Read Fandri's Adventures Page 27

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  The abrupt halt of the sleigh woke the halfling and he fell forward against Aqualina’s arm. “Steady there, Fandri. We have arrived at the Northern Outpost.”

  “No, that is not possible. We should have taken days to get there. Have I slept so long?” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, yawned and stretched his muscles which were knotted up from sleeping in the sleigh.

  Aqualina chuckled and tousled his hair. “No, my friend. We have come the entire distance in some six turns of the hourglass. The sun is rising now. Let’s have a light meal and retire to warm beds for a sleep. I will ask Rufious to find some furs for you to wear.”

  It was then that Fandri really opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. A blanket of white covered the trees and ground, as the deer entered the outer wall gates of the ice castle. A sudden blast of freezing air chilled the halfling to the bone. He shivered and Aqualina wrapped her furs around him tighter.

  “Why is everything here white?”

  “It is snow, of course, you silly.” Rufious gave him a friendly slap on the back as though to spur his brain into action. “Don’t they have snow, where you come from?”

  “It’s always warm in Southdale.” Fandri-La flew into the snow halfling’s face, determined to defend Fandri. “How would we know of snow when we have never seen or even heard of it before?”

  “That is very odd indeed,” replied Rufious’ fairy. Fandri-La noticed her wings were covered in complicated silver swirls.

  “Oh, I love your wings. Is your name Rufious-La?”

  “Almost correct. I am called Rufious-Fae and I’m very pleased to meet you. I might confess to a bit of jealousy that you hail from a land without snow and ice. Is it still a part of Reloria?”

  “Yes, it is indeed. I am Fandri-La and you have already met Fandri, of course. We live way down in the South Lands, which is quite a beautiful part of the world. This snow land does have a certain charm as well, though.”

  Rufious-Fae nodded. “Well, I am a bad host to not have offered you food. Come, and we shall feast on pine nectar, while the others eat. Then a good sleep will be in order.” She grabbed her new friend’s hand and flew ahead to lead the newcomers to the dining hall in an exact icy replica of the sandstone castle they had departed several days ago.

  The halflings slept safe and sound in the dormitories.

  Fandri and his fairy awoke and stretched in unison. They glanced down the long room housing twenty halflings in simple beds and fairies curled up on toadstools. They sighed simultaneously with contentment, exchanged glances and smiled.

  He whispered in her ear. “Feels like home, Fandy.”

  “Well, it’s a bit different to our log cabin, but it’s the closest thing we have seen in all our travels. I hope we can stay here for a couple of days.” She flew a lap around the room, but was careful not to wake their roommates.

  “’re in luck then. I overheard Nnarndam say that he and the elves needed to go north to measure the extent of the Elven Shield. I doubt they would miss our company if we remained here.”

  “Yay! We can play with the fairies here for a while. I sure have missed having fairies about.” She spun around quickly and shot across the room like an arrow.

  Fandri-La’s enthusiasm woke the other fairies and halflings. Soon the room was abuzz with activity.

  After a meal in the early afternoon, the Nnanelli and elves headed north in the sleighs. Fandri was free to explore the castle and snow-covered surroundings.

  He wore warm furs and high boots that Rufious had provided for his use. Fandri-La was delighted with her new knitted dress and hose.

  As all the castle’s halflings were busy with chores, Fandri and his fairy decided to go exploring together.


  “Hey Wolfer, you big softie.” Fandri ruffled the hound’s ears, and Fandri-La patted him on the back, staying away from his slobbering mouth. “I wonder if Varl left with Sir Rawlan, or stayed behind. Usually he and Wolfer are found close together.”

  He did not have long to wonder.

  “Noon greetings, Fandri. The forefathers have blessed us with a beautiful day to share together for Sir Rawlan has accompanied the elves northward. Would you like to come and explore the snow?” Varl’s eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. He produced a snowball from behind his back and threw it at Fandri.

  The snowball hit Fandri square in the face and the halfling coughed at the icy sensation.

  Varl doubled over in peals of laughter.

  Fandri’s ears burned with heat and he raced towards the squire, picked up a handful of snow in his gloves and stuffed it down the front of Varl’s clothes.

  “Ooooh. You are a fast learner, Fandri. Well played.” Rather than retaliate, Varl smiled and clapped the halfling on the shoulder in friendship, then did a funny jig as he tried to shake the snow from his clothes. “Come, let us have some fun.”

