Read Evreux Page 8

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  It was just like the map said the lab was 3 miles south of the cave they had been. At first they couldn’t find it since it had been ages ago since it was up and running, but they noticed by the way the rock formation was and found the steel doors the same color as the mountain walls. The entrance was lock so Kiter fired a few beams at it to crack it open , dust came out making all four cough heavily . Roy was the first to walk in and turning on a lamp he had in his bag, leading the way now with Kiter and Cross trailing behind. The lab looked gross, moss was coming out from every crack in the walls and a dead animal smell floated in the air. The four split up to cover more ground this way and find the dagger as quickly as possible before company arrived. Which it did after 30 minutes of them being inside the lab a squad of four Flux appeared on the lab entrance and split up to find and kill each and every one of them.

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  Kiter is hit by ray of light; he is knocked into some lab tests and gets his robes all dirty. Ticked off now, he looks around and finds Alexis looking at him. “Well, I see your king has you getting your hands dirty,” he barks at his ex-girlfriend. “Ta ta now. You know when I found out I just had to come and see you,” Alexis lets out playfully. Kiter now in his gryphon form ready to attack looks at Alexis in a different form from the last time they had met; it appeared she unlocked her guardian’s full power. Alexis was now covered in violet with two gigantic knives sticking out from her hands. “Solar-eclipse” Kiter said has a black beam begins to form in front of him and seconds later he launches it at Alexis. “Swords of light” Alexis cries out and deflects the attack only barely, Kiter catches her off guard and gives Alexis a right hook into the ceiling making bits of rock fall down and the room be filled with dust. Kiter doesn’t hesitate and slams a knee into her stomach once she falls from the ceiling; he begins to smash her into all the surrounding walls or objects in the room. Alexis’s face is about to be crushed into a wall when she strikes Kiter’s armor on the right shoulder with one of her blades, he quickly lets go of her as the pain runs through his body. “Now now, I let you have your fun,” she tells Kiter. His shoulder is wounded badly; he has to keep his distance now that he knows Alexis’s actual power. She charges at Kiter with blades crisscrossing one another, aiming to cut his throat in one blow. Kiter’s hand intervenes, drops of blood taint the floor, and “You think you can kill me with such a weak attack? You idiot remember that when you were mastering your abilities I had already mastered mine,” Kiter pushes her back with his bloody hand , he holds the blades together so she wouldn’t move , a glowing yellow beam now is forming on his fist and it goes straight into Alexis’ face crushing her cheek bone. He tosses her and in mid-air calls out “Solar-burst” a golden beam is fired at Alexis’ body, making her spiral into the walls once again. Kiter looks pleased by his work and begins to keep moving on with his search. He hears the rocks from on top of Alexis’ body move and a giant piece of rock comes straight at him. Kiter jabs it twice in the center making it split into different pieces, in back of the rock was Alexis charging once again but this time with a white-light shining of her blades , it looked like her last move . “Are you crazy you’re going to tear this place apart, and we’ll both die,” shouts Kiter at her, but she is determined to kill him and keeps moving. Alexis strikes Kiter , but he does his Solar-burst once again to deflect her attack and aims another at her stomach knocking her out cold . Alexis’ attack hits the ceiling and the room begins to collapse, Kiter as little time now to get out.


