Read Fandri's Adventures Page 32

Chapter 13: Dangerously ill

  Varl became sicker by the hour. Queen Liara-Star led the expedition to a hasty exit from the snowy lands of the north to her homeland in the south: the Great Elven Heart. This was an ancient forest of magical creatures which lay at the very centre of Reloria. Some of the forest inhabitants such as pixies and elves were friendly and approached the travellers. Others such as unicorns, nymphs and griffins were more skittish and kept clear of the strangers.

  Travelling through the forest on their first evening; they stopped beside a lake. Water sprites danced, their voices raised in song as they sent jets of water weaving in patterns through the air. Fandri-La watched them with an expression of child-like joy.

  “Oh, how wonderful they are. I would love to dance on the lake too, without a care in the world.” She spun around in mid-air humming, with her face beaming with enjoyment.

  The queen smiled. “You are a delight, Fandri-La. It has been a pleasure to travel with you these past months. This will be the last time to enjoy each other’s company, for we shall leave you with the knights and Varl here, at the House of Healing. We elves will return to Conlaoch Diarmada, our city.”

  Strong elves came and took over carrying Varl’s make-shift stretcher. Dark circles were evident under his eyes and the area around the shoulder wound was red and shiny. The bandages were stained with putrid, oozing pus. The boy was delirious with a raging fever. He was taken into a building hidden in the trees which Fandri had failed to notice.

  The healers instructed them not to visit Varl yet. Fandri and his fairy eyes’ welled with tears as he was taken away, for they feared they would never see him again.

  Juline-Mist approached Liara-Star with her face glowing with happiness. “My Queen, might I have a word with you?”

  She nodded and gestured for them to walk around the lake.

  Fandri-La wiped away her tears, determined to eavesdrop on their discussion. She tried to keep her expression neutral as she danced along the water near them.

  The handmaiden spoke softly, but the cunning fairy heard every word.

  “Your majesty, I think you may be aware of my affection for your brother, Prince Celdar-Moon.” The queen nodded. “Well, I have become smitten with love for him and cannot bear to be apart from him. The prince has also spoken of his deep affection for me. I know it is an unusual request coming from me, but would you permit us to wed in the Spring?”

  The queen could see the eagerness in her handmaiden’s eyes. “Very well, I am thrilled for the both of you. Would you like to join Celdar-Moon at the Western Outpost, my dear? It will be a change for you after living in the palace, but you are welcome to invite some friends to go with you.”

  Juline-Mist bowed and nodded and bowed again, seemingly unsure of what to say.

  Fandri-La giggled.

  The elves turned and looked at the fairy. She gulped. “Ah…um…begging your pardon, your highness, I couldn’t help, but overhear the happy news.”

  “That’s alright my dear, you are forgiven.”

  Fandri-La bowed and hurried away to tell Fandri the news. He too had followed a little way along the lake.

  At the queen’s suggestion, they knocked on the door of the House of Healing to enquire after their friend.

  A handsome elf with dark hair ushered them in to see Varl. “The infection from his wounds has spread throughout his body, causing the stitches to burst open, young halfling. Elves are scouring the forest for plants which can help heal the sickness. This is Healer Brienne-Dawn who is using her magic to prevent the sickness from reaching his heart. If it does, we may lose him. It is a most perilous time, I am afraid.” The elf’s voice murmured into Fandri’s ear so as not to alarm the prince.

  Fandri-La burst into tears. “Oh, our poor brave Varl.”

  The halfling cradled her in his hands for comfort, but he too, felt a heavy weight settle upon his shoulders. Varl was his only real friend in this land and he felt responsible for the outcome. Bile rose in his throat at the stench of the wound. It was muted by the healing herbs hanging in the room, but it was an unmistakable smell of impending death.

  He moved forward to see Varl and saw an elf place pungent green leaves into the gaping hole in his shoulder. He was well aware of the sorrow in her eyes when she nodded at him and left the room in silence.

  Healer Brienne-Dawn held the prince’s hand. In a calm and confident manner, she concentrated on healing his sickened body.

  Fandri did not want to disrupt her concentration, so spoke in a whisper. “If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Varl is my dearest friend. He is both brave and strong.”

  The elf’s eyes did not leave Varl’s face. “Do you have any magic, young one? This boy is strong, but so is his illness.”

  The halfling shook his head.

  Fandri-La smiled and eagerly flew over. “Can I help?”

  “Perfect, kind fairy. You are the only one in all of Reloria who could.” The healer’s eyes shone with hope at seeing her. “Concentrate your magic where you see my glow and we will beat this together.”

  Fandri’s non-magical eyes saw only tiny sparkles on the outside of their magical spell, but he marvelled to see it grow larger to encompass the entire room.

  It even entered his body and he felt the pressure of a day spent in the saddle easing away. As Fandri-La used up her magical energy, Fandri felt his vigour drain away too. He became sleepy and noticed his fairy settle onto Varl’s chest and close her eyes. They both drifted into unconsciousness.

  Fandri and his fairy awoke the following day. He patted her with a gentle touch. “Well done, sweet Fandy.”

  “Greetings Fandri, Fandri-La, it is a fine morning to be alive.” Varl stretched his good arm and smiled at his weary friends. “The healer informs me that Fandri-La has helped save my life. I am in your debt once again, thank you.”

  “It’s a pleasure to see you better.” Fandri-La flew over to the prince and laid a kiss on his lips.

  Fandri chuckled as he watched Varl’s cheeks turn red. “You two are so cute.”

  There was a rap on the door and Sir Rawlan entered. “I hear you are recovering even faster than expected, Squire Varl. That is pleasing news. The outcome was touch-and-go until the fairy helped heal you. We are fortunate to have such capable travelling companions.”

  Fandri felt a warm flush of pride at hearing such praise for his fairy. He smiled at her.

  “I know you have slept for a long time, so I have taken the liberty of ordering a large breakfast for you all.” Rawlan opened the door and elves entered with a table, chairs, jugs and plates of food.

  A drink was poured for each of them, with a tiny thimble used for Fandri-La. Fandri raised his glass to his friend. “Cheers to your health, Varl.”

  “And cheers to our friendship.” All three drank deeply of a delicious nectar.