  He set off at a jog through knee-deep snow, with Fandri slogging along after him almost in waist-deep. Gee, Varl is growing tall like a bean pole. “Wait for me!”

  Fandri shivered in spite of the borrowed coat. He felt damp snow seeping in through his cotton hose. Life in the sub-tropics had not prepared him for these wintery climes.

  Varl turned to see the reason for his delay. “It is a shame your legs are so short; you will catch a cold from all that snow you are wading through. Shall we return and collect a sleigh for your comfort?”

  Fandri grimaced. “Not a chance. I wouldn’t miss this for all of Reloria.”

  “Very well then, my friend. I have my sword here and I will try to catch some warmer furs for you to wear. Come, let us hunt.”

  Fandri touched the hilt of the long dagger at his waist and nodded. “I’m sure we can manage a hunt with our fantastic swordsmanship.” He winked at Varl, but the squire did not seem to appreciate his sarcasm. He gave a slight nod, but his furrowed brow indicated confusion.

  “I’m joking, Varl. I’d be lucky to take down a rabbit with this dagger.”

  Varl’s eyes widened in understanding and he chuckled. “I see.”

  The boys struggled through the snow for over an hour and more snow started to float down upon them. Fandri-La shivered when the flakes touched her iridescent wings. “It’s freezing, but it kinda tickles as well. What an odd sensation.”

  Fandri was feeling playful and stuck out his tongue and moved around, trying to catch a snowflake on it. Varl laughed and copied him. Even Wolfer appeared to join in the game. He might not have known what they were doing, but he bounded about joyously and bumped Fandri, knocking him into a snowdrift.

  Fandri spat out a mouthful of snow and gave the hound a pat on the back.

  Wolfer gave a low rumble and his ears shot up. Hackles rose on the back of his neck as he pawed the ground and bared his teeth.

  Fandri continued to pat him, but his widened eyes darted around the snow-covered landscape. “What is it boy? Can you hear something?”

  Varl was already peering through the trees with his ears alert for the slightest sound. “I suspect he has detected the scent of an animal, possibly a predator. Hmm…this may be my chance to get you a warm fur coat. Keep alert, Fandri. There may be wolves or a bear near-abouts.”

  Fandri nodded and they edged forward, following the hound who continued to growl.

  After a while, Varl saw footprints and exclaimed with shining eyes that he thought they belonged to a large snow bear. “Careful now. They can be dangerous.”

  Wolfer ran ahead out of sight, barking without pause.

  Varl moved forward to chase him, but Fandri grabbed his arm. “Be cautious. A bear could strike quickly.” Varl nodded.

  Snow began to fall.

  A high pitched bark was heard, followed by a whimper, then silence.


  This time the halfling could not restrain his distraught friend, who pushed past him and was soon lost to sight.

  Fandri-La had tears in her eyes and trembli
ng lips. “I’m scared Fandri. Should we go after them or back to the castle for help?”

  He nodded and studied his trembling hands. “I’m scared too, but we have to see if he’s alright. By the time we come back with help, he might be injured or worse.” He tightened his jaw and set off through the deep snow.

  Fandri and his fairy took a long time to catch up. From the scuffed tracks they surmised that Wolfer was dragging one leg. Varl’s boot tracks were dwarfed by large bear-size prints.

  “Oh, poor Wolfer.” Fandri-La’s eyes filled with tears as they hurried on through the increasing snow fall.

  Fandri shivered and his fairy echoed his motion. “We have to keep up with them because the snow is starting to fill in their footprints.”

  Fandri-La paused in mid-air and gave a low whisper. “Something’s moving up ahead.”

  They bolted forward and were relieved to find that it was only Wolfer. The hound had being exerting himself to keep up with Varl, but was succumbing to his injuries. Fandri could see that his hind leg was clearly broken and the hound was alternating between hopping on three legs and dragging it.

  They were saddened to see him injured, but knew they had to hurry to follow the rapidly-disappearing trail. Fandri noticed that the footprints were now closer together and he slowed his pace. “Can you see anything from up there, Fandy?”

  “I think it’s a cave.” Her voice sounded low and tremulous as he struggled to look up at her through the snow.”

  They neared the cave together where not a sound was heard.


  A huge white bear bounded out of the cave with a roar.

  Artwork: ‘Fandri wrestling with a white bear in the snow’ by Susannah, age 14