  Cross is with his lantern moving around in a room filled with computers; it looked like the main research part of the lab. Little did he know that someone was watching all his moves, but him being Cross and being followed for so many years’ notices a flicker in the shadows and keeps what he is doing. He stops in the middle of the room and displays no sign of having using his Armorth and does his Thousand swords of ice in the room filling it up full of icicles. The figure dodges the attack but blocks some of the icicles revealing her position, once he blinks once again Cross is nowhere to be found and she is surrounded by a thick mist. “So are you going to tell me who you are?” asks Cross from the shadows , the figure uses her Armorth and her skin becomes black and has horns now in a spiral , she has a tail and on her chest is a demon’s face , her hair turned white and her eyes green . “I’m Nesudes Gonzalez, am here to kill you Cross,” the young female announced, almost sure of herself, “Ha! Go home kid, the battlefield is no place for someone as young and lovely as you,” Cross implied. A spear appears in Nesudes’ hand and she begins to twirl it around making the mist disappear, Cross is standing right in front of her with no care in the world. He doesn’t even feel worried about the mist being gone, “I think your ego, is getting the best of you sir,” Nesudes tells Cross, but he gets a sad look on his face once hearing the word sir. “Well let’s get this over with; I have a dental appointment at 3,” Cross remarks giggling to himself since he felt it sounded cool, “Good! I can smell your breath from over here, what do they call you, Smokey the fire breathing dragon?” she comments on Cross’ statement, which evidently ticks him off. Cross disappears once more, moving around Nesudes at hyper speed, now wondering why he got the smart ass for an opponent he unleashes his swords on her from the right then from the left. Nesudes dodges them all, but an un-expected attack from above gets her on her lower back, making her scream from the terrible agony. Nesudes takes the shard of ice from her back and tosses it aside, “Damn, you're going to make me go all out then aren’t you?” Cross asks and she replies with a nod. She manages to get behind him and grazes his cheek, only to jump back again just in case Cross decides to attack. Cross heals his wounds and Nesudes is shocked now, since she’ll have to crush him into a million pieces, s he won’t heal himself again. Cross takes out his sword and goes into his final form, both of their eyes are locked and they charge at one another. Cross’ sword releases fragments of ice as it clashes with Nesudes’ spear , he commands these fragments to attack her from all parts making her draw back so she can evade every single attack . “Blade storm” Nesudes calls out and her spear begins to gain speed as she twirls it on top of her, soon she is engulfed in a tornado consuming everything around it and cutting the walls, Cross analyzing her attack begins to fly from side to side trying to get a clear view of her exact position. “Blizzard” Cross calls out and the air is heavy with shards of ice, since Nesudes blade storm is drawing everything towards her, she is hit directly in the middle of the tornado. Her legs and arms are now frozen solid and she can’t move, “Damn, how did you manage to do this,” she asks surprised by Cross’ attack. “Well you see, on your records I can only do my thousand swords of ice, but through time you pick up new moves here and there and you get wiser. At the end I just filled the air with ice and aimed it at your spear, making it go directly to you and once I had your hands frozen I aimed my attack a few feet lower and got your legs. Ta daa,” Cross explains with pure joy, “Now I need to be going and in order for me to do that you can’t be following me or attack me anymore if I want to find that dagger,” Cross tells Nesudes. “So here is what am going to do. Plan A: is just leave you here and eventually someone will come for you. Plan B: says I kill you and that’s the end of it. What do you say?” Cross asks his opponent, “You better kill me now. Am not going back to the king like this,” she tells him , “Yeah I thought you would say that,” Cross states as he stands up and points his sword at Nesudes’ throat , he lifts it up in the air and states “Chronic-frost” freezing her entire body . Nesudes’ body is now incased in ice with the exception that it’ll melt in some hours due to the heat inside the lab and by then Cross and his group will be long gone. “That should hold you for a while, I don’t kill unless it’s necessary,” Cross whispers to himself and begins to be on his way again.

