Read Evreux Page 9

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  “So they think they can come into my domain and kill me. Those pathetic Flux, have no chance,” growls Zepar as he is handed the information about when and where the resistance will attack him. Zepar looks now out of his castle window and tells Alexis “Have they begun drilling already?” “Yes, my king,” she responds. “Good, once I harvest the planets energy I will become a god. Now begin the counter-attack for the resistances at once.I want them all dead and gone for good,” Zepar instructs Alexis and let’s go of an evil laugh that makes the entire castle shake. He looks at himself in the mirror, but finds Ryu staring back at him. “You shouldn’t do such a thing, Zepar. I don’t approve of any of your actions. Give me back my body!!!” Ryu screams at Zepar, but he is powerless and entrapped in Zepar’s old realm. Zepar looks at Ryu and smiles, “You insignificant Flux, you can’t control me,” he tells Ryu and breaks the mirror. Ryu whispers into his conscious “We’ll see who as the last laugh, I’ve had enough for fifty years.”


  Seritu arrives at the cave entrance into the Rocky Mountains, next to him is Cross, Kiter, Roy, Xinaly and Dailyn. “Ok, there is a west and east bound route to reach the King’s chamber. One will take us directly and the other to the engine chamber for the drill,” Roy indicates by pointing out all figures on the map. Roy hands the dagger to Seritu, “Seritu, Xinaly, and Kiter, you are too go straight to the king’s chamber we’ll destroy the drill. Once we are done with our task we’ll come to your aid and vice versa,” Roy gives everyone an old Precise communicator, “What’s this?” Seritu asks, “It’s called a Precise, it’s a communicator from our time, we scrambled it and tweaked it a bit so they won’t know what hit them,” Roy tells Seritu, then instructs him on how to use it. The two squads split up wishing each other the best of luck in the process.

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  Roy, Cross and Dailyn go east as the others go west. The tunnel is dark, with a lantern each; it’s hard to not slip or trip over a rock. The tunnel walls only permit two at a time so Dailyn trails behind them. Kentons begins to appear from up a head, each in a ninja suit. “Crap, we’ve been spotted,” Roy indicates, shocked about how quickly it happened, it wasn’t even an hour since they had reached the cave, this only meant one thing , someone had informed the king about the assault , but who , Roy began to wonder as he called upon his Armorth and told the rest to just fight through them without stopping. As they did so, Cross was hit by a kunai knife on his wrist, but kept on moving knowing the gravity of the situation. Dailyn was also hit by a kunai knife but on her knee, she too kept fighting and moving forward. After moments of fighting, a door comes into view and each make an even greater effort to reach it fast. The three finally reach the door and manage to open it, inside was the drill that was drilling into the earth. This thing was huge; on top of it clouds could be seen , for a second it looked like something that fell out of the sky. Its drilling made a horrible sound, that hurt Dailyn’s ears instantly; the room seemed vacant, which was no surprise after the number of Kentons they had to face in the tunnel. They found the drill controls to be at the center of the place with a bridge connecting it, the room was just a floor going around the giant drill. Dailyn looked down towards the earth’s core to see how, bad was the damage, only to find small amounts of lava spilling, they didn’t have much time. “Let's start moving to the controls before it's too late,” Cross states but he is tossed against the wall by Alexis’ kick. Another flux appears in front of Roy and slams a giant club on his head; Dailyn jumps quickly to the bridge and begins running. Cross picks himself up only to find Alexis’ standing on top of him, he uses his Armorth and is wielding is sword now, “Thousand swords of ice,” he exclaims but Alexis evades all the icicles. Alexis in a blink of an eye stands next to Cross with a blade pressed on his throat, “Now, now. I wouldn’t make another move if I were you. If you must know, you do have a traitor in you flock. Too bad she is already on the controls,” she whispers into Cross’ ear. “We know