Read Fade to Red Page 17

  “You think so? I haven’t noticed.”

  “Oh please.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I’m not kidding even a little bit.”

  “She’s strange, but obviously, pretty.”

  “The ‘strange’ I picked up on.” He held up the hair paste. “Got this out of the deal.”

  “Aw, someone’s got a crush on you…”

  He tickled her harder and she fell into his neck, laughing.

  “Stop,” she wheezed, “I don’t want Journey to wake up yet.”

  “You didn’t tell me she was asleep.” His eyes got hazy as he reached under her shirt and tweaked her nipple. He leaned down and kissed his way up her stomach until he reached her bra. “Why aren’t we naked yet?” He unsnapped the bra and grinned up at her when it fell to the floor.

  “Someone came in all distracted by clumsy girls,” she said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lifted her skirt and turned around to sit on the couch. “Mmm, this is gonna be good.”

  “You’re supposed to be onstage in twen—ohhhh, mmm…” She grabbed his hair and held on.

  “I’ve been off all day,” he said. “I just need a little taste.”

  By the time they were done, he’d had more than a little.

  She giggled when he pulled out of her.

  “I wrecked your hair,” she said.

  “I’m gonna leave it like this for the show … that way you can look at me and know that I’m still enjoying the taste of you.”

  He sauntered off the bus, still buttoning his jeans, even though he was about to be late.

  After the show, Ian was worn out and headed back to the bus.

  “Ian, wait up!” Beckham called.

  Ian turned and waited for Beckham to reach him.

  “Hey, you killed it tonight, man,” Ian said.

  “You think so? Thanks. I expected tonight to be hard, but it helped to get out there and let out all my frustration. Now I’m wiped out.” He put an arm around Ian’s shoulder. “I feel like I’ve learned more working with you the last few months than I have the last ten years of touring. Your musicianship ups the quality of every player out there—we all do better. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Ian squeezed Beckham’s shoulder. “Grateful you feel that way. It’s been a kick. I’m loving it. You’ve spoiled me, you know that, right? I’m not gonna want to tour without you now.”

  “I’ve been so burned out. You almost make me never want to quit.”

  Ian laughed. “I’d say it was meant to be then!”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something—should have long before now. Besides what happened with Sparrow spraining her foot, has Brooke given you any reason to think she’s violent? Roxie thinks she was responsible for that. What do you think?”

  “I don’t trust her…”

  “But do you think she hurt Sparrow on purpose?”

  “I don’t know—her apology surprised me. And she’s backed off since then,” he admitted.

  Beckham blew a long breath out of his nose. “Okay. I’ll try to get to the bottom of it.”

  Beckham had agreed that Roxie, Chloe, and Leo should stay on Anthony’s bus when he remembered his mom was coming the next afternoon. In all the havoc, he’d completely forgotten about her visit. He was so glad he hadn’t told her about Roxie yet—relief did not even begin to cover it. That had been the cosmos finally aligning right there.

  He’d sat in on the questioning of Brooke. She swore she didn’t damage Roxie’s things, said she’d never liked her but that she’d never done anything like that. By the time she was done talking, all five of them in the room had been fairly certain it wasn’t her. Just in case, Beckham and a detective friend he’d called just to scare her, made sure they put the fear of God in her to not step near Roxie or her things.

  The next morning was an unusually bitter cold day in Atlanta. He’d talked up the Ferris Wheel so much, there was no getting out of it. The ride was about to close due to the weather when they showed up, but Beckham convinced them to keep it open for one more ride. They froze. Leo gasped when the ride started and the air felt even colder. He looked at his mom for reassurance, but when she cuddled him closer he smiled the rest of the ride. It was worth it.

  When they got off and walked to the Jeep, Leo started squealing and pointed to his nose. Apparently his nose had started to run and froze mid-stream. Leo looked terrified, but when Beckham and Roxie laughed hysterically, he nervously chuckled too. Roxie pulled Kleenex out of her purse and got the gross icicle off, making him give his nose a good blow while he was at it.

