Read Fandri's Adventures Page 34

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  A rap sounded at the door.

  The sky was dark outside the slit window. Fandri groaned and rolled over, covering his head with the down pillow. “Go away.”

  The knocking became more insistent. “Fandri and fairy, your presence is required in the dining hall.” Varl’s voice sounded decidedly cheerful for dawn, but the mention of food stirred Fandri to action.

  The halfling bounded out of bed and dove into his clothes in a mad scramble for the door. He half-tripped on his britches and bumped into the door just as Varl pushed it in. Somehow they both ended up in a tangle on the floor with Fandri-La hovering above, laughing until her eyes watered at their misfortune.

  The halfling felt her glee at his expense and warmth as he felt his face redden. He gritted his teeth and swiped his hand in the air, catching the fairy on the wing and causing them both to grunt with pain.

  Varl giggled. “You are a thoughtless one, friend Fandri. You cannot hurt your fairy without injuring yourself. I would not recommend such an unwise course of action.”

  “You’re one to talk, bear-slayer.” Fandri-La frowned at him. “We didn’t see much thought behind your actions up north recently.” She poked her tongue out at the squire.

  Fandri patted her arm. “Peace, my Fandy. I daresay Varl and I are both impetuous at times, but hey, we are young and sometimes act before we think. Never mind that, sweet fairy. Varl said there is breakfast to be had. Let’s go.” He and Varl scooted out the door and raced down the candlelit stairs with the fairy trailing.

  “Excuse me friend Fandri, there is a condition you need to know…”

  His words were ignored as the halfling rushed into the dining hall.

  Fandri stopped mid-step in the entrance to the hall and Varl bumped into him. “What the?” He spun on his heel and glared at Varl, betrayal clear in his face. “There is no food here in the darkness. Why did you wake me?”

  A deep voice came from the darkness. “He did as he was instructed, which is the first rule of the knight’s code of conduct.” There was the sound of a flint being struck, then a candle revealed Sir Rawlan dressed in a thick woollen jerkin, long sleeved shirt and hose. “You are dismissed, Squire Varl. You may eat after you have completed two hours of sword and agility forms.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Varl gave Fandri a droopy-eyed look and pout of sympathy. Without a word he nodded and sprinted away.

  “Come closer, halfling. Let me appraise you before we commence the training.” Fandri and his fairy stepped into the candlelight. “Hmm…your physical presence is lacking due to your diminutive stature, but there is a fire in your eyes that appeals to me. A halfling and his fairy have never before been admitted into our ranks, but you have shown promise in our travels together and in your defence of Prince Varl. I believe you can be trained as a squire. Whether you would pass the trials into knighthood is unknown, but the king is willing to permit you this opportunity. You may train here until your eighteenth year and take the trials. Your success will depend on your dedication to study the forms and discipline.”

  Fandri bowed low to the ground and looked with eager eyes at the renowned knight who had scarcely even met his eye before. “I will do my best to learn the Knight’s Code and ways of combat, my Lord Rawlan.”

  His fairy also nodded her consent.

  “King Varan has granted me the unusual permission of taking on a second squire. The usual process would be for you to be a page or foot servant at the castle until a knight chose to train you. Due to your age, the king deemed it best to train you immediately. He is eager to meet you as well.”

  “Me? That is a surprise.” Fandri found himself a bit flush and tremulous at the thought of being appraised by a mighty king. He had heard many tales of the king’s bravery in battle and assumed he was a formidable warrior.”

  Sir Rawlan nodded. “Yes, he is quite keen to reward the halfling who saved the life of his son. Now, Squire Fandri and fairy, your lessons for this morning are endurance and saddle skills. First you are to run to the top of the tower twelve times and then meet me in the hog yards. Do you accept this task?”

  The knight’s piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right into Fandri’s soul to test his courage.

  The halfling broke eye contact and shuffled his feet. His words were a murmur. “Yes, sir.”

  A fist slammed into his chest and Fandri fell backwards to the flagstones.

  “Not satisfactory. Do you accept this task, boy?” The knight’s face was turning red as he loomed over the lad. His beady eyes bore into Fandri’s. The halfling gulped.

  Fandri opened his mouth to repeat his answer, but Rawlan’s frown silenced him. Two large hands gripped his shoulders and lifted him into the air. The halfling’s feet dangled in mid-air and he struggled to escape the iron-grip biting into his shoulders.

  He bit down on his tongue to keep from crying out, but his fairy betrayed his silence. “Ouch!”

  A hint of a smile crossed Rawlan’s face as his skin colour returned to normal. He chuckled and set Fandri down. “Haha. I had forgotten how little you are, halfling. Remember that you must answer all orders loud and clear without hesitation. I will give you extra duties in the stables this afternoon to reinforce the point. Now, I suggest you start running before you add further to your duties.”

  “Yes, sir. On my way.” Fandri spun around and raced out of the room, exhaling a sigh of relief to have escaped the stern knight.

  Fandri-La spoke in a hushed voice. “Looks like we are in for some serious discipline and hard work, my Fandri. Make sure you don’t anger him again. These men have changeable moods.”

  “I know.” The breaths turned into pants as the stairs began to take their toll. “It…will…be…a…long…day.”

  He climbed steadily up the ten storey tower and paused at the top. “One.” He rested his hands upon his knees, took three deep breaths and raced down again.