this, now are you going to get of me? We still have to shut it down,” Cross remarks to Alexis and she releases him, “You did well now let’s stop her before it's too late,” “Fine! But I wanted to play evil just a bit longer,” Alexis tells Cross. Both Cross and Alexis begin to run towards the controls, Cross shouts to Roy “Are you going to need help?” and he responds “No , nice to have you back on our side Alexis.” Roy is now facing an 8 feet monster with a club covered in a silver Viking armor, in one hand a club and in the other a shield, the guy had no facial expressions, but his black hair and red eyes made him look dangerous besides his enormous size that is. “So am guessing you’re not going to make this easy on me?” Roy asked the gruesome giant, which lets go of a smile as if to reply a no. The clubs came smashing down on Roy but he holds it with his claws, but forgets about the giant’s shield and gets his ribs bashed. This wasn’t going to be any picnic like the previous fights the 12th grade Elite had, the monster moved at jet speed, in seconds he was picking up Roy’s body and swinging him round and round, with a flick of wrist he tosses Roy into the air, appears above him and hammers him down into the floor. Astonishing how this giant monster was moving and how hard Roy was getting hit for. He staggers a bit, but manages to stand up and face the giant, “You are one tough cookie, I can give you that much,” Roy remarks with a smirk. The club came racing towards Roy, but he has had enough of the constant beat down and flies up, coming down fast on the giant with a clenched claw. The impact is tremendous and the giant is blocking the hit with his shield but Roy’s power is so much he begins to sink into the ground, crushing the floor underneath him. Roy appears from behind and claws at his back then at his chest, slithering through the giants grasp he slams a kick to the giant’s nose making him staggered back .Roy begins to notice that his most guarded part is where he holds his shield, the shoulder blade in back of it, it appeared to of just been stitched a few days ago. He must break the giants shield if he wants to win this match and he begins to move through the air quickly and the giant trailing behind , he ascends and then turns around to attack the giant head on , Roy throws a small blue beam at him . The giant deflects it with his shield but doesn’t realize that Roy is already next to his club and cries out “Leviathan garrote” the dragon appears and crushes the giant’s wrist in one blow. The giant stumbles forward and release the club, he is now kneeling trying to pick himself up in time but Roy once again strikes him from the left sending him spiraling into the wall. The shield comes raging through the air at Roy and he jumps out of the way but it begins to follow him, it appears like a cat chasing a mouse for a couple of minutes until the giant appears in front of him, grabbing Roy by the throat. “It’s been a pleasure fighting you,” states the gruesome monster and begins to strangle Roy, “The pleasure’s all mine,” whispers Roy as he kicks the giants chin and states “Tidal wave” and a huge water like beam comes racing at the giant’s shoulder-blade. The giant takes the full hit and his entire arm was torn off by Roy’s attack, he falls to the floor kneeling now with his eyes rolled back into his skull. The giant doesn’t voice a single thing, Roy looks at him for a minute and inspects the body to see if Zepar had altered the Flux’s body, but finds nothing. Cross and Alexis reach Dailyn on the control platform , Cross does his “Thousand swords of ice” but the icicles melt by Dailyn’s fire attacks , Alexis now throws a white beam at Dailyn , but she to his hit by a fire attack . Both Cross and Alexis trade glances and launch themselves at Dailyn without hesitation, “Blizzard” Cross states and Alexis comes from behind calling out “White thunder,” the Dailyn can’t handle the two attacks at once and is nearly thrown off the platform. Cross races to give her a hand but she throws a flaming dagger at him. Cross blocks it and Alexis sends another white beam at Dailyn cracking the platform on Dailyn’s end leading her to plummet into her demise. “No!” Roy screams but is too late to catch the young girl, tears flow down his eyes as he remembers the entire year he spent training her, just like her brother.