  They’d picked up Beckham’s mom together, despite Roxie arguing all the way that he needed to go get her alone. Under his breath, he made a deal with her to not say a word about Leo, but said the deal was off if she’d heard about it on TV.

  Leo was a hit with Sophia. Actually, she was immediately taken with both Leo and Roxie. Beckham realized his mistake in bringing Roxie as soon as his mom’s eyes lit onto the three of them together.

  By that night, Leo had managed to tell the whole crew about his ‘icicle boogies’ and was still getting laughs out of everyone he told, so he made the rounds a second time.

  Beckham noticed how Roxie always kept an eye on Leo, even when she let him roam around a room. She knew where he was at all times. It was obvious from how they interacted with one another that she was a really good mother. As angry as he was with her, deep down he knew she was protective of her little boy. Looking back on his history, all the things she’d probably heard in the press, he could somewhat understand why she’d want to keep Leo from all of that. He’d never completely understand why, but when he saw her with Leo, it almost softened him toward Roxie again. Almost.

  He just knew Leo was his. There could be no other explanation for the bond Beckham felt with him. It had been immediate and he only felt the connection growing.

  Somehow he’d have to work past the former feelings he’d had for Roxie and the new mixed-up ones and move forward so Leo would have the best possible upbringing. Beckham was determined to make up for the years they’d lost. He was thankful Leo was still young enough that he wouldn’t hold it against Beckham for not being around before now. At least that’s what he hoped.

  As for why Roxie would continue to insist that Leo wasn’t his, he couldn’t figure that out. Maybe she was afraid he’d try to take Leo from her, but every child needed both parents—he had to remind himself of this at least a hundred times a day since he’d found out about Leo. As much as he wanted to steal away with him, he knew he could never take his son from his mother.

  A couple of days went by and Beckham thought for sure they’d have the results back by the time they arrived in Washington, D.C., but no such luck. Nate called and told Beckham to let him know the minute he knew anything. Cleveland and Boston went by, and still no word.

  They arrived in New York and would only be in town a few days for two shows and the late night circuit. Then they’d all fly to L.A. for the Grammy Awards for a couple of nights. Without a concert every night and staying in a hotel, it would almost feel like a break, even though it’d still be hectic.

  He tried to get Roxie to come to the hotel too, with Leo and Chloe, but she insisted on staying on Anthony’s bus. She was so stubborn.

  He stretched out on his bed for about an hour and slept. As soon as he got up, he felt restless. The hotel room felt claustrophobic. He missed them. Leo. He missed Leo. He swallowed his pride and called Roxie.

  She answered on the second ring.

  “Roxie? Hey.”

  “Hey, Beckham. What’s up?”

  He couldn’t tell for sure if she was any more annoyed with him than usual.

  “I was wondering—would you guys meet up with me at the Rockefeller ice skating rink?”

  It was quiet on the other end.

  “You still there?” he asked.


  “Sounds like you’re there.”

  “Well, yes, I’m here, but no, we’re not going skating with you.”

  “Rox, I promised Leo I’d show him a good time while he’s on this trip. Let me do that.”

  “He’s having a great time, believe me.”

  “Lighten up, okay? It’s just one afternoon.”

  “Don’t tell me to lighten up! Beckham, look … I know you won’t believe he’s not yours until you have proof, but that being said—I don’t have to hang out with you. And I don’t have to make sure Leo is around you all the time right now either. When you hear what you need to hear, you can come find me and give me the apology I deserve. Until then, I’ll see you onstage.”

  There was a long pause until he said, “Come on, Roxie. Just come skate with me. I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk. Truce for a day?”

  She was quiet. Finally: “You’ve been an asshole, Beckham.”

  He laughed in spite of his embarrassment. “Fair enough. I’ll dial back my asshole for the day.”



  “Okay. I guess.”