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  It’s been nearly an hour now since Seritu had been going his separate way, he hadn’t
heard from anyone yet or any shouts of indication that the dagger was found. It send a cold chill down his spine to think the others had run into trouble , but something moved in front of him and interrupted his thoughts . He blinked and it was gone now he looked everywhere but saw nothing the room was filled with file cabins and he opened one to see if he could get some more information on the dagger and its location. He noticed a sudden movement from his left side but so small he didn’t have time to catch what it was once again. Next to him appears a golden hair girl with blue, making Seritu jump, “Who are you?” he demands to know. “Well, my name is Xinaly Latia, my guardian is a Valkyrie and her name is Susil. Nice to meet you, what’s your name?” she asks Seritu, like if they weren’t enemies “I’m Seritu and Cross is my father. If you must know my guardian is a harpy and her name is Jazz. What do you want,” Seritu asks knowing that she shouldn’t be smiling at him and staring into his eyes. “Well, you see I don’t like to fight the people I like. Even if I’m as old as your father and went to school with your father, I have a clear understanding of your Armorth,” she states. Seritu both surprised at the statement she made about liking him and a bit concerned about his enemy being this beautiful women that stood in front of him. “That doesn’t explain why you are here,” Seritu tells Xinaly wanting a better answer, she sits down on top of the file cabin and begins to talk “Well you see our actual mission was to come here retrieve the dagger and kill anyone in our way. But! I have a problem with my current orders,” she launches herself off the cabin and stands face to face with Seritu looking straight into his eyes , like lovers do. Seritu stares back into her big blue eyes and can’t help getting lost in them, he jumps back remembering she is the enemy and calls for Jazz to come out. “Don’t do that please I do not wish to fight you. If you must know you’re on the right path to the dagger you just have to take a left and keep walking until you get to a chamber where there is a blue dragon on the side of the entrance and that is where it is kept,” Xinaly tells Seritu moving closer to him, beginning to run a soft hand by his face, Seritu just stands there letting her do as she pleases. “Shit, sorry I must go I believe my friends are in danger,” Xinaly mutters and begins to walk away but Seritu grabs her hand and both look once more into each other's eyes and kiss…………………………

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  Roy notices the change in climate inside the room and jumps back as a fireball crashes into the floor inches away from his feet. “Great I wasn’t expecting companies for another few minutes or so, do you mind at least showing yourself?” Roy tells his attacker, a moment later appears a red head with bright brown eyes, about 5 feet tall. “My name is Dailyn Quesada,” Roy shocked by the last name, asks “Are you Pilot’s sister?” the girl nods. “Great from all the people in the world who he could of have had sent after us, he had to pick this squad. God damn you Zepar!” Roy screams out. “Just because I’m Pilot’s sister doesn’t mean you should go easy on me. Remember am your opponent” now,” Dailyn tells Roy, she uses her Armorth and is now covered in a lava incased suit with two daggers on her hands, her fire red hair gleaming in the darkness.

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  Dailyn runs up to Roy with the two daggers covered in flame and swipes at his face , Roy catching her hands with his blue claws looks at her straight in the eyes wondering what happened to such a small girl, Roy asks himself. “Flaming tornado” Dailyn states and her daggers move fast through the air, the attack is blocked once again by Roy. Evidently Roy can out power any one since he is the oldest and most skilled, but he decides to not knock her out so fast, and find out what she knows. “So are you going to tell me why exactly you work for the king? I understand you do owe him for killing Caleb,” Roy states but Dailyn keeps attacking him head on and after several attempts to hit him she begins to speak “I owe the king my life, for what he did to that monster that killed my brother, like you said. I serve for this reason only and do not care who gets in my way as long as I repay the king.” “Even if you have to kill innocent people and make others suffer? Your brother would be ashamed of you!” Roy exclaims, since he is pissed about Dailyn’s narrow-mind, “You can’t honestly believe in the work you do. Your brother wouldn’t stand by it,” “Shut up! I don’t care about that. You don’t know what it is like to lose the person you admire most,” this statement catches Roy off-guard and she strikes him in the stomach hard, making him lose his breath. Dailyn panting jumps back, tears now in her eyes as she remembers Pilot’s face and remembers how he used to hang out with Roy all the time and trained together , Roy the very person she was sent to kill if he stood in her way. Dailyn stops using her Armorth and just stands in front of Roy looking at him, trying to figure out why she is so confused now, this very moment, after so many years of chasing after Roy, Kiter, and Cross, finally figuring out that before she hadn’t confronted a single person who had actually trained with her brother she begins to walk away. “Hey! Where are you going?” Roy asks, but its no use since Dailyn keeps walking, Roy appears in front of her and she runs into him, face first. Dailyn wraps her arms around Roy and begins to shed even more tears remembering those afternoons when Roy used to pass by her house to give Pilot the update. Roy hugs her back and whispers into her ears “It’s ok. It’ll be all better now."