  Seritu’s group is ambushed by Kentons, but they quickly fight through them, reaching the entrance. “Black-sun” Zepar states from the other side of the entrance and a black ball comes racing towards Seritu. They manage to escape the attack unscathed and enter the room to find Zepar with another Flux standing in the middle. The other Flux looked average he had gold hair, purple eyes and nothing else; they imagined he was in his final form. The Flux next to Zepar directed some words to Seritu, “My king challenges you to a one on one. I’ll be fighting one of your men as well, but you get to pick who.” Seritu accepts his offer and Kiter quickly jumps forward saying, “I’ll fight you, am Kiter ex-10th grade elite. Brace YOURSELF!” he uses his Armorth and charges the guy at full force. The Flux dodges all his attacks and states “My name is Anir, am my king’s right hand.” Kiter and Anir begin to exchange blows fiercely leaving glimpse trailing behind, Seritu couldn’t almost keep up with them, every time one would strike the other would block making small typhoons. “You have to pay attention to your opponent,” Zepar remarks as he flew towards Seritu with a black lance in hand , aiming the tip at his head , but Seritu transformed into his final stage and blocked the hit. Seritu had a black cloak on his back and the harpy’s armor on, in one hand a dagger in the other a katana, his red hair glowed and his eyes seemed to burn a hole through any image. At first Seritu noticed he can keep up with Zepar dodging and crossing blades with him, until Zepar decided to get serious. Xinaly watched the two fights from the entrance, clutching the dagger in her hand wondering what she should do. Kiter was hit by Anir, he went crashing into the room’s wall, and seconds later Anir began pounding on his body. Kiter released a small golden beam at Anir, but it was blocked by Anir’s hand. Kiter was surprised at this since he couldn’t pierce so far his opponent’s skin, no matter what move he did, he had to think fast before his body gave up on him. Seritu clashed into Zepar’s lance with his dagger and used the katana to take a stab at him, he was hit by Zepar’s lance on his left arm, Seritu felt a little unconscious but stood up. Seritu was too late and Zepar was already charging a “Black-Sun” attack the size of Seritu, which tossed him from one end of the room into the other. Blood running out from Seritu’s nose, mouth and arm, began to drip on the floor, a bit more and he would of had lost his head, thank god for the swords he told himself. Xinaly jumped in back of Zepar the moment he was going to crush Seritu further into the wall but failed to make a successful stab, she was held in mid air by Zepar which in turn directed the attck on to her. Xinaly went flying with her wrist broken and her body burned by Zepar’s attack. Seritu didn’t know what to do, his futile thoughts were getting the best of him, and he began to think about a strategy but was lifted up by Zepar and tossed from one side to the other, Zepar slamming kicks and jabs at him constantly. Seritu just like Kiter had to think on their feet or they might not be so lucky on the next move. Cross and Roy appear with Alexis from the other entrance of the room, they were successful on their part of the mission. Cross looked at his son being tossed like a ball from side to side and catches him at once. Roy slams a claw on Anir , finally someone was able to pierce his skin , but Roy’s claw had suffer some damage also , he could only attack Anir a couple more times before he couldn’t use that claw. Kiter launched a huge golden beam at Anir right after Roy pierced his skin sending him spiraling through the air. It wasn’t over that quickly once Anir got up he began to move even more rapidly, to a speed Kiter couldn’t sense or see where he was, luckily Roy was there, Roy stated “I’ll be your opponent as of now,” and Anir accepted the offer . Kiter was able to get a break and leave Anir to Roy; he went to where Alexis and Xinaly were. Cross and Seritu trying to evade Zepar’s attacks were getting exhausted to the point where their bodies couldn’t keep up with it. Roy had to defeat Anir fast; he could sense the gravity of the situation getting worse and worse as time passed. Anir jabbed at Roy but he analyzed his movement last minute and caught the jab with his claw and made them sink into his fist, Anir cried in agony and jumped back, but Roy was on a roll, he sank another claw at his chest. Anir moved from side to side running Roy into the wall, but it was no use Roy wouldn’t let go, it was in this moment where he said “Leviathan garrote” his opponent’s chest cavity began to break and the crushing of bones could be heard from miles. From Anir’s back side Roy directed his tail and pierced his heart from both sides at once. Anir stood there, his eyes full of terror and lifeless, Roy move on towards Kiter. Zepar was crushing both father and son now into the ground, the creator was deep enough for a casket, “RYU!!!” screamed Alexis and Zepar looked at her; he kept looking as if something in him was changing. “Ryu” she screamed again and Zepar’s expression changed, his body began to shake “My love, kill me please,” Ryu said but Zepar took over , listening to Ryu’s instructions was Roy who launched himself at Zepar with dagger in hand stabbing him on the side. The dagger took effect immediately; Zepar’s body was in the air surrounded by a black light that was draining his power vastly. ‘Now Seritu!” screamed Roy , since this was their only chance at victory , Seritu stood up , and screamed “Harpy’s Screech” from his mouth a terrible sound came out heading towards Zepar’s body , bursting all his nerves and veins. Zepar began to bleed from his eyes, ears and mouth all at once; he was suffering now from internal bleeding and had only seconds to live. Ryu takes over again the body and with his last breath states, “I’m sorry all, please forgive me…...” he chokes on blood but is able to tell Alexis once more how much he loved her. Hearing Ryu’s last words Alexis began to cry and falls down kneeling , to her left comes Cross struggling to walk with an unconscious Seritu, Cross begins to heal Xinaly in no time , but her wounds are too deep and he only manages to close them. “Her body will have to take care of the rest I’m afraid,” Cross tells everyone.


