Read Fandri's Adventures Page 26

Chapter 11: Tracking

  “I haven’t heard of a Wizardess. Who is she, Nnarndam?” Fandri and his fairy peered into the darkness.

  “I’m sure she will like you, Fandri. She is a lovely Nnanelli and is the northern keeper of the Shield of Reloria.” Nnarndam’s eyes twinkled as he too looked forward to seeing her.

  A dark green boot came into view as it stepped over the threshold of the Pantheria house, followed by a young lady wearing flowing green robes. Her long black hair was encircled by a crown of fresh flowers.

  Fandri noticed she was short and felt an affinity with the lady straight away. He bowed.

  Nnarndam hugged her. “My dear Aqualina, it is a delight to see you again. I wish to introduce you to my young friends from Southdale: Fandri and Fandri-La. Halfling, this is Wizardess Aqualina. I believe she is my niece, several generations removed. I tend to lose track of time over the centuries, but I trust our historians in Nnanell.”

  “Thank you, Uncle. It is a pleasure to meet a new halfling and fairy. You are so tanned compared to our northern halflings.” Her aqua eyes shone with excitement.

  Fandri’s brow wrinkled and his mouth pouted at her comment. “Do you mean that there are halflings here that we have never heard of in the South Lands? How is that possible?”

  Fandri-La nodded in agreement and her bell tinkled.

  Aqualina laughed, a pleasant melodious sound. “I imagine you are quite isolated; as are we, here in the north. Come…I will introduce you to your distant relations.” She led the way outside.

  Fairy pin-points of light moved around large, wide shapes which loomed in the darkness. When they neared, Fandri could see broad-set deer with bells around their necks. They were harnessed to carved wooden sleighs with thick metal runners.

  Pale halflings with totally white skin, clothes and hair and startling pink eyes stood beside them.

  One older male approached, with a female fairy. “Hello, I am Mayor Rufious of the Northern Halflings.” He fell silent and looked deep into Fandri’s eyes; tilting his head to the side and nodding, as though holding a silent conversation. He was then still for a while, as though awaiting Fandri’s response.

  “I am sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to tell me.” Fandri’s felt his brow crease and he looked from one to another of the albino halflings, who stared at him with expectation. “Please explain what I am missing.”

  Aqualina gave a gentle smile and squeezed his hand. “It is not a concern, my dear. Rufious was merely testing whether you shared their ability for what they call ‘mind-speak.” She explained to him the meaning of telepathy and he sighed with envy.

  “That would be fantastic. Unfortunately, we can’t do that in the South Lands, so well done to you all, for developing this talent. It is such a surprise and honour to meet you all.” He gave a bow and Fandri-La curtsied in mid-air.

  They were made welcome by the newcomers and given pride of place on the first sleigh in line for the northern outpost.

  Fandri glanced down at the uneven ground and frowned as he looked at the sleek blades on the sleigh. “I think we’re in for a very rough ride through these stones.”

  Rufious gave a knowing smile and tapped his nose with a pale finger. “Watch and learn, Fandri. Watch and learn.” He lit an oil lamp hanging behind him and lights winked on in several other places nearby. Several deer were illuminated.

  The Pantheria had been peering from their houses, but drew their heads inside when the light shone on them. Doors banged shut and the ill-disposed creatures were not seen again.

  Aqualina sat herself between the two halflings and grabbed the reins. She gave a small shake. “Let’s go, Moosi.” She pulled a white wand from her robes and pointed it at the ground. Two streams of water poured forth and landed in front of the sleigh, freezing just a moment before the sleigh ran smoothly over the top. She did not need to keep pointing her wand, for the ice grew at the same speed as the sleigh’s travel, with each sleigh following behind them.

  Due to some unknown magic, the deer’s legs moved in a rapid blur and the sleighs shot across the ground as though fired out of a crossbow. Such was their pace that even a bat soaring through the trees appeared to be flying backwards.

  “That’s amazing.” Fandri-La looked at the wizardess with her brows raised at her magic.

  Eight sleighs followed close behind them with one or two companions in each, along with the snow halflings.

  Fandri felt his cheeks warm when his stomach rumbled.

  Aqualina laughed. “I think there is some food left in the satchel there, if Rufious hasn’t yet scoffed it all.”

  The halfling rummaged around and found bread and a container of green dipping sauce. It smelled minty and tasted like the Wolfmint that grew near Southdale. He hungrily ate several slices, then rested back with a satisfied sigh.

  The smooth motion of the sleigh and the constant jingle of bells sent him into a restless sleep. He tossed and turned in a sweat, with visions of pirates, dragons and cat-people dancing through his dreams.