the noise being made outside. “Wait! You are his brother? And you have the sphere of Bauza?” exclaims Ryu to Roy , but Roy responses in his defense “I know the current situation Ryu now do as Serot just said and power up.” Serot goes into his gruesome form and Roy now displaying his true nature stands in front of Ryu with a dragon tail and glowing blue eyes. Roy’s body is covered in blue scales and his hands like Serot’s are claws. The two brothers stand side by side like twin dragons. Roy shouts to Ryu “Here take this and keep it with you” tossing the sphere over to Ryu. Both brothers charge into Caleb as Roy screams “Run.”

  * * * * * * *

  Kiter is on the roof top and he is eyeing Ryu running across the school field. He calls upon the power of his Armorth and grows golden wings and is in a golden armor now with a shield and sword. Kiter lands on top of Ryu making him eat dirt, he hisses “Where are you going?” Ryu stunned by Kiter and not to thrill of seeing him responds “Kiter get of me, we’re being invaded by Kentons who want this sphere for evil purposes.” “I know you weakling. But what are your intentions with it is what I want to know?” Kiter questions Ryu as they both stand face to face for the first time over eight months. “Me? You’re the suspicious one who has been gone for months now and now you turn up and attack me in the middle of a war?” Ryu tells Kiter unleashing his Armorth. A voice is telling Ryu use the sphere but he decides not to pay attention to it. Kiter begins to slice away at Ryu. Ryu dodging and evading the best he can but is hit by Kiter’s shield.

  * * * * * * *

  Meanwhile Ryu and Kiter duke it out, Roy and Serot are facing Caleb. Things became clear now and Serot grabs a hold of Roy, but Roy breaks away from Serot and manages to claw at Caleb’s armor by the back. Serot charges Roy and their immense energy starts to chip at the walls since the two seem to be playing a game of mercy. “Give yup brother!” shouts Serot, but Roy bends his knees, and head-butts Serot’s chin. Serot shaking the blow off looks forward to find a giant blue beam coming straight at him, he directs the same attack only red right back at Roy, the two beams clash together and the places goes white for a few seconds. Serot disappears into the darkness and Roy immediately puts his back against a wall , but not nothing his brother’s power had increased so rapidly , Serot appears in back of Roy grabbing him and lets him be strike by Caleb’s cannon a couple of times . “Well done, I’ll make sure you are well compensated for your aid Serot,” Caleb says. “Now go find me the sphere,” Caleb tells Serot and he does as he is instructed. Roy manages to get up with his arms his body full of blood and strikes Caleb from behind “You scum!” Roy states. “Here I thought you would be defeated easily ,” remarks Caleb pointing his cannon towards Roy, but instantaneously Roy fires a blue beam and manages to strike Caleb. Roy takes advantage of the situation, since Caleb’s guard is down now he whispers “Rise Leviathan” and the huge blue dragon appears made out of mist and strikes Caleb like a snake. Caleb reflects the attack last minute and begins to use his cannon to do what he did to Pilot. Roy not knowing this technique sends his leviathan flying towards Caleb head on but it disappears half way. “You fool, just like that last Elite I killed. You underestimate me. Now pay with your life!” Caleb unleashed Roy’s own attack on him.

  * * * * * * *

  It doesn’t take long for Serot to find a tiered Ryu and Kiter fighting one another. He sends a blast to make them stop fighting at once. Ryu jumps away from Kiter and both are on different sides as Serot stands in the middle. “You traitor I knew it from the start” Kiter screams, but Ryu thinking it was with him response “Me the traitor? How dare you
.” “Not you dimwhit I’m talking to Serot. I was inspecting his case and figured out who he was since I had remembered seeing a picture of him on Roy’s desk. It just happens that Serot disobeyed Roy and killed some kids, therefore sent to prison. Turns out he had help breaking out and came to Roy for help. Roy knew he couldn’t trust him that’s why he tossed you the sphere. Serot knowing it would be harder to take on his brother and stood by letting it happen,” Kiter says “Then why have you attacked me?” asks Ryu. Kiter explains to Ryu how he had a dream in it where his guardian had come to him. Ryu amazed connecting it to his dream begins to wonder what to do, while Kiter charges Serot and they begin to fight. Ryu begins to run again away from the fierce battle taking place. Both Kiter and Serot are aiming for each other's throats and bits of their power are flying everywhere. Kiter strikes Serot with a yellow beam to his chest but Serot’s Armorth is too hard to penetrate, he’ll have to get within arm's-length if he wants to even put a scratch on Serot.