  “It’s sad isn’t it?” Seritu asked his father as he held Xinaly, “It truly is my son,” remarked Cross as the casket was being lowered into earth. “Forever beautiful she was, but her love and desire to be love evidently lead her to her demise,” Roy spoke out loud. The woman’s parents cried and it seemed the tears were never going to end. Roses began to fall on the casket as it reached the end of its trip. It began to rain and the tombstone began to cry on it read Here lies Alexis, next to it stood another grave with the words Ryu Palace. Kiter watching from afar began to cry and cry like he had never done before, the terrible lost consumed him and he looked into the sky, what a horrible day it was “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” he screamed but was able to control himself enough to state “We live to die . If life worth living we ask ourselves, but never take a second to stop and smell the flowers.” Months passed and everyone grew apart, Cross and Seritu were never the same again since they were unable to find Abigail, each lived in a different corner of the planet. Seritu build his old house again and lived with Xinaly, which she was bearing a small girl from him. Cross returned to Melaz to train the next generation, and of course to keep trying to track Abigail, he never gave up hope. Roy became a huge icon and was involved in politics; he made it clear that he didn’t want another 50 years of a tyrant to ever happen again. Kiter began to roam the world, traveling from one location to another ,nobody ever got to know why, it might have been the lost of Alexis maybe or after the king’s death there was really nothing for him to do. Everything began to change for the better now and the earth was free from evil. The Kentons began to disappear more and more over the years making the Flux the actual human species, of course they, the Flux, began to evolve like Seritu and become far more different and more dangerous than the early generations.




  On a dark stormy night, the wind blew and shocked the trees down to their roots. Winter was just beginning and the drastic change in climate in Drash could almost be visible. A mansion stood at the far end of the town with flickering candle lights from its basement window. Thirteen men in black robes
stood around a newborn humming hellishly, the young child as if tasting the veil evil in the air cried to the point where her screeching voice was rasped. The ringleader stood aside from the men chanting “Ute naranura coman du furandu etemi, trojeck marania demon,” (We the Dames wish to speak to a great and powerful demon). Moments later a dark sinister tear appeared on top of the child, once more the ringleader spoke “We the Dames grant THEE these twelve guardians as a tribute to you demon , so that you shall bind with Clair.” A demon’s face appeared at once, his angel features and white armor with red outline stood out from the dark empty whole. “What say you demon? Will you inhabit her and use her for your unfinished business here on Earth,” the man said only to be responded by the demon, “Quiet!” the humming stopped and the demon began to speak once more his tongue spitting out the words “What do you gain from helping me?” “Simply my lord, just a humble place in your empire, along with some small portion of your infinite power,” the ringleader explained. “Sounds tempting…..Is this all you ask for?” the demon asked, “Yes” the leader replied. “My lord, if I may add something for a brief moment?” he asked the demon, but was held in place by the demon’s cold stare, “What is it?” the demon asked, “Well my lord you’ll have to wait twenty-one years before you can claim the girl's body entirely. But do not worry we shall see to it that she grows strong,” the leader told the demon. “Let the sacrificing commence,” shouted the demon shaking the ruler of the house of Dame’s hand then disappearing as the disciples chanted a few words and entered the child’s body by her mouth like a black smoke turning her hair blood red and eyes fiery orange. He would remain dormant in Clair’s body for twenty-one years.