  The four meet in front of the entrance now , Kiter dragging a body , Cross happy to see the light coming in from the entrance and Seritu holding something wrapped in a piece of cloth. “So that’s it?” Cross asks Seritu, he replies “Yup!” From the north comes Roy carrying in his arms a red head girl with bright brown eyes, “Hey guys! Oh this is Dailyn Quesada. Pilot’s sister,” Roy presents his new friend to the group. But Kiter and Cross look at one another astonished by it all. “Isn’t she a threat to us?” Kiter asks, but Roy tells him “Don’t worry about it; I’ll take full responsibility for this.” “Well let’s go to the base, it’ll take us a month to reach it from here. Also what are we doing with that?” Cross says and points at Alexis’ body. “Well I thought you can ask your guardian to heal her and then just leave her here,” Kiter tells Cross, Seritu states “Yeah, that’s a good idea Xinaly will get her and take her back,” everyone looks at him with a weird eye. “How exactly do you know Xinaly son?” Cross asks, “Well. I ran into her while looking for the dagger, we had a moment, and she directed me straight to it.” “What do you mean exactly by had a moment?” Cross looks at his son mystified, Seritu looks at them all since even Dailyn as stopped shedding tears and her entire attention is turned to Seritu. “Well……We kissed….” Seritu eventually says and Kiter puts his palm over his face, Roy then says “Well, that’s Xinaly alright. But it’s still a bit weird how she still told you where to find the dagger.” “She knew the exact location , actually she is the one in charge of directing this mission,” Dailyn speaks out , she is a bit concerned as well for what her squad leader had done. “ Very well , let's head out to our base , in the meantime we have to train you Seritu, you can’t face Zepar as you are now,” Cross states and the five leave behind a healed Alexis .

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  “Open up!” a golden hair into a communicator at the entrance. Seritu goes to meet her at the entrance and she runs into his arms, the scent of pine trees and leaves waffle his nose. Dailyn trailing behind waves at Seritu and keeps moving into the base. “So far we found that the king will be at Melaz to celebrate his coming of power, later on he will retire into his private quarters in the Rocky Mountains. Also we’ve been informed that he only has a few guards stationed there. So how was your day honey?” Xinaly tells Seritu. “Well after a year of training and trying to uncover the true nature of my Armorth, I’ve finally beat my dad,” he tells Xinaly, “That’s great,” Xinaly responds to Seritu. They both walk hand in hand into the center of the base , it looked like an old abandoned warehouse from the outside but at the bottom it had seven floors of men and women who hated the king for ending the peace in the world and destroying
those who opposed him. Months later after Seritu arrived at the base, Xinaly who appeared to be following them, became part of the resistance. Her alibi was that she liked Seritu and had no more business working for the king, evidently she proved herself by spying on the king along with Dailyn, for the resistance. Things for a few weeks after Xinaly entered the resistance got awkward since nobody trusted her yet, except Seritu who was baffled by her beauty and most of all what she had done just to get to know him. Of course Xinaly was a bit like a mercenary since, as she spoke to Roy, she could easily be working for both sides, if she really wanted. Having this in mind Roy himself observed her work along with Dailyn’s, just in case, after several months of doing so, everyone began to trust the new additions.

  Reaching now the center both Xinaly and Seritu walked into the command center, where everyone was listening to the information Dailyn had gathered. “Good you’re here,” Cross says when Seritu comes into view. Xinaly waved at Cross and the others and has a seat nearby, the command center was an oval room filled with monitors displaying the outside security cameras it had contact with other resistance bases throughout the world, the place looked good for a fifty year old hidden base, which Roy had made when he began to suspect the evil plots of the Kentons. Roy was really prepared for anything it seemed at times except for the time when he added the 9th grade Elite and not keeping an eye on him, or carefully testing what types of guardians do what and at what stage can Flux really handle their Armorth. It was a mistake that cost Roy dearly but who would of had known that demon guardians can be so influential on the Flux and that someone can be controlled by his own guardian to the extent of losing total control over his body. Roy still couldn’t help but hold himself accountable for the rising of the world’s tyrant. “What’s up?” Seritu asks, “Well, we’re attacking him, when he is in the Rocky Mountains son. Kiter, Roy, you and I will go in to do this while Xinaly and Dailyn distract the guards,” Cross instructs. “Fine, I’m ready to face anything now,” Seritu informs the whole room.