Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 17

  Chapter 11

  The arm holding Amy was firm but not tight. She could smell his body. It had a unique scent. She saw his nostrils flare and wondered if he smelled her too. He affected all her senses. She first noticed it when she saw him on the television screen. Having him this close was torture. She didn’t know how to make him release her arm. It made her uncomfortable and she could feel the unexpected warmth of his hand. She thought vampires were cold. Her mind still had trouble processing what she saw and heard. She remembered reading a time travel novel many years ago. It was entirely too “way out there” for her, and she kept thinking while reading that the heroine too easily accepted the things that happened.

  Now, maybe she understood. How do you deny it when someone shoves it in your face? She had a lot to think about and wanted to get everything straight in her head. She did not want to be alone with Marcus.

  When they arrived outside her room, Amy hesitated. Marcus released her arm and opened her door. “Step inside. There’s nothing I can do to you in the room that I can’t do in the hallway. I just want us to talk privately for a few minutes.”

  Amy entered the room. Marcus went over to a grouping of chairs and waited for Amy to have a seat before he sat down across from her. “I blocked your access to the Internet and also your cell phone. If you can promise me that nothing of what we told you or will tell you will get out while you are our guest, I can unblock them.” He stared at her intensely.

  “I don’t think anyone would believe me anyway, so I have no problem making that promise.”

  “Good. You are my guest, and I want you to have full access to my property. I think it will help you understand who and what we are. The wolves were told not to change while you are here. I will release them from that order, but you need to understand that nudity is more often seen than clothing. If it bothers you, turn away. It’s difficult for them to remember where they leave their clothes and they often times forget to collect them later. In the city, they adhere to strict guidelines, but this is their home and they need the freedom to be themselves.”

  “I have seen naked people before and will probably get used to it quickly. Thank you for the warning. I will try not to make anyone feel uncomfortable with my presence.”

  “The only other thing I ask is that you withhold judgment on anything you see until you can talk it over with me or Ivan. You may see things that bother you and need explaining. The explanation won’t always be palatable, but at least you might see things in another light.”

  “What types of things are you speaking of?”

  “Wolves and vampires can be violent and dangerous. It takes little to make us revert to the animals we truly are. Everyone is aware you’re off limits and no danger will befall you, but the wolves fight, and when someone gets out of line, Ivan or I take care of it instantly. I will have a less than friendly talk with Ivan after leaving your room and it will not be pleasant to witness.”

  “Could one of you die?”

  “No, but Ivan will walk very gently for the next day or so. He is provoking me because he wants a fight. I decided to give it to him.”

  “What about you, could you be hurt?”

  Marcus laughed, “It is unlikely, but Ivan gets in a nice hit or bite occasionally. I heal much faster than he does so even if I get pummeled, it will be hard to tell by tomorrow. The wolves also heal fast, but Ivan will be sore for a couple of days at least. I plan to make sure of that.”

  She guessed this was a guy thing, “Is there anything else you need to tell me?”

  “Yes. The property is safe and always guarded. Beyond our gates we have enemies. If you decide to leave, we will escort you back to Phoenix. You now carry our scent, and it will take a few days after you leave to get rid of it entirely. I’m sorry, but nothing can be done about it. Only time can remove the aroma.”

  “You will really just let me leave?”

  “I gave you my word and I will keep it, but I feel your curiosity will keep you with us. I’m sure you are overwhelmed, but at the same time, you can learn so much by staying, and I hope you will.”

  “Would you really have killed me the night you saved me?”

  “I will go to any length to protect my family. So yes, I would have killed you. Alba saved your life. Don’t take that lightly. She has killed more brutally than almost any other wolf in the pack, but she declared you as her family and she will protect you with her life.”

  “Are you really a king?”

  He laughed, “It’s not a term I allow anyone to use unless we are in a formal setting and it’s more a political title. I also do not like the term “master,” but the wolves like to push me in small ways when they know I will not retaliate. It’s a game they play. I guess it’s a family game.”

  “I plan on staying, and I appreciate your courtesy in allowing me to contact my friends. They would send out the National Guard if too much time passed before I called. Thank you.”

  Marcus took a deep breath. His control was near its limit. Amy’s smell was intoxicating and he didn’t want to scare her. It was time to end this conversation.

  “I bid you goodnight. I will not see you again until tomorrow evening. Please request whatever you need, and Ivan will see to it.”

  Marcus got up and took her hand. It seemed very old fashioned to Amy, but he kissed the inside of her wrist. She felt as if electricity passed, from his lips, up her arm and then traveled to her lower body. She looked into his eyes and saw something that surprised her, longing and a touch of sadness. He was such a gorgeous man and she did not understand the sadness but wondered if the longing was for her body or her blood.

  Now why did she let her mind go there?

  Marcus left the room and held the door as Alba entered. The dark wolf eyes looked at Amy with interest.

  “He’s too beautiful for his own good. If I don’t watch myself I will drool in his company.” Amy voice held uncertainty.

  If a wolf could smile, Alba did.

  “I need a good night’s sleep, and I bet you do, too. I’m exhausted and I’m not carrying two children. You can sleep on the bed if you will be more comfortable. There is plenty of room.”

  Alba immediately jumped on the bed and made herself at home using her teeth to try to pull back the comforter. Amy helped and Alba soon settled down. Amy went into the bathroom to wash her face, thinking how nuts it was to have a conversation with a wolf. Maybe she would wake up tomorrow and discover it was all a dream. Surprisingly she was out when her head hit the pillow. A few hours later, a cold nose nudged her shoulder.

  Amy couldn’t help the groan that escaped her throat. Alba nudged harder and she slowly opened her eyes. A small amount of light entered the room from the crack she left in the bathroom door. It was a strange home and Amy had not wanted to sleep in a pitch-black room so she left the bathroom light on.

  “Do you need to use the bathroom?”


  Amy got out of bed and replaced her nightshirt with a t-shirt, pair of jeans and her tennis shoes. Alba watched as she hurried to get dressed.

  Quietly they made their way down the stairs. Amy opened the front door and Alba walked outside with Amy trailing behind her. She stopped on the front porch but the wolf paused and let out another low whine so Amy followed.

  They made their way through the trees. Amy could feel a slight dampness in the air and wondered if it had rained. It wasn’t as dark as she expected. The partial moon and stars cast a soft glow through the trees. It felt as if they walked more than a mile when Alba started up a slight incline. Amy followed until they reached the top where they stopped and stared down at a large gathering of men and women. The crowd surrounded an enormous circular hole in the ground. Amy made out Ivan as he removed his clothing and jumped into the center of the large pit. It had to be at least twenty feet deep but he made it appear shallow. Marcus was next, though he only removed his shirt. He then made the same leap. Amy couldn’t make out their words but she could see the aggre
ssion in their gorgeous tightly coiled bodies. She stifled a scream as the battle began.