  She hung up on him and he scrambled around the room, throwing on a shirt and sweater. He pulled on a knit cap, sunglasses, and took off, not sure when she was even coming.

  He skated about twenty minutes before he saw them, getting on the rink. They both were wearing bright blue and looked like a vision. Leo was talking and Roxie was laughing at whatever he was saying. Her hair was down, the long waves looking like gold against her blue jacket; it always took his breath away when she wore it like that. Her smile faded when she saw him and he felt a sword jab directly into his heart.

  His body and heart kept betraying him where Roxie was concerned. Giving his hat a tug, he groaned and plastered on a smile. Just have fun, he thought. Don’t let her suck you in and don’t even look at her lips. Or ass. Or hair.

  “Hey, you two! Thanks for meeting me out here!” he said. Funny, he felt extremely happy to be with a girl who was twisting him in knots. “Leo! You’re looking pretty good—you look like a pro already!”

  “Mom and I go skating a lot,” Leo said proudly. “She’s really good. I don’t do the fancy stuff like her, though.”

  Roxie and Leo’s cheeks had two red circles in the center of them. It made their eyes even brighter. Beckham stared at them for a moment and thought: This is exactly what I want. Right in front of me. Both of them.

  To his mortification, he felt a knot in his throat. His eyes watered, but he hoped he could attribute it to the brisk air. What the hell is happening to me? He cleared his throat and gave them both a lopsided grin.

  “You gonna show us whatcha got?” Roxie said lightly.

  He could tell she was trying hard to be polite and he was relieved.

  They did a lap around.

  “Do a twirl, Mom!”

  “Oh no, that’s okay.” She laughed. “I’m not really feeling the twirls today.”

  “Come on, I wanna see!” Beckham pointed to the center of the rink. “Right out there.”

  “I’m hungry already,” Roxie said.

  “No changing the subject!”

  “Oh, okay,” she huffed, “but just a couple. I’m not kidding about being hungry!”

  She began skating to the center of the rink. Leo and Beckham stopped, both watching her every move.

  “She’s beautiful,” Beckham said to Leo. “You know your mom is beautiful, right?”

  Leo nodded solemnly. “I know. I see her.”

  “I see her too, buddy. You’ve got a good one.”

  They looked at each other, having a moment. When they looked up, Roxie was going around the rink, turned backwards and did a double axel. They both clapped hard.

  “That was perfect!” Beckham yelled. “Do another one!”

  “One more,” she said, “and then food!”

  She gathered up speed and as she turned to go backwards, someone skating by sped up and bumped into her, knocking her down. There was a sickening thud as Roxie fell hard. Beckham and Leo rushed over to her, along with a few other people.

  She looked up at Beckham and Leo, dazed. “That’s what I get for showing off,” she said softly.

  “It was amazing,” Beckham whispered, leaning over her. “Are you okay, Rox? Where does it hurt?” He brushed the ice off of her face.

  “You okay, Mama?” Leo knelt down by her.

  “I’m okay. I think everything is in one piece...” She tried to joke. She waved at everyone. “I’m fine,” she said.

  A girl asked if she needed anything and Roxie thanked her and said no. Everyone slowly skated away. She moved her legs and took Beckham’s hand, slowly sitting up.

  “Ugh. This is gonna hurt.” She winced as she stretched her arms. “I’d like to punch the girl who plowed into me.”

  “Yeah, the thought crossed my mind too.” Beckham looked around the rink. “She didn’t even stop to see if you were okay.”

  “She just came out of nowhere! I didn’t even see what she looked like.”

  Beckham didn’t bother telling her that he didn’t either, because while she was falling, he’d come to the realization that he’d fallen even harder and would never get over her.

  When Roxie stood up, every muscle in her body hurt. She was used to getting sore from all the torture she gave her body dancing, but this was a little more extreme. She moved tentatively to the side of the rink.

  Leo and Beckham both looked so worried about her she had to smile. “I’m okay, really, just … ow.”

  “Here, let’s take your skates off and get warmed up.”

  They shuffled off of the rink and found their shoes.

  “I have an idea. How about you come back to my room and we can order room service. You can stretch out and eat at the same time.” His smile was so kind, the ice cubes around her heart began to thaw just a tiny bit more.

  “I love room service!” Leo held onto Roxie’s hand and reached out for Beckham’s.

  She was going to get an ulcer, with how nervous it made her to see Leo and Beckham together. Leo liked him so much already. They had immediately bonded and there seemed to be nothing she could do to stop it. She hesitated, but they both had such hopeful expressions that she caved. It would help to have a few days at home soon. She’d get her son unattached to this guy later, something she’d have to figure out for herself too. Later being the key word. For now, she just needed to balance out her libido vs. her feelings.

  “This must be a really nice room. You keep trying to lure us there,” Roxie teased.

  “You’ll see.” He raised a cocky eyebrow at her. “Taxi!”

  They had maybe a four-minute cab ride.

  “I totally could have walked that,” Roxie argued.

  “Yeah, maybe if I carried you,” Beckham teased back.

  “Well, I didn’t hear you offering.” She looked at him, daring him to come back with something.

  He looked down at her lips and subconsciously licked his lower lip. When the taxi driver asked for his fare, Beckham was startled.

  “Yeah, thanks, here you go. Come on, let’s get you people some food,” he yelled.

  “Wow!” Leo said over and over as he ran through the suite.

  It was gorgeous. She should have known it would be. This was the kind of room she used to imagine Beckham in, back when she thought about him all the time, and okay, even this morning. Royal blue and red with lime green touches decorated the room and it just felt good in there. Cozy and cheerful.

  “Ooo, I love that!” She pointed up at the mahogany ceiling.

  Beckham nodded. “Me too. Here, stretch out on this bed. I’ll grab the menu for you.”

  “Thanks.” She sat on the bed and leaned back. “Ahhh,” she groaned, “a feather bed. I just thought I was tired of my bunk.” She laughed. “I could get used to this!”

  He walked into the other room and she heard him showing Leo how to start the video games.

  “No shoes on the couch, Leo!” she called out.

; “They’re off, Mom!” he called back and she giggled.

  Beckham stopped mid-stride on his way back to her. He saw her watching him and seemed to snap out of it. He came the rest of the way, sitting down beside her. Her hair was fanned out on the pillow and he pushed a few strands the rest of the way back.

  Without thinking it through, she reached up and touched his lower lip. She couldn’t seem to stop herself—her eyes were always drawn to his mouth. She wanted to sink into those lips and bite …

  She yanked her hand away.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I-”

  He took her hand and put her fingers back on his lips. “Don’t stop.” His eyes crinkled up when he smiled.

  Those chameleon eyes. They looked dark grey and smoky at the moment.

  He was sexy as hell. And apparently he would always be her downfall.

  Her fingers swept across his upper lip, following the curve and then feeling bolder, she pressed down on his lower lip until he opened his mouth.

  His grin was mischievous as he let her touch and then when she was least expecting it, his tongue came out and circled around her finger. She went completely still. He teased her finger a little more, waiting to see what she would do, and then without warning, he leaned down and…

  “Beck? My game stopped working. Can you turn it back on?” Leo asked softly. His eyes veered between the two of them. “Whatcha doin’?”

  “Oh just making sure your mom … feels better.” Beckham’s eyes widened at Roxie, but she didn’t try to help him out. He stood up. “What’s going on with that game?” They walked out of the room with Leo telling him in great detail how he’d tried to get it working.

  Roxie turned on the side that didn’t feel as bruised and willed her heart to calm down. She was playing a dangerous game, one where she and Leo would be devastated, but today, the pull to Beckham felt stronger than her anger and self-control. She closed her eyes and imagined the kiss he would have given her if Leo hadn’t walked in, and fell asleep.

  She woke up to voices in the other room. It sounded like Sierra with Leo. She sat up and forced herself to get out of bed.